with discretion是什么意思_with discretion短语搭配_with discretion权威例句

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with discretion

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  • 谨慎地,小心地:表示在做某事时需要谨慎、小心,以免引起不必要的麻烦或问题。

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1. accept with discretion 慎重地接受

2. using punishment with discretion 慎刑

3. to act with discretion 谨慎行事

4. act with discretion 会稳重行事


1. You must choose you friends with discretion.


2. He acted with discretion , ie discreetly.


3. Such a person is thankful and grateful, feeling continuous gratitude for all such gifts and using them with discretion, wisdom and appropriateness.


4. She had even condescended to advise him to marry as soon as he could, provided he chose with discretion;


5. This private trust exists to provide him with discretion.


6. However, the chief planning gradually exposes many flaws, especially when the planning executive with broad discretion to make a lot of citizens against the rights under exposure in the planning.


7. Pessimistic session locking should be used with great discretion, as it serializes access to data across a business process that includes user think time.


8. For quarrels, they are with care and discretion to be avoided. They are commonly for mistresses, healths, place, and words.


9. Choosing a major is very important because it concerns our college life, our career and even our future life. Therefore, we need to choose our major with discretion.


10. We treat each candidate with total discretion and in absolute confidence.


11. The school offers a "basic course in professional prostitution with maximum discretion." They created an ad calling for people to apply for their classes knowing that the profession is profitable and offers instant employment for both sexes.


12. Use cloaking with discretion.


13. The point is not to hold your peace , but to speak with discretion and prudence.

不是不说, 而是要惜言慎语.《互联网》

14. Even one such as Gromph Baenre had to choose his playmates with discretion.


15. The police were reassured when they won the right to apply the law with discretion, and there have been no silly prosecutions.


16. The Latin and Greek words are important to know, but should be used with discretion, and never to overwhelm a reader or listener.


17. Product value discretion actually has nothing to do with the product itself, is associated with the degree of customer desires.


18. Larsson sometimes joined in the fun, but with more discretion.


19. Her dress was grey and plain, but it fitted her figure with 12 fidelity and discretion.


20. However, it is also a "double-edged sword". It can be applied the law to benefit the society. At the same time, there are problems with abusing discretion and infringing rights.


21. As Synthetical Securities Company, it must have innovation on servings, developing catenation and characteristic, base pushing agent system on advancing research and consultation with discretion.


22. Simon had carried out all his assignments with discretion, elan, and pluck.


23. As always, I suggest reading with Higher Discretion turned "on".


24. A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion.

与人的,这人事情顺利。他被审判的时候,要诉明自己的冤。《provided by jukuu》

25. Concluding thus the parson rode on his way, with doubts as to his discretion in retailing this curious bit of lore.


26. He believed at that moment that he had a grave duty to perform: the restitution of the six hundred thousand francs to some one whom he sought with all possible discretion.


27. For many reasons of subjective and objective in the process of administrative punishment, the exercise of administrative penalties will inevitably associated with discretion.


28. Neither company discloses detailed financial information due to the exclusive nature of their relationships with clients and their desire for discretion.


29. She had even condescended to advise him to marry as soon as he could, provided he chose with discretion ;


30. A good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affairs with discretion.

5施恩与人、借贷与人的,这人事情顺利; 他被审判的时候要诉明自己的冤.《互联网》

31. Heed what you say. Heed how you say it. Your words carry weight; speak with discretion.

注意你说的话. 注意你如何去说话. 你的话语很有分量, 慎重说话.《互联网》

32. However, because principle is necessary connection with discretion, reasoning by principle will be very arbitrary; especially when principles contradict with rules.


33. You must choose you friends with discretion.


34. The first system, emphasising rehabilitation, gives a lot of discretion to parole boards, who reward good behaviour and also help with overcrowding by reducing inmates’ prison time.

之前的刑罚体系重在改造罪犯,很看重假释裁决委员会的意见。 这个委员会对表现良好的服刑人员予以奖励,同时也因减少犯人刑期,缓解了监狱人员过多的问题。

35. Pessimistic session locking should be used with great discretion, as it serializes access to data across a business process that includes user think time.


