
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈklɪəli]play美 [ˈklɪrli]play

  • adv. 清楚地,清晰地;毫无疑问,显然;明智地,清醒地

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  • adj.

    clear 清楚的;清澈的;晴朗的;无罪的

  • adv.

    clear 清晰地;完全地

  • n.

    clear 清除;空隙

    clearance 清除;空隙

    clearing 结算;空地;清扫

    clearness 明白;晴朗;明亮

  • v.

    clearing 澄清;放晴(clear的ing形式)

  • vi.

    clear 放晴;变清澈

  • vt.

    clear 通过;清除;使干净;跳过



1. Clearly in the Air 高透氧 ; 清风惹人醉

2. explain clearly 阐明,清晰的解释

3. see clearly 看清楚

4. I Can See Clearly Now 现在我看清楚了 ; 取得重要发现 ; 我可以清楚地看到 ; 探索后的清晰迷雾

5. This clearly indicated 摆明

6. communicate clearly 清晰沟通 ; 清楚地表达 ; 沟通清晰

7. show clearly 指明

8. clearly understood 清楚理解;充分理解

9. clearly-established ownership 产权清晰 ; 产权清楚 ; 产权明白

10. Come back clearly to me 清晰地浮现在眼前 ; 清晰地浮现眼前 ; 清晰地浮现

11. state clearly 清楚地表明


1. Print your name and address clearly in the space provided.


2. The powers of the police must be clearly defined.


3. All exits must be kept clear in case of fire or a bomb scare...


4. Stewart was trying to clear a path for the stretcher...


5. ...clear blue eyes...


6. Mathematics possesses an aesthetic value as clearly defined as that of music or poetry.


7. TV Ears has helped thousands of people with various degrees of hearing loss hear the television clearly without turning up the volume and now it's better and more affordable than ever!

TV Ears耳机帮助成千上万、不同程度的失聪者在不提高音量的情况下清晰地听到电视,现在它比以往任何时候都更好用、更实惠了!《高考真题- 2015 北京 阅读B》

8. Sotomayor, the Cuban holder of the world high jump record, cleared 2.36 metres.


9. She was clearly impatient to leave.


10. I can see it quite clearly.


11. The choice the topic is up to you as it clearly pertains to the course material.


12. He is not entirely clear on how he will go about it...


13. The figures clearly show that her claims are false.


14. His remarks were clearly not displeasing to her.


15. At times like this, we must communicate quickly and clearly.

在当前这样的时候, 我们必须迅速而明确地交换意见.《期刊摘选》

16. This was clearly a job for a real professional.


17. It is clearly the work of a master craftsman.


18. Her eyes were clear and steady.


19. End, the author lets her die under own gun muzzle, meaning a negative attitude clearly.

最后, 作者让她死在自己的枪口之下, 明确地表示了否定的态度.《期刊摘选》

20. The completion status that caused the problem will be clearly indicated in the error text.


21. Reforms are clearly in order.


22. Clearly, this will cost a lot more than we realized.


23. The warning lights were clearly visible.


24. His house had clearly been searched and the book was missing.


25. His sharp retort clearly made an impact.


26. Clearly a learning process of great complexity at a rapid rate.


27. Thus they have not yet solved, or not yet clearly solved, the problem of for whom?

这样,为什么人的问题他们就还是没有解决, 或者没有明确地解决.《期刊摘选》

28. The error text will clearly indicate the nature of the problem.


29. My remarks clearly nettled her.


30. It was a clear case of homicide...


31. The campaign is clearly targeted at the young.


32. Mr Garcia said his conscience was clear over the jail incidents...


33. ...a clear glass panel...


