
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈfɔːmə(r)]play美 [ˈfɔːrmər]play

  • adj. 旧时的;以前的,前……;(两者中)前者的
  • n. 模子,模型;形成某事的人(或事);线圈架,绕线模;(机翼、机身的)翼肋
  • pron. (两者中的)前者
  • 【名】 (Former)(法)福尔梅,(德、捷)福尔默(人名)

复数 formers

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


former /ˈfɔːmə/

  • 1.
    形容词 Former is used to describe someone who used to have a particular job, position, or role, but no longer has it. 前任的

    The unemployed executives include former sales managers, directors and accountants.



    ...former president Richard Nixon.


  • 2.
    形容词 Former is used to refer to countries which no longer exist or whose boundaries have changed. (国家) 已不存在的; 疆界已变的

    ...the former Soviet Union.


  • 3.
    形容词 Former is used to describe something which used to belong to someone or which used to be a particular thing. 昔日的

    ...the former home of Robert E. Lee.


  • 4.
    代词 When two people, things, or groups have just been mentioned, you can refer to the first of them as the former. 前者

    They grappled with the problem of connecting the electricity and water supplies. The former proved simple compared with the latter.


  • 5.
    名词 a person or thing that forms or shapes 形成者; 样板



  • adj.

    formative 形成的;造型的;格式化的

    formalized 形式化的;正式的

    formless 没有形状的;无定形的;形体不明的

  • adv.

    formally 正式地;形式上

    formerly 以前;原来

  • n.

    form 形式,形状;形态,外形;方式;表格

    formative 构词要素

    formalism 形式主义;形式体系

    formalization 形式化;礼仪化

  • v.

    formalized 使正式;使有效(formalize的过去分词);使定形;拘泥于形式

  • vi.

    form 形成,构成;排列

    formalize 拘泥于形式

  • vt.

    form 构成,组成;排列,组织;产生,塑造

    formalize 使形式化;使正式;拘泥礼仪



previous foregoing former preceding prior 【导航词义:先前的】

previous adj. 先前的,以前的

〔辨析〕 指在当下所提及的事件、时间等之前发生或存在的,通常作定语。

例1: She has a child from a previous marriage.


例2: He discovered that he had met his new colleague before on three previous occasions.


foregoing adj. [正式] 前述的

〔辨析〕 指事物在讲述、文章等中刚刚提到的,常作定语。

例1: the foregoing examples


例2: The foregoing conclusion is based on the following data.


former adj. 以前的,从前的

〔辨析〕 指曾有过某种职务或地位的,也可指发生或存在于过去的。

例1: He has a great interest in books about the former president.


例2: His income has been reduced to half its former amount due to the economic depression.


preceding adj. [正式] 在前的,前面的

〔辨析〕 指在所提时间、地点或部分之前发生或出现的。

例1: The examples in the preceding chapter are used again later.


例2: Their plan of seeing a movie together on Friday failed because they had a quarrel on the preceding day.


prior adj. 在前的,较早的

〔辨析〕 较正式用词,多指先于另一事物或某一时间前存在或安排的。

例1: The discussion requires prior knowledge of the subject.


例2: No employee can be recruited without the prior approval of the manager.



1. Former French Mission Building 前法国外方传道会大楼 ; 前法国传道会大楼

2. the former Soviet Union 前苏联 ; 香樟

3. list of former european colonies 欧洲国家殖民地列表

4. film former 成膜剂,成膜物;薄膜生成元素;薄膜形成器

5. List of former sovereign states 已不存在国家列表

6. Former love 当年情 ; 前情

7. former a 以前的 ; 前者

8. former residence 故居

9. in former times 从前

10. vacuum former 真空成形机

11. X-FMR X-FORMER 变压器

12. former president 前任总统

13. former name 曾用名


1. The president's trip will substantiate good relations with the former enemy country.


2. He was labelled (as) a traitor by his former colleagues.


3. Given the choice between a pure white T-shirt and a more expensive, dirty cream one, most people can be forgiven for choosing the former...

如果要在一件纯白的 T 恤和一件更贵的脏兮兮的米色 T 恤之间选择的话,多数人都会选前者,这是无可厚非的。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

4. In France's former North African colonies, anti-French feeling is growing.


5. This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory.


6. He was always prepared to put a good word in for his former pupils.


7. The lion , considering him attentively, and remembering his former friend, fawned upon him.

狮子将他仔细地打量了一番, 记起他就是从前的那个朋友, 于是亲昵地偎在他身旁.《辞典例句》

8. We have compounded a new plan from parts of several former plans.


9. ...former President Richard Nixon...


