exceptional circumstances翻译_exceptional circumstances短语搭配_exceptional circumstances权威例句

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exceptional circumstances


英 [ɪkˈsepʃənl ˈsɜːkəmstənsɪz]play 美 [ɪkˈsepʃənl ˈsɜrkəmˌstænsəz]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. under exceptional circumstances 特殊情况下

2. In exceptional circumstances 在特殊情况下

3. Exceptional Circumstances Relief Payment 补助金


1. I have never seen the video cable go bad, but I think that in exceptional circumstances it is possible.


2. It should, however, be noted that such a decision would only be taken in extreme or exceptional circumstances.


3. Tenders may also be considered in other exceptional circumstances if the procedures of the entity concerned so provide.


4. I reserve the right to alter the weighting somewhat in exceptional circumstances; usually this works to your advantage.


5. In case of exceptional circumstances , such as equipment maintenance, the museum will advance notice.

如果遇到设备检修等特殊情况, 博物馆会提前告示的.《互联网》

6. I reserve the right to alter the weighting somewhat in exceptional circumstances; usually this works to your advantage.


7. In such exceptional circumstances, a statement of the reasons why summarization is not possible must be provided.


8. Although our law allows, in exceptional circumstances can apply to technical detection measures, but has not made a clear detection measures on monitoring requirements.


9. Fees paid are not refundable, except under exceptional circumstances.


10. Changes to the team order during a group phase are not allowed except in exceptional circumstances.


11. In exceptional circumstances, such parties may indicate that such information is not susceptible of summary.

在特殊情况下, 此类利害关系方可表明此类信息无法摘要.《互联网》

12. Currently, only Japanese nationals, or resident foreigners and those with special exceptional circumstances, are allowed entry.


13. The time limit may be extended in exceptional circumstances.


14. Only in exceptional circumstances DFTT may allow Client to revoke or amend the relevant instruction or Order.


15. However I believe that, in exceptional circumstances, the violation of property rights or moral damage compensation should apply.


16. Only in the most exceptional circumstances is the lifespan of a patent extended to alter this normal process of events.


17. Capital punishment is allowable only under exceptional circumstances.


18. The policy paralysis of the depression came from the exceptional circumstances of a big and sustained panic.


19. I have never seen the video cable go bad, but I think that in exceptional circumstances, it is possible.


20. If a Respondent does not submit a response, the Panel shall, in absence of exceptional circumstances, decide the dispute based upon the complaint.


21. Only in the most exceptional circumstances is the lifespan of a patent extended to alter this normal process of events.


22. Redbridge Council's cabinet agreed Tuesday night to a ban on placing children with foster carers who smoke unless there are exceptional circumstances.


23. In contrast, confinement or imprisonment is regarded as a measure to be applied only in exceptional circumstances.


24. We will only extend the deadline in exceptional circumstances.

日为最终期限,很少有延长情况。《provided by jukuu》

25. This deadline will be extended only in exceptional circumstances.


26. The Archbishop stressed that only in exceptional circumstances would divorcees be allowed to become priests.

大主教强调说,只有在极特别的情况下,才会允许离了婚的人成为牧师。《provided by jukuu》

27. Google India spokeswoman Paroma Roy Chowdhury said Google does provide user content to law enforcement agencies, but only in exceptional circumstances.

Google印度发言人Paroma Roy Chowdhury说Google确实会给执法组织提供用户内容,但是只在少数例外的情况下。

28. Not play under normal circumstances. However, in exceptional circumstances is not a bad idea.

一般情况下不要打. 但在特殊情况下也未尝不可.《互联网》

29. This deadline will be extended only in exceptional circumstances.


30. There are exceptional circumstances to be taken into account.


31. Waivers. Waivers or exceptions to the Code may only be granted in advance and only under exceptional circumstances.


32. In exceptional circumstances, the Chambers may extend this time-limit;


33. In exceptional circumstances, such parties may indicate that such information is not susceptible of summary.


34. The fair management reserves the right to change the venue and duration of the fair if exceptional circumstances demand.


