
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [kənˈtrəʊl]play美 [kənˈtroʊl]play

  • n. (对国家、地区、机构等的)控制权,支配权;控制能力;操纵装置;管理,管制;指挥(或检查、控制)站,指挥(或检查、控制)人员;(键盘上的)控制键
  • v. 控制,掌管;限制,限定;阻止蔓延(或恶化);操纵,控制(机器或系统等);抑制,克制

复数 controls 第三人称单数 controls 现在分词 controlling 过去式 controlled 过去分词 controlled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


control /kənˈtrəʊl/ CET4 TEM4 [ controlling controlled controls ]

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Control of an organization, place, or system is the power to make all the important decisions about the way that it is run. (对某组织机构的) 控制

    The restructuring involves Mr. Ronson giving up control of the company.


  • 2.
    习语 If something is under your control, you have the power to make all the important decisions about the way that it is run. 处于…控制之下

    All the newspapers are under government control.


  • 3.
    习语 If you are in control of something, you have the power to make all the important decisions about the way it is run. 掌管

    Nobody knows who is in control of the club.


  • 4.
    不可数名词 If you have control of something or someone, you are able to make them do what you want them to do. (对某物或某人的) 控制

    He lost control of his car.


  • 5.
    形容词 受控制的

    ...a controlled experiment.


  • 6.
    不可数名词 If you show control, you prevent yourself behaving in an angry or emotional way. (对愤怒情绪等的) 克制

    He had a terrible temper, and sometimes he would completely lose control.


  • 7.
    及物动词 The people who control an organization or place have the power to make all the important decisions about the way that it is run. 管理

    He now controls the largest retail development empire in southern California.


  • 8.
    及物动词 To control a piece of equipment, process, or system means to make it work in the way that you want it to work. 控制 (设备系统等)

    ...a computerized system to control the gates.



    Scientists would soon be able to manipulate human genes to control the aging process.


  • 9.
    及物动词 When a government controls prices, wages, or the activity of a particular group, it uses its power to restrict them. (政府) 管制 (价格、工资、团体活动等)

    The federal government tried to control rising health-care costs.


  • 10.
    不可数名词 Control is also a noun. 管制

    Control of inflation remains the government's absolute priority.


  • 11.
    及物动词 If you control yourself, or if you control your feelings, voice, or expression, you make yourself behave calmly even though you are feeling angry, excited, or upset. 抑制 (感情、声音、表情)

    Jo was advised to learn to control herself.


  • 12.
    形容词 克制的

    Her manner was quiet and very controlled.


  • 13.
    及物动词 To control something dangerous means to prevent it from becoming worse or from spreading. 抑制 (危险物)

    ...the need to control environmental pollution.


  • 14.
    可数名词 A control is a device such as a switch or lever which you use in order to operate a machine or other piece of equipment. 控制装置

    I practised operating the controls.


  • 15.
    有变体名词 Controls are the methods that a government uses to restrict increases, for example in prices, wages, or weapons. (政府的) 调控

    Critics question whether price controls would do any good.


  • 16.
    有变体名词 Control is used to refer to a place where your documents or luggage are officially checked when you enter a foreign country. 海关检查处

    He went straight through Passport Control without incident.


  • 17.
  • 18.
    习语 If something is out of control, no one has any power over it. 失控

    The fire is burning out of control.


  • 19.
    习语 If something harmful is under control, it is being dealt with successfully and is unlikely to cause any more harm. 处在控制之下

    The situation is under control.






govern command control reign rule 【导航词义:统治】

govern v. 统治,管理;制约

〔辨析〕 指统治或管理一个国家、社会、部门等,也指控制或影响某人的行为或某事的发生。

例1: Who really governs this country?


例2: They demand the right to govern themselves.


例3: The need for money governs his behaviour.


command v. 控制;统率

〔辨析〕 指拥有控制权或支配权,也指统率军队。

例1: The party was no longer able to command a majority in Parliament.


例2: He commands the armed forces.


control v. 控制,管理

〔辨析〕 含义广泛,指控制国家、机构、地区等,强调拥有决策权或控制的力量。

例1: The Romans once controlled the area.


例2: The enemy controlled the hilltop.


例3: Parents must learn how to control their children.


reign v. 统治,当政

〔辨析〕 指作为国王、君主等统治国家、管理国民,常后接介词 over。

例1: He reigned over the country for thirty years.