10. He tried to pick up the strands of his former life.


11. Former Opposition Leader Chosen as Thailand's PM.


12. Briefly, a flash of Miles Eastin's former spirIt'surfaced.

刹那间, 迈尔斯·伊斯汀从前的 气慨 又闪了一闪.《辞典例句》

13. Some former officials in Mr Bush's administration were aghast.


14. In October , 1986, two former political adversaries reunited for a very special occasion in Atlanta, Georgia.

1986年10月, 两位从前的政敌为了一个非常特别的原因在佐治亚州亚特兰大城又重在一起了.《辞典例句》

15. the former world champion


16. The wear rates of materials are difficult to be forecasted exactly in former simulation models.


17. He called on former Republican voters to return to the fold.


18. One former director embezzled$ 34 million in company funds.


19. The former owner had not left any forwarding address.


20. He'll go to great lengths to get his child back from his former wife.


21. Why do you give up you former job?


22. He split with one of his former friends.


23. When you move house, you'd better ask your former neighbour to forward your mail.


24. He was my former companion in arms.


25. His former home is for sale at £ 495,000


26. Lehman's former leaders are not the only ones squirming in the glare.


27. At heart she still preferred her former way of life.


28. We hope to restore the garden to its former glory.


29. The palace has been restored to its former splendour.


30. Up to 2,000 former employees have filed personal injury suits against the company


31. My former friends stopped calling me because my phone might be tapped.


32. We shall be enabled to speculate with security on the former extension of the land.


33. What relation are current financial crisis and 10 years former network bubble crisis after all?


34. The unemployed executives include former sales managers, directors and accountants.


35. He went on to his former residence.


36. The original elections were declared void by the former military ruler.


37. ...the former home of Sir Christopher Wren.


38. But, there still is some shortage about the fault model of former arithmetic.

但是, 研究发现原有的算法在错误模型上还有较大的不足.《期刊摘选》

39. Allow me to present my former teacher to you.


40. With his dying breath the King a terrible curse upon his former followers.


41. It replaces the former quarter sessions.


42. His former classmate is a famous scientist.


43. His present indigence is a sufficient punishment for former folly.


44. Mr. Daschle was former senate Senate majority leader and a close advisor to the prisidentpresident.


45. The Brady Bill is named for former White House Press Secretary James Brady.


46. She fell in love with her former student.


47. Her father was the former editor of the Saturday Review.


48. The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man.


49. No one wants to employ somebody who bad-mouths their former employer.


50. The bank had to pay to buy out most of the 200 former partners


51. The paper accused her of trying to revenge herself on her former lover.


52. It was the former capital of Turkey.


53. Why did you leave your former company?


54. He can't bear the sight of his former boss.


55. U . N . peacekeepers left the former Indonesian province last year. Now East Timorese wants them back.

联国维去年离开从前的印尼省. 现在东帝汶希望他们回来.《期刊摘选》

56. His former employer regularly evaluated him, so Corey knew his strong and weak points.

他以前的老板都会定期评估他的表现, 因此他很清楚自己的优缺点.《期刊摘选》

57. The politician struck a conciliatory tone with his former adversaries.


58. She felt estranged from her former existence.


59. ...the former Soviet Union.


60. The former military ruler of Lesotho has been placed under house arrest.


61. Today there are few reminders of the former ravaged and exploited Manchuria.


62. She tried to escape the unwanted attentions of her former boyfriend.


63. One former director embezzled $34 million in company funds.


64. The divorce process should not be used as a means to get back at your former partner


65. The former president was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free?


66. They accused the former president of being a backseat driver.


67. The time of her transportation being not expired, she left her former trade.

她流徒的期间既然还未结束, 就不敢再做从前的生意.《辞典例句》

68. Accusations of harbouring suspects were raised against the former Hungarian leadership.


69. The pretty casket is given to her by her former boyfriend.


70. Many women have been able to pick up the threads of their former career.


71. Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot.


