make a start是什么意思_make a start短语搭配_make a start权威例句

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make a start

网络 开始;发端

英 [meɪk ə stɑːt]play 美 [meɪk ə stɑːrt]play

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1. make a fresh start 另起炉灶 ; 作出一个新的开始 ; 重新开始 ; 改弦更张

2. make a start at 着手做

3. make a good start 有了良好的开 ; 开端好

4. you'll make a start 你将重新振作

5. make a new start 重新开始 ; 更新

6. would you make a start 请你先开个头

7. make a start on 开始从事 ; 着手做


1. If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start.


2. It is hard to make a start in Brazil, Canada or Germany, but the alternative might be watching TV in your parents' house for the next four years.


3. Let's make a start, I think all of us want to get back earlier.

让我们开始进入议程吧,我想大家都想早点回去。《provided by jukuu》

4. Douglas: All right, let's make a start. Can someone volunteer to take the minutes?


5. Would you make a start?


6. How about that? Okay? Let's make a start.


7. Anyhow, I have put in an application to the Royal Society for a grant of enough to make a start.


8. I'll make a start on the next pile of papers.

我要开始处理下一叠文件了。《provided by jukuu》

9. We're up for it, we want wins and successes, and we want to make a start on Monday.


10. The time has come for us to make a start.


11. Civil society make a start on ancient Greece, state politics practice and constitutional idea citizen is the important foundation of civil society.


12. That's incredible. Could you tell me what you did to make a start?


13. And surely there is no better place than berlin, the meeting place of East and west, to make a start.

柏林,这个东西方的接合处,是当然的最为合适的起点。《provided by jukuu》

14. If you wanted the moon, I would try to make a start, But I would rather you let me, Give my heart, "To Sir, With Love".


15. But you must make a start somewhere, and I'm convinced.

万事开头难,我敢肯定。《provided by jukuu》

16. The sooner we make a start the better.


17. OK, we'll have a careful look at the content of your case study in a minute, but I just want to make a general comment first, before you start writing your second draft.


18. Let's make a start.


19. They will also receive the needed stimulus to make a start.


20. A small team began to make the boat at the start of 2012 on the Roman Lawn outside Dover museum.


21. But the Rome meeting did make a start on the longest of long-term goals: a second green revolution.


22. Would you make a start?


23. We have waited a long time in the UK to see benefits from telecommunications infrastructure competition, and we were slow to make a start with broadband.


24. Walcott has since featured as a substitute against Manchester City and Porto, but is yet to make a start for the Gunners.


25. I don't know when we will be able to make a start because the whole project has gone back into the melting pot.


26. Let me make a start, anyhow.


27. I don't know when we will be able to make a start because the whole project has gone back into the melting pot.


28. We'll make a start soon.


29. Lucy: That's incredible! Could you tell me what you did to make a start?


30. Because of limited capacity, this article can only make a start.


31. I suppose you should make a start on cleaning the room.


32. We can go down to the prange's right now and make a start.


33. Pardon me, sir, I wonder if we could make a start.

对不起, 先生, 不知我们能否出发了.《互联网》

34. If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start.


35. We could make a start by being guided by people that understand the very root cause of our problems and have fresh, radical ideas as to their resolution.


36. To make a start, all that each one of you has to do is to design a business plan for a social business.


37. I suppose I had better make a start with the Christmas shopping.


38. They make a start by baking cakes to sell to passing trappers.


39. You can make a start on reversing that process.


40. Ah, I wonder whether we could make a start.


41. Now we'll get each group off to the right room, and make a start.


42. We need to make a start on preparing the brochure next week.

我们下星期得开始准备小册子了。《provided by jukuu》

43. This meeting can be the start of a patient society and at that meeting you might make a start in recruiting a committee.


44. I suppose we should make a start on cleaning this room.


45. Could you tell me what you did to make a start?


46. Now I'm going to make a start , here I go.


47. Naturally, Alan boycotted the development. Somehow Harry Huskey managed to scrape together enough equipment to make a start.


48. But the best and simplest advice is to make a start on any important task.


49. 'Now then,' said the Rat presently, 'we really must pull ourselves together and make a start for home while there's still a little light left.