例2: The king reigned over 30 million people.


rule v. 统治,控制

〔辨析〕 指用权力来统治国家和国民,也指受情感、欲望等支配。

例1: He once ruled over a vast empire.


例2: Eighty million years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth.


例3: The pursuit of wealth ruled her life.



1. control strategy 控制策略

2. control theory 控制理论,控制论

3. temperature control 温度控制

4. control of 对…的控制

5. under control 处于控制之下;情况正常

6. control group 控制组(自变量的一种处理方法);实验对照组

7. in the control of 在…控制下

8. fuzzy control 模糊控制

9. robust control 自 鲁棒控制 ; 鲁棒节制 ; 控制

10. Access Control 访问控制 ; 计 存取控制 ; 权限控制 ; 门禁控制

11. control system 控制系统

12. Control chart 管制图 ; 管理 控制图 ; 管理 管理图 ; 控制图表

13. under the control of 在...控制下

14. automatic control 自动控制

15. quality control 质量控制,质量管理

16. remote control n. 遥控;遥控装置

17. control unit 控制单元 ; 自 控制部件 ; 自 控制器 ; 操纵单元

18. flow control 通信 流量控制 ; 流程控制 ; 支持以及对流的支持 ; 信息流控制

19. birth control 生育控制 ; 医 节育 ; 控制生育﹔节育 ; 控制生育

20. control method 控制方法,检查法

21. cost control 成本控制

22. process control 过程控制;程序控制

23. control measures 控制措施;管理办法

24. out of control 失去控制

25. numerical control 数字控制;数值控制

26. control over 控制;支配;征服




gain control 取得控制;控制住情绪

lose control 失去控制;情绪失控

have control of/over something 控制住…


self- control 自制力

air traffic control 空中交通管制

control system 控制系统

birth control 节育


out of control 失去控制

under control 得到控制


1. The party is expecting to gain control of the council in the next election.


2. He now controls the largest retail development empire in southern California...


3. B: They abolished all border controls between those countries?

在这些国家之间他们取消了所有的边境限制 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

4. OBJECTIVE : To establish a more practical and more consummated computer network system on drug control.

目的: 建立更加实用、完善的药品计算机网络管理系统.《期刊摘选》

5. Can't you control your children?


6. ...the control box.


7. The plane was spinning out of control.


8. He struggled to retain control of the situation.


9. Simplification operator is introduced to limit individual explosion and control the growth of individual trees.


10. SAS ( Security Automation System ) includes TV monitor system , petrol system , alarm system, entrance security control system , and car park control system.