72. He squealed on his former friends to the police.


73. His former employer recommends him warmly.


74. The company was ordered to pay compensation to its former employee.


75. in former times


76. Their former enemy is arming again.


77. Some former colleagues wonder whether the irrepressible dealmaker will have enough to do.


78. The robins occupied their former nest.


79. From being a bright , vibrant person , I became a shadow of my former self.

自从变得愉快而充满朝气后, 我不再具有从前的影响力.《期刊摘选》

80. He has been accused of betraying his former socialist ideals.


81. Former low domes were planated by wave erosion.


82. A region and former country of northern Europe on Baltic Sea.


83. Some former hostages contradicted the official version of events.


84. This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory .


85. She was shunned by her former friends after she went astray.


86. Your former neighbor is wanted by the FBI.


87. That forceful young woman edged out the former headmaster and is now headmaster herself.


88. Former rulers kept the people under.


89. A former associate of Mr. Pierce's was among the project's boosters.


90. Her article showed no charity towards her former friends.


91. I ran up against my former teacher in the shop.


92. A former loafter, he is now an advanced worker.

他这个昔日浪子, 今日成了先进工作者.《现代汉英综合大词典》

93. She has left out of consideration the resentment of her former colleagues.


94. One former patient has already indicated his intention to sue.


95. He found it demeaning to work for his former employee.


96. ...the former Yugoslavia.


97. Fans were saddened to see the former champion play so badly.


98. the countries of the former Soviet Union


99. They have lost much of their former authority.


100. Earlier this month, a luncheon for former U.N. staff was held in Vienna.


101. We tried to contact all former students, but one or two slipped through the net.


102. He duplicated his former mistakes.


103. The variation trends of precipitation and total amount of water resources are identical, but the former ′ s variational rate is smaller than the latter ′ s.


104. Now that she is rich and famous, she does not deign to visit her former friends.

既然她现在又有钱又出名, 便再也不愿屈尊去看望从前的朋友了.《期刊摘选》

105. The former option would be much more sensible.


106. Does he have references from former employers?

他有以前的雇主写的证明 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

107. my former boss/colleague/wife

过去的老板 / 同事;前妻《牛津词典》

108. Newspapers have been fulsome in their praise of the former president.


109. Though he slowly recovered and continued his experiments, he never regained his former strength.

虽然他渐渐地康复并继续进行他的研究工作, 但是再也没有恢复到从前的健康状态.《英汉非文学 - 科学史》

110. The former president paid an unofficial visit to China.


111. She has been heard to make threats to her former lover.


112. Up to 2,000 former employees have filed personal injury suits against the company.


113. Her teemed with ideas.


114. He is conducting a point-by-point rebuttal of charges from former colleagues.


115. It the former gives much lower scores to sites with as donorthe remainder of sites.


116. Whose former pupil live in Leeds?


117. To the right is the elegant Winter Palace, former home of the czars.

右边是优雅的冬宫, 是沙皇从前的住处.《期刊摘选》

118. A school has honoured one of its brightest and most promising former students.


119. The company was ordered to pay compensation to its former employees.


120. A former art student fronted the band.


121. He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former.


122. He would want you to remember him as he was in former years.


123. He felt a gulf between himself and his former friends.


124. Between small changes and big changes, the former is more likely.


125. Within six years he would be alongside some of those former rivals.


126. The first case against Mr Khodorkovsky and his former business partner, Platon Lebedev, was a sham.

第一次针对霍多尔科夫斯基和他以前的商业伙伴普拉东.列别捷夫(PlatonLebedev)的审判, 是一场闹剧.《期刊摘选》

127. She is very virulent about her former employer.


128. It was customary for bishops in former days.


129. Of the two the latter is better than the former.


130. Finally I placed her as a former neighbor.


131. He was forced to turn for aid to his former enemy.


132. Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.


133. ...a former monastery.


134. The house has now been restored to its former glory.


135. If the family home and joint pension rights are of equal value, the wife may choose the former and the husband the latter.


136. After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc.

1989年后, 和平在以前的东部国家爆发.《期刊摘选》


1. Ivanka, a former model, is the spotlight-loving Ms. Outside, and her brother is the detail-obsessed Mr. Inside.

FORBES: The Real Apprentices

2. The case later grew to include over one and a half million women who were current and former Wal-Mart workers.

VOA : special.2009.07.17

3. Banker and former Finance Minister Mikhail Zadornov praised Kozlov for his dedication and spotless reputation.

NPR: Killing of Top Banker Rocks Official Moscow

4. And, of course,now for the rest of his life, he must just go about as a kind of a beggar, having been this former tremendously great king.

当初至高无上的明君,在他的余生中,只能乞讨度日古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. My stepfather was a former priest, one of the early black men ordained to the priesthood in the United States.

我的继父原先是一名牧师,是美国早期参与到,牧师事业中的黑人之一。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

6. Ginzburg was the former head of the theory group at the PN Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow.

BBC: Magnet repelled over superconductor, SPL

7. But yesterday, the former president said he's ready to campaign for Obama and confident in the nominee.

NPR: Obama, McCain Speak At Community Service Forum

8. It includes both Liberty Island, where the statue stands, and nearby Ellis Island, the former federal immigration processing center.

