
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [sprɪŋ]play美 [sprɪŋ]play

  • n. 春天,春季;泉,泉水;源泉,根源;弹簧,发条;弹性,弹力;跳,跃;活力,朝气;<罕>一群水鸭;朔望潮,大潮(spring tide 的简称);(船甲板)翘曲,弯曲;(厚木板、圆材的)裂开,裂缝;(航海)倒缆,斜系船缆
  • adj. 春天的
  • v. 跳,跃;突然弹开,突然移动;突然出现,涌现;突然启动,突然运转;突然向某人提供(或提出);<非正式>帮助……逃跑(或越狱),营救;发源于,来自;<美,非正式>付账(尤指请客);<古>花钱;<澳,非正式>突然发现,撞见(不正当活动或违法者);惊起(猎鸟),使(猎鸟)从躲藏处飞出;使爆炸;(尤指木料)翘曲,裂开;(船的桅杆或其他部分)翘曲,裂开
  • 【名】 (Spring)(美、瑞、英、加、德)斯普林(人名)

复数 springs 第三人称单数 springs 现在分词 springing 过去式 sprang或sprung 过去分词 sprung

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


spring /sprɪŋ/ CET4 TEM4 [ springing sprang sprung springs ]

  • 1.
    有变体名词 Spring is the season between winter and summer when the weather becomes warmer and plants start to grow again. 春季

    They are planning to move house next spring.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A spring is a spiral of wire which returns to its original shape after it is pressed or pulled. 弹簧

    Unfortunately, as a standard mattress wears, the springs soften and so do not support your spine.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A spring is a place where water comes up through the ground. It is also the water that comes from that place. 泉; 泉水

    To the north are the hot springs.


  • 4.
    不及物动词 When a person or animal springs, they jump upward or forward suddenly or quickly. (人、动物) 跳

    He sprang to his feet, grabbing his keys off the coffee table.



    The lion roared once and sprang.


  • 5.
    不及物动词 If something springs in a particular direction, it moves suddenly and quickly. 弹 (向某方向)

    Sadly when the lid of the boot sprang open, it was empty.


  • 6.
    不及物动词 If one thing springs from another thing, it is the result of it. 起源

    Ethiopia's art springs from its early Christian as well as its Muslim heritage.


  • 7.
    及物动词 If you spring some news or a surprise on someone, you tell them something that they did not expect to hear, without warning them. 出其不意地告知; 冷不防给

    McLaren sprang a new idea on him.


  • 8.
    to spring to mind →see   mind



fountain spring 【导航词义:泉】

fountain n. 喷泉

〔辨析〕 指花园或公园里装饰性的人工喷泉。

例1: the ornamental fountain in the park


例2: There is a fountain in my garden.


spring n. 泉

〔辨析〕 指天然泉源。

例1: She prefers spring water to any other kind of water.


例2: There are many hot springs in the city.


jump v. 跳,跳跃

〔辨析〕 普通用词,指用双脚向上、向下跳,或跳到、跳过一定距离外的某一点。

例1: The horse jumped the fence.


例2: He jumped out of a third-storey window.


例3: He jumped to his feet and ran out of the room.


leap v. 跳跃,跃过

〔辨析〕 常可与 jump 换用,但侧重表示身体猛力向上跃起并朝前急冲的动作,有时含突然之意。

例1: He leapt/jumped the fence and ran to the cinema.


例2: A fish leapt/jumped out of water and landed on the shore.


spring v. 跳,蹦,跃起

〔辨析〕 指凭借很强的弹跳力突然而快速地跳跃。

例1: The cat sprang out of the door.


例2: He sprang to his feet and ran downstairs.



1. coil spring 圈状弹簧 ; 弹簧

2. Spring Snow 春雪 ; 春之雪 ; 阳春白雪 ; 气象 春天粒雪

3. Leaf Spring 钢板弹簧 ; 叶片弹簧 ; 机 板弹簧 ; 机 片簧

4. ONE DAY IN SPRING 春野 ; 春日 ; 班得瑞

5. early spring 早春

6. steel spring 弹簧钢;钢簧

7. spring breeze 春风;望春风(台湾名歌)

8. spring from 起源于,发源(于)……;来自……

9. spring back 回弹;弹性回复

10. happy spring festival 春节快乐

11. Spring Festival 春节 ; 玉兔迎春 ; 过年 ; 元宵节

12. spring steel [冶]弹簧钢

13. spring onion 葱;(英)大葱;生吃的小洋葱

14. spring water 泉水

15. in spring 在春天

16. spring festival 春节(中国农历正月初一)

