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n. 裁判员

v. (为…)做裁判员,当裁判


英 [ˈʌmpaɪəz]play 美 [ˈʌmpaɪərz]play

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umpire /ˈʌmpaɪə/ TEM8 [ umpiring umpired umpires ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 An umpire is a person whose job is to make sure that a sports contest or game is played fairly and that the rules are not broken. (体育比赛或竞赛的) 裁判

    The umpire's decision is final.


  • 2.
    及物动词/不及物动词 To umpire means to be the umpire in a sports contest or game. (在体育比赛或竞赛中) 担任裁判

    He umpired baseball games.



1. World Umpires Association 裁判协会

2. status of umpires 裁判员现状

3. first-class umpires 一级裁判员

4. I See Upset Umpires 我看见生气裁判

5. Electronic Umpires 鹰眼运动场上的电子裁判

6. Umpires and Referees 裁判员

7. chief of umpires 裁判组长

8. impartial umpires 仲裁者

9. Turning Point Umpires 裁判


1. Even in baseball, umpires have discretion in calling strikes.


2. We modern, urban, educated folks yell at traffic and umpires and bills and Banks and machines-especially machines. Machines and relatives get most of the yelling.


3. Referees are called umpires in both.


4. Perhaps we should give judges as much discretion as the umpires. Punishments should be based on the nature of the crimes, not the number.


5. The umpire said the ball was out.


6. The umpire is the person appointed to control a match.


7. Restaurants must display health inspection certificates in order to serve food, and umpires and referees need to demonstrate the skills necessary to oversee sporting events.


8. There will be no arguing with umpires or outward signs of disappointment. On the contrary, a remark such as " The best man own!"


9. So he asked the umpires about it in the second inning.


10. In a vehicle to the rear of the bus, the driver was shot dead and one of the game's umpires was shot and wounded in the back.


11. I see upset umpires.


12. Don't complain about the referees and umpires.


13. But the traveling salesman's predicament pales in comparison to figuring out the best ways to get four-man crews of umpires to every major league baseball game.


14. The umpire's decision is final.


15. A decision made by an umpire or a referee.

判决由公断人或裁判员作出的决定。《provided by jukuu》

16. According to some of the fans, umpires are just old baseball players who have become nearsighted.

一些球迷认为, 裁判员是那些年龄大了、眼睛变近视的运动员.《互联网》

17. Yeah, when you get just a little too close to the umpire.

对,就是当你离裁判太近的时候。《provided by jukuu》

18. Referees are called umpires in both. “I see them as blood brothers, separated at birth but genetically linked, ” writes Mr Engel in the catalogue’s introduction.


19. The tennis umpire wore a sun helmet.


20. All athletes must wear shorts to allow the umpires to judge the walking movement.


21. How in the world can you tell what the umpire says? I can't understand him at all.


22. We need someone to umpire.


23. Study on the Present Condition and Management of Professional Football Game Umpire


24. The researchers first had to develop the question, dubbed the Traveling Umpire Problem.


25. The boys had an altercation over the umpire's decision.


26. Previously, a former umpire made the schedule.


27. He was the only National League umpire to wear an outside chest protector.


28. In the case of extremely long delays, the umpires may forfeit the match to either team.


29. Even in base ball, umpires have discretion in calling strikes. The umpire rules whether the pitch was on the corner or whether the batter checked his swing.


30. Playing to the referee does not always require such subterfuge. In baseball, umpires are supposed to call balls and strikes based on where a ball crosses home plate.


31. The umpire gave the ball out.


32. There's no running bases, no arguing with the umpires, no catching, and no field goals. We're not sure about that last one...


33. If the system is used in the proper way to train umpires, we can look at this and see if there's some kind of flaw.


34. In an issue as complex as climate change, the country badly needs smart, fair umpires, and the media can play that role.


