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英 [ˈfɪzɪks]play美 [ˈfɪzɪks]play

  • n. 物理学;物理特性,物理现象

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


physics /ˈfɪzɪks/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Physics is the scientific study of forces such as heat, light, sound, pressure, gravity, and electricity, and the way that they affect objects. 物理学

    ...the laws of physics.





1. History of physics 物 物理学史

2. physics chemistry 物理化学

3. mathematical physics 数理物理学

4. general physics 普通物理

5. college physics 大学物理

6. Medical Physics 医学物理 ; 医学物理学 ; 基医 医用物理学 ; 医疗物理学

7. department of physics 物理系;物理学系

8. high energy physics 高能物理学

9. theoretical physics 理论物理

10. atomic physics n. 原子物理学

11. medical physics 医学物理学

12. applied physics 应用物理学

13. nuclear physics 核子物理

14. plasma physics 等离子物理

15. Applied Physics 应用物理学院 ; 应用物理专辑

16. statistical physics 统计物理学

17. physics and astronomy 物理学和天文学

18. solid state physics 固体物理,固体物理学

19. space physics 空间物理,空间物理学;太空物理学

20. condensed matter physics 凝聚态物理;凝聚物理学

21. classical physics 经典物理学

22. particle physics 粒子物理学

23. Space Physics 空间物理学 ; 物理空间 ; 空间物理

24. quantum physics n. 量子物理学;量子力学


1. Have you read this month's 'Physics World'?


2. Irene entered Sorbonne University in October 1914, to prepare for a degree in mathematics and physics

1914年10月,伊雷娜进入索邦大学(巴黎大学前身)准备攻读数学和物理学。《17年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

3. He is working hard at physics.


4. He taught us that the laws of physics were absolute.


5. He is distinguished for his knowledge of physics.


6. The scientist broke fresh ground in his recent book about physics.


7. This book opens the door to some of the most exciting findings in solid-state physics


8. He teaches both physics and chemistry.


9. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1985.


10. She is down from Oxford after taking a degree in physics.


11. the laws of physics


12. a degree in physics


13. She majored in Maths and Physics at university.


14. In physics, moving objects have two characteristics relevant to understanding the dynamics of energy systems: inertia and momentum .

在物理学中,移动的物体有两个特性与理解能源系统动力学相关:惯性和动量。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

15. particle/nuclear/theoretical physics

粒子 / 核 / 理论物理学《牛津词典》

16. Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong, abstract theories.


17. Have you read this month's 'Physics World'?


18. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1985


19. Next year's crop of undergraduates opting to take physics represents just 2 per cent of all undergraduates.


20. He is very interested in plasma physics.


21. We're going to have a physics quiz tomorrow.


22. It's what we call physics.


23. Jim, is physics difficult to learn?


24. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics.


