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英 [ɔːˈtɒnəməs]play美 [ɔːˈtɑːnəməs]play

  • adj. 自治的,有自治权的;自主的,有自主权的;自动的

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autonomous /ɔːˈtɒnəməs/

  • 1.
    形容词 An autonomous country, organization, or group governs or controls itself rather than being controlled by anyone else. 自治的

    They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.


  • 2.
    形容词 An autonomous person makes their own decisions rather than being influenced by someone else. 独立自主的

    He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about issues.






independent autonomous 【导航词义:独立的】

independent adj. 独立的,自立的

〔辨析〕 指国家独立自主、不受其他国家管理或控制的,也可指人有主见而不依赖他人的。

例1: That country didn't become independent until 1947.


例2: Susan is an independent young woman.


autonomous adj. 自治的

〔辨析〕 指国家、地区或组织享有自治权的。

例1: How many autonomous regions does China have?


例2: Does the state have an autonomous government?



1. autonomous operation 独立作战;自仲作

2. Autonomous County 自治县

3. autonomous region 自治区

4. autonomous system 自治系统;独立系统

5. Eshan Yi Autonomous County 峨山彝族自治县

6. Autonomous Prefecture 自治州 ; 民族自治州

7. Dahua Yao Autonomous County 大化瑶族自治县

8. Yanqi Hui Autonomous County 焉耆回族自治县

9. autonomous county 自治县

10. Nenets Autonomous Okrug 涅涅茨自治区

11. Bama Yao Autonomous County 巴马瑶族自治县

12. autonomous prefecture 自治州


1. Theoretically the corporative bodies should be autonomous.


2. The full name of Xinjiang is Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region.


3. With the unceasing increase of Nationalism, the autonomous government was found in 1959.

随着民族主义情绪的不断增长, 自治政府在1959年成立.《期刊摘选》

4. Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.


5. That is one intervention about every 8,047 km of autonomous driving.


6. This month, Germany's transport minister, Alexander Dobrindt, proposed the first set of rules for autonomous vehicles .

本月,德国交通部长亚历山大·多布林特(Alexander Dobrindt)提出了第一套自动驾驶车辆规则。《高考真题- 2017 天津 阅读C》

7. This also is the goal of article discusses the penalty and the meaning autonomous relations.


8. This of course was not an autonomous development of forest science.


9. Five is in the community other autonomous organization must obey committee the instruction and the coordination.


10. This is a matter that comes within the jurisdiction of the autonomous region.


11. The democratic election is both the most important symbol and the foundation of the villagers autonomous.


12. Schools and other institutions of education shall coordinate with grassroots autonomous organizations of a mass character, enterprises, institutions and public organizations to strengthen after-school education for minors.


13. The company has established a comprehensive distribution network in more than thirty provinces and autonomous regions.


14. A working, autonomous, evolving, molecular system would be an incredibly powerful tool.

一个有效的 、 自发的 、 进化的分子系统将会是一个具有难以置信能力的工具.《期刊摘选》

15. This month, the transport minister proposed the first set of rules for autonomous vehicles.


16. It's an autonomous underwater vehicle!


17. She lives in Naduo village of Yanshan county in Wenshan autonomous prefecture.


18. This island is a colony; however, in most matters, it is autonomous and receives no orders from the mother country.


19. In a national autonomous area, the organ exercising autonomy may decide to use at the same time the language of the minority nationality concerned or to choose one of the languages commonly used in the area, depending on the specific local condition.


20. Autonomous underwater vehicle ( AUV ) is a very useful tool in exploring and utilizing resources in oceans.

自主式水下机器人 ( AUV ) 系统是未来海洋探测和开发,以及完成各种水下智能作业任务的重要工具.《期刊摘选》

21. She had a miraculous quality of touch, a seemingly autonomous left hand; no artist in her generation could clarify with such deftness the polyphonic writing of the Baroque masters.


22. The solution to the ethical issues brought by autonomous vehicles is still beyond our capacity.


23. Article 25 The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall report the implementations of their annual plans for the use of land to the people's congresses at the same level as part of the implementation of their economic and social development plans.