35. I have never seen the video cable go bad, but I think that in exceptional circumstances it is possible.


36. A Discussion of the Exceptional Circumstances about the Recent Short Levelling Observation at Suqian Seismic Station


37. Existing contingency plans and systems have played an irreplaceable role in exceptional circumstances.


38. Even a permanent system would be used only in exceptional circumstances.


39. Fees paid are not refundable, except under exceptional circumstances.


40. There are exceptional circumstances to be taken into account.


41. However in exceptional circumstances and in discussion with school management, our accommodation managers will help students to make alternative arrangements.

但是特殊情况下还有和学校管理人员讨论过后,我们的注宿经理会帮助学生作其他安排。《provided by jukuu》

42. Only under exceptional circumstances could the minority shareholder sue to redress the wrong done to the company.


43. Bacteria behave similarly, but in exceptional circumstances, they may multiply in polluted water.


44. Hiddink believes the Liverpool game was exceptional circumstances and is confident his players have learnt from the recent deluge of goals at Stamford Bridge.


45. In such exceptional circumstances, a statement of the reasons why summarization is not possible must be provided.


46. However, the period can be extended "in exceptional circumstances".


47. Only in exceptional circumstances Dandy may allow Client to revoke or amend the relevant instruction or Order.


48. They are even more necessary when our economies are coping with exceptional circumstances.


49. She will have to endure my exceptional circumstances.


50. However, in exceptional circumstances, the education will be a departure from normal development patterns become blocked, undermine social development and progress factors.


51. Strong airflow: extra high airflow capacity to satisfy the requirements of installation in exceptional circumstances.


52. All fees paid are not refundable except as statutorily provided or under very exceptional circumstances.


53. School governors have the discretion to allow parents to withdraw pupils in exceptional circumstances.


54. Damages, generally in accordance with the time of the loss of market price calculation, other means can be used in exceptional circumstances.


55. Financial assistance may be made available in exceptional circumstances.

在特殊情况下可以得到财政援助。《provided by jukuu》

56. He also said that forced transfers of staff, which critics say demoralized workers, would be applied only in exceptional circumstances.


57. Maximum deferral is 3 semester or 12 months, except in exceptional circumstances.


58. Chapter 4 analyzes. the exceptional circumstances of the public judicature.


59. In exceptional circumstances, it can also be manually controlled.


60. They may also telecommute in exceptional circumstances.


61. Tenders may also be considered in other exceptional circumstances if the procedures of the entity concerned so provide.


62. Capital punishment is allowable only under exceptional circumstances.


63. I do not recommend this trick except in exceptional circumstances: It is slow and there is no easy way to know how many elements are "enough".


64. The time limit may be extended in exceptional circumstances.


65. A review panel concluded that there were no exceptional circumstances that would warrant a lesser penalty for him.



1. Pfizer Ltd, manufacturers of the drug, attacked a health service circular issued last September advising doctors not to prescribe Viagra, unless in exceptional circumstances.

BBC: Viagra 'limited to cut cost'

2. Although as judges we strive to honor all of these principles, there are times when exceptional circumstances create an irreconcilable conflict between them.

FORBES: 9th Circuit Shuts The Door On CIA Torture Cases

3. If there is to be more co-hosting, it would only be in exceptional circumstances and there will only be one organising committee.

BBC: Odegbami rejects Fifa criticism

4. Under European Union rules, EU governments are forbidden from subsidising struggling companies that could give them an unfair advantage over rivals except under exceptional circumstances.

BBC: EU presses Italy on Alitalia loan

5. Raising limits can also have unforeseen consequences: boundaries set for exceptional circumstances can quickly become routine instead, as many fear would happen with 42-day detention.


6. Approval was given after the government agreed "exceptional circumstances" warranted use of the surrounding land.

BBC: Twyford Orchards Gypsy site will be expanded

7. Mr McAskill responded that these were exceptional circumstances and that the request had come from a government, rather than an individual prisoner.