50. Not your typical college dropout, Gonzalez quit school to make a start on his 30-year career in pharmaceuticals.


51. If we are to complete the job on time, you must decide here and now to make a start.

如果我们要准时完成任务的话,那么你们必须此刻就决定动手。《provided by jukuu》

52. Next month's summit, whatever it is called, might make a start.


53. I'll paint the ceiling if you make a start on the walls.


54. In the time of spring I passed your gate and tried to make a start.


55. When I travel I usually find it difficult to make a start;


56. I'll paint the ceiling if you make a start on the walls.


57. There was work to do, awaiting him in his room. He had better make a start on it now.


58. That will give John time to make a start on his assignment.


59. Every morning we would make a start after our bread and milk, and before sunset take shelter for the night in the next staging bungalow.


60. If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start, But I, would rather you let me give my heart, To Sir, with Love


61. What we can do now is to make a start on the correspondence.


62. We could make a start by being guided by people that understand the very root cause of our problems and have fresh, radical ideas as to their resolution.


63. We must make a start, and take our chance, I suppose.


64. This meeting can be the start of a patient society and at that meeting you might make a start in recruiting a committee.


65. Since exercise can reduce the risk of diseases, improve balance,help lose weight, better sleep habits and even make you confident, you can start a fitness program in the following steps.


66. We really must pull ourselves together and make a start for home while there's still a little light left.



1. Massa and teammate Fernando Alonso, who lost out on the 2012 drivers' title to Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel on the final day of the season, will be hoping to make a strong start to the 2013 campaign when the season begins in Australia in March.

CNN: Domenicali: Ferrari 'right' to retain Massa

2. And all of those long notes are coming on the downbeat so that's how we start to hear that as a downbeat and that's how we know to make our hand go down at that point so that's one way.

所有的长音都出现在重拍上,这就是我们怎么判断出重拍,如何判断出该什么时候把手往下摆的,所以那是一条途径聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. And that certainly wasn't true way back at the start of A, as the fertilized egg first begins to split and multiply, subdivide and make organs.

显然不是在A阶段这么早就开始的,当受精的卵子开始分裂繁殖,继续分裂,形成器官。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. Gloucester number eight Gareth Delve is also named in the squad and is hoping to make a fresh start to his Wales career.

BBC: Williams makes shock Wales return

5. While he wants the BBC to make a fresh start and look to the future, Lord Hall also knows that the reverberations from Savile will continue for a while longer and that there are lessons still to be learned, both cultural and managerial.

BBC: Tony Hall's challenges as BBC director general

6. That may give them just enough time to make a start on the problem, at least.

ECONOMIST: A new attempt to improve the lot of the Roma

7. This would make a start in tackling a problem he described as an "unexploded timebomb" and was part of efforts to rebuild the military covenant between the government and the armed forces regarding their welfare.

BBC: Liam Fox says future defence cuts are Labour's fault

8. It's going to make a lot more sense later on when we introduce mutation into our language, but I want you to start thinking of it that way.

这个功能在我们以后介绍突变的时候,会有更大的作用,但是我想要大家,现在就开始思考它。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

9. They could make a start by working out who is actually here.


10. He allowed four runs three earned on eight hits in four-plus innings on a day he was originally scheduled to make a rehabilitation start in the minors.

WSJ: Banged-up Yankees lose 8-4 to Tigers, fall to 1-4

11. The government has been lukewarm in backing him and lawmakers, already embarrassed by a parliamentary funding scandal, seem keen to make a new start.

BBC: NEWS | Americas | Brazil politician faces expulsion

12. Cambridge United recovered from close-season managerial turmoil to make a decent start to the new campaign and led Histon by eight points just four games ago.

BBC: Cambs rivals ready for derby game

13. Braves RHP Brandon Beachy (elbow surgery, June 2012) was scheduled to make a rehabilitation start for Triple-A Gwinnett on Friday night.

WSJ: Braves-Mets suspended, game to resume Saturday

14. After beginning last year's tournament with an embarrassing defeat by The Netherlands at Lord's, England are eager to make a positive start.