25. It addresses scientists and practitioners asas students from applied mathematics, physics, and engineering.

它位址科学家和开业医生以及研究生从应用数学, 物理学和工程那里.《期刊摘选》

26. a school physics department


27. Physics is within [ out of ] his domain.

物理是 [ 不是 ] 他的专长.《现代英汉综合大词典》

28. It is called series circuits in physics.


29. He's very interested in nuclear physics.


30. He is digging at physics.


31. Famous academic research fields range over humanities, biological medicine, physics and engineering sciences, etc.

著名的学术研究领域有人文科学 、 生物医学 、 物理学、工程科学等等.《期刊摘选》

32. Ride received a doctorate in astrophysics and free electron laser physics from Stanford.


33. Physics used to be very much a male domain.


34. She is good at physics.


35. This applies even more to physics.


36. He has a complete mental block when it comes to physics.


37. Scientists have advanced greatly in their knowledge of physics.


38. He studies theoretical physics.


39. How do we situate Christianity in the context of modern physics and psychology?


40. Physics isn't just about pure science with no immediate applications.


41. Oh, physics! Preserve me from metaphysics!

噢, 物理学 啊 !请你保护我免受形而上学所惑吧!《期刊摘选》

42. the characterization of physics as the study of simplicity


43. Now we speak of physics.


44. She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring.


45. She won her licence in Physics in 1893.


46. This covers almost the whole of extranuclear physics and most of nuclear physics, too.

这就包括了几乎全部核外物理学, 也包括了大部分原子核物理学的范围.《辞典例句》

47. To that end, astrophysical topics are grouped according to the relevant areas of physics.

为此目的, 太空物理学的题目被根据物理学的相关的领域归类.《期刊摘选》

48. Physics is my dish.


49. He wanted to study physics at first. But he changed his mind later.

他本来准备学物理的, 但后来改变了主意.《现代汉英综合大词典》

50. The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics.


51. What is digital physics?


52. He taught physics to the students at a college ten years ago.


53. Physics studies mechanics , heat, light, sound and electricity.

物理学研究力学、热学 、 光学 、 声学和电学.《现代英汉综合大词典》

54. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics.

《物理学评论A辑: 原子 、 分子和光学物理学》(美)《期刊摘选》

55. Some subjects, such as mathematice, physics and English, are compulsory for the students in this department.


56. Physics has made enormous progress in this century.


57. Physics and astronomy are cognate sciences.


58. Physics isn't just about pure science with no immediate applications


59. I'm doing physics, biology and chemistry.


60. It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics.


61. He is credited with great achievements in physics.


62. He was a Nobel laureate in physics.


63. He studied physics in Beijing University for two years.


64. He distinguished himself in physics.


65. It is a supposed fact of physics but also a corollary of spirit.


66. Besides chemistry we like to study physics.


67. Miss Kate was a physics teacher.


68. I prefer chemistry to physics.


69. to study the physics of the electron


70. He majors in physics.


71. Physics is my favorite subject.


72. He urged her to study physics.


73. We have a physics class.


74. Have fun and see how good your physics intuition is.


75. The soluble giant particles are of especial interest in atmospheric chemistry and rain physics.


76. Speaking of physics, I am all thumbs.

说起物理学, 我可是笨透了.《期刊摘选》

77. The book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics.


78. Recently, my interest is in astrophysics, theoretical physics, and the philosophical meaning behind physics.

我近期的的主要兴趣在天体物理学 、 理论物理学 、 以及物理世界背后的哲学内涵.《期刊摘选》

79. He is studying physics.


80. She has a degree in physics.


81. The award of the Nobel Prize has crowned a glorious career in physics.


82. I wasn't too keen on physics and chemistry.


83. ...the laws of physics.


84. The greater part of physics makes predictions of such a form.


85. The study of physics takes in many difficult subjects.


86. Physics is very interesting.


87. On balance, the book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics.


88. ...experiments in particle physics.


89. The word'shell is used extensively in the terminology of atomic physics.

在原子物理学的术语中, “ 壳层 ” 一词是经常使用的.《辞典例句》

90. This physics book breaks fresh ground.


91. Requirement : 1 M. S . above Degree in Electronic, Electrical Engineering , Materials Science, Physics, etc.

电子, 电机, 材料科学, 或物理学等专业,硕士以上毕业.《期刊摘选》

92. Mike does well in physics.


93. My father teaches physics.


94. I'm out of my depth when it comes nuclear physics.


95. He was awarded the Noble Prize for his achievements in physics.


96. Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong, abstract theories.


97. It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics.


98. Meanwhile, we also report some interesting and worthy phenomena of chemistry or physics.

与此同时, 本论文还报导了一些分子自组装过程中出现的有趣的化学(或物理)现象.《期刊摘选》

99. Descartes received his stimulus from the new physics and astronomy of Copernicus, Galileo, and others.


100. And correct common errors are normally the physics of view.


101. Ben has a preference of physics to/ over English.


102. John reads up on physics.


103. Physics used to be very much a male domain.


104. Mathematical physics is an almost impossibly difficult subject.



1. If you can't explain your physics to a barmaid, it is probably not very good physics.

FORBES: Set 'Em Up, Joe

2. She became the first African-American woman to earn a degree in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

VOA : special.2009.05.13

3. From 2008 it plans to allow the brightest pupils to study biology, chemistry and physics separately.

ECONOMIST: How to stop physicists opting for media studies

4. In eighteen ninety-one, a young Polish woman named Marie Sklodowska traveled to Paris,France to study physics.

VOA : special.2009.05.13

5. He believes his thoughts could revolutionize physics, the study of the mind and artificial intelligence.

FORBES: A Biotech Provocateur Takes On Physics

6. Science, particularly more advanced sciences like physics or chemistry, are all about unobservables.

科学,尤其是像物理,或者化学这样较为尖端的科学,研究的都是不可观测的事物。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. The different physics parameters can be adjusted in real time with a set of sliders.

