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  • n. 生活方式

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lifestyle /ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl/

  • 1.
    有变体名词 The lifestyle of a particular person or group of people is the living conditions, behaviour, and habits that are typical of them or are chosen by them. 生活方式

    They enjoyed an income and lifestyle that many people would envy.


  • 2.
    形容词 Lifestyle magazines, television programmes, and products are aimed at people who wish to be associated with glamorous and successful lifestyles. 关于时尚生活的 (杂志、电视节目、产品等)

    This year people are going for luxury and buying lifestyle products.


  • 3.
    形容词 Lifestyle drugs are drugs that are intended to improve people's quality of life rather than to treat particular medical disorders. 保健的

    "I see anti-depressants as a lifestyle drug," says Dr. Charlton.




1. Life Style Store 生活形态提案店 ; 生活型态提案店 ; 生活形态店 ; 以生活型态提案商店

2. Well-Being Life Style 绿色生活方式 ; 生活方式 ; 幸福生活风格 ; 绿色生活方法

3. Life style intervention 生活方式干预

4. Abundance Is a Life Style 富足的生活方式 ; 富足是一种生活方式 ; 富足的生活

5. Expo Life Style 尚品生活展

6. New Life Style 新的生活方式 ; 新的生活式样 ; 新生活方式

7. life style & Icon ZZVE矢量素材

8. Absolut Life Style 方式 ; 提倡简单

9. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式

10. life style disease 生活方式疾病


1. Function of life-style in promotion of brand value


2. The first life style influenced all the life of our generation.


3. Getting married often means a sudden change in life-style.


4. The new information system will greatly change the life-style of people.


5. Getting married often means a sudden change in life - style.


6. Primary Analysis on a New Model of Life-style for Old People& "Migrant" Tourism


7. Thus is the first life style.


8. During follow-up period, two groups adhered to life-style intervention and withdrawed drug.


9. The hermit followed an ascetic life-style.


10. We are looking forward to a cleaner and better environment by changing our life style.


11. Can you adapt your way of thinking to the new life-style?


12. Unfortunately, there are still many people spending much money on fast food, with anidea that they are enjoying themselves in a new life style.


13. The history of human development is also a way of evolution about life-style.


14. This may be the second life style.


15. Leeson and his wife Lisa never really seemed to fit into the affluent, neo-colonial life-style of Singapore or into the city's multiethnic society.


16. Germany is always consistent and unchanged life style and style.


17. I like the Chinese life style. It is very interesting.


18. Evaluation on the effects of life-style intervention in preventing insulin resistance


19. Practicing economy is a life - style or rather a spirit.


20. Study on Health Factors in the Rural Residents' Life-style in XiangXi Miao Nationality Region


21. This paper classifies the open space according to some different theories after a lot of analysis of life-style shopping center.


22. Bianca : Me too. But we should try to lead a healthier life style.

我也是, 但我们应该尝试健康一点的生活方式.《互联网》

23. Research of "80 Queens" Consumption Behavior Characteristic Based on Life-style


24. Eventually, however, his bizarre life-style and personal notoriety eclipsed his talent and his numerous achievements.


25. The hermit followed an ascetic life - style.


26. The effect of life-style and psychological resources on work ability of commercial population working in market


27. Garden is not only an art form but also a life style.


28. Regardless of your age, you can make a number of important changes in your current life style that will help you feel better physically and mentally.


29. Commuting life-style is one of the fundamental characters of suburbanization.


30. But for anyone else who wants to live middle class life style with good long term benefits look scary.


31. Life was now drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas.


32. It is a unique life-style, a unique and distinctive place to live.


33. The life-style of leading carders forms a great part in the construction of the Party style.


34. Due to poor life-style and stress our energy gets depleted, and work efficiency decreases.


35. It is, after all, charged with observing life-style trends and reflecting them back at us in some concrete form.


36. An Experimental Study on the Life-style of the White-collar in Urban China


37. The American life style doesn't fit me very well and it is not possible to really become a member of this society.


38. For reasons that are still under study, cholesterol levels are influenced by a number of life-style factors.


39. Bring them back to home you will start a new life style.


40. So I always think that what life style should we to pursue, when we get satisfaction in matter life.


41. Effect of life-style intervention on recovery of metabolic syndrome


42. Susan's idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style.


43. The leading cadres'fine life-style relates to the cause of the Party success or failure.


44. You may feel it queer and unimaginable, but they never think themselves paradox and argue that it's a kind of life style.


