
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈwɔːtə(r)]play美 [ˈwɔːtər]play

  • n. 水,雨水;水域,(江、河、湖、海等)大片的水;(某个国家的)领海,海域(waters);不明朗(或未知的、困难、危险等)局面(waters);羊水(waters);(湖、海的)水面;水位;乘船,走水路
  • v. 给……浇水,灌溉;给…...水喝,饮(动物);(风等使眼睛)流泪;流口水;(江河)流经并给(某地区)供水;加水冲淡,稀释
  • 【名】 (Water)(英)沃特(人名)

复数 waters 第三人称单数 waters 现在分词 watering 过去式 watered 过去分词 watered

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


water /ˈwɔːtə/ CET4 TEM4 [ watering watered waters ]

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Water is a clear thin liquid that has no colour or taste when it is pure. It falls from clouds as rain and enters rivers and seas. All animals and people need water in order to live. 水

    Get me a glass of water.



    ...the sound of water hammering on the metal roof.


  • 2.
    复数型名词 You use waters to refer to a large area of sea, especially the area of sea that is near to a country and that is regarded as belonging to it. 海域; (尤指) 领海

    The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters.


  • 3.
    及物动词 If you water plants, you pour water over them in order to help them to grow. 浇水

    He went out to water the plants.


  • 4.
    不及物动词 If your eyes water, tears build up in them because they are hurting or because you are upset. 流泪

    His eyes watered from cigarette smoke.


  • 5.
    不及物动词 If you say that your mouth is watering, you mean that you can smell or see some nice food that makes you want to eat it. 流口水

    ...cookies to make your mouth water.


  • 6.
    习语 If you say that an event or incident is water under the bridge, you mean that it has happened and cannot now be changed, so there is no point in worrying about it anymore. 桥下水 (比喻无需再挂怀的往事)

    He was relieved his time in jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge.


  • 7.
    习语 If you are in deep water, you are in a difficult or awkward situation. 陷入困境

    You certainly seem to be in deep water.


  • 8.
    习语 If an argument or theory does not hold water, it does not seem to be reasonable or be in accordance with the facts. (理论或论点) 符合逻辑; 与事实相符

    This argument simply cannot hold water in Europe.


  • 9.
    习语 If you are in hot water, you are in trouble. 陷入困境

    The company has already been in hot water over high prices this year.


  • 10.
    习语 If you pour cold water on an idea or suggestion, you show that you have a low opinion of it. (对想法或建议) 泼冷水

    University economists pour cold water on the idea that the economic recovery has begun.


  • 11.
    习语 If you test the water or test the waters, you try to find out what reaction an action or idea will get before you do it or tell it to people. 试探

    You should be cautious when getting involved and test the water before committing yourself.


  • 12.
    keep one's head above water →see   head



  • adj.

    watery 水的;淡的;湿的;松软的;有雨意的

    watering 灌溉的;浇水用的

    watered 掺水的;洒有水的,洒了水的;有波纹的;加虚股的(面值增加而实值未按比例增加)

    waterless 无水的;干的;不用水的,不需水的

  • n.

    watering 浇水;灌溉;排水沟

    waterer 饮水器;供给饮水的人

    wateriness 平淡;多水;稀薄

  • v.

    watering 浇水;灌溉(water的ing形式)

    watered 浇水,供以水(water的过去式和过去分词)



1. water level n. 水位;水平面;水准仪

2. waste water 污水,废水

3. high water 高潮,高水位;水位达到最高点的

4. water pollution 水污染

5. ground water 地下水

6. cold water 冷水;凉水;凉开水

7. Soda Water 食品 苏打水 ; 苏打汽水 ; 苏汲水

8. cooling water 冷却水

9. distilled water 化工 蒸馏水 ; 基质 ; 去离子水 ; 纯净水

10. water resource 水资源

11. water treatment 水处理;水的处理

12. by water 由海路,乘船;由水路

13. water content 含水量

14. Water Margin 水浒传 ; 水浒 ; 水浒传专辑 ; 水浒坊

15. drinking water 饮用水

16. hot water 热水;困境

17. Mineral Water 食品 矿泉水 ; 矿地下水 ; 纯净水

18. water injection 注水;喷水

19. holy water 圣水 ; 天赐圣水 ; 天赐神水

20. water conservancy 水利;水资源保护

21. water supply 供水系统;水源

22. surface water [地]地表水

23. water quality 水质

24. water system 水系;供水系统(等于water supply)