FORBES: Pushes The Physics Of Searchable HTML5 Into A Whole New Universe

8. He became that nation's first professor of theory of physics.

VOA : special.2009.06.14

9. He uses math,physics and statistics to study climate change patterns.

VOA : special.2009.10.02

10. so first of all, Cal Tech has a very strong group in gravitational wave physics,

首先,加州理工引力波物理的师资很强,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 一见钟情的学校

11. Eventually the laws of physics may keep designers from pushing the envelope any further.

CNN: Spectacular hotel rooftop pools

12. I got an A in Physics.


13. The goal is by 2005, they have all the large lecture courses in MIT physics taught in this format.

我们的目标是到200年,能使所有的大型讲座课,都能用这种方式讲授。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

14. It's one thing to know your place in the universe, or to know the fundamental laws of physics.

知道自己在宇宙中的位置,或知道物理的基本定律是一回事。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. We already know that very young children make up theories about everyday physics, psychology and biology.

WSJ: Moral Puzzles That Tots Struggle With | Mind & Matter

16. The net worth, or wealth, or money is like the property called the energy in physics.

FORBES: ' Map of Billionaires in The Americas

17. Whether you are going into physics or not is irrelevant.

这和你是否学物理专业并不相关基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. Someday China will be running circles around the U.S. in biotech and solid-state physics.

FORBES: The Economics of Envy

19. "They'd say, 'This young principal investigator doesn't know anything about physics or STMs, '" Lieber recalls.

FORBES: The Titan of the Teensy

20. Yes, I have. Freshman year, I was having a lot of trouble in my Physics class, and

是的。大一那年,我在物理课上遇到了很多难题,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 与教授的面谈

21. At the end of the day, I wound up starting in Math and Physics at Harvard, finishing an Applied Math and Economics and doing business.

最后,我跑去哈佛学了数学和物理,念完了应用数学和经济,跑去经商了。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

22. In 2011 physics was the fourth most popular subject for A-levels for boys in England.

BBC: State schools 'failing girls who want to study physics'

23. In nineteen sixty-three, Maria Goeppert-Mayer won the Nobel Prize in physics along with two other scientists.

VOA : special.2009.05.13

24. We have the pulse being slowed down and almost like a law of physics or something, now comes a reaction- now John Kander makes the music accelerate so let's watch a wonderful example of accelerando here.

这里我们听到节奏慢了下来,但是,与物理类似,反作用出现了,现在约翰·肯德尔加快了音乐的节奏,让我们看到了一个渐速音的好例子聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. The five-year project will offer online learning, workshops for students and support for physics teachers.

BBC: Cambridge tutors to school A-level physics students

26. LEP, and run the risk that another high-energy-physics laboratory will nab the Higgs first.

ECONOMIST: Cause for conCERN?

27. And so this is not like a math problem set or a physics problem set. Or, like a high school physics lab, where we all know what the answer should be, and you could fake your lab results anyway.

或是物理问题集合,又或者是高中的物理实验室,我们对这些问题都有确切的答案,或者你可以把你的实验结果改成正确的,有些事情是不能明确界定的。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

28. They received the Nobel Prize in physics in nineteen-oh-three along with another scientist.

VOA : special.2009.05.13

29. Unfortunately, physics, economics and entrepreneurship take a backseat to our legalistic, third-party payment system.

FORBES: Two MRIs Cost $14,961

30. He sets out to give a deliberately and thoroughly materialistic and non-teleological physics of human nature.

他阐明了一种,谨慎而彻底的唯物主义的,非目的论的人性的物理。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. and what the relevance is of all this space time physics and all this, and how...

空间时间物理的相关性还有这全部,还有如何……SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 以爱因斯坦为榜样

32. Just unbreakable 60 frames per second animation of hundreds of 3D surfaces with physics.

FORBES: Pushes The Physics Of Searchable HTML5 Into A Whole New Universe

33. Once we have those classrooms, the stuffing cost is to be designed to be the same as what we currently use in personal physics.