34. The pattern of the ancient fields is clearly visible from a height.


35. He has clear blue eyes and a dazzling smile.


36. He walked up Fifth Avenue to clear his head...


37. His red clothes stood out clearly against the snow.


38. The book is clear, readable and adequately illustrated...


39. The upper limit will be clearly indicated in the error text.


40. The Republican policy throughout the incident was never clearly explained.


41. The clear message of the scientific reports is that there should be a drastic cut in car use...


42. We can clearly make a conclusion until the second wave crest or wave trough is formed.


43. To clear the land and harvest the bananas they decided they needed a male workforce...


44. Our therapists will show you how to clear your mind of worries.


45. The book explains grammar simply and clearly.


46. The chair was clearly meant for a child.


47. Please indicate clearly which colour you require.


48. She was clearly in a lot of pain.


49. The company was clearly at a crossroads.


50. Clearly there is a problem here.


51. The medicine has clearly done its stuff.


52. She placed a towel on a cluster of rocks just clear of the tidemark...


53. The space telescope has taken the clearest pictures ever of Pluto...


54. Further investigation is clearly warranted.


55. The moon shone clearly.


56. His remarks were clearly beyond the pale.


57. This is a good method of analysis since it allows us to focus clearly on gameplay.


58. ...a clear gel...


59. The horse was clearly out of form.


60. After that they drove clear over to St Paul.


61. Individual set implementations should clearly document any restrictions on the elements that they may contain.


62. Dante clearly condemns illicit love.


63. The above description clearly denotes an extremely important function.


64. He was clearly rattled by the question.


65. Liverpool were clearly the superior team.


66. The Prime Minister resigned today, clearing the way for the formation of a new government...


67. State clearly how many tickets you require.


68. She needed a clear head to carry out her instructions.


69. He was clearly terrified of appearing weak or of being too quiet.


70. She was clearly speaking the truth.


71. If you dislike her, please tell her clearly about the bush, your will will be changed.

不喜欢她, 要明确地告诉她.免得拖泥带水的动摇你的意志.《期刊摘选》

72. It was clearly an offer that came from the heart.


73. It is important to be clear about what Chomsky is doing here...


74. He asserted his ideas loudly and clearly.


75. This case falls clearly within the ambit of the 2001 act.


76. As soon as he was clear of the terminal building he looked round...


77. The motorcyclist was clearly in the wrong.


78. They have clearly embraced Western consumerism.


79. The ship's route is clearly delineated on the map.


80. It was hard to see him clearly in the twilight.


81. The damage is clearly the work of vandals.


82. The address must be clearly visible through the window of the envelope.


83. Young people clearly support this, whether they themselves smoke or not.


84. It was clearly an elaborately planned operation.


85. Bachofen did not put these statements as clearly asfor he was hindered his mysticism.


86. Katy could think clearly when not under stress.


87. The choice the topic is to you as it clearly pertains to the course material.


88. The error text will clearly indicate the key and value combination that failed validation.


89. She had clearly been remiss in her duty.


90. A court in Berlin has dropped the charges against him, clearing the way for him to leave Germany.


91. The winter sky was clear.


92. We need to define the task ahead very clearly.


93. His anger and anguish clearly went deep.


94. The move is clearly intended to strengthen the President's position as head of state.


95. There was an echo on the line and I couldn't hear clearly.


96. On a clear day you can see the French coast...


97. The early morning mist had cleared.


98. He is clearly in a good mood today.


99. The contract clearly specifies who can operate the machinery.


100. Police regulations prescribe that an officer's number must be clearly visible.


101. The runway is clear — go ahead and land...


102. The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character.


103. The question clearly angered him.


104. Women need to communicate this more clearly.


105. The house is clearly visible from the beach.


106. I can look back on things with a clear conscience. I did everything I could.


107. The tracks of the large animal were clearly printed in the sand.


108. Polish banks can still take two or three weeks to clear a cheque...


109. Preventive Services Task Force say much more clearly than before when aspirin should be administered.


110. That was clearly a deep mystical experience.


111. The errInfo text will clearly indicate the problem.

引发这个问题的原因将在错误文本(errInfo) 中被明确地指明.《期刊摘选》


1. Clearly early Christianity has got to be studied in the context of Ancient Judaism, and so we'll do so next time.

所以显然早期基督教必须放在,古犹太教背景中研究,我们下堂课会讲。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Instead of a young man full of life, they saw an old man who could not speak clearly or control his shaking.

VOA : special.2010.06.20

3. Their argument is that it's not just that consciousness doesn't clearly understand what it's looking at and is therefore alienated from it.

他们的论点是,意识不仅无法清楚地理解它所观之物,因而与之疏远。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. OK, clearly we'd be much better off if we had some systematic quantitative way to tell whether something would happen spontaneously.

