annual budget翻译_annual budget短语搭配_annual budget权威例句

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annual budget

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  • 年度预算:指一个组织、公司或个人在一年内计划和分配的财务资源。

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Prepares The Annual Budget 准备年度预算

2. annual budget balance 年度预算平衡

3. Annual Budget Funding Amount 年度预算份额

4. Preparation of annual budget 年度预算的编制

5. Preparation of the annual budget 年度预算的编制

6. an annual budget 家庭收支预算

7. Estimate Annual Budget 拟订年度预算

8. The Annual Budget 年度预算

9. annual budget appropriation 年度预算拨款


1. During the annual budget negotiations they take their revenge.


2. India, whose space programme has an annual budget of one billion dollars — less than a tenth of NASA's.


3. The annual budget estimate shall be subject to approval by the General Council.


4. Participate in annual budget process and forecasting.


5. But they only succeeded in taking away about half the annual budget.


6. The state governments and the federal government will make an annual budget at the beginning of a financial year.


7. This month China's annual budget called for another big increase (of nearly 18%) in military spending.


8. The annual budget for the city of Zurich is$ 3.1 billion.


9. With Washington's annual budget deficit as huge as it is, the money can only come from the printing press.


10. It was nearly one and a half times the parish's entire annual budget.


11. The annual lunch auction is a huge revenue-generator at Glide, which operates on an annual budget of 17 million dollars.


12. E . Draw out annual work plan and annual budget for industrial board of trade.


13. It is no doubt that we will achieve sales of the annual budget.


14. Regarding the annual budget, the accounting department will give us a full report.

有关年度预算的部分, 会计部门会给我们完整的报告.《互联网》

15. What is your annual budget for clothing?


16. Princeton's endowment provided close to 50 per cent of its annual budget.


17. Assists the outlet Manager to achieve the monthly and annual Budget target and the outlet's revenue.


18. He sees big differences: his institution’s annual budget, at $1m, is not Google-sized; and it makes no profit.


19. But the annual budget is rising by only 1-2%.


20. Government submitted the annual budget to congress.

政府向国会宣布年度预算报告。《provided by jukuu》

21. In 2015, the US Forest Service for the first time spent more than half of its $5.5 billion annual budget fighting fires—nearly double the percentage it spent on such efforts 20 years ago.


22. Assist Audit Director in preparation of annual budget.


23. They only succeeded in taking away about half the annual budget.


24. Supply supporting information for the annual budget.


25. Organize and coordinate the annual budget of Domestic Marketing, including the mainland territory and Branch Company.


26. Implement the annual budget and forecast and mtp.

完成德国年度预算,季度预测修正和中期计划。《provided by jukuu》

27. Whoever gets the job will be responsible for the annual budget.

得到这份工作的人要负责年度预算。《provided by jukuu》

28. To plan, prepare and present the Engineering Departments annual budget.


29. Perform annual budget related to long term planning, material purchasing planning and inventory planning, and execute LTP in SAP.


30. Establishment of a Medical Group Linked by Annual Budget of Medical Insurance in order to Improve the Efficiency of Regional Health Resource Integration


31. Assist Audit Director in preparation of annual budget.


32. Even then, the Buffett tax would reduce the annual budget deficit by less than 2 per cent.


33. The annual budget for the city of Zurich is $ 3.1 billion.


34. During the annual budget negotiations they take their revenge.


35. Prepare annual budget and forecasts and monthly and annual consolidated reports for management's review.


36. Our university's annual budget mainly comes from Maryland's deep pockets.


37. The annual budget needs simply to pass the lower house. But all sorts of supplementary bills need upper-house approval.


38. The annual budget compiled by each responsible authority or each township office.


39. That campaign is doing extremely well, and in the foreseeable future it will continue to absorb the major part of our annual budget.


40. The president of our university has given us two reasons: annual budget cut and faculty retrenchment.

大学校长给我们两点理由:年度 预算的紧缩以及教师的削减.《互联网》

41. Just to keep up America's existing combat units, he notes, costs 2-3% more each year. But the annual budget is rising by only 1-2%.

他指出,光是维持美国现有的作战单位,每年都会比前一年多花费2% - 3%,而每年预算的增长率却仅为1% - 2%。

42. The president submitted the annual budget to congress.


43. An annual budget of$ 80,000,000 could be saved.


44. Annual budget including capital expenditure.


45. Not to obtain the annual budget of the sub project this year is not formally approved.


46. The city council will discuss the annual budget next week.


47. The bad manager expended the company's annual budget in one month.


48. Assist in developing annual budget and rolling forecast.


49. The city council will discuss the annual budget next week.


50. Instead, BRAC's social enterprises generate 80 percent of the organization's annual budget.


51. Under certain circumstances [ such as large capital expenditures and the annual budget] we needed their approval.


52. Participate in the preparation of the hotel's annual budget and the setting of departmental goals.


53. 5The Council approves the annual budget, presented by the finance and administration committee.

理事会审批由财务和行政委员会提交的年度预算。《provided by jukuu》

54. Those ministers are busy planning the annual budget.


55. Annual budget preparation, rolling and forecast; analyzing the difference between the current and latest budget.

年度预算准备、旋转和预测,分析当前预算与前期预算的区别。《provided by jukuu》

56. For instance, the amount of funds given to the Bright China foundation is based on the foundation's strategies and annual budget every year.