36. The GWT development documentation warns that JSNI must be used with discretion because browser portability isn't guaranteed, and the compiled code optimization is restrictive.


37. We should also exercise discretion with regard to what we learn.


38. New employment relationship go in for employee to handle and develop knowledge for the sake of continuous improvement of the quality of products and the efficiency of operations, so employee are endowed with more discretion and decision-making power.


39. The method considers with discretion the fuzziness on the line of distinction of the every criterion, and succeeds to the advantage of the fuzzy mathematical method used in the assessment of heavy metal pollution in soil.


40. The servants moved around the house with discretion.

仆人们在屋里走动很谨慎。《provided by jukuu》

41. The formula of numerical computing is presented with discretion for Fresnel diffraction and phase numerical reconstruction of wave front.


42. Larsson sometimes joined in the fun, but with more discretion


43. The Latin and Greek words are important to know, but should be used with discretion, and never to overwhelm a reader or listener.


44. We should apply completeness considerations with discretion.


45. For this purpose, I might do everything with discretion, I fitted up a little mast to my boat.


46. Thirdly, choose the mode of the default judgment with discretion.


47. It should be handled with discretion to study hydrogen bonding by using ether stretching region.


48. Continue with the application deployment process, selecting default values (or other values, at your discretion), through installation Steps 1, 2, and 3.


49. Never slacken food production, to handle population problem with discretion;


50. Simon had carried out all his assignments with discretion, elan, and pluck.


51. Determines guilt with the discretion of punishment is the criminal law suitable two basic links.


52. Each policy is a guideline to be used with discretion, understanding, and management in the spirit in which the policy is written.


53. The first system, emphasising rehabilitation, gives a lot of discretion to parole boards, who can reward good behaviour and also help with overcrowding by reducing inmates' prison time.


54. Although sentencing claim right cannot decide the criminal penalty of defendant at the very end, it can bring out certain affect on and positive check to the discretion in sentencing of court and assist court with accurate discretion in sentencing.


55. Air samples were collected around the headings by instantaneous sample collectors at the moment of blasting, then they were analysed with discretion.


56. Max Weber, the great German analyst of organisations, "identified the fact that senior figures in bureaucracy operate with discretion, since it is they who formulate, rather than follow, rules," the paper said.

论文指出,德国组织管理分析大师马克斯•韦伯(Max Weber)“发现了一条事实,即官僚机构中的高层人物在工作中拥有自主权,因为他们是规则的制定者,而不是遵从者”。

57. A good man sheweth favour, and lender: he will guide his affairs with discretion.

施恩与人,借贷与人的,这人事情顺利.他被审判的时候, 要诉明自己的冤.《互联网》

58. Strictly follow the principle of legality of the key is how to understand and deal with legality and the relationship between discretion.



1. All this has meant that legislators have been left with ever less discretion over their budgets.

ECONOMIST: Repairing California

2. With discretion being a vital quality needed for the job the candidates were only able to tell one other person what they were really doing.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Spies like, well, you

3. Mrs Berry also said chief constables - fearing damage to their reputations from low clear-up rates - had been reluctant to adopt a scheme giving officers more discretion when dealing with less serious crime.

BBC: police generic

4. The PowerShares Capital Management group, for example, has a whole family of exchange-trade funds based in standard indexes but with methodologies that allow for discretion in what securities are purchase, and in what amounts.

FORBES: Enhanced Index Funds: Can They Deliver Low-Risk Returns?

5. An early gaffe when he annoyed Harry Truman by going public with their prayer together taught him discretion.

ECONOMIST: American evangelism

6. They also had other demands like - no publicising the contact with the kidnappers, total discretion with all intermediaries, no money, no communication with the Americans.

BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Panorama | Georges Malbrunot profile

7. Of course, they also suggested that the suffering wealthy show more discretion with their Ferraris and Porsches as they summer in Capri, Porto Cervo, Portofino and other popular, exclusive resorts.

FORBES: Warning: Hide the Lamborghini; Taxman in the 'Hood

8. What you might be charged with is totally at the discretion of the law enforcement.

FORBES: Evidence That Feds' Social Media Monitoring is Working?

9. It basically means that the local carriers, which contract with CMS to administer the Medicare program for different regions of the country, now have wide discretion to come up with their own prices.