25. water vapor 水蒸气 ; 水汽 ; 蒸汽 ; 透水汽

26. water pipe 进水管 ; 供水管 ; 给水管

27. fresh water 湖水,淡水


1. The rain water drips from the roof.


2. Fish says you will never see me crying because am in water.


3. My eyes are watering because of that cold wind.


4. Other visibility and the weather waters of the sea conditions better.


5. His eyes were watering.


6. S. authorities have closed 26 % of federal waters to fishing because of the spill.


7. Water was splashing down from a large hole in the roof.


8. The trickle of water that joins the two could be gone completely within a few years.


9. Salt dissolves in water.


10. The muddy water slowly cleared.


11. This argument simply cannot hold water in Europe.


12. Although it rain, throw not away your watering pot.

尽管天下雨, 水罐不可丢.《期刊摘选》

13. Captured vessels are usually sailed into Somali waters until a ransom is paid.


14. Also underway is a program to update the sewage and storm water systems.


15. The pressurized water forms a dam between the ocean and the groundwater basin, keeping saltwater bay.

这一高压水体形成了把海洋和地下水盆地隔开的堤坝, 不让海水侵入.《期刊摘选》

16. Any of various small auks ( genus Aethia and related genera ) of northern Pacific coasts and waters.


17. Oil does not blend with water.


18. My waters broke at six in the morning and within four hours Jamie was born.


19. The company has already been in hot water over high prices this year.


20. Piping-hot water gushed out.


21. The smoke made my eyes water.


22. This species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean.


23. The British Government may be in stormy economic waters.


24. Moonlight gleamed on the water.


25. There is hot and cold running water in all the bedrooms.


26. I can tell you how to prevent eye watering when cutting onion.


27. El Niño, Spanish for “the child”, 30 occurs when surface ocean waters in the southern Pacific become abnormally warm.

“厄尔尼诺”这个词在西班牙语里表示“孩子”,该现象会在南太平洋海域的表层水温变得异常温暖时(30) 出现。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

28. a glass of water


29. The unique drainage system design, prevent the rain water and dust entering.

独特排水系统设计, 防止风吹造成雨水和灰尘的进入.《期刊摘选》

30. clean/dirty water

净 / 脏水《牛津词典》

31. You certainly seem to be in deep water...


32. Oil and water do not mix.


33. The water was uncomfortably cold.


34. drinking water


35. She dived into the water.


36. Many municipalities are now tackling this problem by separating their sewer and storm water systems.


37. A courier reported that the Russian and the Spanish fleets had sailed for these waters.


38. These gutters carry the water to a large collection tank on the side of the home.


39. Metallogenic fluid stemmed from magmatic water and mixed with seawater.


40. Water resources is deficient in China, but rainwater resources is abundant.


41. The ship is in British waters.


42. Pacific salmon are born in fresh water, but spend most of their adult lives in saltwater.

大鳞大马哈鱼出生在淡水里, 却是在海水中度过它们大部分的成年时光.《期刊摘选》

43. I could tell that we were getting off the subject and into deep water.


44. The water looks really inviting.


45. water shortages


46. Easy to install, various options, ideal for both fresh and marine water.

安装方便, 多种选择, 适用于淡海水.《期刊摘选》

47. The water was waist-deep.


48. This wine has been thinned with water.


49. A stream of water ran off the roof.


50. You have to water down the medicine before drinking it.


51. The left leg of the girl was bitten and dragged water, water spreading bloody circle.

鲨鱼一口咬住了她的左腿,并将她拖入海中, 顿时海水被染红了一片.《期刊摘选》

52. In the east, the water is mainly oceanic with relatively minor dilution from direct monsoonal rainfall and runoff from small streams.