17. warm spring 温泉;暖泉

18. spring roll 春卷 ; 豆沙春卷 ; 炸春卷

19. air spring 空气弹簧;气垫

20. Spring steel 机 弹簧钢 ; 弹簧钢管

21. hot spring 温泉

22. last spring 去年春天

23. make a spring

24. spring tide 大潮;涨潮

25. spring and autumn period 春秋时代

26. spring up 出现;涌现;萌芽

27. spring and autumn 春秋

28. Early Spring 早春图 ; 早春 ; 早春二月 ; 烟花三月




early spring 早春

last spring 去年春天

late spring 晚春

next spring 明年春天

warm spring 暖春

cold spring 冷泉

hot spring 温泉


spring day 春日

spring flowers 春花

spring rains 春雨

spring term 春季学期

spring training 春训

spring weather 春令

spring water 泉水


1. Spa: Spring or resort with thermal or mineral water for drinking and Bathing.

矿泉 疗养地 有可供饮用或沐浴的热水或矿泉水的温泉或旅游胜地.《期刊摘选》

2. The spring pivots over the fulcrum ring and its outer rim moves away from the flywheel.


3. Unfortunately, as a standard mattress wears, the springs soften and so do not support your spine...


4. They were not able to take up residence in their new home until the spring.


5. The adjustable, three level mattress spring system accomodates your baby's growth.

可调整, 3级床垫弹簧系统可宝宝的成长.《期刊摘选》

6. There's little spring in this sofa.


7. Springing Durable Power of Attorney: A Power of Attorney gives someone else your legal rights.

弹性永久授权书: 给于别人你的法定权利的一份授权书.《期刊摘选》

8. Helical spring math models in the literature have constant pitch angle , which are not accurate enough.


9. Sadly when the lid of the boot sprang open, it was empty.


10. The branch sprang back and hit him in the face.


11. She wants to study in another country for the spring semester beginning in January.


12. The Indian families separate in the winter season and reassociate in spring and summer.


13. Lever and Spring provides more positive control in closing the disc.


14. Every sort of spring has a definite elasticity.


15. The project is due for completion in the spring.


16. She's played solidly throughout the spring.


17. Please note : For better tea drinking, mountain spring water, mineral water or pure water is suggested.

宜用山泉水, 矿泉水或纯净水冲泡,泡饮效果最佳.《期刊摘选》

18. bed springs


19. I like the autumn leaves, and they like spring flowers as beautiful, touching.

我喜欢秋天的叶子, 它们像春天的花朵一样美丽 、 动人.《期刊摘选》

20. I'm sorry to spring it on you, but I've been offered another job.


21. Early spring , winter jasmine opened their beautiful smiling faces, the spring release of information.

初春, 迎春花张开了美丽的笑脸, 发布着春天的信息.《期刊摘选》

22. spring water


23. Place cover onto the spring with the internal guide cover positioned inside the end coil.


24. The tension of the spring is caused by the weight.


25. I might mention all the divine charms of a bright spring day.


26. She sprang a surprise by winning the tournament.


27. Sow the seeds outdoors in spring.


28. In reality, helical springs symmetric pitch near both ends.


29. The programme concluded with Stravinsky's 'Rite of Spring'.


30. He sprang ( jumped ) over the river.

他 纵身 一跃,跳过了那条河.《辞典例句》

31. Remember you suggested altering the spring tension? That was good thinking – It'solved the problem immediately.

还记得你建议改变弹簧的压力 吗 ?那是个好主意——一下子就解决问题了.《期刊摘选》

32. Spring came late this year.


33. The spring mattress with high resilience has long Been a favorite with the youth.


34. Except during season, water is provided by natural springs or wells spread out here and there.

只有在雨季时, 才会有足够的泉水或井水.《期刊摘选》

35. Small batch vodka alembic distilled from local grain and the spring water.


36. Qingdao Where can I buy a spring balance?


37. IN THE spring of 2007 contaminated pet food killed thousands of cats and dogs in America.


38. The spring constant of this kind probes was analyzed.


39. A massive sandstorm has enveloped most northwest China during the spring season 2002.


40. So it’s no surprise that cultures around the world celebrate spring by honoring the egg.

所以世界各地的文化都通过鸡蛋来庆祝春天的到来,这并不奇怪。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

41. The bed springs twanged.


42. Taught East Asia Seminars for 24 educators, spring 2009 and 34, summer 2009.


43. It is introduced the reason and treatment of sealing spring of gas box to lose efficacy.


44. The location of the spring is mobile, therefore pressure can be adjusted.

弹簧的位置为移动式, 因此夹压可进行调整.《期刊摘选》

45. The water was spilling out of mouth of the spring.


46. The Rhine springs from the south of Switzerland.


47. The town springs into life during the carnival.


48. (figurative)to spring to sb's defence/assistance (= to quickly defend or help sb)

