fundamental principle翻译_fundamental principle短语搭配_fundamental principle权威例句

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fundamental principle

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  • 基本原理或基本原则

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1. Fundamental Principle of ADC 模数转换的基本原理

2. fundamental principle and theoretical 基本原理和理论

3. fundamental principle and theory 基本原理和理论

4. the fundamental principle 思考基点

5. fundamental principle and function 基本原理与功能

6. standardized fundamental principle 标准化原理

7. OFDM and the fundamental principle OFDM的基本原理和信道均衡以及峰值功率的控制

8. the fundamental principle of harmony 和谐本位


1. On reflection of the fundamental principle of International Economical Law in our national law


2. The fundamental principle and calculation of potential hazardous index method were introduced.


3. The fundamental principle of MRI is introduced briefly, and Compared with the traditional NMR spectroscopy.


4. The fundamental principle and process of smelting protection and refining for melting Magnesium alloy at home and a broad were surveyed.


5. The fundamental principle of MR fluid fan clutch is introduced and a control system is designed.


6. This paper reviews the fundamental principle of the field variables model and recent progress in the field of materials science and engineering.


7. The fundamental principle and experimental technique of selective excitation are presented.


8. Accounting credit is a fundamental principle of modern accounting.


9. Developing the fundamental principle and processing technology of the mineral fillers is described.


10. A fundamental principle of the dynamic frequency divider is introduced.


11. The fundamental principle and forming condition of karst underground reservoir


12. Sustainable Development, One Fundamental Principle of International Law


13. The game isn't just a joke, but helps babies test and re-test a fundamental principle of existence: that things stick around even when you can't see them.


14. This paper introduces the fundamental principle, actuality, applications and development of intelligent textiles.

文章介绍了智能纺织品的作用原理 、 研究现状, 并展望了其发展前景.《互联网》

15. Nowadays, insurable interest has become a fundamental principle of the insurance law.


16. The fundamental principle of efficient cornering is the'traction circle.

有效转弯的基本原则是 “ 牵引循环”.《互联网》

17. The method, its fundamental principle and measuring results of inhibition experiments are introduced.

介绍了方法 、 原理和缓蚀试验测试结果.《互联网》

18. Is this fundamental principle outdated? Will it ever become outdated?


19. Then the fundamental principle and the mechanical meaning of convenient method were illustrated.


20. The fundamental principle or underlying concept of a system or theory; a basis


21. Accounting credit is a fundamental principle of modern accounting.


22. The fundamental principle of the plasma drag reduction and its key technologies are discussed.


23. The fundamental principle of strategy is to specify what exactly you want to achieve. Until you commit to a definitive objective, nothing else will happen.


24. The fundamental principle of hydrofracturing method for measuring geostress is reviewed.


25. The separation of data presentation from data processing is a fundamental principle in web design.


26. It briefly introduces the fundamental principle, and gives a simple practical example, the result shows the effect is rather good.


27. The fundamental principle of the discrete wavelet transform is reviewed.


28. Is "matter is primary" the fundamental principle of marxism?

“物质第一性”是马克思主义的基本原理吗?《provided by jukuu》

29. Independence and sovereign equality among states is a fundamental principle of international law.


30. This is the most fundamental principle of the modern maritime law.

这是现代海洋法最基本的原则。 菲律宾不能以海洋管辖权为由将200海里以内的外国领土也据为已有。

31. The paper describes the fundamental principle of acid-making off-gas treatment by ammonia-acid method and its application in Yunnan Copper.


32. Secondly, introduce the fundamental principle of the dynamic torque.


33. Section one: Fundamental principle of revenue planning of an enterprise;


34. In principle is a fundamental principle of administrative procedural law.


35. Fundamental principle and Design Method of Coil with Magnetic Core for Measuring High Pulse Current


36. Fundamental Principle of Reversible Cutting Technique Reverse Engineering Technology


37. The fundamental principle of stroboscopic shearing speckle interferometry is discussed.


38. Finally, we are satisfied with the simulation results of the fundamental principle of the system.


39. So an adequate asset structure is the fundamental principle for a company to achieve its goals.


40. Proposal of Fundamental Principle and Measures on National Power Interconnection


41. "People first" is the fundamental principle of Marxist social development theory.


42. Development: from the Fundamental Principle to the Top Priority


43. The physicist's renunciation of completeness for his cosmos is therefore nota matter of fundamental principle.


44. In this paper, the fundamental principle of transient Rayleigh wave method and its application in evaluating complex foundation are presented.


45. Systemic composing, the fundamental principle and the design methods of hardware and software are introduced.


46. The fundamental principle and approach for computer aided design of ship lighting system using feature modeling is introduced.