45. The family's life-style is comfortable, conventional, squarely middle class.


46. The medical advice was take antacids and modify your life style.


47. Practicing economy is a life-style, or rather a spirit.

节约是一种生活方式,更是一种精神品质。《provided by jukuu》

48. We advocate such a life-style whether residential or commercial& residential.


49. The life-style has been influenced by Western values.


50. An aristocratic name, family, bearing, life-style.

贵族的名字、家庭、仪态、生活方式。《provided by jukuu》

51. We advocate such a life - style whether residential or commercial & residential.

无论我们做住宅、 商住 两用房,都倡导这样的生活方式.《互联网》

52. Susan's idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style.


53. She had come to enjoy Roberto's luxurious life-style.


54. Needless to say, I'm not sure that I want to change my life-style.


55. These are different sorts of life style, and the product's gonna look different for those people, right?


56. In spite of all these differences, evidence shows that recent life style changes may be affecting French eating habits.


57. The importance of these varies according to the nature of one's job and one's life-style.


58. Study on the constitute factors of life-style among residents in Shandong province


59. He belongs to the county set , ie people having this life - style .

他属于郡中 豪绅 阶层.《辞典例句》

60. The Relationship between Life-style, Psychological Resources and Self-evaluated Stress in Government Functionaries


61. Home-office furniture is the result of social development, adapts to the new job and life-style.


62. She also began moving toward a different life-style.


63. But right one kind of background right demanded by life-style and personal expectation, is not institution right.


64. A healthy life style can help prevent diabetes.


65. The intemperate life style is the patient population sharp increase primary factor.


66. I like the Chinese life style, it is very interesting.


67. International diabetes: So the early intervention includes metformin besides life style change?

国际糖尿病》: 所以除了生活方式改变以外二甲双胍治疗也应该作为早期干预的手段?《互联网》

68. Sedentary life-style: lack of physical activity can reduce gut motility.

缺乏运动:平日少做运动,令肠道活动减慢。《provided by jukuu》

69. The life style happen chain reaction, follow the change affecting all factors.

原有的生活方式发生了链条反映, 牵动了所有的因素跟着变化.《互联网》


1. Beijing simply has more people who can appreciate the "web life-style, " as Gates calls it.


2. Deprogram females out and away from their fluffy pink rose life style, (most to all woman been brain-washed into mental states of lacking by society), afterwards can murder kill men with extreme prejudice entirely lacking any compunction, is heavenly beautiful.

FORBES: Why The Best Spies in Mossad And The CIA Are Women

3. Though her own preference is for simple food like cottage pie, her life-style remains grand.

BBC: Daily life of the Queen Mother

4. Some start their businesses in order to achieve a certain sustainable life-style others build companies in hopes of an acquisition or IPO and some people just want to make a difference in the world.

FORBES: Building an EdTech Business

5. As celebrity weeklies are forced to compete with a growing number of entertainment shows and tabloid-style blogs to chronicle the minutia of celebrity life, the price tags associated with these types of private moments have skyrocketed.

FORBES: The Most Expensive Celebrity Baby Photos

6. All of which points to the vital importance in politics and in all walks of life of an assertive but positive style to express a clear and well-defined substance.

FORBES: Pawlenty Drops Out

7. Warwick Davis had the satirical idea for HBO's "Life's Too Short, " a deadpan, "The Office"-style faux-documentary series.

WSJ: Little People Wait for 'Mirror Mirror' and 'Snow White and the Huntsman'

8. The opulent life style and fabulous haute-couture fashions of the great designer Valentino are presented in all their splendor in this documentary by Matt Tyrnauer.