连忙站出来保护 / 帮助某人《牛津词典》

49. The field gives forth an odour of spring.


50. Spring brings warm weather and flowers.


51. Install the jounce bumper on the upper spring mount.


52. There is something fine about the exultant spring and the boat.


53. It is slated to premiere during City Opera's 2013 spring season.


54. The cuckoo is a harbinger of spring.


55. We're planning a trip to France in the spring ─ are you interested?


56. This slows down the piston, which in turn slows down the spring.

这就减缓了活塞的运动速度, 同时这也减缓了弹簧的运动速度.《期刊摘选》

57. flowers that bloom in spring/in the spring


58. The yacht has sprung a leak in the hull.


59. We are bathing, playing, running, jumping in warm spring.

在温暖的春天里,我们沐浴着, 嬉戏着, 奔跑着, 跳跃着.《期刊摘选》

60. The reliability optimization design method of the multi leaf spring with different thickness is discussed.


61. Yellow clothes are worn as symbolic of spring.


62. We met again in the spring of 1977.

我们于 1977 年春季再次见面。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

63. Four initial public seminars ( Spring 2001 ) set the scene for the three year series of workshops.

四个最初的公众研讨会 ( 2001年春季课程 ) 为三年系列的研讨会做准备.《期刊摘选》

64. The vernal equinox and autumnal equinox herald the beginning of spring and fall, respectively.

春分和秋分, 分别预告着春季和秋季的开始.《期刊摘选》

65. He nosed his car across the spring.


66. It was the beginning of the spring and the sap was rising in the boys.


67. Chengdu Zhongde Absorber Manufacturing Corporation is an expert company in manufacturing gas springs and door butlers.