SAS安防自动化系统, 电视监控系统、巡更系统 、 报警系统 、 门禁系统 、 停车场管理.《期刊摘选》

11. A governor is added to an engine to control or limit engine speed or road speed.


12. All climate'solutions'so far are controls designed to limit unwanted outputs from the economic system.

目前为止,所有气候解决之“道 ” 只是提出了限制经济系统有害产出的控制办法.《期刊摘选》

13. He lost control of his emotions.


14. This is the volume control.


15. Some teachers have more control over pupils than their parents have.


16. You can select the intelligent detection data control system, air pressure boosting device.

可选配智能检测数据管理系统, 气压增压装置.《期刊摘选》

17. The married people argue most over issues like who is going to be in control.


18. The police force should be independent of direct government control.


19. The arms trade should be subject to rigorous controls.


20. The fire is burning out of control...


21. It follows from the above that there are inherent limitations in control.


22. I practised operating the controls.


23. Jo was advised to learn to control herself...


24. DSM uses traction control and electric power steering to give better responsiveness.


25. An operator control key which advances the tape until a tape skip restore character is sensed.


26. The working people enjoy the right to manage, control and use the means of production.

劳动人民享有对生产资料管理 、 支配和使用的权利.《期刊摘选》

27. The message is you need better quality control.


28. I'm dealing with customers all the time who have let their debts get out of control.


29. The engineering department concentrates on maintenance and quality control.


30. Show kids that they can help, which will give them a feeling of control.

让孩子知道他们能够帮上忙, 这会给他们一种支配的感觉.《期刊摘选》

31. Too many have given up the belief that they control the shared, the public world.

太多的人已经放弃了他们也管理着共享的 、 公共的世界这一信念.《期刊摘选》

32. Duty criminal is a behavior under the control of morbid psychology.


33. The driver lost control when a tire burst.


34. By the age of 21 he controlled the company.


35. Those who want to make remarkable achievements should extremely value and control their time.


36. Total air pollutant emission control planning is a major urban environmental management approach.


37. The drill has variable speed control.


38. This entry is not subject to access control or size or time limit restrictions.


39. Copyright laws give artists, writers, and musicians control over how their work is used and reproduced.

版权法赋予艺术家 、 作家和音乐家支配自己作品的使用权和复制权.《期刊摘选》

40. He had a terrible temper, and sometimes he would completely lose control...


41. These adjectives mean unsparing and exacting with respect to discipline or control.


42. Parents should control what their kids watch on television.


43. They know how to control, restrict and, if need be, throttle access, important to newspapers and absolutely vital to radio and television. And if you don't play the game, you're toast.


44. Forest fires were raging out of control.


45. He was unable to control his sensibility.


46. Be sure the RED reset button ( High Limit Control ) is properly set: push in firmly reset.

确保红色重置按钮 ( 高温限制控制器 ) 被正确设置: 如果需要重置,请使劲按一下重置按钮.《期刊摘选》

47. One reason for this discrepancy is that different bodily events are controlled by different factors.


48. She struggled to keep control of her voice.


49. Integrated pest management approach has to be adopted for the prevention and control of mosquito.


50. I can't find the remote control.


51. He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years.


52. Previously, only interstate sales were subject to federal price controls.

在此以前, 只有州际间的交易才受联邦价格控制的支配.《辞典例句》

53. Under the control of time a constrained combination method is used to enhance the spatial utilization.


54. Jo was advised to learn to control herself.


55. The company has key teams of a batch technological quality control and accurate professional equipment.


56. It needs cooperation from all the countries to get any movement in arms control.


57. Also set up unlimited knobs, feel comfortable, the scope of regulation, easy to precisely control volume.

还设置了无限制旋钮, 手感舒适, 调节范围大, 容易精确控制音量.《期刊摘选》

58. The value that controls next arrangement capital, agriculture in this kind of thought often gives way.

在这种思想支配下安排资金 、 农业的重要性便往往让路.《期刊摘选》

59. Guilt is the secret weapon for the control of children.


60. The children are completely out of control since their father left.


61. Finally, the mouse controls restrict the activities within.


62. In addition keys pressed left _ shift outside the control keys or function keys, then exit.

按动除left_shift键以外的控制键或功能键时, 则退出.《期刊摘选》

63. On the other hand, price control restrictions can be implemented which affect a firm's variable costs.

另一方面, 物价限制可以影响公司的可变成本.《期刊摘选》

64. This palace coup was secretly controlled by the mother of the present emperor.


65. In some countries, widows are often denied access to or control over resources.

在一些国家, 寡妇被限制或禁止使用社会资源.《期刊摘选》

66. The general took de facto control of the country.


67. Scientists would soon be able to manipulate human genes to control the ageing process.


68. As we grow up, we learn to control our emotions so they are manageable and don't dictate our behaviors, which is in many ways a good thing.

在我们成长过程中,我们会学着控制情绪,为的是使其易于控制而不会支配我们的行为,这在许多方面是好事情。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

69. Can yet the lease of my true love control.


70. Interest rates can be controlled by order of the central bank.


71. government attempts to control immigration


72. Freedom of speech has been controlled , whether directly or indirectly, by the secret police.


73. On a typewriter or a keyboard, a control for effecting the space function.


74. Regulatory agencies are: human resources, engineering, purchasing department, department, quality control department.

管理机构有: 人力资源部 、 工程部 、 采购部 、 生产部 、 品控部.《期刊摘选》

75. Language, the carrier of thinking, controlled by the thinking mode.

语言作为思维的载体, 受思维模式的支配,二者相互影响,互为表征.《期刊摘选》

76. government controls on trade and industry


77. Entry into CC 1 Control Room is restricted to LOP field operators and LOP day staff.

对于LOP现场的操作人员和LOP的 日班工作人员进入CC1是严格限制的.《期刊摘选》

78. He was the sole proprietor with total management control.


79. Put in your starting disk and boot the computer by pressing Control.


80. The city is in the control of enemy forces.


81. He went straight through Passport Control without incident.


82. ...a computerised system to control the gates...