VOA : special.2009.06.29

9. have not committed any crime." The country's former president, Thabo Mbeki,was known for the unaggressive way his government dealt with AIDS.

VOA : special.2010.04.28

10. former Tory PM Margaret Thatcher, now a baroness


11. By marrying a former servant, James was held to have blotted the family's honour.


12. Marx, the son of a former Harvard statistics professor, grew up in Cambridge, Mass.

FORBES: The Profit Givers

13. This is also -I keep thinking how British we are; this is New England and this is the United States, a former British colony.

这也是...,我常想,我们真的很"英国",这里称为新英格兰地区,而美国过去也是英国的殖民地金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. There's another sample which is in Russia, part of the former Soviet Union, where there are samples that were stored.

另一个样本在俄罗斯,前苏联的一部分,那也有储存的样本生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Israel's former ambassador to the U.S. says his countrymen just noticed stakes are so high.

NPR: Will Democrats Change U.S. Policy on Israel?

16. To drink from this river would allow the fallen angels to forget their fallen state, to forget the fact of their fallen-ness from their more blissful former condition.

喝忘川之水让那些堕落天使,忘记他们的堕落的处境,忘记自己堕落这一现实,忘记自己是从幸福天堂堕落的事实。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. In our first class, we had the former chief social worker inspector for the entire country of Scotland within the class.

在第一班里,学生中有来自苏格兰的,全国前社工总监。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

18. It carried the man who became the first human to step on the moon, Neil Armstrong, a former X-15 pilot.

VOA : special.2010.07.07

19. His secret weapon at Nextlink is its chairman, Daniel Akerson, the former president of MCI.

FORBES: "We're On A Collision Course"

20. The former president's policy on the right to attack possible threats came after the terrorist attacks in two thousand one.

VOA : special.2010.05.29

21. The 26 year-old Kanoute was born in France and is a former French youth international.

BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Mali confident on Kanoute

22. a former Olympian sports medallist


23. with fellow Princetonian and former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who had appeared on our program earlier, as co-chair of the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund.

他和兼任普林斯顿校友及,前参议院多数派领袖比尔·弗斯特,他之前也曾经出现在我们节目上,共同担任,克林顿-布什海地基金会主席。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

24. You'll see this was written by a former student of ours.

你将会看到我以前一个学生写的程序。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

25. Former president Bill Clinton said it was as if somehow school boards "could legislate differences in algebra or math or reading."

VOA : special.2010.07.22

26. New Jersey, meanwhile, recently announced a program to help former traders earn their teaching credentials.

FORBES: Life After Wall Street

27. The Bear Stearns group includes Gregory Hanley and Alan Mintz, former co-heads of the distressed-debt group.

FORBES: Crunch Still On, Banks Stay Tight

28. One is Dubna in the former Soviet Union in Russia, one is in Darmstadt in Germany and the third one is in the United States in Berkeley.

一个是在杜布纳,位于前苏联的俄国,一个在德国的达姆施塔特,第三个是在美国的伯克利。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

29. Maybe you could be talking with another friend, who's very sad that the former friend is getting married.

可能你在和另一个朋友聊天,他对刚才那个朋友结婚的事感到难过。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : When 课堂

30. Mr Mellor, a former colleague of Baroness Thatcher's told BBC London the posters were "totally inoffensive".

BBC: Margaret Thatcher art posters banned from Tube

31. Former Bush aide and CNN political commentator Ana Navarro spoke highly of the move.

CNN: 's Republican debate: Winners and losers -

32. Swan Hotel is a 15th-century former coaching inn in Wells, in the shadow of the cathedral.

BBC: Mini guide to dining in Somerset

33. John McCain, R-Ariz. and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney during the GOP primaries, as well as, then-Sen.

CNN: CNN Profiles - John Berman - Co-Anchor

34. On the Democratic side, two names widely bandied about former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner and Sen.

NPR: End of the Road for Frist; What Next for Hastert?

35. John Glenn, the former astronaut who was then a senator from Ohio, put it this way: "I know the Great Lakes.

VOA : special.2009.01.05

36. Other winners included Glee's Ryan Murphy TV comedy, The New Normal, and former president Bill Clinton.

BBC: DiCaprio and Theron celebrate lawyer at Glaad awards

37. Former New Zealand international Meli had been tipped to follow departing Saints coach Mick Potter to Bradford.

BBC: St Helens trio sign new contracts

38. She had been coached by a former Wimbledon champion.


39. Former Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer said he disagreed with Desmond Tutu and Sir Geoffrey.

BBC: Desmond Tutu calls for Blair and Bush to be tried over Iraq

40. So before I just leave the subject of immortality, let me conclude with some words of wisdom from a former Miss USA contestant.