68. In spring they are germinated and grown for a year in beds.


69. To the north are the hot springs of Banyas de Sant Loan.


70. Among the springs, this is the best one.

在这些弹簧中, 这条最好.《期刊摘选》

71. Two friends and I drove to Florida during spring break.


72. The vibrating spring is made of shear rubber spring, resulting in low noise and long life.

采用剪切橡胶弹簧作主振弹簧, 噪音低,寿命长.《期刊摘选》

73. He sprang over the river.


74. Yellow is the predominant colour this spring in the fashion world.


75. Weaver is an athletic coach in the Spring Independent School District.


76. Last spring, farmers received around $ 20 a 60 kilogram ( 132 pound ) bag a heady profit.

去年春季, 农民们每销售一包60公斤 ( 132磅 ) 的大豆可收回约20美元,因此获利颇丰.《期刊摘选》

77. At one time carriages had no springs.


78. Remember you suggested altering the spring tension?

还记得你建议改变弹簧的压力 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

79. We're planning a trip to France in the spring—are you interested?


80. She turned the key and the lid sprang open.


81. The leaves on the trees shimmered pale green, almost silvery in the spring sunlight.

树上的叶子闪烁着淡绿色的光, 在春天的阳光下几乎是银白色的.《简明英汉词典》

82. When holding clip, sophisticated open, after the release, the tip will close because of the spring.

一握住夹取部尖端部会张开, 放开后因弹簧的作用尖端会闭合.《期刊摘选》

83. She walked along with a spring in her step .


84. I think of you, when the moon's glimmer Is reflected in the springs.

我想起你, 每当月亮在泉水中抖动彩笔.《期刊摘选》

85. A static finite element model of an air spring was given.


86. The structure, work principle and design way of spring safety link were introduced in this paper.

本文介绍了弹簧安全连杆的结构 、 工作原理及其设计方法.《期刊摘选》

87. With the massage facilities: massage Bed, Buoyancy Spring and Underwater Massage for you to relax.

设有按摩床、浮力泉 、 冲凉泉、水底全身按摩等按摩设施,阁下可以在按摩池内舒缓身体的疲劳,彻底放松身心.《期刊摘选》

88. We felt the first soft wind of spring.


89. It is envisaged that the talks will take place in the spring.


90. Both springs in the fuel pump were broken.


91. We can go hiking in spring.


92. Lever for stretching the spring for manual control.


93. This dry weather has sprung the door.


94. He sprang to his feet, grabbing his keys off the coffee table...


95. They became experienced at finding underground springs.


96. There used to be a spring here.


97. Arrow Department has poured off the clear sweet spring water.


98. The wire spring is evenly coiled.


99. Is the hot spring water salty too?

那这里的温泉水都是咸的 呀 ?《期刊摘选》

100. Hot spring is our special suppliments, from under grspiral tubeound. just for drink bath and swimming.

温泉是自地下而来的特殊泉水, 可以喝,可以游泳和洗浴.《期刊摘选》

101. He sprang over the stream without much difficulty.


102. You birthday comes in spring.


103. In spring the countryside bursts into life.


104. The background of the dissertation is the fault diagnosis of actual vehicle damping spring.


105. The spring presses through the briquetting the rack depending in the gear, guarantees ceaseless meshing.

弹簧通过压块将齿条压靠在齿轮上, 保证无间隙啮合.《期刊摘选》

106. Spring will be a backward season this year, for weather along been so cold.

今年的春季会较往年来得晚, 因为天气一直还这么冷.《期刊摘选》

107. Piled beside the pool round, a small pond in the center spring water seepage.

池边砌成圆形, 池中心一小孔中有泉水渗出.《期刊摘选》

108. NEW Elastic Walking Mechanism ( NEWM ) Spring connecting rod mechanism applied on quadruped walking robot was introduced.


109. After such a long thirsty journey, the travelers drank deep of the fresh spring.

经过使人口渴的长途旅行后, 旅客们痛饮清凉的泉水.《简明英汉词典》

110. Bears wake up in the spring after a winter of hibernation.


111. Kam sprang over the fire and seized Harold by the arm.


112. The vibration behaviour of sandwich structure with spring interlayer is studied.


113. A cold spring will provide a natural check on the number of insects.


114. It is made of a yielding rubber or similar springing material.


115. In the spring the place is crowded with skiers.


116. Where on earth did you spring from?


117. The assertions are like springs catapult us back to the guard.


118. As spring arrives, the weather is gradually becoming warmer and warmer.

随着春天的到来, 天气逐渐的转暖.《期刊摘选》

119. The old man sprang to the handle and tugged at it.


120. Spring is a wonderful season to celebrate rebirth and new life.


121. The limitations of air cylinder actuators are mechanical spring limitsthrust requirements in excess of 75,000 Ibs.


122. In spring we usually set the clocks ahead one hour to take advantage of the summer daylight.


123. Compression of springs must not exceed manufacturers recommendation for speed and long life.


124. The common alloy spring steels are the most important spring materials.


125. In his spring budget he will need to reinforce his commitment to retrenchment.


126. He found himself springing forward on his toes, and his body was leaning in that direction.

他发觉自己在用脚尖向前跳跃, 身体也朝那个方向前倾.《辞典例句》

127. ...new industries which had sprung into life during the 1920s.

在 20 世纪 20 年代突然出现的新型工业《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

128. Trade usually picks up in the spring.


129. Peach blossoms signal the coming of spring.


130. Before the dam was built, Campbell River used to flood in the spring.


131. The association holds the annual Aviation Trade Show and Conference each Spring.


132. Spring popped up everywhere in the valley.


133. A static element model of an air spring was given.


134. This war talk's spoiling all the fun at every party this spring.


135. There was a real spring in her step.


136. The weight of the frame, Body, and so on applies an initial compression the springs.

车架 、 车身等部件的重量使弹性元件受到预压.《期刊摘选》

137. Spring is near at hand.


138. The other winter break and the spring break are both one week.


139. Outside each door a guard sprang to attention as they approached...


140. Some flowers bud their leaves very early in spring.


141. Tighten leaf spring press until bushing flange bottoms solidly against leaf spring eye.


142. The structure of a new high spring alloy 3 YC 42 was studied by using transmission electron microscopy.


143. The place needed a good spring clean before we could move in.


144. Attitude control is implemented on statically indeterminate and multivariable coupling air spring vibration isolation system.