24. Linxia Autonomous Prefecture, the capital city is located, is a statewide political, economic and cultural center.

临夏市是自治州首府所在地, 是全州政治 、 经济、文化中心.《期刊摘选》

25. The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish their local standards for the discharge of pollutants for items not specified in the national standards;


26. Target assigning is an important problem for autonomous control and management of cooperative UAVs.


27. Autonomous Activities& An Interpretation of Freedom Based on the Survival Theory


28. He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about issues.


29. Neither the human imitative instinct nor a penchant for fantasy by itself leads to an autonomous theater.


30. Each of the U.S. states has an autonomous government.


31. Family life in China's Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is often isolated.


32. Some economic analyses distinguish between autonomous and induced inventions.


33. A democracy of autonomous, evolving machines will be similarly feared as Anarchy Plus.

同样,给自治的 、 进化的机器以民主,也会引发人们对新无政府主义的担忧.《期刊摘选》

34. New electric engines coupled with artificial intelligence and autonomous systems will contribute to a more efficient, integrated transport system that is less polluting and less noisy.


35. The customary law deeply influence as Xiangfen town of Rongshui Miao Autonomous county in GuangxiAutonomous region.


36. Every province, autonomous region and municipality has set up a census office and will report to a main center staffed by officials from government departments.


37. Article 62 One rural household can own one piece of land for building house, with the area not exceeding the standards provided for by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.


38. Mobile Communications Business Accounting System Design Solution of Xinjiang Autonomous Region


39. Land to be occupied for construction purposes other than those provided for in the second and third paragraphs of this article shall be approved by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous region and municipalities whereas conversion of agricultural land into construction land is involved.


40. Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous.


41. Then it would be autonomous evolution instead of directed evolution.


42. The Teaching Methods of Making Autonomous Integrated Modern Control Theory Experiments


43. They overestimate the potential market of autonomous cars.


44. Article 23 People's governments at various levels, grass-roots autonomous organizations of a mass character and enterprises and institutions shall take all kinds of measures to carry out literacy education program.


45. The key is to further complete the village autonomous system.


46. Mongols live in Mongolia autonomous region. They like wrestling.

蒙古族人居住在内蒙古自治区, 喜欢摔跤.《期刊摘选》

47. An approach to autonomous systems classification using BGP routing table is proposed.


48. Organizationally, each of these is a collection of many ( thousands ) of autonomous members.

就其组织来看, 所有这些系统都集许多 ( 成千的 ) 自主自发的成员成一家.《期刊摘选》

49. If the job is running a small business or an autonomous unit within a larger business, high achievers should be sought.


50. To complicate matters further, once a faculty member has been granted tenure he is functionally autonomous.

为了使事情变得更错综复杂, 一旦某位教师被授予了终身教授资格,他就自治了.《期刊摘选》

51. establishment of the autonomous region


52. Nations like to think of themselves as autonomous, but are never really so.

各国可能认为自己是独立自治的, 但其实从来都不是这样的.《期刊摘选》

53. This month, Germany's transport minister, proposed the first set of rules for autonomous vehicles.


54. Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall determine the standards for land use according to different trades and scale of operation of township enterprises.


55. Whereas the land compensation fees and resettlement fees paid according to the provisions of the second paragraph of this article are not enough to maintain the original level of living, the resettlement fees may be increased with the approval of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.


56. an autonomous republic/state/province

自治共和国 / 州 / 省《牛津词典》

57. The coming use of autonomous vehicles, for example, poses thorny ethical questions.


58. Another condition that contributes to the development of autonomous theater is the emergence of the aesthetic sense.


59. The advent of the Internet provides us the access to many autonomous and heterogeneous information sources.


60. With autonomous power sources came clocks.


61. The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence.


62. Forty years after China started its reform and opening-up, more than 18 million rural residents have shaken off poverty in South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.