一旦我们建成这些教室,其他的人员成本应该,和现在投入到物理教学,所用的成本一致。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

34. He earned his doctorate in physics at Gottingen University,Germany, in nineteen twenty-seven.

VOA : special.2009.06.14

35. They won the 2007 Nobel prize in physics for uncovering this so-called giant magnetoresistance effect.

FORBES: Spin Is In

36. He and another scientist,John Bahcall, received the Nobel Prize for physics for their work.

VOA : special.2009.07.21

37. But more and more, it seems that quantum physics do have an impact on our biology.

FORBES: When Biology and Quantum Physics Collide

38. He would go on to study mathematics and physics at the University of Melbourne.

CNN: The secret life of Julian Assange

39. It embraces elements of chemistry, physics, and engineering.


40. Physics is a department of science.


41. Law professor Michael Meurer of Boston University gives a famous example from physics.

VOA : special.2010.07.16

42. Soon he was teaching the best students of physics in the United States.

VOA : special.2009.06.14

43. Their continued exponential climb upward relies on physics and human ingenuity, less on capital.

FORBES: Slaughter Of Innocents

44. Then there is the ultimate swan, color undetermined, of a massive revolution in energy physics.

FORBES: The Lessons Of Solyndra: Green Swans, Opportunity Cost And Fast Neutrinos

45. Another reason I wanted to point this out in terms of the polar coordinates that we're using, is I think they're actually flipped from what you're used to seeing in physics.

另一个我想指出,我们采用极坐标的原因是,我认为它们实际上是,从你们习惯于看到的物理学中出来的。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. These experts use chemistry, physics,anthropology, biology and other sciences to study the clues surrounding a crime.

VOA : special.2010.05.05

47. Even if you've forgotten your high school or college physics, please bear with us.

FORBES: The Trials Of Amory Houghton Jr.

48. He was a professor of physics at Cambridge University, and he was also the director of the Cavendish Laboratory.

他是剑桥的一名物理教授,他还是,卡文迪许实验室的主任。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

49. Modern innovation springs from a deep understanding of physics, electronics, math, chemistry and biology--not Proust.

FORBES: Where To Get Rich

50. At the time there was almost no physics education offered in Italy He married Laura Capon, who also was a scientist, in nineteen twenty-eight.

VOA : special.2009.06.14

51. Recently, I've contributed to Scientific, Nature News, Physics World, and Yale Environment

FORBES: Bruce Dorminey - Archive

52. Later she became a professor of physics at the University of Chicago in Illinois.

VOA : special.2009.05.13

53. Markets may (and just did) correct for overvalue, but they can't abjure the laws of physics.

FORBES: Digital Rules

54. But no amount of bullying can protect Edwards from the awkward physics of tar.

FORBES: The World's Billionaires

55. She teaches physics.


56. Stefanie, who took maths, chemistry and physics, is to study maths at Cardiff University.

BBC: Twin sisters land six straight As

57. Not so much because we'd get crash courses in economics, diplomacy, the Internet or particle physics.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Davos 2000: So Long, Farewell

58. As you may remember from physics class, changing the pressure of a liquid changes its temperature.

FORBES: OsComp, Global Partners Pursue Virtual Pipelines for Natural Gas

59. The poem, among other things, lays out a first-pass (and relatively accurate) view of physics.

FORBES: Lucretius's Legacy Depended On The Toughness Of Vellum. What Will Save Ours?

60. He is a giant in nuclear physics.


61. Let's look at the show of hands? All right so this is the majority here. Good thing physics doesn't work on the rule of the majority otherwise we'd be in big trouble.

不可逆呢?请举手,好的,大多数人这么认为,真理并不掌握在多数人手里,否则我们就会有大麻烦了。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

62. They all adhere to the "ring-true" standard of sociology rather than the falsifiable standard of physics.

FORBES: Magazine Article

63. Like, I'm studying Theoretical Physics at UCL in London, so yeah, doing that and

比如,我在伦敦大学学院学习理论物理,所以这是一个工作,同时,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 咖啡香弥漫的地方

64. The leader of Germany has a doctorate degree in physics.

VOA : special.2009.05.13

65. Superfluids are also used to study the fundamentals of matter and test major tenets of quantum physics.

BBC: Magnet repelled over superconductor, SPL



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