145. Surrounded by mountains, springs out a trench.

四周环山, 沟内有泉水流出.《期刊摘选》

146. He sprang through the sleeping camp and in swift silence dashed through the woods.


147. The coil spring arrangement is the most common.


148. US scientists have invented elastic high heels with springs placed at the back.


149. Main ingredients: active spring, amino acid, aloe, lily, rose essence oil, pearl hydrolysate, arbutin and etc.

主要成份: 活泉水 、 氨基酸 、 芦荟 、 百合 、 玫瑰精油 、 珍珠水解液 、 熊果苷等.《期刊摘选》

150. This paper presents an example of finding the optimal shape of the contact spring a connector.


151. Toy balloons, sponges, and steel springs are elastic.

玩具气球, 海绵和弹簧钢的弹性.《期刊摘选》

152. The leaders lifted the yelp of the pack and sprang away into the woods.


153. Tension of the spring may be adjusted to control the pressure against the disc.


154. The horses are prancing about the fields in warm spring days.


155. She had missed the glorious blooms of the desert spring.


156. The river rises from a spring.


157. Father just drank a cup of wine, xiao ming shouts: Father is drinking spring brook.

爸爸刚喝了一杯酒, 小明嚷道: “ 爸爸正在喝泉水小溪. ”《期刊摘选》

158. Regulator and the regulator mainly the stiffness of the spring.


159. They are planning to move house next spring.


160. Purple is the in colour this spring.


161. Spring has got the fine weather without the hot of summer and the cold of winner.


162. Great improvement has been brought about in the service life of springs by peening.


163. The early spring season, Professor Yin in the family has increased a lovable youngest sister.

初春季节, 尹教授家里又增添了一个可爱的小妹妹.《期刊摘选》

164. Last spring, when my father said: Daddy, let's plant a potted plant it.

去年春天的时候,我对爸爸说: “ 爸爸, 我们来种一盆花吧. ”《期刊摘选》

165. Instead, we can only hide as await the arrival of spring.

如此, 只能悄悄躲着,等候春天的来临.《期刊摘选》

166. Everyone sprang to their feet when the principal walked in.


167. The river springs from the side of the mountain.


168. The talks eventually broke down in late spring.


169. She comforted herself with the thought that it would soon be spring.


170. He turned sharply away, but he did not walk with his former spring.

他猛地一转身,就走了, 但是他的步态已经不象从前那样富于弹性.《辞典例句》

171. Reset pneumatic spring, mechanical spring reset, reset electromagnet operation.

气动弹簧复位 、 机械弹簧复位 、 电磁铁操作复位.《期刊摘选》

172. He sprang through the creek.


173. Due to the release of pressure when removing cover, the relief valve spring may eject quickly.

因为在拆卸阀盖时松开压力, 安全阀弹簧可能会快速弹出来.《期刊摘选》

174. The river springs in the Alps.


175. This verse describes three signs of spring.


176. In the Chinese calendar, the Spring Equinox always occurs in the second month.


177. He was born in the spring of 1944.


178. Tense the rope manually before tensing the spring.


179. Summer leaves will be dark , shading, but spring leaves let the light through.

夏天的树叶色调是凝重暗沉的, 春天的书页则轻盈透亮.《期刊摘选》

180. The Labor government of Western Australia has an election due next spring...


181. spring flowers


182. There was a delicious spring on the northern side of the point.


183. There's a feeling of spring in the air today.


184. The spring dried up long ago.


185. The mattress has lost its spring.


186. Three major series: 1, Vol Cold Spring, 2, coil spring, 3, steel spring.

主要有三大系列: 1, 冷卷弹簧, 2, 热卷弹簧, 3, 钢片弹簧.《期刊摘选》

187. In the Midwest, so much for spring.

在中西部地区, 似乎看不到春天的影子.《期刊摘选》

188. Spring is here and romance is in the air.


189. His anger sprang from his suffering at the loss of the most important love he had ever known in his life.


190. Rains are frequent here in spring.


191. Once we have the wire, we can coil it up into the shape of a spring.


192. Spring is here and romance is in the air.


193. When she contacted me at the beginning of August to enlist support, Sharon and I sprang into action.

她 8 月初和我联系请求帮助时,我和沙伦便立即行动起来了。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

194. He sprang through a gate into a field.


195. With a spring, the cat leapt on to the table.


196. The two superpower leaders sprang a surprise at a ceremony in the White House yesterday by signing a trade deal...


197. The programme concluded with Stravinsky's 'Rite of Spring'.


198. He turned off the alarm and sprang out of bed.


199. They're harder to find and they have job offers, says Jay Dunwell, president of Wolverine Coil Spring, a family owned firm.

金钢狼螺旋弹簧有限公司(一家家族企业)的董事长杰·邓威尔说,“工人很稀缺,他们有很多工作机会。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