NEWYORKER: Valentino: The Last Emperor

9. The Sages moved home, adopting a less eccentric style of life in a new, easy-to-clean, open-plan council house.

ECONOMIST: Literary memoirs

10. He leaves a thirteen year old government that provided Chavez with enough time to purge members of the military and fill the army with loyal officers, many of whom live in luxurious homes and enjoy a life-style not easy to give up.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Future of Venezuela: Chavismo Without Chavez

11. The 10th annual " Best of the Best" list from the Robb Report, a luxury life-style monthly published in the U.S., designates the Peninsula as the world's best hotel for 1998.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch

12. But even if she is known for her out-of-the-box style, she sees it as a very minimal aspect of her life.

WSJ: A Day With Iris Apfel

13. The murals depict playful, larger-than-life cartoons in the surreal and imaginative style that the artists are known for in their native Sao Paulo.

BBC: See this crazy castle before the summer of 2015

14. But anyone invited in to his Tudor-style mansion quickly learns that nothing about his life is normal.

FORBES: Digital Dream House

15. The 2006 document claimed people were "entitled to a private life" without "Big Brother-style" intrusion.

BBC: Tommy Sheridan's SSP colleagues accused of jealousy

16. During two years at the helm of KDD, he has taken the initiative to ensure that the most advanced life-style changing smart phone and tablet products and services have been available in Japan.

FORBES: The 100 Most Influential People for Japan (2)

17. But Twitter is, in the end, a networking tool and a news digest, not a life-style ideal by which people set their professional, financial, and romantic compasses.

NEWYORKER: Semi-Charmed Life

18. In recent years these in turn have lost out in popularity to an upsurge of privately financed religious and life-style channels, many promoting Salafism, the puritan form of Islam that is dominant in Saudi Arabia but which has long been disliked by most other Muslims as extreme.

ECONOMIST: The authorities want to control the airwavesif they can

19. Now for the first time, these groups are focusing on the behaviour of foreign companies seeking to list on American stock exchanges--a process that looks set to make life a lot harder for old-style Chinese companies emerging from the state sector.


20. The Coopermans have chosen an emphatically low-key life style, but when they went to visit a grandchild in Vermont one summer weekend they flew in a private plane.

NEWYORKER: Super-Rich Irony

21. At that point she becomes an obsessive organizer of the search, and a compulsive scourge of anyone who threatens to stand in her way. (One fatuous Pakistani functionary insists that the abduction is an Indian plot.) Given Angelina Jolie's celebrity, the obvious danger in such a take-no-prisoners style of acting was imposing herself on the real-life story, but that hasn't happened.

WSJ: Film Review

22. And it brings to life a rich cartoon-style world of politics and deep fighting mechanics, offering a gameplay experience that can be played by veteran voters, and first-timers, alike.

CNN: It's Obama vs. Romney in new mobile game

23. The Internet in China doesn't offer much today for the more conservative life-style of the common folk.


24. One notable detour for the theme came in 2001, when the producers used an 80s-style remixed version for a special programme about the life and times of Jeffrey Archer.

BBC: Panorama's theme tune

25. They have also managed to sit in on a dinner party with Uday and Qusay Hussein, the president's odious sons, and piece together the life-style of his inner circle with fascinating detail.

ECONOMIST: Lessons from Iraq

26. Now I realized that what I thought had been an expression of my innermost humanity was nothing but a cloud of life-style signals, available to anyone at the click of a mouse.

NEWYORKER: Raj, Bohemian

27. We can bring the best of our normal products, our life-style products, and make them affordable and available because of our scale, but then we bring you nutrition credentials as well.

NEWYORKER: Snacks for a Fat Planet

28. The Mobile Dock adds serious value and usability to the Vivo Tab, transforming it into a netbook-style productivity device complete with USB port and 7 additional hours of battery life.

FORBES: First Impressions: ASUS Vivo Tab RT

29. Presumably the investigation into the Boston terror attack will include inquiry into not only the immediate circumstances of the crimes but also who funded Tamerlan Tsarnaev's months-long sojourn abroad in 2012 and his comfortable life style.

WSJ: Michael Mukasey: Make No Mistake, It Was Jihad

30. The question is, if China adapted Western-style democracy overnight, would it improve the quality of life for everyone or lead to anarchy?

CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek | Letters & Comment



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