53. The sea water is mainly composed of water and salt.


54. Green roofs are designed to save energy and capture rain water rainwater.


55. This coat was supposed to keep rain out, but water has soaked through.

这件外衣说是能防雨, 但雨水照样透了进来.《简明英汉词典》

56. The waters where the confrontation took place would probably be plied by Chinese submarines.


57. Forgotten Sailors Sleep with Eyes Open Dreaming of a Salt Water Death.


58. The water has gone cold.


59. That's why there are dikes everywhere to keep out the sea water.


60. A steamship with the bow and upper deck rounded so as to shed water.


61. This coat was supposed to keep rain out, but the water has soak through it.

据说这种外套能防雨, 但是却被雨水湿透了.《辞典例句》

62. The sea water foams under the bow.


63. shallow/deep water

浅 / 深水域《牛津词典》

64. If meteoric water does not evaporate or run overland, it may seep directly into the ground.

如果雨水不从陆地蒸发和流走的话, 就可能直接渗入地下.《辞典例句》

65. April 1 , 1946, the Aleutian Islands to the waters of the tsunami, waves 35 meters.

1946年4月1日, 阿留申群岛海域发生海啸, 浪高35米.《期刊摘选》

66. She dived under the water.


67. Water was dripping down the walls.


68. ...the man brought in to guide him through troubled waters...


69. There is little rain this spring. The flowers must be watered.


70. Uranium is soluble in sea water.


71. The cold water invigorated him.


72. He went out to water the plants.


73. The water gets through every time it rains.


74. It protects the water inside the tank from evaporating.


75. The gutter was stopped up with fallen leaves and the rain - water could not flow away.


76. He powered through the water.


77. They could feel the salt water under their clothes, almost under their skins.

他们能感觉到咸涩的海水已经灌进了他们的衣服下面, 简直要渗进他们的皮肤下面.《期刊摘选》

78. The water deepened gradually.


79. We walked down to the water's edge.


80. And they can reduce water run off runoff into streets and stormstorm water systems.


81. A surge is a continuous movement of water that may reach six meters or more.


82. An eelpout ( Macrozoarces americanus ) of the coastal waters of northeast North America.

高鳍笛鲷一种北美东部北方海域鳕类淡水鱼 ( 美洲大绵鳚 )《期刊摘选》

83. All drinking water must be filtered.


84. ...the sound of water hammering on the metal roof.


85. City economists pour cold water on the idea that the economic recovery has begun.


86. Resistant to salt water . Limited resistance to aromatic hydrocarbon including some types of gasoline.


87. water pollution


88. The boy and his father were in the water off Avalon at around dawn.


89. ...the open waters of the Arctic Ocean.