200. She walked along with a spring in her step.


201. I love Rome, especially in the spring.


202. The springs are placed between the frame and the wheel axles.


203. The spring here is mild and sweet.


204. Mclaren sprang a new idea on him.


205. This paper describes the historical causes of spring forming in the aspect of the geological structure.


206. The spring oozes out of a rock.


207. The fixing part comprises two buffers . buffer comprises a spring case and an elastic hitting rod.

固定部分包括两个缓冲器, 缓冲器包括弹簧箱和弹性撞杆.《期刊摘选》

208. His family raised eight shallow containers of baby silkworms in the spring.


209. The first experiments clearly revealed what Boyle called the spring of the air .

最初的实验清清楚楚地揭示出波义耳所说的 “ 空气弹性 ”.《辞典例句》

210. The land cracked and the springs dried up and the cattle listlessly nibbled dry twigs.


211. The strut can be treated as compression member constrained by lateral translation nonlinear spring.


212. Without damping, also known as dampening , the actions of the spring devices would not be controlled.

如果没有阻尼元件, 弹性装置的动作将无法控制.《期刊摘选》

213. The first signs of spring are in evidence.


214. Small breakers spring up, each breaker like a large eye casting out golden sparks.

小波浪跳跃着, 每一个像个大眼睛,闪射着金光.《汉英文学 - 散文英译》

215. The countryside is very green in spring.


216. I'll spring for the drinks tonight.


217. Plans to spring the hostages have failed.


218. The spring floods were great calamity to the farmers whose crops and houses were ruined.


219. Calculation method is decided and formula is selected for the spring of the tailstock.


220. His new book will be appearing in the spring.


221. In spring and after heavy rains, streams can change from trickles torrents, making crossings difficult.

在春季或是大雨之后, 小溪可能会从涓涓细流变得洪水滔滔, 给涉水造成困难.《期刊摘选》

222. Dan: A very precise mixture of hot spring water and soap.

阿丹: 比例精准的温泉水和肥皂混合液.《期刊摘选》

223. Clear spring stone upper reaches , spring like string, move in being quiet, quiet.

清泉石上流, 泉水似琴弦,静中有动, 动中有静.《期刊摘选》

224. But gardeners will not a crop during the first 1 st spring after planting.


225. 'Let's go!' he said, springing into action.


226. The automobile uses three Basic types of spring : coil , leaf, and torsion Bar.

汽车使用的三种最基本的弹性元件为 螺旋弹簧, 钢板弹簧和扭杆弹簧.《期刊摘选》

227. I am decked out in my spring finery.


228. And when it rechangings it have a lot of power and spring.


229. Everyone sprang to their feet (= stood up suddenly) when the principal walked in.


230. You need to push our Spring line more.


231. The cuckoo is the herald of spring.


232. With CD 10 II type electromagnetism mechanism of CT 19 II type spring operation mechanism.


233. The new store will be open in the spring.


234. So it is necessary to research these rubber bearing spring components and flexible bodies.


235. Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the spring.


236. All suspension systems incorporate some type of spring.


237. Moving from spring to winter, active yang is inevitably followed by dormant yin.


238. How time flies ! Late spring has come in the twinkling of an eye.


239. The colours of spring are yellow and green.


240. This crop often loses plant in the spring.


241. Write a descriptive passage about spring.


242. They are talking about the weather in spring.


243. This past weekend, the International Monetary Fund and World Bank held their spring meetings in Washington.

上周末, 国际货币基金组织和世界银行在华盛顿召开了春季会议.《期刊摘选》

244. That the miraculous spring would wash away all defilement.


245. Is there Sudden Change in the Elastic Force of Spring?

弹簧的弹力会发生突变 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

246. Margot rolled away and in a dancer's spring was on her feet facing him.


247. Ingredients: Warm spring moisturizing factor, pure natural vegetal essence, arbutin, liquorice oil soluble extract.

成份: 温泉水复合因子 、 纯天然植物精华 、 熊果苷 、 甘草油溶性提取精华.《期刊摘选》

248. The new store is slated to open in spring.


249. Hot spring spouted out from underground at times.


250. If you drink pure mountain spring water, all Dunjue Shuang through.

如果喝一口纯净的山泉水, 顿觉浑身爽透.《期刊摘选》

251. Ethiopia's art springs from her early Christian as well as her Muslim heritage...


252. a mountain spring


253. The cat crouched ready to spring.


254. By the way, do you often have fine weather in spring in your own hometown?

顺便问一句, 在你的家乡春天的天气通常都很好 吗 ?《休闲英语会话》

255. Protected spring and free of adhesive or block structure make the scaling solid and firm.



1. This high-powered spectrograph is linked to the Anglo-Australian Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory near Coonabarabran.

FORBES: Searching for the Siblings of the Sun

2. When the snow melted that spring, every stream became an angry river that raced down the mountains tearing up trees and bringing destruction.

VOA : special.2009.06.06

3. Expect to see these dresses on the red carpet and in magazines come spring.

FORBES: NYFW Day 3: Prabal Gurung And Alexander Wang

4. This spring, Everglades National Park launched a visitation program to what was once a highly restricted military base.