57. A project with an annual budget of five million dollars.

一个年拨款为五百美元的项目。《provided by jukuu》

58. The Office organigram is regularly included for the Committee's information within the annual budget proposal.


59. That leaves a deficit in the annual budget.


60. Annual budget preparation and rolling forecast providing.


61. Achieves the monthly and annual budget target for Revenue and Covers.


62. Tell me how you go about creating an annual budget.

请谈谈您是如何编制年度预算的?《provided by jukuu》

63. The national defense expenditure always takes the lion's share of the annual budget.


64. Our university's annual budget mainly comes from Maryland's deep pockets.


65. Plan and develop the annual budget of admin Dept.

制定并发展,执行本部门的年度工作预算。《provided by jukuu》

66. By comparison, the United Nations Development Programme's annual budget for Somalia is$ 14m.


67. Propose annual budget and the accounting of income and expenditure.


68. In his annual budget the Chancellor announced a rise in income tax.


69. The annual budget for the websites of the ( state - owned ) BBC was recently raised to & pound ; 145 m ( $ 220 m ).

每年,像BBC这样的政府有支撑的网站盈利额达到1.45亿 英镑 ( 即2.2亿美元 ).《互联网》

70. No meaningful legislation, apart from an annual budget, has been passed for several years.



1. Moray Council said it was facing an "unprecedented" cut in its annual budget.

BBC: Author Tony Black calls for Moray libraries re-think

2. The combined group would have accounted for a quarter of the Pentagon's annual budget.

ECONOMIST: Cross-currents

3. That is especially so for Islamabad, whose military expenditures soak up 26% of the annual budget.


4. Lacking legislation, the White House assigns these amorphous units in its annual budget.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: The Sequester Revelation

5. It wants the monarchy to be subject to an annual budget, just like government departments.

BBC: Royal funding changes become law

6. Economists and political analysts say the annual budget might entrench the return to socialism declared by President Mugabe two weeks ago.

BBC: Zimbabwe's gloomy budget prediction

7. Standard good practice is to spend 3% of an annual budget on training, she says.

WSJ: Fine-Tuning the Perfect Employee

8. The SDLP's Declan O'Loan said there should have been a whole new annual budget and a committee established to oversee it.

BBC: Northern Ireland Assembly

9. The executive would have to compensate the Treasury for any tax reduction by handing back a portion of its annual budget.

BBC: Corporation tax decision 'deeply disappointing'

10. MPs have called on the Treasury to re-establish the importance of a single annual Budget.

BBC: Red Budget briefcase

11. To do that you both need to sit down and come up with an annual budget.

BBC: Fergus Muirhead

12. The Labour-run authority made the decision as part of its annual budget proposals.

BBC: Leeds council approves plans to end free off-peak parking

13. Most developed countries now hold record levels of sovereign (government) debt, while record annual budget deficits add to the debt.

FORBES: From Great Recovery To Great Austerity

14. It said the department had a tendency to revise up each annual budget as the year progressed.

BBC: Watchdog refuses to sign off 'problematic' MoD accounts

15. Overseas aid is said to account for about half of Cambodia's annual budget.

CNN: Cambodian strongman lashes out at Asian trade group

16. Brown said jury sequestration, huge witness costs and 24-hour security easily exceeded his annual budget tenfold.

CNN: Mother of slain student pleads for hate crimes bill

17. Although he remains a popular leader he has been unable to agree the annual budget with his coalition partners.

BBC: Middle East

18. Only one trust, the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, failed to break-even its annual budget.

BBC: ?16m to compensate health staff

19. Mr. Obama's annual budget proposals have called for limiting, or getting rid of, such discounts to family members until now.

WSJ: Family Value: New Hazards for Estate Plans

20. The president-elect's annual budget request is due to Congress in early February.

FORBES: Magazine Article

21. Its circulation is just 2, 500, and its annual budget is almost enough to buy a studio apartment on the Upper West Side.

WSJ: Culture City: The Quarterly Wins the Race

22. The London Assembly does little more than vote on the mayor's annual budget a pygmy next to the mighty New York City Council.

ECONOMIST: The contest to run Europe's biggest city is taking shape

23. Some member states are inclining towards an annual budget as a way of sidelining Britain.

BBC: Europe fighting over money

24. The Blues are hardly paupers but their annual budget is dwarfed by the resources poured into Toulon by owner Mourad Boudjellal.

BBC: Home-spun wisdom seals Cardiff Blues' European glory

25. Malawi has traditionally relied on donor support for about 40% of its annual budget.

FORBES: U.K. Stops Budgetary Aid To Malawi

26. Their annual budget deficit should be below 3% of their gross domestic product (GDP - the total output of their economy).

BBC: EMU fast facts

27. The railway budget came two days ahead of the annual budget, which is widely expected to be an austere one.

BBC: India announces more new trains in railway budget

28. The organization now has a staff of twenty-five and an annual budget of four million dollars.

NEWYORKER: Greening the Ghetto

29. And for some Sarbanes-Oxley remains an expensive line item in the annual budget, even after many years of experience and refinement.

FORBES: The State of Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance According To Protiviti

30. Every six years or so, the EU has a big political fight about the size and structure of its next multi-annual budget.

BBC: EU struggles to reach budget agreement



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