83. Import controls were extended to the paper industry.


84. The federal government tried to control rising health-care costs.


85. To hedge around a partnership of love with control by law would be to destroy its base of trust in one another.


86. The acceptance of new members is strictly controlled.


87. The two leaders are battling for control of the government.


88. I just couldn't control my temper.


89. The original Aryan gods were not expected to work miracles or control men's lives.


90. The situation is under control...


91. In Europe, only one nation and those it controls refuse to join the community of freedom.

在欧洲, 只有一个国家可以支配这些废物来结合自由的国家.《期刊摘选》

92. Critics question whether price controls would do any good...


93. The city is under enemy control.


94. Experience of an electronically stock controlled environment essential. Experience of ERP System.


95. In recent years , the mechanism of contamination and its control by microbiology have been studied systematically.


96. Chapter IV Control Over the Supply and Usage of Fuel Gas.


97. The keys that move cursor are called arrow keys or cursor control keys.


98. A new advance has been made in the control of malaria.


99. Disposes reasonably, the standard purchase, the strict management is the equipment control sections important task.

合理地配置, 规范的采购, 严格的管理是设备管理部门的重要任务.《期刊摘选》

100. They're taking their cue from American financiers who have got control of industry.

他们想学美国的榜样,金融资本支配工业资本. ”《子夜部分》

101. Methods of control involved poisoning and fumigation.


102. Equity financing also requires a willingness to share management control with the investors.


103. Focus on cost control management and airport marketing.


104. Limit your argument to a single, manageable topic that you can easily and reliably control.


105. Novel design of control buttons and LCD display.


106. To establish policies and procedures on financial aspect to facilitate control function.


107. His Asian handlers control him with a hypnotically implanted trigger , a particular playing card.

他的亚洲操纵者用催眠灌输动机控制他, 一个特殊的牌.《期刊摘选》

108. TAG Electronic Management System 2000 integrated engine and chassis control and data acquisition system.


109. Since the 1950 s, China has exercised strict control over amphetamines and other psychotropic substances.

自五十年代起, 中国政府一直严格管理苯丙胺类精神药品.《期刊摘选》

110. Campus is only a phrase of our growth and is under control of ourselves.


111. Yes, I observed instructions from the shipowner and the system was controlled and managed by computers.

是的, 我遵守船东的指示并且系统是由电脑控制和管理的.《期刊摘选》

112. The army has seized control of the country.


113. He tried to control me.


114. He has since given over the control to the board.


115. It works by remote control.


116. She lost control of her car on the ice.


117. He lost control of his car...


118. Staying calm was an exercise in self-control.


119. Control and minimize labor overtime, premium freight and repair expenses.

管理人员加班时间 、 额外运费以及维修费用的支出并努力将其降至最低.《期刊摘选》

120. A new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.


121. The new plan for traffic control is being put into action on an experimental basis.


122. We may control our surroundings. We are not the sport of circumstances.

我们可以控制环境, 不受环境的支配.《期刊摘选》

123. All new petrol cars must be fitted with catalytic converters to control emissions.


124. Rebel forces have assumed control of the capital.


125. The restructuring involves Mr Ronson giving up control of the company...


126. agreement to abolish border controls.


127. Monitor all site works and construction activities, including planning, administration, cost control and resource deployment.