VOA : special.2009.06.30

5. She fell back to Earth, but the steel-spring bustle just bounced her back up as high as before.

VOA : special.2009.11.28

6. There were bargains galore in the spring sales.


7. Spring is here again.


8. This is Spring,1861.

在这1861年的春季美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. After a long, tough winter, they got down to business quickly, inspecting burrows and beginning their spring cleaning.

BBC: Farne Island rangers to carry out 'puffin census'

10. One suit is set to go to trial in a Philadelphia federal courthouse this spring.

FORBES: Credit Bureaus Wouldn't Cut It On 'CSI'

11. If you connect the body to a spring, which is neither compressed nor extended, there's no force acting on it.

如果将一个弹簧连在这个物体上,弹簧既没有被压缩也没有被拉伸,也不会有力作用在它上面基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. There,on Easter morning, people walk up and down Fifth Avenue after church services to enjoy the spring weather.

VOA : special.2009.12.20

13. When we did the spring, we had this theory of Hooke's Law that told us something, and we built a simulation, or built some tools around that theory.

当我们写弹簧程序的时候,我们有胡克定律来告诉我们原理,然后我们建立了一个仿真模型,或者说是在这个理论基础上建立了一些工具。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

14. helical spring


15. Yeah, I actually, we have a concert here on Main Green once a year called "Spring Weekend"

是的,我们每年都会在梅因格林举办一场音乐会,叫做“春日周末”,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 校园生活

16. In the spring, the female monarchs leave Mexico and fly as far north as the American state of Kansas.

VOA : special.2010.04.27

17. The Conservatives hold an annual Spring Forum for their activists instead of a full conference.

BBC: With the grassroots at Tory spring conference

18. These are not actually from last spring, but they're typical enough that I was too lazy to make some new quotes.

这些成绩不是来自上个学期,但是他们足够典型了,以至于我都懒得举新的例证。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. In the spring of 1968, he conducted the first trials of his experiment at the Bing.


20. Spring Airlines, the country's budget airline, will offer around 100 scenic flights from September 26 to 28.

CNN: Best way to see supermoon? On a Chinese moon-viewing flight

21. Though small in number, the fish thrived in the Mississippi, gorging on plankton and reproducing each spring.

FORBES: Lucky Catch

22. The draft plan is due to be published for public consultation in the spring.

BBC: MPs welcome holiday home ban

23. He started buying last spring when the company was trading at around its 52-week low.

FORBES: Legg Mason's Miller Looks Up

24. If leeks are unavailable, use spring onions instead.


25. These risks spring from the fact that philosophy teaches us and unsettles us by confronting us with what we already know.

这风险源自于以下事实,即哲学就是让我们面对自己熟知的事物,然后引导并动摇我们原有的认知。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. The anger of the many educated but unemployed young people has been a driving force in the Arab Spring movement.

VOA : special.2011.05.27

27. You know, when I was here in the spring, we had a coalition of 43 nations.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Troops in Afghanistan

28. Wardrobing peaks during mid-fall (Halloween costumes), late January (big-screen televisions for the Super Bowl) and late-spring (prom dresses).

FORBES: Holiday Thieving Season

29. In the spring, our courses focus, not so much on the theory, but now move to the application of positive psychology since it's a master of applied positive psychology.

春季,我们的课程,不再以理论为焦点,而是转向积极心理学的应用,因为这是应用积极心理学硕士学位。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

30. Such an abundance of flowers means creating the perfect spring bouquet is an absolute pleasure.

WSJ: Sweet Spring | Creating the Perfect Spring Floral Arrangement

31. The plant flowers fruitlessly every spring.


32. Starting 9 September, makeshift sidewalk studios crafting beautiful clay idols will spring up along nearly every city street.

BBC: Mumbais elephantine festival

33. Guildford's tourist information centre also moved from Tunsgate to the High Street art gallery in spring 2011.

BBC: Guildford tourism brings ?211m local economy boost

34. Vegetarian dishes for example, a vegetable spring roll still can be high in fats and calories.

WSJ: Vegetarians Live Longer Than Meat-Eaters, Study Finds

35. One spring night, the couple was asleep when a broad ribbon of white light slid across the old woman's pillow.

VOA : special.2009.02.28

36. Last spring, when Internet stocks were sizzling, magazine publisher Ziff-Davis issued a tracker for its ZDNet Web division.

FORBES: Trick or Track?

37. And here in the middle of the page a little ways down: My love's striped black-and-white cotton frock, jaunty blue cap, white socks and brown moccasins were not quite in keeping with the large, beautifully cut aquamarine on a silver chainlet which gemmed her throat, a spring rain gift from me.