63. Autonomous legislation is an unsystematic state.


64. Applicants began flooding teaching programs, not because the salaries were so high but because autonomous decision making and respect made the job desirable.


65. Simon Blackmore, who researches agricultural technology at Harper Adams University College in England believes that fleets of lightweight autonomous robots have the potential to solve this problem.

Simon Blackmore 在英国哈珀亚当斯大学研究农业技术,他认为轻型自主机器人有可能解决这个问题。

66. One of the most significant pieces of news from the US in early 2017 was the efforts of Google to make autonomous driving a reality.


67. I come from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.


68. This African country has become independent and autonomous.


69. Article 7 The Taroko Autonomous Government shall be the highest executive body of the Taroko Nation.


70. The feudal real estate system directly molded England'parliamentary system and retained the local autonomous tradition.


71. At one level, Marconi could be fiercely autonomous and independent of the constraints of his own social class.


72. Autonomous type real-time control expert system software type knowledge engineering


73. The partitioning of India created two separate and autonomous jute economies.


74. To build autonomous brand should be the primary target for SMEs'development.


75. Huhhot is the capital of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region.


76. The next wave of autonomous farm machinery is already at work.


77. They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.


78. In times of emotional turmoil, remember that emotions arise because your senses are wired to the primitive part of your mind which is self-regulated, autonomous and spontaneous.


79. He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about important issues.


80. Although the peoples of the Andean highlands participated in such networks, they relied primarily on the maintenance of autonomous production forces in as many ecological zones as possible.


81. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is boasted for its picturesque scenery.


82. Article 50 The people's congresses in national autonomous committee of the people's congress of the relevant province or autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for approval.


83. Generally, the trend will be to impart the platform with a growing autonomous capability.

总之,日益增加的自主能力将会使用在这个平台上, 这是一个趋势.《期刊摘选》

84. The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region which is famous for its beautiful natural scenery is near the frontier between China and Vietnam.



1. Again, the autonomous Greek polis Glaucon Adeimantus that Plato and Glaucon, Adeimantus and others would have known came to an end.

自治的希腊城邦,一如柏拉图,和其它人所熟知的,已走到终点。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.


3. He actually reverses the idea that it's art that's autonomous.

他实际上颠覆了艺术是自主的这一观点。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. It is autonomous in the sense that it is a pure, uncluttered and uninfluenced declaration of fact or falsehood.

科学是自主的,因为,科学就是单纯的,不受外界影响的,关于真伪的论断。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. "It's ready to fly, it's a completely autonomous electric airplane now, meaning that it has its own electronics battery and motor."

VOA : standard.2010.08.11

6. "The primary goal of GM's autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle development is safety, " Capp said.

ENGADGET: Cadillac road tests self-driving Super Cruise tech, could hit highways by mid-decade

7. The Kurds would remain autonomous in their northern redoubt, retaining control over their peshmerga militias.

ECONOMIST: Parliament dithers on

8. Kosovo was an autonomous region until Serbia's thuggish ruler, Slobodan Milosevic, imposed direct rule in 1989.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

9. Although the concept of complete autonomous driving is valid, it is not yet fully viable.

ENGADGET: Continental gets automated vehicle approved for Nevada roads

10. U.S.officials have long said they believe al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and his top commanders shifted their base of operation from Afghanistan to Pakistan's largely autonomous tribal regions after coalition forces invaded Afghanistan in 2001.

VOA : standard.2009.10.30

11. The Council for Transparency is an autonomous corporation of public law, which has its own patrimony.

UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

12. a completely autonomous body


13. Nabokov When we moved on to Nabokov, we had an author trying to imagine a work of art so autonomous from the world that it could be something like an autonomous form of life.

接下来我们说了,这是一位试图将文学作品想象为发自世界,以至于成为生活的一种自主形式的作家。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. They are part of a new autonomous province.


15. It's a kind of hauntedness that surrounds Nabokov's vision of aesthetic bliss as one's response to that autonomous artwork.