35. The Amateur Softball Association's roster of umpires has declined to 57,000.


36. When we are fielding, the umpires keep looking at the ball.


37. The umpire's duty is to see that competition is fair play.


38. The umpires cooperation is an important work for judging the curling games.


39. Investigate of mental change of ping-pong umpire of university student


40. The Amateur Softball Association's roster of umpires has declined to 57,000


41. The umpire announced that we won the game.


42. Analysis of the Ability Factor Football Umpire the Filed of Play Judge to Punish


43. Perhaps we should give judges as much discretion as the umpires.


44. I think the umpires are interested in hometowns in my self - introduction.

我想裁判大概是被 自我 介绍中的家乡给吸引了吧.《互联网》

45. The umpire is sitting at a high seat above the level of the court.

裁判员坐在高于场地的座位上。《provided by jukuu》

46. Enhance present condition investigate and research counterplan on basketball umpire in Heilongjiang province


47. Will you umpire for us?


48. The umpires consulted quickly.


49. Selection of Soccer Umpire and the "Guiding Judgment" Training Method


50. Umpires have been around for 600 years and about 300 years in sport.


51. Study on baseball umpire selection from psychological characteristics


52. Present situation of the CUBA umpire and the countermeasure


53. Assaults on umpires or even biting off an opponent's ear are considered humorous by some fans.


54. But before they were umpires the title came to English from French and it was noumpere.


55. Arcing balls are inclined to mislead umpires to incorrect judgements.


56. How does one get to be an umpire?

怎样才能当一名裁判呢?《provided by jukuu》


1. Stan was never kicked out of a game and never argued with umpires.

FORBES: My 'Thing' for Stan Musial

2. But as umpires have gotten more professional and better at their job, players have become far less contentious.

FORBES: Magazine Article

3. Former Test umpire Darrell Hair believes the use of technology in cricket is denting the confidence of umpires.

BBC: Thursday's Ashes gossip column

4. Once again, Chase Utley was at the epicenter of a potential controversy with the umpires.

FORBES: The Plight of The Umpires And The Inevitability Of Instant Replay

5. Maddon argued with Foster and the other umpires for several minutes after the game ended.

NPR: Rangers Open Series Against Rays With 5-4 Victory

6. He thanked umpires in his induction speech, saying the game can't be played without them.


7. The competition is tough, and many of the top umpires are only in their 20s.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. In baseball, umpires are supposed to call balls and strikes based on where a ball crosses home plate.

ECONOMIST: Cheating in sport

9. The 2010 baseball playoffs are already bringing a lot of attention to the umpires.

FORBES: Downsize the Umps

10. The immediate factor after tea was bad light, which momentarily had the umpires in consultation.

BBC: Indian batsmen defy Australians

11. No one wants to see baseball games made even longer by eliminating umpires entirely.

FORBES: WORST CALL EVER Should Finally Take Baseball Into 21st Century (Instant Replay)

12. Prior to the system's introduction umpires were getting just over 90% of decisions correct.

BBC: ICC to investigate referral complaint made by ECB

13. But the Hobbesian sovereign, unlike umpires, are not just the enforcers of the rules or the interpreters of the rules, the sovereign is also the creator, the shaper and maker of the rules.

但他的这一君权理论,与足球裁判的不同之处在于,他言下的君主,不仅是既定规则的执行者,还是这些规则的直接制定者。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Should the umpires be held to higher standards due to the advancements in the game?

FORBES: The Plight of The Umpires And The Inevitability Of Instant Replay

15. Six armed policemen hung out the windows, whooping and waving their arms like MDMAaddled cricket umpires.

BBC: Cruising around northern Italy

16. The charges were brought after the pair were reported by on-field umpires Daryl Harper and Russell Tiffin.

BBC: Panesar fined for over-appealing

17. Most famously, Weaver fought furiously with umpires, barking at them in his raspy voice.

WSJ: Legendary Orioles Manager Weaver Dies at 82

18. But since that time, Major League Baseball has tweaked its criteria for choosing post-season umpires.

FORBES: You Cannot Be Serious! The Worst Calls In Sports History

19. Players would be allowed to challenge decisions made by on-field umpires, and have them referred to the TV official.

BBC: England Tests may trial referrals

20. Both Maddon and Francona met separately with the umpires as fans scrambled to stay dry.

NPR: Rays Overcome Rain, Indians 9-2

21. There were parents yelling at coaches and umpires at my Little League baseball games 30 years ago.

FORBES: Are Parents Really Driving Coaches to Quit?

22. Piyush has a good googly and nowadays we see that the umpires give more lbws.

BBC: Cricket World Cup: Spinning wicket foxes Australia

23. Should Major League Baseball provide umpires with required training seminars and opportunities for development?

FORBES: The Plight of The Umpires And The Inevitability Of Instant Replay

24. In fact, the only inaccuracy was the tense - umpires, as Dickie knew them, were finished long ago.

BBC: Umpires enter new era

25. The committee will consider umpires, managers, executives and ball players from this period of baseball history.

FORBES: Cubs Icon Ron Santo Granted Baseball Immortality

26. Umpires took notice and began shifting their parameters, giving out decisions they wouldn't previously have considered.

WSJ: Why Test Cricket Is All In a Spin

27. Navratilova has said that grunting is "completely unnecessary" and urged umpires to stop it.

WSJ: Jason Gay: Confessions of a Tennis Grunter

28. Instructors emphasized to the moppers to only take orders from umpires, who sometimes disregard player requests.

WSJ: When These Olympians Say Their Job Is 'No Sweat,' They Mean It

29. In fact, the best umpires usually go unnoticed and they prefer it that way.

FORBES: Instant Replay Could Have Saved Jerry Meals And The Pirates

30. But the rain was already falling when the spinner took his sweater off and the umpires called a halt.

BBC: Lord's Test ends in low-key draw

31. Has Major League Baseball done everything that they should to assist the umpires in their education and development?

FORBES: The Plight of The Umpires And The Inevitability Of Instant Replay







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