90. Resistant to wear, impact, salt water and aliphatic hydrocarbons.

可耐磨损 、 碰撞, 耐海水和脂肪烃类物质.《期刊摘选》

91. Police cruised around the sea waters.


92. The identification and classification of oil pollution and red tide water using the data.


93. You should be cautious when getting involved and test the water before committing yourself.


94. the grey waters of the River Clyde


95. Greenpeace still supports subsistence whale hunts by native peoples in Arctic waters.


96. The water was a dark blue now, so dark that it was almost purple.

海水此刻呈深蓝色, 深得简直发紫了.《英汉文学 - 老人与海》

97. I also develop itch, watering eyes, a red nose, headache, coughing and sneezing.

我还发痒 、 流泪 、 鼻子变红 、 头痛 、 咳嗽、打喷嚏.《期刊摘选》

98. Get me a glass of water.


99. Off the coast of Africa, the waters are filled with life.

在非洲海岸外海, 水域中充满了生命.《期刊摘选》

100. When you're out on the water, you've got to contend with a choppy and unpredictable sea.

当你离开水域, 你要承受惊涛骇浪,征服未知海域.《期刊摘选》

101. Unlike ground water, rainwater contains no minerals or salts and is free of chemical treatments.

和地下水不同, 雨水不含矿物质或盐类,因此无需化学处理.《期刊摘选》

102. Article 46 Mineral deposits, waters and sea areas shall be the ownership the state.

第四十六条矿藏 、 水流、海域属于国家所有.《期刊摘选》

103. Resonant coupling of a traveling air pressure disturbance with the east Adriatic coastal waters.


104. She spilled a jug of water.


105. She fell into the water.


106. The answer is that seaweeds reduce various chemicals that help keep the sea water clean.


107. In 2006, Australian authorities seized 365 Indonesian fishing illegally in their waters mostly for shark fins.

2006年, 澳大利亚官方扣押了365只非法在其海域猎取鲨鱼翅的印尼渔船.《期刊摘选》

108. The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters.


109. His eyes watered from cigarette smoke.


110. I waded into the warm bay water and clambered into the Place.


111. He used his hands as cups and threw out the sea water.


112. Navy rescue swimmer Shad Hernandez was lowered into the water by a rope.


113. My mouth watered at the prospect of a good dinner; His eyes watered.

我一看到丰盛的宴席嘴里就流出唾液; 他眼里流泪了.《期刊摘选》

114. The water was rising fast.


115. fishing in international waters


116. We can see a magical view over the calm water of the bay from our window.


117. Vitamin C is water soluble.


118. Then rain waters can rush unchecked to the valley bellow.


119. During tide, water recedes back towards the ocean.

低潮时, 海水退回海洋.《期刊摘选》

120. Onions make your eyes water.


121. Recent exploration success in Chinese waters has raised hopes this will prove a successful strategy.


122. I watched the water drip off the rim of Tom's baseball cap.


123. With him, we are uncharted waters.

现在, 我们跟随他进入了一片未知的海域.《期刊摘选》

124. In the meantime the Waters Rise worldwide, several hundred feet, and then recede again.

同时,全世界的海水会上涨几百英尺, 然后再次退却.《期刊摘选》

125. Watercolours are pigments ground with gum arabic and gall and thinned with water in use.


126. Thriving on sunlight and CO 2, algae can be grown in fresh or brackish water.

只要有充足的阳光和二氧化碳, 海藻就可以在淡水或海水中生长.《期刊摘选》

127. The wind roared and howled, whipping up the water into huge waves.

风咆哮着,怒号着, 抽打海水形成巨大的波浪.《期刊摘选》

128. Let the invigorating waters bring you into the present moment of a new awakening.


129. Most people use a barrel to catch rain water.


130. They are planting trees where there is plenty of water and sunlight.


131. Glass and water both bend light.


132. Those who dared to launch out beyond the unknown waters became the discoverers of new lands.


133. Water gurgled through the pipes.


134. Qingdong sag is a secondary structure unit of depression and lies in Bohai shallow sea waters.


135. Water dropped randomly onto this slope trickles down, eroding a chaotic path of microcanals.

雨水随机地落在斜坡上涓涓而下, 侵蚀出许多杂乱无章的细小沟壑.《期刊摘选》

136. The water took ages to boil.


137. The ship had drifted into uncharted waters.


138. There was no watering of the eyes, no breathing difficulty and certainly no discomfort.

眼睛不会被污染物刺激的流泪,也没有什么呼吸困难, 也没有什么其他不适.《期刊摘选》

139. The waters here are patrolled by the enemy mariners day and night.


140. Glucose is soluble in water.


141. Water washed over the deck.


142. Save your wee in milk cartons, water down and use as a high nitrate fertiliser.

在牛奶盒里小便, 加水稀释,然后可以用作高硝酸盐含量的肥料.《期刊摘选》

143. The moonlight gleamed on the water.


144. My eyes watered when I cut the onions.


145. The smoke made her eyes water.


146. ...cookies to make your mouth water.


147. Water splashed onto the floor.


148. Four days after setting out , while the Titantic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout.

启航四天后, 泰坦尼克号在穿过北大西洋多冰的海域时, 瞭望员突然发现了一个巨大的冰山.《用法词典》

149. They cannot poach for herring form our waters.


150. The water burbled over gravel.


151. They maintain a very powerful fleet in Oriental waters.


152. In the lagoon the water was calm.


153. Runoff water, which is often polluted, flows into streams and ends up in the ocean.

人们随手乱丢的垃圾都会被雨水冲刷入溪河, 最后流入海洋.《期刊摘选》

154. It is difficult to make seismic acquisition in offshore shallow water areas because of draft.


155. In summer the major water bodies that influence the area are the Hanjiang River plume , t.

夏季影响本海区的水系主要有韩江冲淡水、上升流、南海水 、 和黑潮水等.《期刊摘选》

156. Long after the storm, water still rained down from the roofs where it had collected.

暴风雨过去很长一段时间后, 积在房顶上的雨水仍一个劲儿地从房顶上流下来.《简明英汉词典》

157. Here the clear blue of the water so that tourists always praised.


158. It'singes our nose hairs, makes our eyes water and distracts us just the same.

我们的鼻孔一样会受刺激, 我们的眼睛一样会熏得流泪,我们的注意力一样会被分散.《期刊摘选》

159. As a result, storms that form over the Pacific deliver heavier water to California than to Utah.

因此,由太平洋上形成的暴风雨带到加州的雨水要比带到犹他州的雨水重。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

160. He was relieved his time in jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge.


161. And they can reduce runoff into streets and storm water systems.



1. To get out on the water, organise a wildlife cruise with Elkhorn Slough Safari.

BBC: In search of the California sea otter

2. He used this cave as a bed and a small stone well for his water.

BBC: In Ireland, hiking for ancient relics hidden by fog

3. And that was the water at the bottom of the waterfall is probably going to be hotter than the water at the top of the waterfall.