在这一页中间偏下的地方:,我的小情人穿着黑白条子的棉布裙,带着鲜艳的蓝色帽子,白袜子和亮皮鞋与她脖子上那条优美的,蓝宝石项链有些不协调,这是由于那场春雨我送给她的礼物。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Each year it's dramatized by the cycle of the seasons, And at a certain time of the year it seems that The forces of darkness and chaos are prevailing but each spring, Once again, cosmic order and life return.

每年这冲突都由季节的轮回戏剧性地体现出来,仿佛是每年都有一个时期,弥散着黑暗和混乱的势力,可是每当春天来临,宇庙的秩序又恢复了。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. So Coca-Cola and Poland Spring could just agree to produce half the quantity of water each.

假如可口可乐和波兰泉达成默契了,同意各产垄断产量的一半博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. More than 100 of Spring Airlines' seats dedicated to the festival have been sold so far.

CNN: Best way to see supermoon? On a Chinese moon-viewing flight

41. Many of the pieces I saw at one such exhibit in the spring of 2001 were masterful.

FORBES: Days of Wine and Redwoods

42. Members of the group traveled to Agogo this spring to provide more education and training in the beekeeping business.

VOA : special.2009.06.29

43. He was here at Yale as a visitor in the spring for many years.

有很多年的春天他都在耶鲁大学访学。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Spring is peak season, but many of these flowers continue to be available through early fall.

WSJ: Petal Pushers: Chefs Pick Edible Flowers

45. Alternatively, a general durable power of attorney can spring into effect upon your disability.

FORBES: Estate Planning Overview and Objectives

46. Last spring,Michelle Obama and a group of students planted a vegetable garden on the South Lawn of the White House.

VOA : special.2010.06.07

47. This week in our series, Harry Monroe and Kay Gallant describe events during the spring of eighteen sixty-three.

VOA : special.2009.10.15

48. Diana Krall will be performing songs from her new album in Canada and United States this spring and summer.

VOA : special.2009.04.24

49. It features indoor as well as outdoor spring tubs and indoor and outdoor sitting areas .

FORBES: Ryokans Beyond Calm

50. Last month, gunmen kidnapped a retired army general in Cancun, a beach city popular with American college students on spring break.

VOA : special.2009.03.14

51. Peter Som started day two of the spring 2012 collections on a bright and blooming note.

FORBES: Lindsay Lohan, NBA Athlete Chris Bosh And The Kate Middleton Effect At Day 2 of New York Fashion Week

52. suppose I asked you to time a 100 meter spring in the Olympics, but I give you a stopwatch that is measured in units of 15 seconds?

如果我要求你,在奥林匹克数给100米短跑计时,但我会给你一个秒表,它可以测出15秒的大小?固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. Provoked by the rash of corporate scandals, shareholders in company after company rebelled against management this past spring.

FORBES: So That's Where My Proxy Goes

54. Maybe you're talking with a friend about where you should go for spring break vacation,

假如你在跟一个朋友讨论你们该去哪里过春假。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I've already 课堂

55. But any American growers or home gardeners hoping for an early spring this year just got some bad news.

VOA : special.2009.02.03

56. One good example of this is the company trip to the hot spring resort.

FORBES: Side Lines

57. If you put your fingers between the plastic opening at the bottom, and here's where you gotta watch out for the spring, pull the thing apart and that's it.

如果你把手指放到,底部的缝隙中间,这里你需要小心,你剥开就会发现这个了。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

58. and then officially, during the spring of my junior year of high school, so my third year of high school.

但后来正式决定来这里是在高三的那个春天。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我们是普林斯顿家族

59. Do these four things, and the U.S. economy will show marked improvement by spring.

FORBES: We Don't Have To Break The Record

60. Today, The Rite of Spring remains a classic, but it also still packs a punch.

NPR: Stravinsky's Riotous 'Rite of Spring'

61. It was 2008 and the start of spring break during our senior year at university.

BBC: A route of life-changing moments

62. During spring and early summer, order the delicious asparagus dishes including one recipe flavoured with rhubarb and verbena.

BBC: A road trip through provincial France

63. Now it is spring in the northern part of the world so it is time to celebrate that season.

VOA : special.2010.03.15

64. The spring brought rising subprime delinquency rates and the ensuing failures of subprime lenders.

NEWSWEEK: Business

65. What is the heart but a spring, ?" or reason but a means of calculating pleasures and pains."

除了跳动,心脏又为何物,除了感觉愉快和痛苦,人为什么而活“政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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