负责施工现场的各项管理工作, 包括规划, 行政, 成本控制及资源配置.《期刊摘选》

128. The pilot was given clearance to land by air traffic control.


129. I rule and control my attention, and not the other way around.

我支配、控制我的注意力, 而不是反过来让注意力主宰我.《期刊摘选》

130. The traffic lights are controlled by a central computer.


131. End always was control by the male and override, even murder.

最后总是被男性支配和凌驾, 甚至谋杀.《期刊摘选》

132. He was working hard to keep control of himself.


133. The government remained in control.


134. The technological process is one straight line production, quick, convenient, and easy to control.

工艺流程为一条线式,生产速度快,可靠性高, 方便操作,管理.《期刊摘选》

135. Therefore, the specification and control of administrative discretion is necessary.


136. In what sense do social facts control human actions?

在何种意义上说社会事实支配人的行动 呢 ?《辞典例句》

137. Almost all of the countries in Latin America were controlled by dictators...


138. More than 4 years experience in Quality Control.


139. The Aggregate Demand Plan is the plan by Family controlled through Integrated Business Management process.


140. Troops have regained control of the city.


141. Operation of virtue is out of control , reach and consideration and judgment of our consciousness.

然而,德的运作,却又不是我们的意识所能了解 、 支配、思考、或加以判断的.《期刊摘选》

142. So she let fear take control, and did exactly as they told her.

于是她让恐惧支配了她, 圆满的执行了她所被要求的.《期刊摘选》

143. Monster Domination. Controls any creature, but for less time.

支配怪物术: 可以控制任何生物, 不过持续的时间较短.《期刊摘选》

144. The situation is under control.


145. One of the biggest tasks will be to control the spread of malaria.


146. On a typewriter , a control that, when operated, is maintained in its position until released.

打字机上的一种控制键, 当按下此键时便保持此状态,直至释放.《期刊摘选》

147. For Jason, the monsters many represent the adults who control his life.

对于詹森, 怪物更多的代表支配自己生活的成年人.《超越目标英语 第3册》

148. She was careful not to let her control slip.


149. The situation is beyond our control.


150. McAvoy was convinced he could control things from the inside but he lost control.


151. He may yield control.


152. Critical Chain; Project Process Management; Project Scheduling; Project Control; Buffer setting.

关键链; 项目进度管理; 项目进度计划; 项目进度控制; 缓冲区.《期刊摘选》

153. The restriction on silence right, seek the point between ensuring human rights and crime of controlling.

对沉默权的限制, 是在保障人权与控制犯罪之间寻求平衡点.《期刊摘选》

154. Public opinion is influenced by the small elite who control the media.


155. Not that Buss is planning on handing over control any time soon.


156. The course is taught by some of the world leaders in motor control and plasticity.


157. If the current violence is to be brought under control, the government needs to act.


158. We delude ourselves that we are in control.


159. With the development of supply chain management, the traditional inventory control theory faces the challenge.

随着供应链管理思想的提出, 传统的库存控制理论面临着挑战.《期刊摘选》

160. The tribe can take control of its ancestral lands through a trust held by its government.


161. The boy is wild and completely out of control.


162. Handle to a service control manager database.


163. Firemen said they had the blaze under control.


164. We have made great progress in controlling inflation.


165. The first aim of his government would be to establish control over the republic's territory.


166. A military junta took control of the country .


167. ...the need to control environmental pollution...


168. We anticipate meeting a lot of opposition to our new plan for traffic control.


169. There's no need to flap ─ I've got everything under control.


170. The Democrats will probably lose control of Congress.


171. The rebels had taken complete control.


172. He lost control of his car.


173. Data Control is the containment of activity. It is what mitigates risk.

数据控制就是限制攻击者活动的机制, 它可以降低安全风险.《期刊摘选》

174. ...measures to control illegal mining.


175. First, the instructor's teaching rights are always confined and controlled by academic power and administrative power.

首先, 高校教师的教学权力一直遭到来自学术权力和行政权力的限制或左右.《期刊摘选》

176. She made a visible effort to control her anger.


177. The situation was beyond her control.


178. The hand control model of human operators is a problem which began to be studied early.


179. Inhalations can soothe and control the cough.


180. Don't worry ─ everything's under control!


181. However, Amarican only need one cerebra, it is enough to control themselves at the same time.


182. The aircraft began spiralling out of control.


183. The key is, how long can the federal government control the inflation rate?


184. Prices are spiralling out of control.


185. It took two hours to bring the fire under control.


186. Of planned economy system control a position for a long time to make reform unusually hard.


187. The minute you do this, you'll lose control.


188. Their talks are expected to focus on arms control...


189. She argued for import control , ie the restricting of imports.


190. Thus, they intervened, not to control and enslave others but to enlighten , instruct, and liberate.

他们是这样才进行干涉的:不是为支配和奴役别人,而是为了开化 、 教育和解放他们.《辞典例句》


1. So the delay is not, as Senator Clinton claimed on Tuesday, completely beyond her control.

NPR: Clinton No Longer Unscathed Front-Runner

2. He also provided insights "into command and control operations and planning, " the official said.

CNN: Pentagon: Top al Qaeda leader taken to Guantanamo

3. I couldn't control the horse.


4. It would not fit in the normal place on the control board, so we hung it from a wire underneath.

VOA : special.2011.05.14

5. The Russians had to dive-bomb the cities to regain control.


6. But critics of national standards say the idea goes against one of America's oldest traditions -- local control of education.