FORBES: Medicare Has Stopped Paying Bills For Medical Diagnostic Tests. Patients Will Feel The Effects

10. In the film industry segment of entertainment, movies and their marketing display the choices of producers, directors, and screenwriters with a little bit of discretion of actors thrown in.

FORBES: NBA Centers Face Extinction

11. Consider these views with discretion.

FORBES: Wikipedia and celebrity: What Wales wrought 10 years ago

12. The 1996 welfare reforms proved that the poor can enjoy higher incomes, while the taxpayers would save trillions, if those same reforms based on fixed, finite, block grants of the federal funding back to the states, were extended to the 200 or so additional means tested entitlement programs for the poor, with broad discretion for the states to reform the programs.

FORBES: President Obama's State Of Disunion: Half of America Is In a Trance

13. In recent years, the pawn industry, once saddled with a skid-row reputation, has targeted a more mainstream and sometimes downright wealthy clientele by offering to deliver short-term cash with speed and discretion.

WSJ: SmartMoney: Hocking the Jewels: Pawnshops Dipping Into Deeper Pockets

14. But the court demurred, holding that Arizona was interfering with federal discretion in such matters.

ECONOMIST: The Supreme Courts politics

15. Be prepared to communicate openly and honestly when you meet with your mentor, but use discretion, i.e.

FORBES: Kick Start Your Job Search With A Mentor

16. It relies too little on economic analysis and too much on arbitrary rules enforced with plenty of discretion and little transparency.

ECONOMIST: Improving European antitrust

17. Other possible reasons for under-recording suggested by the ONS include more low-level crimes being dealt with informally and outside the formal crime-recording system, with officers given greater discretion.

BBC: Fall in crime in England and Wales 'may be exaggerated'

18. In conjunction with this discretion, communications restrictions and legal liability enable underwriters to provide information to institutional clients, while precluding access to the broader public.

FORBES: Darrell Issa Challenges Mary Schapiro To Wall Street Jenga

19. And, he has refused to ask Congress to provide government agencies with discretion on how to allocate the spending cuts in order to minimize disruption to the American people.

FORBES: Boehner And Obama's Economic Confusion Breeds Bipartisan Disarray

20. The bill leaves the IRS with lots of discretion, and the IRS has been a stickler on rollovers.

FORBES: Watch Your Nest Egg

21. At the top end are retired officers of the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, advising company bosses with cunning and discretion learned in the secret service of Her Majesty.

BBC: I spy with my private eye.....

22. Yet the system also leaves plenty of discretion with the party in power.

ECONOMIST: Congressional redistricting: Tinkering time | The

23. It houses a private salon where his super-rich customers are attended to with utmost discretion.

FORBES: Indian Jewelry Designer Is New Billionaire

24. To her great credit, Manzano has lived her off-screen life with dignity and discretion, with no tabloid scandals to tarnish her image among kids.

CNN: Why 'Sesame Street's' Sonia Manzano is a Latino icon

25. Discretion in dealing with sensitive matters is essential.

UNESCO: Vacancy : Chief of Protocol (4/7/2011) (# ERC 147 - (P4))

26. The 13-minute video is still available on YouTube, implying that the site deems that it doesn't breach its own guidelines, but it does come with a warning for user discretion due to possible offence.


27. Some find it hard to cope with the emphasis on drumming up jobs and with the discretion they are given over how hard to chivvy the poor to work.

ECONOMIST: Where Wisconsin goes, can the world follow?

28. Would it be criminally insane to trust the banks with more discretion about how they lend and invest, so long as they never breached a relatively low leverage ratio (which research indicates might need to be as low as 10 to one, and certainly no more than 20 to one)?

BBC: If banks are treated as naughty kids...

29. Auditing the Fed, replacing Fed monetary policy discretion with a mandatory price rule governing policy, even the gold standard, Nobel Laureate Friedreich Hayek pushed the envelope beyond all of these.

FORBES: Rethinking Money: The Rise Of Hayek's Private Competing Currencies

30. But on Monday HHS decided it does have the discretion after all, with no explanation or defense of its former position.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: Comparative Dis-Advantage



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