所以在结束永生这个话题之前,我就用,前美国小姐参赛者的箴言总结它吧。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. He called Charles River Ventures partner Jonathan Guerster, a former colleague at Open Market.

FORBES: Survivor

42. The former football star was accused of killing his ex-wife and a male friend of hers in Los Angeles.

VOA : special.2011.06.06

43. An old crony and former colleague of mine was taking a course at Johns Hopkins in the 1960s.

我的一个老朋友也是我的大学同学,二十世纪六十年代的时候在约翰斯,霍普金斯大学上学。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. The former Marks and Spencer chairman says he started out selling pyjamas at the retail giant.

BBC: Can you still go from burger flipper to president?

45. Meanwhile former West Indies cricketer Colin Croft and BBC pundit has said he sympathises with Gayle.

BBC: Strauss hits back over Gayle row

46. For former colonies, it is the most important global organisation that the United States does not dominate.

ECONOMIST: What’s the Commonwealth for? | The

47. Counterfeit medications are also a problem in the Middle East and in many countries of the former Soviet Union.

VOA : special.2010.02.22

48. Opponents of the treaty included former President Cleveland, industrialist Andrew Carnegie, labor leader Samuel Gompers, writer Mark Twain,and others.

VOA : special.2010.07.22

49. He has already appointed former Labour Culture Secretary James Purnell as director of strategy and digital.

BBC: director general Tony Hall 'confident' about future

50. The former Prime Minister of the UK, Tony Blair, tried to maintain a friendly relationship with America.

英国前首相,托尼•布莱尔,曾努力维持与美国的友好关系。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 英国的首相们

51. My home country is Croatia. I was born in and raised in what used to be the former Yugoslavia,

我是克罗地亚人。我生长在从前的南斯拉夫。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 第二外语,英语

52. And not everyone believes that the former Governor of Massachusetts is quite so conservative as he now seems.

并不是所有人都相信,前马萨诸塞州州长,会像他看上去那样,是个保守派博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. Iran's Guardian Council also approved the candidacy of President Ahmadinejad and Mohsen Rezai, former head of the Revolutionary Guards.

VOA : special.2009.05.23

54. Brazil's former President Lula is one of the most famous politicians in the world.

巴西前总统卢拉是世界上最著名的政治家之一。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于巴西

55. Yesterday he had former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif deported after arriving in Pakistan.

NPR: Ex-Premier's Return to Pakistan Ends Quickly

56. The Union military commander for Ohio was General Ambrose Burnside, a former commander of the Army of the Potomac.

VOA : special.2009.10.22

57. The former Motorola engineer Marty Cooper, in fact, made the first-ever wireless phone call in 1973.

FORBES: Just What Did Google Buy?

58. Others are owned by private individuals and are often located on former cattle ranches.

BBC: The future of conservation in Kenya

59. Lanworth has begun expanding its analysis to croplands in South America, India and the former Soviet Union.

FORBES: Sky High Tips For Crop Traders

60. Former Leinster fly-half Contepomi missed with a penalty attempt in the final minute of the half.

BBC: Munster 45-18 Toulon

61. "As a former prosecutor, commercial litigator, district court judge and appellate judge, she certainly brings a wealth of unique experience."

VOA : special.2009.07.18

62. the former Yugoslav republics


63. Business tycoon Ratan Tata and a former chief justice of India are serving, too.

FORBES: Delhi's Subway Builder

64. ' To demonstrate the point Vincente, a former dancer, executes a series of improbably graceful high kicks.

BBC: The three colours of Ibiza

65. And Morgan Freeman is nominated for his role as former South African president Nelson Mandela in the film "Invictus."

VOA : special.2010.03.01







2024云南高考各批次征集志愿填报时间 什么时候截止

2024云南高考各批次征集志愿填报时间 什么时候截止



北京第二外国语学院SQA申请难度 好考吗

北京第二外国语学院SQA申请难度 好考吗



2023金陵科技学院各省录取分数线是多少 投档最低分及位次

2023金陵科技学院各省录取分数线是多少 投档最低分及位次



2024湖北交通职业技术学院各省录取分数线是多少 附历年最低分

2024湖北交通职业技术学院各省录取分数线是多少 附历年最低分

