cut throat翻译_cut throat短语搭配_cut throat权威例句

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cut throat

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  • 割喉:用刀割断喉咙,通常用于形容极端的暴力行为。

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. cut-throat competition 激烈竞争

2. cut-throat 残酷的 ; 凶手 ; 割喉 ; 刎颈

3. Cut Throat Business 割喉行动

4. Cut Throat Island 割喉岛

5. Captain Cut-throat 割喉队长

6. Bartuc's Cut-Throat 巴特克的猛击 ; 巴特克的勐击

7. Bartuc's Cut-Throat-Greater Talons 巴特克的猛击 ; 巨鹰爪

8. The Cut-Throat Celts 砍头割喉的凯尔特人

9. cutthroat competition 恶性竞争

10. cut throat detail 刎颈


1. I'm afraid he's gonna cut your throat this time.

恐怕这次他要害你。《provided by jukuu》

2. The price hike is probably an attempt to control cut-throat competition between airlines, an analyst in the industry said.


3. Explaining why he shaved his mustache after the Mets'2007 season-ending collapse: I tried to cut my throat, but I aimed too high.


4. Would you want to cut a pig's throat and eviscerate him?


5. In fact, he'd kill seven guys just to cut my throat, and he could do it.


6. The man threatened to cut her throat, but she still held the lottery ticket tightly.


7. Before he cut my throat, he told me he killed those girls so he wouldn't have to kill me.


8. In a cut-throat employment market, the civil service has become one of the most popular professions for university students because it offers a stable income, social status and good welfare.


9. " Please! Don't cut my throat, sir!" I begged as he held on to me.


10. Cristina -- - You did a cut throat thing. Deal with it.

克里斯蒂娜 --- 你做了一件很残酷的事情. 拿这个做交易.《互联网》

11. Mope your way through this, I'll cut your throat.

你不要坏了气氛,我告诉你。《provided by jukuu》

12. American workers, says Mr Webb, “are at the mercy of cut-throat executives who are vastly overpaid, partly as a consequence of giving [the workers'] jobs away to other people.


13. He makes you hate him. You want to kill him, to jump into the screen and cut his throat to watch him gasp and gurgle his last breath.


14. I still remember the surprise with which I heard how Clive, after establishing British rule in India, went back home and cut his own throat.


15. the cut-throat world of politics


16. The villagers cut his throat, and drank his blood.


17. Explaining why he shaved his mustache after the Mets' 2007 season-ending collapse: I tried to cut my throat, but I aimed too high.


18. As the global market for business education grows more cut-throat, America's non-elite schools are in serious danger.


19. "He cut the throat of the goat with a knife, which is the most kind way to do it," says Cool.


20. My personal favorite, the "Anti Dog-Eat-Dog Act," aims to restrict cut-throat competition between firms and thus slow the wave of business bankruptcies.

我个人最喜欢的是“反恶意竞争法令(Anti Dog - Eat - Dog Act)”,旨在限制公司之间的恶意竞争以减缓企业破产速度。

21. There is cut - throat rivalry among the supermarkets.


22. The area in question is home to 1, 600 threatened species, including grizzly bears, elk, lynx and cut-throat trout and steelhead.

受争议的区域是1 600多种濒危物种的家园,其中包括灰熊、麋鹿、割喉咙鳟鱼和虹鳟。

23. I'd rather cut my throat than demoralize you on a day like this.

我情愿割断自己的脖子,也不想在这样的日子使你扫兴。《provided by jukuu》

24. Cut Throat : Where in the World is Bobby De Salvo?

刎颈: 世界上哪里是警察的条款?《互联网》

25. Cut lost or cut throat!


26. Will you cut his throat or stab the heart?

你割他的喉咙还是刺他的心脏?《provided by jukuu》

27. The bridegroom pretended to be very angry and spoke sharply, then quickly drew his sharp knife, ran towards the horse and cut its throat.

新郎假装非常生气的样子,对着老马又喊又骂。接着他拔刀冲上去,刀切断了它的喉管。《provided by jukuu》

28. The CAAC started the fare - discount ban in 1998 to stop cut - throat competition among state - owned domestic airlines.

中国民航总局于1998年开始禁止机票打折,以制止 国营 航空公司国内航班激烈的竞争.《互联网》

29. Graduates hunting for jobs are facing cut - throat competition.


30. Try any sleight of hand with my money* And I'll cut your throat.

敢对我的钱耍什么花招的话,我就剪断你的喉咙。《provided by jukuu》

31. Differentiated products comes with a higher added value, avoiding peer cut - throat competition.

差异化的产品带来了更高的附加值, 也避免了同行之间的恶性竞争.《互联网》

32. I cannot shed blood in her house, but I will cut your throat anon.

我不能在她家流血,但是改天我会切断你的喉咙。《provided by jukuu》

33. The cut - throat competition, needless to say.

竞争之惨烈, 不用多讲.《互联网》

34. The area in question is home to 1,600 threatened species, including grizzly bears, elk, lynx and cut-throat trout and steelhead.