BBC: Anderson backs 'fearless' openers Kieswetter and Lumb

15. That, however, is enough to make a start.

ECONOMIST: The first complete DNA sequence of an animal is now in the bag

16. But the Rome meeting did make a start on the longest of long-term goals: a second green revolution.

ECONOMIST: The world food summit

17. Phil Hughes (0-1) allowed four runs three earned on eight hits in four-plus innings on a day he was originally scheduled to make a rehabilitation start in the minors.

WSJ: Tigers' Cabrera has 4 hits in 8-4 win over Yanks

18. "We have to start doing things that are going to make a difference to change this behavior, because I really don't want to hear about four thousand more kids dying next year."

VOA : special.2010.07.01

19. Let us mark this anniversary with our resolute support and solidarity, so that Somalia can make a new start.

UN: Secretary-General

20. Since then England have played just one friendly, a 2-1 win over Hungary, and they will be keen to make a fresh start when they return to competitive action in Friday's game against Bulgaria at Wembley.

BBC: Fabio Capello undaunted by England Euro 2012 pressure

21. As the two armies approach each other, I should make it clear, they start out walking at a certain clip.

当两支军队互相接近,我该说得详细一些,他们疾驰前进古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Andrew Strauss's side, seeking to make a strong start to their Ashes summer, were frustrated by an impressive 143-run stand between Brendan Nash and Denesh Ramdin, but Graeme Swann and Stuart Broad teamed up to dismiss the tourists for 256.

BBC: England seal emphatic Lord's win

23. Let's make a start now.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Balls seeks reading 'revolution'

24. How do we start to make a connection between what we hear and what things mean?

我们怎么能把我们听到的和它们的涵义,联系起来?现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. While it would make more sense to use this cash to make a start on the link between San Francisco and San Jose, the only part of the proposed route not plagued with political infighting is the sparsely populated Central Valley.

ECONOMIST: High-speed trains

26. Now Taylor is hoping it is the right moment for him and his bandmates to make a new start.

BBC: Queen plan new reign

27. "For seven months I have fulfilled my customers' orders and made them happy, " he says, adding that he's trying to make a fresh start.

FORBES: Magazine Article

28. But if they pass off reasonably smoothly, Albania may be able to make a start on catching up with some of its Balkan neighbours.


29. Mr Blunkett told his audience that, frankly, he had been wrong in trying to drive through important reforms too quickly and, rather than pick a fight, he wanted to make a fresh start in building trust.


30. Walcott, Bendtner, Tomas Rosicky, Denilson and Laurent Koscielny have all recently returned from injury and they helped the visitors make a blistering start against a Newcastle line-up chosen with Sunday's Tyne-Wear derby against Sunderland in mind.

BBC: Newcastle 0-4 Arsenal

31. Now he has begun to make a start on improving his life, learning French, and getting his first taste of the internet.


32. Bankruptcy is an opportunity for a company (or individual) to make a fresh start.

WSJ: Economists Have Abandoned Principle

33. It's really been a powerful tool in molecular biology because I might have a very small copy of a gene that I'm interested in and I can make enough copies that I can start to do something else with it.

这确实是分子生物学的一项利器,因为我可能只有,很少量的感兴趣的基因拷贝,而我可以马上制造出足够数量的复制品,能使我用作其他用途生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. City, the defending Premier League champions, will be looking to make a quick start to the season and the match will likely be great publicity for both clubs.

FORBES: Manchester United Scores $233 Million in IPO

35. It is there that Josey (Charlize Theron) comes to make a new start, bringing her two children from a bruised marriage.

NEWYORKER: North Country

36. If he is wise, he will make a quick start on reform: the high oil price since early 1999 has been a windfall for the economy, but prices are now falling.

ECONOMIST: What next, President Putin?

37. The home side had gone through three rounds to make it to the group stage for the first time in their history and the adrenalin of the occasion helped them make a promising start before reality kicked in.

BBC: MSK Zilina 1-4 Chelsea











It's a pleasure.是什么意思_It's a pleasure.短语搭配_It's a pleasure.权威例句

It's a pleasure.是什么意思_It's a pleasure.短语搭配_It's a pleasure.权威例句






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