VOA : special.2011.06.09

7. Doctor Selanikio says he first recognized a need when he worked for the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

VOA : special.2010.05.03

8. It will get out of control, and we'll be lucky to live through it.

NPR: Thompson, Potential GOP Force, in New Meetings

9. O'Neill told the Racing Post how City Affair had proven difficult to control, even before it unseated him.

BBC: SPORT | Other Sport... | Horse Racing | O'Neill sorry for butting horse

10. The battle for control of Australian gold producer Normandy appears to be nearing the end.

BBC: Gold battle nears end

11. Control of the Motorola name was thornier both men viewed the brand as fundamental to their businesses.

FORBES: The Other Motorola

12. are all functions of state and parameters that we can control like temperature and pressure.

公式里面的全部都是态函数,我们控制态函数的参数比如温度或者压强。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

13. Packard believes that process control begins with employees making decisions quickly and at the lowest levels.

FORBES: The sweet smell of oil

14. Mr. JOHN LEE (Investor): People are realizing that they have to take control of their money.

NPR: Wall Street Too Real? Try Fantasy Investing

15. Stability control systems that sense impending rollovers and automatically brake individual wheels should become more common on SUVs.

FORBES: The Holy War on SUVs

16. The Kremlin is re-establishing control over the oil industry and other key economic sectors.

NPR: Russia Under Putin: Echoes of the Soviet Era

17. Singapore's hawker centres started partly for hygiene reasons, and to keep our water pollution in control.

BBC: Why are there hawker centres in Singapore?

18. But it will also create new jobs, building and installing all sorts of pollution control technology.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at Conference on Conservation

19. "Today,we begin rolling out some new controls to make it easier for you to control what you share on Facebook."

VOA : special.2010.05.28

20. So, you didn't know at the beginning, you knew you were enrolled in the trial, they gave you a shot, you didn't know whether you were part of the real group that got the test vaccine or the placebo group that got the control; turned out that Bonnie was part of the control group.

一开始你可能不清楚全过程,你只知道你参与了一项试验,他们给你打了一针,你不知道你是属于接种了,试验疫苗的真实试验组,还是属于被注射了安慰剂的空白对照组,结果显示,邦妮属于对照组生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. People with the disorder feel out of control during binges and are often disgusted with themselves afterward.

CNN: Food was 'only relationship that mattered'

22. One of the things that extended time in the wilderness allows is sort of a reorienting of the idea of control.

在野外读过的漫长时间,让我们懂得很多事情,其中之一,是对于“控制“这一概念的重新认识。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

23. So let's look at a little example, and this is going to, excuse me, both allow us introduce the syntax as well as what we want to have as the flow of control inside of here.

让我们看个小例子,这个程序会,对不对,请允许我,一边顺着控制流进行,一边讲解语法。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

24. But the new Presbyterian Party soon developed its own methods of employing state power to control and regulate the church.

但新的长老派很快就发展了自己的办法,那就是利用政府权力控制和管理教会。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. Before arriving in Indonesia, Harmeling felt as though she had to be in control of every situation.

BBC: The trip that transformed me: The teacher

26. We control how we use time, we control the temperature in the environment, and hermetically seal ourselves in things.

我们控制时间的利用,我们控制周边环境的温度,我们把自己封闭在各种事务中,与世隔绝。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

27. Both Islam and Moataz smiled when I asked about police control in Nagaa Hammadi.

BBC: Egypt: Echoes of the revolution far from Cairo

28. But early biological predispositions beyond the individual's control propelling them on a flight path to violence?

CNN: Opinion: Unlocking crime using biological keys

29. She also says abusers may simply change their method of exercising control, to try to reduce their chances of getting caught.

VOA : special.2009.02.28

30. The theory is that the shareholders are in control because they elect the board and the board hires the president and it's democratic.

之所以理论上说股东是掌控者,是因为他们选出董事会,董事会选出总裁,这是个民主的过程金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Disease-control experts from the United States confirmed the first cases of cholera in Haiti on October twenty-first in the Artibonite area.