35. Asked if Hollywood was as Machiavellian as the world of politics, Clooney said: "the business can be that way, there's a certain cut-throat element."


36. You, Boxer, the very day that those great muscles of yours lose their power, Jones will sell you to the knacker, who will cut your throat and boil you down for the foxhounds.


37. The results of the cut - throat competition, that is, to the mixing of milk protein substitutes - melamine.

恶性竞争的结果, 就是往奶粉中掺加蛋白质的替代品 —— 三聚氰胺.《互联网》

38. Cut Throat: Where in the World is Bobby De Salvo?


39. " I'll cut your throat," he said.


40. For the very last time Concubine poured wine for her King, and danced for him with a sword, and cut her throat with it, faithful to the King unto death.


41. You, Boxer, the very day that those great muscles of yours lose their power, Jones will sell you to the knacker, who will cut your throat and boil you down for the foxhounds.


42. Security was still so tight that when my father asked for a barber to give him a shave, a policeman sat with them all the way through so the man wouldn't cut his throat.


43. Whether it's a sweetheart deal, love money or a teddy bear hug, these terms suggest that there's a softer side to Wall Street's cut-throat, competitive - even if only on the surface.


44. This done, he drew from its sheath a huge broad scimitar, and seizing me by the hair he made as though he meant to cut my throat and shear my head clean off.


45. However, the market became increasingly cut throat, and that led to falling margins.

然后, 市场越来越激烈, 导致利润减少.《互联网》

46. The blind spot by buyang market to product differentiation business strange circle cut - throat competition.


47. I'm gonna cut his throat open.

我要割开他的喉咙。《provided by jukuu》

48. So what we are looking at is a picture of a woman who has had her throat cut after desperately trying to defend herself from a knife-wielding killer.


49. She cut her throat.


50. So it is that Broadway musicals are referred to as cut - throat business.

百老汇音乐剧因此叫作 [ 割喉的生意 ].《互联网》

51. If can enter the match, will also face the similar attack cut - throat auspicious graciousness - to wear.

如果能够晋级正赛, 还将面对同样进攻凶狠的 瑞恩- 戴.《互联网》

52. But a smile and a cable are not enough in the cut-throat BPO business.


53. No, he said, quite to the contrary, he worried for years that raising me to be a respectful Chinese daughter would hinder my ability to compete in a world with what he considered the aggressive, cut throat traits of typical America CEO's.


54. Nobody alive would regret me, or be ashamed, though I cut my throat this minute — and it's time to make an end!


55. His bloody throat had been cut so deeply that he was nearly decapitated.


56. Analysis of cut-throat competition in stainless steel market


57. "I'm willing that they should cut my throat, and I'm ready to swear that I never said either you, thou, or I, in my life, if I don't know that Parisian." [pantinois.]


58. Each new blade is cut-throat competition for its predecessors.


59. In this cut throat Toy industry it's a wild mix of matching and precision aiming, all with the drive of constant orders, and Oh those demanding customers.


60. I felt I produced a lot of creative work with people with friendly competition, instead of the high pressured cut throat I felt in High School.


61. Barber: Oh, then I must have cut your throat.


62. I hear someone cut his throat and tried to play it with a bow.


63. Oh ! Don't cut my throat , sir ! I begged in terror.


64. All goods in this store are sold at cut - throat prices.


65. Or I could just cut your throat. Every man needs hands, your grace. Good.


66. Nobody alive would regret me, or be ashamed, though I cut my throat this minute& and it's time to make an end!


67. This will be set up as a friendly challenge, not a cut-throat competition, where they can all help each other win.


68. Daniel Plainview: One night, I'm gonna come inside your house, wherever you're sleeping, and I'm gonna cut your throat.


69. The consequence of cut - throat competition is massive unemployment and market shrinkage.


70. Keep still, you little devil, or I'll cut your throat!


71. I could cut his throat, so, swish, swish!


72. For the very last time Concubine poured wine for her King, and danced for him with a sword, and cut her throat with it, faithful to the King unto death.



1. How lucky for Mr Obama that the super-rich Mr Romney made his fortune in the cut-throat business of private equity.

ECONOMIST: Americas presidential election: Game on | The

2. Guarini says he faces many business challenges in the fickle and cut-throat world of music and entertainment.

FORBES: Building A Brand After American Idol

3. Given the magnifying power of Twitter, this move makes perfect sense, especially in the cut throat UK news industry.

FORBES: Sky News Are Right To Stop Their Staff Retweeting

4. The lessons of a sleepy Dutch spirits market were inapplicable in, say, the cut-throat world of frozen yogurt.

ECONOMIST: BolsWessanen

5. In the cut-throat world of talent representation, the common space might alienate high-wattage clients, who closely guard their privacy.