这样对艺术作品,自主性的回应,对Nabokov的审美幸福观点而言,是挥之不去的困扰。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. But you might say just as Machiavelli broke with the dominant model of Christian universalism, so too did he reject the ancient model of the small, autonomous republican state.

但各位也可读到,当马奇亚维利打破,处于优势之基督普遍主义模式的同时,他也拒绝了,古代模式的,小型自治共和国。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Humans with severe intellectual disabilities are not rational or autonomous.

智力严重损伤的人们也不是,理性的或自主的。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

18. Prof Ebdon said universities were independent, autonomous organisations and liked that to be respected.

BBC: University students: Fines over access threatened

19. "It's still unusual to see eight autonomous data centers making a single system, " he said.

FORBES: Federal Agency To Donate $150M To Grid Project

20. "The same thing is true in the Uighur autonomous region with Muslim clerics and others.

VOA : standard.2009.10.26

21. There is in us at least an element that is free, independent, serving nothing, autonomous.

我们的人性中至少还有一种元素,它是自由的,独立的,而且不依据其他事物存在而存在。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. She died Friday morning, according to the health department in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

CNN: China records its fourth bird flu death this year

23. I also advocated it as a right for autonomous adults to choose if they are eternally ill.

我还主张将选择安乐死作为自主的成年人的一项权利,使他们在患有绝症的时候可以有所选择。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

24. The territory, once called the Dutch West Indies, became the semi-autonomous Netherlands Antilles in 1954.

BBC: Curacao profile

25. The Mai Mai were originally armed by the Kinshasa government as autonomous local defense forces.

NPR: Rogue Militia Terrorizes Southeast Congo

26. Autonomous control over supply, via aggregation in unions, became their only source of power.

FORBES: Entrepreneurs are the New Labor: Part I

27. The rioters are autonomous moral actors who can and should answer for their own actions.

FORBES: The Craven and Disgraceful Response to the Murder of the American Ambassador in Libya

28. The argument for exponential advancement will hold ground only with the help of autonomous, abstract-thinking machines.

FORBES: The Blurring Line Between Science And Science Fiction

29. Richards To declare Science autonomous is very different from subordinating all our activities to it.

还说道:,Then,he,says:,虽然说科学是自主的,但这并不是说一切都要服从于它。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. But the leaders also co-operate with a variety of other more or less autonomous groups.

ECONOMIST: The return of al-Qaeda?

31. In recent years, there have been several attempted and successful kidnappings of western journalists in southern Somalia and in the northern semi-autonomous region of Puntland.

VOA : standard.2009.11.26

32. Approaching a stop sign, I glanced nervously in both directions checking for any autonomous cars nearby.

FORBES: Will Your Next Car Drive Itself?

33. Ethics have become like human resources, an autonomous element of business curriculum directed by self-proclaimed experts.

FORBES: The Dumbing Down Of Business School

34. Furthermore, you were imprecise about the financial architecture behind the Spanish system of autonomous communities.

ECONOMIST: Spain and its regions

35. Private schools and autonomous colleges have the authority to make and implement curriculum decisions.

FORBES: Can Obama Convince High Schools To Teach Kids To Code?

36. In other words, we no longer say, "How does the author exert autonomous will with respect to the subject matter being expressed?"

换言之,我们不会再说,“作者是如何在尊重所要表达的主题的前提下,把独立的意愿加进去的?“文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. In place of the old communities these spaces held together, we have autonomous, atomistic individuals.

FORBES: Why Occupy Wall Street is More than Just a Protest

38. In the aftermath of Darwin in particular, our understanding of natural selection, our understanding of genetic hard-wiring and other factors, makes us begin to wonder in what sense we can consider ourselves, each of us, to be autonomous subjects.

特别是继达尔文之后,我们对于自然选择,基因和其他因素的理解,让我们开始思考在哪种意义上我们每个人,可以把自己视为有自主性的主体。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. Yes, 2014 ( go here for information on 4 almost autonomous cars you can drive today).