瀑布底部的水,或许比顶部,的水更热。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

4. The water company Thames Water has doubled the salary of its chief executive, Bill Alexander.

BBC: Water chief sees salary doubled

5. I've been teaching long enough to know that doing derivations in class is equivalent to pouring ice water on the proceedings, so I do this sparingly.

我已经教了这么长时间书,所以我知道在课堂上讲推导,就好像泼冰水一样,所以我在讲这个的时候很小心。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

6. And if we see it, appreciate it, we water it, we shed a light to it, and it appreciates, it grows.

只要我们看到它,欣赏它,灌溉它,播撒阳光,它就会感恩,成长。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

7. Water moves with the rhythm of the train, so pans can only be filled two-thirds.

BBC: New tastes for Canadas classic rail

8. Currents are strong, which keeps the water nutritious, the reef alive and lures big pelagic fish.

BBC: Flores shakes off Balis shadow

9. Mr Alexander's new pay package was approved by Thames Water's parent company, German utility giant RWE.

BBC: Water chief sees salary doubled

10. One story says it got that meaning from the custom of throwing boiling water down on enemies attacking a castle.

VOA : special.2009.05.10

11. At 5.5km long it is easily seen on foot, with a tree-lined walkway along the water.

BBC: Exploring Bangkoks canals

12. Singapore's hawker centres started partly for hygiene reasons, and to keep our water pollution in control.

BBC: Why are there hawker centres in Singapore?

13. In contrast, local flavour is the determined focus at Steamworks on Water Street.

BBC: Drinking in Vancouvers historic Gastown district

14. By 1928 the source of water had changed, and the building fell into disuse.

UNESCO: Historical Waterworks Building wins Heritage Award

15. Then they rubbed the clothes on flat pieces of wood, squeezed out the water and hung each piece to dry.

VOA : special.2010.03.28

16. This is what you see here: a large pool of water left behind by the sea.

BBC: Meet this months BBC Travel Photo Nomad

17. Over 400 people have died and about 1.6m hectares (4m acres) are now under water.

ECONOMIST: Thailands floods

18. Professor Roark says knowing the age of the corals might help scientists understand earlier water conditions and ocean surface productivity.

VOA : special.2009.05.12

19. Or, if you carry plenty of water, you can tackle the hour and a half walk.

BBC: A long road trip along Namibias coast

20. Water was sloshing everywhere.


21. Most of the11 lakes contain cold water fisheries like trout as well as bass and other warm water fishing.

VOA : special.2009.01.05

22. Floating sensors hold the oxygen to between 2.0 and 2.5 parts per million of water.

FORBES: Muckraker

23. an oil-in-water emulsion


24. Water Calvin he was the only one..magnificent Water Calvin would like to have me at his home all the time.

他就是这样一个人。。。伟大的,他总是让我去他家。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

25. Water was slopping everywhere.


26. Methane, there are certainly some solid bonds there, but breaking those to form CO2 and water, well it's worth it, right, energetically.

酒精中的确含有很强的化学键,但是打断这些化学键然后生成二氧化碳和水,从能量上来看是值得的。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

27. The study in Benin found that solar-powered pumps are effective in supplying water, especially during the long dry season.

VOA : special.2010.01.11

28. They observed that for every molecule of carbon dioxide taken in by the plants, they lost forty-four percent less water.

VOA : special.2010.01.26

29. He says the substances are especially dangerous because they travel through the air and stay in the atmosphere, soil and water.

VOA : special.2009.06.23

30. She headed straight for the end table with the glass of water and the book.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Killer Weekend'

31. If I get you down to a cluster of about 30 water molecules, the boiling point is a function of the size of the water droplet.

如果对于一个由30个水分子,组成的簇,沸点是,水珠尺寸的函数。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. Floating sensors hold the oxygen to between 2 and 2.5 parts per million of water.