47. That's the fundamental principle of quantity and it's a basic rule of our perceived Universe.


48. This is the fundamental principle behind the whole legislative proposal.


49. This paper narrates the fundamental principle of overcurrent protective system in underground LV cable networks.


50. Inculcation theory is the fundamental principle and method for ideological education.


51. The fundamental principle of Marxism is that the productive forces must be developed.


52. The most fundamental principle in RMC is the separation of reusable core method content from its application in processes.


53. The fundamental principle of the technology and the development of concoct food are introduced.


54. The fundamental principle of surface plasma resonance (SPR) is briefly introduced and its application in life science is reviewed.


55. It is the fundamental principle that concerns national sovereignty, security and development interests, as well as Hong Kong's prosperity and stability in the long run.


56. According to Wiener's cybernetics, author deduces the fundamental principle of negative feedback teaching and builds model.


57. Independence and sovereign equality among states is a fundamental principle of international law.


58. Fundamental Principle of Electronic Equipments to Protection Against Electrical Shock


59. The fundamental principle and properties for adjusted pressure casting is presented.


60. Openness is the fundamental principle in the competition law.


61. Development is the fundamental principle.


62. More important, it sits better with biology's most fundamental principle, that of natural selection.


63. On Practice of the Fundamental Principle of Human Orientation


64. Could there be a fundamental principle lurking here?


65. Based on fundamental principle of computational terminology, the phrase-terms are syntactically parsed by the phrase structure grammar (PSG).


66. The fundamental principle, block diagrams and some experimental results are given.


67. Work together: working together is fundamental principle of quality control and continuous development.

携手合作:质量控制的最高理念,业务不断发展进取的根本法则。《provided by jukuu》

68. Fourier Transform Spectroscopy Method& Fundamental Principle, Recent Developments and Applications


69. The fundamental principle of sub-carrier frequency modulation used for FBG array interrogation is analyzed.


70. Fundamental principle of spread spectrum technique and some problems


71. The fundamental principle and calculation of potential hazardous index method were introduced.


72. Unity of Science and Value Is the Fundamental Principle of Science Development View


73. The basic concept of the customer theory, the most fundamental principle in CQI, is knowing your customers and satisfying their demands.


74. The Fundamental Principle and Application of Sliding Average Method



1. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Her comments this week follow those she made in January, when she said Internet freedom has become a fundamental principle of American foreign policy.

VOA : standard.2010.03.09

2. This seems to me to be a fundamental principle of democracy.

BBC: Answering the Clwyd West Question

3. Widely considered the "Magna Carta of space law, " this treaty lays down the fundamental principle of non-appropriation and that the exploration and use of space shall be the province of all mankind.

CNN: Who owns the moon? It's 'complicated,' say experts

4. "In this case, the United States made clear, in documents that have been published, that there would inevitably be serious and lasting harm if that fundamental principle was breached, " Miliband said.

CNN: UK judges attack U.S. government over torture documents

5. The court said it overturned the settlement because it violated the fundamental principle behind a class action.

FORBES: Court Rejects Volkswagen Settlement That Gave Lawyers $9 Million, Owners Letters

6. She has also departed from the fundamental Leveson principle of 'statutory underpinning' and proposes instead to proceed by a royal charter, thus by-passing the legislature, especially in relation to defining which publishers are to be regarded as 'significant'.

BBC: Scotland politics

7. Traffic lights are bad enough - they make us stop when we could go, they take our eyes off the road, flouting the most fundamental safety principle but they are only the symptom of a dysfunctional system.

BBC: Viewpoint: Is it time to get rid of traffic lights?

8. In a couple of the pieces I have written so far I have expressed frustration with people writing about hedge funds and carried interests without acknowledging (or possibly even knowing) that they are dealing with a fundamental principle of partnership taxation not some sort of special deal for hedge fund managers.

FORBES: Obama's Phony War on Hedge Funds - Attack on Real Estate

9. And, at last, proper credit is given to John Major, who showed the right mixture of steely determination and neat political footwork in pursuing a fundamental principle, a determination to bring Sinn Fein to accept democratic and constitutional means.

ECONOMIST: Irish history: Love one another | The

10. Critics say this erodes the fundamental principle that both sides are equal before the law.

BBC: Analysis: A question of secret courts

11. And for Mr Issing the implied transfer of money would violate the fundamental democratic principle that there should be "no taxation without representation".

BBC: Eurozone crisis: What Germany can learn from Italy

12. On Monday, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner called the agreement to set up a judicial commission "historic", saying it guaranteed "the right to due process of law, a fundamental principle of international criminal law".

BBC: Amia bombing: Israel condemns Argentina-Iran probe

13. The Supreme Court decided in 1853 that Morse could keep the patent on his innovative method for transmitting telegraph signals over long distances, but not the fundamental scientific principle that electricity can transmit information.

FORBES: Mayo Clinic Case Asks If A Doctor's Method Can Be Patented

14. By contrast in the United States, it is a matter of fundamental principle that the state should not spy on its citizens.