FORBES: Why Google Will Lose in Driverless Cars (and Who Will Win)

40. Like a lot of Google products, autonomous cars are something that people want to believe in.

FORBES: Google Fiber and Google Glass Could Also Come To Nothing

41. In the meantime, the funding gap for Spain's autonomous regions continues to tick like a timebomb.

CNN: First relief in Spain...then reflection

42. But we are not all rational or autonomous Babies are not rational or autonomous.

但是我们也不全都是理性或自主的,婴儿就不是理性或自主的。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

43. Secretary Gates spent his final hours in Iraqi Kurdistan, meeting with the President of the semi-autonomous region, Massoud Barzani.

VOA : standard.2009.07.29

44. Each of China's provinces, autonomous regions and special administrative regions contributed a float.

VOA : standard.2009.10.01

45. And these elections should be under the supervision of an autonomous and competent Election Commission.

CNN: Commentary: No time for dictatorship

46. They would say, we are rational or autonomous and they are not.

他们可能会说,我们是理性的,是自主的,动物可不是这样。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

47. From the first, Syracuse is an independent polis, autonomous, self- whatever regime it wants, etc.

首先锡拉库萨是一个独立自治的城邦,如,可以独立地决定政体古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Autonomous driving is also a potential profit center for a variety of technology suppliers.

WSJ: Self-Driving Cars Spark New Guidelines

49. In the age of autonomous driving, we'll be less alone, thrown into the company of strangers.

WSJ: Rules of the Driverless Road

50. "It was just a project to see how small we could make robots." Mr. Spletzer came to the museum with a gift box of mini-robots that include the Miniature Autonomous Robotic Vehicle or MARV.

VOA : special.2011.06.21

51. The institutions include the rulers and senior officials across the federation of seven semi-autonomous Gulf emirates.

BBC: UAE places restrictions on online dissent

52. Once these autonomous structures were in place, it seems, the Scientific Revolution was virtually inevitable.

FORBES: The Best Book of 2011: Why Science Emerged in the West

53. Greenland, a vast autonomous Danish territory, is not in the EU, even though Denmark is.

BBC: Greenland rare earths: No special favours for EU

54. They emailed us a copy of the rule that stats no autonomous means to win.

ENGADGET: Apple disqualifies first person in iTunes contest?

55. So, we have a kind of image there of the autonomous aesthetic pleasure, right, the pleasure of imagination that's taken alone, according to one's own thoughts rather than in some broader, more social form.

好了,这就是一种自发的美学享受的情景,对,这就是独自幻想的乐趣,它出自人自己的想法,而不是一些更宽广的概念,不是一些更社会化的形式。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. The U.N.Deputy Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Juba,South Sudan,Lise Grande, says the number of internal conflicts in the semi-autonomous region has risen from last year's levels.

VOA : standard.2010.03.23

57. There has been a lot of discussion lately about the impacts of autonomous vehicles on society.

FORBES: Who Wins More From The Google Car: Cities or Suburbs?

58. Unlike Nabokov, these writers are not trying to make a language that is autonomous and separate from the world, so you will not see the kind of artifice and the labored attention to form.

不同的是这些作家并不想要营造一种,独立的和世界分离的语言,所以你不会看到这方面的炼化技巧,和费劲地塑造。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. He says a crackdown in the semi-autonomous Puntland region has meant the prisons are full of pirates.

VOA : standard.2009.10.30

60. Aristotle lived at the virtual cusp of the world of the autonomous city-state of the Greek polis.

亚里士多德住在可说是希腊城邦世界中,最顶尖的自治城市。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. How can individuals who are biologically autonomous, who judge and see matters very differently from one another, who can never be sure whether they trust one another, ? how can such individuals accept a common authority?

在生理上独立的个人,可以从不同角度,判断和看待事物的个人,永远不可能知道他们是否能互相信任的个人,这些个体如何才能接受一个相同的权力制约呢?政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. In the northern province of Irbil, part of the autonomous Kurdistan region, the Kurdish Alliance was ahead, officials said.

VOA : standard.2010.03.12







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