WSJ: How Garage Stymied Hollywood Super Agent

6. As the world's oil wells run dry, many including sober analysts in both countries foresee China-India rivalry redrawn as a cut-throat contest for an increasingly scarce resource.

ECONOMIST: India and China

7. Economists still argue whether its aggressive buying of rivals and cut-throat pricing accelerated or retarded the growth of the industry and the ready availability of cheap fuel.

ECONOMIST: Millennium issue: Antitrust

8. On top of this, many Asian couples face enormous pressure to ensure their children succeed in schools with cut-throat competition for places pressure that falls mostly on the mother.

ECONOMIST: Asian demography: The flight from marriage | The

9. Careers that are built on the risks that can be taken with lower budget films may never have the chance to blossom under this cut-throat new model.

FORBES: James Cameron, Michael Bay Against Early Video on Demand

10. Mr Quader says the government "did not do enough" to discourage the worst practices in the business, as cut-throat operators have cashed in on the garment boom over the last decade.

BBC: Dhaka Rana Plaza survivor's search for missing sister

11. In operation they can respond quickly to changes in power prices, which is useful in Britain's cut-throat market.

ECONOMIST: Britains dependence on gas imports will increase

12. The importance of fun, team building competition has been more effective than the sometimes cut throat side of big ticket prizes.

FORBES: The 5 Sure Keys to Taking Sales to the Stratosphere in 2013

13. "A hijacker also cut the throat of a business-class passenger, and he appears to be dead, " she said.

CNN: Flight 11 attendant reported events prior to crash

14. Their first break is to arrest Mei (Ziyi Zhang), a blind dancer who has all sorts of tricks up her sleeves, most of them liable to cut your throat.

NEWYORKER: House of Flying Daggers

15. The surge in use in April can be attributed to the cut-throat competition in the internet access market.

BBC: UK internet use surges

16. He was attending the evening service when a deranged woman cut his throat, killing him almost instantly.

ECONOMIST: Brother Roger | The

17. China Mobile and Unicom compete nationally, but the government has licensed only two operators, believing that the cut-throat competition of markets such as Hong Kong's impedes network development.

ECONOMIST: Life is getting harder for China's phone companies

18. However, in the cut-throat world of airlines where passenger traffic is at a premium, an airline taking such a stance is rare, although they may ask for a supplement.

BBC: Q&A: Air passengers' rights

19. That will alleviate competition in a notoriously cut-throat business, and perhaps even create some local monopolies.

ECONOMIST: Public and private security

20. The tradition is, for those families who can afford it, to take home a lamb and cut its throat.

BBC: Carla heads protest over sheep slaughter

21. It's cut-throat at times, but everyone has been through it.

BBC: Cricket World Cup: Matt Prior surprised by England call

22. Alas, none of Japan's new budget carriers is expected to be as cut-throat as low-cost carriers elsewhere.

ECONOMIST: Can low-cost airlines beat bullet trains?

23. But competition in the retail market is becoming ever more cut-throat.

ECONOMIST: Asian banks

24. Rather we see images of cut throat competition and a boundless desire to create a competitive edge, any way, any how.

FORBES: Open Source for Vertical Apps: Is Wall Street Ready?

25. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald eighteen material witnesses died, 6 by gunfire, 3 by motor accidents, 2 by suicide, 1 by a cut throat, 1 by a karate chop to the neck, 3 by heart attacks, 2 from natural causes.

FORBES: Extradite Andrew Wakefield To Face Fraud Charges In The UK

26. Home-grown exporters, especially privately owned ones, are honing their skills in China's cut-throat markets.

ECONOMIST: Good for China, but good for its neighbours too

27. And here in the middle of the page a little ways down: My love's striped black-and-white cotton frock, jaunty blue cap, white socks and brown moccasins were not quite in keeping with the large, beautifully cut aquamarine on a silver chainlet which gemmed her throat, a spring rain gift from me.

在这一页中间偏下的地方:,我的小情人穿着黑白条子的棉布裙,带着鲜艳的蓝色帽子,白袜子和亮皮鞋与她脖子上那条优美的,蓝宝石项链有些不协调,这是由于那场春雨我送给她的礼物。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. The problem, though, is that once the product hits the market, nothing prevents another company from doing exactly the same thing, and then another, and another, until the TV industry becomes crowded with companies pitting against each other in a cut throat competition that eliminates industry profitability.

FORBES: The Unintended Consequences of Outsourcing

29. Even before the window had opened Newcastle found themselves at the sharp end of that "cut-throat industry" as Chelsea expressed an interest in signing Magpies striker Demba Ba.

CNN: January 3, 2013 -- Updated 1012 GMT (1812 HKT)

30. It is cut throat.

FORBES: Why Justice Matters, Revisited

31. The communitarian Spanish participants found a way to avoid the cut-throat business of nominating their peers for eviction.

ECONOMIST: We love you, Big Brother





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