BBC: Scottish Affairs Committee

8. Following an Information Commissioner ruling senior managers are required to disclose their salary and pension details unless there are exceptional circumstances.

BBC: ?16m to compensate health staff

9. At an appeal hearing, Ms Spall argued Mr Crabb's case had exceptional circumstances.

BBC: Cancer patient wins drugs battle

10. Professor MACDUFFIE: My view on that is partly due to the exceptional circumstances and the unknown depths of the financial crisis.

NPR: What Can Automakers Do To Win Bailout?

11. But Labour argues that the regulations "mandate market tendering on the medical profession in all but the most exceptional circumstances".

BBC: Doctors and nurses

12. The Department of Health has issued a temporary block on the prescription of Viagra on the NHS, saying it should only be prescribed in exceptional circumstances.

BBC: News | Health | Viagra: a great British invention

13. "It's if they can get a business plan together almost immediately and if there are exceptional circumstances - it's not going to happen, " he said.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | School protest break-in ends

14. In the last year only three executives, all in the Northern Board, used the exceptional circumstances clause to withhold the details.

BBC: ?16m to compensate health staff

15. He said there were guidelines for exceptional circumstances where a caution was appropriate even for a serious offence, such as the mental health or the age of the offender.

BBC: Police cautions under review, says Ministry of Justice

16. Routine cases should be heard within custody time limits except in "highly exceptional circumstances", they said.

BBC: Jailed man to get damages for Coventry Crown Court error

17. He said Parliament had decided that certain firearms offences should carry a mandatory, five-year minimum term unless there were exceptional circumstances.

BBC: Robert Downes jailed over disguised stun guns

18. This permits abortion in exceptional circumstances, such as where a woman's life is in danger.

BBC: Sinn Fein oppose proposed amendment to NI's abortion law

19. The shares to be issued to Intel, TSMC and Samsung will be non-voting except in exceptional circumstances.

ENGADGET: Acronym-loving Samsung joins Intel and TSMC, buys stake in ASML

20. He said pregnant women should only be held at the centre under exceptional circumstances and changes were needed despite recent improvements.

BBC: Yarl's Wood: 'Too many pregnant women held'

21. Only in exceptional circumstances - such as national awards - should a school publish a photograph of an individual pupil.

BBC: The Payne family

22. Chris France, of the North York Moors National Park Authority, said government policy was to refuse planning permission unless there were "truly exceptional circumstances".

BBC: Consultation starts on North York Moors mine plan

23. If passed, the amendment would restrict abortion to be carried out only in NHS premises in exceptional circumstances.

BBC: Tyrone GAA manager Mickey Harte in abortion appeal to MLAs

24. The tabular structure of early web pages (now outlawed in all but exceptional circumstances, like HTML email design) forced designers to internalize fairly rigid grid principles.

FORBES: Microsoft's Site Redesign Will Introduce Mainstream Business To The Responsive Web

25. The judge said the club was trading insolvently and granted the extension because of exceptional circumstances.

BBC: Court gives Sheffield Wednesday time to clear tax bill

26. The authority's executive board has agreed it should cover his legal costs citing the "exceptional circumstances" involved.

BBC: Mark James and Jacqui Thompson

27. The council does have the power to compulsory purchase an empty home "in exceptional circumstances" but as yet this has not happened.

BBC: Cornwall Council tackles empty homes crisis

28. Mr Brown has urged farmers not to delay the culls by appealing against the slaughter orders, except in "exceptional circumstances".

BBC: Farm disease hits Easter bookings

29. It is reviewing the case on Thursday, but says only "exceptional circumstances" would cause a rethink.

BBC: Oxford University Port Meadow development reviewed

30. Councillor Bert Biscoe said 56 facilities where "exceptional circumstances" had been identified would remain under the control of Cornwall Council.

BBC: Public toilets, Cornwall

















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