VOA : special.2010.11.10

32. It was the destiny of a white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, United States to take control and improve this great land it had been given.

它认为由白种人,盎格鲁撒克逊人,清教徒们,注定要在这块上天赐给他们的土地上,经营管理,建立国家美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. But the government may give permission if students are suddenly faced with a situation that is out of their control.

VOA : special.2009.01.29

34. Prof Bullmore expects to see changes in the brain's wiring that gradually bring impulsive behaviour under control.

BBC: Brain scan study to understand workings of teenage mind

35. Paul Moriarty has taken temporary control of team matters, supported by Robert Jones and Wayne Proctor.

BBC: Scarlets ponder Nigel Davies role

36. Nonetheless, he owned her, and this bothered her more than anything this sense of control he enjoyed.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Killer Weekend'

37. Your debt will not go away, you must tackle the problem before it escalates out of control.

BBC: How can I manage my debt?

38. It also used the trail to take control of an area that is now New Mexico and part of California.

VOA : special.2009.03.30

39. And those fighting it aren't just from law enforcement, border control or local authorities.

CNN: Can 'Big Data' stamp out human trafficking?

40. But they crumbled after the break as the Kiwis took control of the game.

BBC: England 24-36 New Zealand

41. Worse, the school violence was getting out of control with two shootings in the last year alone.

FORBES: 12 Life-Changing Tales

42. But also, the students put in actually more time into the class and they outperformed the control group.

而且学生对课业,付出更多时间,成绩比对照组好。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

43. Is that how important is it that we get control of that border and seal it, so to speak.

对于我们来说,控制或者是夺取这个关口,是不是很重要呢。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

44. The Office of National Drug Control Policy said it works closely with anti-doping agencies in the United States and other countries.

VOA : special.2011.04.12

45. an overburdened air-traffic-control system


46. We decrement so to speak the variable and then where will we go next in terms of the flow control, the flow of this program.

可以这么说,我们递减这个变量,然后按照控制流,即程序流进入到下一语句。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

47. She urged that control of these substances be given to biologists who could make informed decisions about the risks involved.

VOA : special.2010.03.14

48. The rebels had taken complete control.


49. All the newspapers were taken under government control.


50. Work has now been completed to realign and level a dozen collapsed gravestones and control overgrown vegetation.

BBC: Beverley Minster churchyard opens to the public

51. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.

VOA : special.2010.06.08

52. Not long ago President Nazarbayev declared that his government would take greater control of energy resources.

FORBES: Power Putsch

53. However, Engadget maintains full editorial control, and Verizon will have to pry it from our cold, dead hands.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

54. Unlike many poleis,Athens had been successful in gaining control of the whole region which it dominated,the region of Attica.

和其他城邦不同,雅典成功地控制了整个区域,整个阿提卡地区都在雅典的控制之下古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. So again, the ethical message here is that humans are in control of their destiny and the action of every individual affects and influences the fate of society.

因此这里的道德上的启示就是,人类主宰着自己的命运,每个个体所作的行为,都会影响整个社会的命运。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. But sites generally have a way for users to also send private messages and to control access to their pages.

VOA : special.2009.09.14

57. It shows that foreign companies control the most efficient parts of the Scottish economy.

BBC: Who owns the best of Scotland?

58. After the end of the Bank of the United States, there was little control of any kind over the state banks.

VOA : special.2009.01.01

59. You have left the Presbyterians and the Independents, and at this point the Presbyterians are in firm control.

剩下的是长老派成员和无党派人士,这时候,长老派成员获得了完全的控制权。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. In the past,the W.H.O.and experts with America's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted guidance for disease spread on airplanes.

VOA : special.2009.07.14

61. Hardly. Does it not require those qualities of self-control, discipline, and restraint necessary to achieve success here?

不!难道不需要那些特质吗,诸如自控,纪律与克制等,以求在此取得成功?政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. However the head of the US Office of National Drug Control Policy, John Walters, insisted it was working.

BBC: NEWS | Americas | Coca-growing spreads in Colombia

63. You have control over that whereas you may not have control over the trolley car.

你的行为是可控的,而电车则是不可控的。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. This is a tactic that the company took to extremes while under Warner's control.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

65. As for the motion control that was there, the experience was fairly responsive, though not particularly speedy.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar



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