FORBES: The Petraeus Affair and the Risk of Blackmail: Another Nail In America's Coffin

15. President Obama is proving a fundamental economic principle proven as well by President Reagan, though in the opposite way.

FORBES: Economic Growth, Not Income Redistribution, Is What Helps Us All

16. Finally, I just want to say, next lecture is January twenty-eighth and we're going to talk about portfolio diversification, which is one very important application of the fundamental principle of risk management, as applied to securities.

最后,我想说下一讲是在1月28日,到时我们会谈谈资产组合多样化,这是风险管理基本原则中,对证券投资来说,这是非常重要的一项应用。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Finally, and most troubling, Secretary Powell's efforts to get a "deal" on strategic arms violates a fundamental principle of the President's approach to Russia: The Cold War is over.


18. When you talk about cutting into the mortgage deduction in a way that taxes middle-class Americans, that violates a very fundamental principle that the President has, which is this should not -- in order to preserve low taxes, low tax rates for wealthy Americans, to ask the middle class to pay the price is not going to happen.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

19. The wonderful, work-based, affluence-inducing, effects of low marginal tax rates is not the only fundamental economic principle that Ibn Khaldun got right.

FORBES: Ronald Reagan, Ibn Khaldun, Mahathir Mohamad: Back to Capitalist Basics

20. Speaking during a debate on a report into Lords reform, Lord Ashdown said that "at a time when people are dying for democracy", the House of Lords "infringes the fundamental principle of a democratic state, which is that the people's laws are made by the people's representatives".

BBC: Ashdown: Peers are 'creatures of patronage'

21. Liberal Democrat education spokesman Phil Willis said ministers had "abandoned the fundamental principle" of making academic and vocational qualifications of equal value.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teenagers 'must pass 3Rs tests'

22. Supporting democracy and human rights is a fundamental principle behind the President's policy in the region and the world, and he will carry that message on this trip.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

23. On National Hunting and Fishing Day, we pay tribute to the community of sportsmen and women who have kept faith with that fundamental principle, and who will continue to help drive our environmental progress in the years to come.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

24. The first and fundamental principle is: you care only about the total portfolio.

第一条也是最基本的一条原则是:,你要关注的是整个投资组合。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. So what this line of reasoning brings us to is the fundamental principle that underlies the libertarian case for rights.

这些推理把我们带回到,自由主义的权利主张,所隐含的基本原则。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. "It guarantees the right to due process of law, a fundamental principle of international criminal law, " Ms Fernandez said.

BBC: Amia bombing: Argentina and Iran agree truth commission

27. It reflects a fundamental principle of risk perception: that people are far more fearful of things they don't control than things they do.

FORBES: Nothing Comes Between Me And My SUV

28. The principles of insurance-- the fundamental powerhouse--is the principle of risk pooling.

保险的原理,其基本的动力...是风险汇聚原理金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. The regime for him is not one branch of human activity among others it is the fundamental principle or ordering principle that makes all the others even possible.

对他而言,政体并非人类活动的一个分支,而是基本的原则,或说是指导原则,使所有其它学科化作可能,这就是为何。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. The fundamental principle is a simple one that is apparently difficult to implement: Keep doing the same things that brought you to power in the first place, and don't let success and power go to your head.

FORBES: The Essentials Of Staying In Power

31. So these names, they don't really make any sense why they're called past s p and f, and it turns out that it comes from spectroscopy terms that are pre-quantum mechanics where, for example, this is called the sharp line, I think the principle, the diffuse, and the fundamental.

看到这些名字,你会发现,它们为什么叫s,p,f是没什么道理的,事实上,它们来源于,量子力学之前的光谱学中的术语,例如,它们分别叫做锐线,我认为是主线,漫射和基本。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. It is a fundamental principle of our work together, in the name of our common humanity.

UN: Secretary-General

33. Although the artificial neural networks used in the research are much less complex than the human visual system, this simplicity helped the researchers to identify and further understand what they believe is a fundamental principle behind why we see illusion: the statistics of our past visual experiences.

CNN: Robots tricked by optical illusions

34. We also believe that giving people control over what they share is a fundamental principle of this rewiring.

FORBES: Mark Zuckerberg's Letter to Prospective Facebook Investors

35. "It is hard to think of a more fundamental American principle than the sanctity of the home and private property, " says Robert McNamara, an institute attorney.

WSJ: Battle of the Beach

36. The Supreme Court subsequently failed to support the fundamental principle of limited government.

FORBES: The Democrats' Fallback Plan For When Obamacare Inevitably Fails

37. Since the Second Continental Congress declared America's independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776, the United States government has sought to realize the fundamental principle on which our nation was founded: that all people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Government

38. But that violates the fundamental principle that we belong to ourselves.

但那就违背了,人人自主的基本原则。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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