FORBES: Muckraker

33. Beyond, purple-shaded mountains rise from the deep blue mist like ships floating on water.

BBC: A tranquil slice of Tanzania

34. They play a central role in sustainable development by supplying all our fresh water.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - UNESCO Conventions, Recommendations & Declarations in the UK

35. water-resistant mascaras


36. In Russia, tea is prepared in tea rooms using a samovar, an urn of hot water.

BBC: The world in six cups

37. They have IQs that can boil water and are quite serious about their work.

FORBES: Dunce Glut

38. In Britain, scientists have developed high-fashion dresses that can disappear even faster dissolving in hot water.

NEWSWEEK: Business

39. There's the water phase, there's the ice cube is the solid phase, and there's some water, gas, vapor, and that's one bar.

里面放一块冰,这是固态;,于是我们得到了水,冰和水蒸气三态共存的点。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

40. There's the primeval fresh water, fresh water ocean, Apsu Which is identified with a male divine principle, a male god Apsu.

有原始的淡水,淡水海洋,它与男性神道有关,这个男性神灵叫做。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. The icy water is refreshing in the heat, and provides a reprieve from mosquitoes.

BBC: Qubec's wood runners

42. A linear interpolation between the two, and then some numbers associated with them, 2 7-1/2 and 22-1/2. Why does he choose 7-1/2 as the freezing point of water?

两者之间做线性插值,一些数值随之标定,7。5和22。5,为什么他选择了7。5作为2,水的冰点呢?热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. The word "carbohydrate," as you might imagine, if you ever thought to break it down means the combination of carbon and water.

碳水化合物这个词,如你所想,如果你把它进行拆分的话,就是碳和水的结合物关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Officials from the International Water Management Institute and the International Food Policy Research Institute are also taking part in the effort.

VOA : special.2010.02.08

45. In the U.S., industry uses more water than agriculture thanks to its use in power generation.

FORBES: The Water-Industrial Complex

46. Some 1.5 million children under five die each year from sickness caused by water-borne diseases.

UNESCO: World Water Day 22 March 2010: Clean Water for a Healthy World

47. Clear water with no odour and a clean and crisp taste earns higher marks.

BBC: Testing the waters in West Virginia

48. There's lipid chains in between so cell membranes are lipid rich layers that can exist in water.

脂质链在两者中间,所以细胞膜是富含脂类的膜层,并可以稳定存在于水中生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Sherif told the kids--all of the kids-- that the water line to the camp was cut and they all had to defend the camp.

谢里夫告诉所有男孩-,营地的水管被截断了,他们要全部出动保护营地。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. It made the ice thin. If he stepped there, he might break through the ice into a pool of water.

VOA : special.2010.05.01

51. This can be anything from walking or running against the resistance of water, to doing jumping jacks in the water.

VOA : special.2010.06.08

52. The earth was a divinity, the sky was a divinity, the water was a divinity, had divine power.

土地是神,天空是神,水是神,都有超凡的力量。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. The pay rise attracted criticism from various consumer groups, including the National Campaign for Water Justice.

BBC: Water chief sees salary doubled

54. Then, divers enter the water, working in the nursery or transplanting the growing coral.

BBC: Underwater volunteer vacations

55. And they always had latrines and baths, and you'd have the cold room where you'd have cold water, you'd have the tepid room where you'd have kind of lukewarm water, and you'd have the hot room where you'd have hot water.

通常都会有公共厕所和浴室,有提供冷水的冷水房,提供温水的温水间,还有提供热水的热水间。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. When the water heater is working correctly, water will flow from the storage tank to the collector and back again.

VOA : special.2009.04.20

57. If you use an alcohol-based product instead of soap and water, make sure it contains at least sixty percent alcohol.

VOA : special.2010.09.29

58. Microfibre fabrics are both water-resistant and windproof.


59. And 50 or 100 years being an artist and working on your water colors, or whatever it is.

再用50或100年成为艺术家,研究水彩的运用等等。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. After the wide-open water of the estuary, the mangrove forest feels eerie and magical.

BBC: Relaxing among the Yucatan's flamingos

61. "When solar panels supply both hot water and space heating, the goal of zero emissions begins to look achievable."

VOA : special.2009.03.25

62. Energy can flow across the glass but I put a lid on top, and so the water can't get out.

能量可以穿过杯壁流动,但是我在顶上加了盖子,所以水不能跑出来。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

63. During winter, you may come across enough water in the day to camp wild at night.

BBC: Walking through Australias pure desert heart

64. They walk along the Frijoles stream lined with green trees that once was the only water supply for the valley.

VOA : special.2010.07.05

65. Mr Craske warned that surf schools would be "trying to find space in the water".

BBC: Polzeath safety fear for rookie surfers
















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