好,如果我们有一些系统定量的方法来判断,一个过程是否会自发进行,那就会更好了。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. Native Americans are clearly of Asian origin, and entered the Americas less than 40, 000 years ago.

BBC: What is anthropological genetics?

6. So clearly this is something that across the board is just something that makes sense to people.

NPR: Democrats to Push for Medicare Changes

7. "Let me say this as clearly as I can: The United States is not, and will never be, at war with Islam."

VOA : special.2009.04.11

8. So, clearly you don't have your notes in front of you yet, so you can just listen, take it all in.

现在你们还没有拿到讲义,所以你们只要听就行,并且理解。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

9. The latest Cadillac is clearly pitched at a younger market.


10. But clearly African-Americans are playing a role raising money not only for Senator Obama but Senator Clinton.

NPR: Presidential Candidates Target Black Music Festival

11. He said very clearly, if you use cavalry as your major arm, your state will be an aristocracy.

他说得很清楚,以骑兵作为主力部队的,一定是贵族统治的城邦古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. If you trade on advance information about a copper deposit, you are clearly guilty.

FORBES: Off With Her Head!

13. She says the new standards clearly state what a student should be able to do to be successful in college and work.

VOA : special.2010.03.25

14. The online version is clearly the most scalable, and, likely, the lowest cost option.

FORBES: When Should A Startup Hit The Gas?

15. Two lines were clearly delineated in the dust.


16. He said the attempt by the United States to strengthen its force at Fort Sumter was clearly an act of aggression.

VOA : special.2009.07.23

17. But cesium-134, which has a half-life of only two years, clearly came from the meltdowns, the researchers say.

CNN: Fukushima tuna study finds minuscule health risks

18. Machiavelli's new world, his new modes and orders, will require, clearly, a displacement of the earlier one, of the previous one.

马奇亚维利的全新世界,他所称的新模式与秩序将很明显地,会取代传统制约,前朝的制约。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. If you've got four measures and different symbols, you're clearly subdividing the beat but hearing that as the beat.

如果你听出了四个小节并写出不同的符号,你就是将拍子细分了,并把细分后的当作了节拍聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. Nowhere does the outsider in Fisher come through more clearly than in his approach to the digital revolution.

FORBES: How an outsider's vision saved Kodak

21. A new programme of reforms was clearly needed.


22. Clearly and specifically convey how your business makes money and what its advantages are over the competition.

FORBES: May The Best Business Plan Win

23. Al-Hadi was "clearly in the senior ranks, " a member of a now-defunct 10-person governing council.

CNN: Pentagon: Top al Qaeda leader taken to Guantanamo

24. His enormous contribution to 17th century scientific research and London architecture is clearly revealed in his Diary.

UNESCO: 2014 UK Memory of the World Register

25. Yet the voters are clearly ignoring his appeal for a referendum to end immigration.

ECONOMIST: France, race and immigration

26. But the comparison also found that existing English standards are "clearly stronger" in California, Indiana and the District of Columbia.

VOA : special.2010.07.22

27. He learned to use a camera to show the public clearly what the Mulberry Bend slum was like.

VOA : special.2010.08.01

28. Some of the kitchen-sink allegations against the Marshalls are clearly overblown, if not wrong.

FORBES: The Father, the Son and High Society

29. It's true that when you've got a corpse, you've got all the parts there, but clearly they're not functioning properly.

当你面对一具死尸时,肉体所有的部分的确都摆在那里,但它们显然无法正常运作死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. Mr Brown is clearly stifling a cough.


31. Well clearly what I probably want to do here is what? Print these same two things.

看看我得到了什么,哦,我必须,当然也得这么做。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. This is more well-established question of nurture, in terms of moving away from the way we normally teach to what is clearly more effective way.

这更是一种,培养方法问题,从我们平常的教学方法,转移到,明确的更有效的方法。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

33. The French coast was clearly visible.


34. In addition, he said he takes his share of the blame for not explaining health care proposals more clearly to the public.

VOA : special.2010.01.30

35. "I think it's going to make credit harder for the American people to get, clearly harder for businesses to get."

VOA : special.2010.07.23

36. The pastoral elegy is clearly one of the most stylized and most self-consciously artificial of all of the poetic genres.

田园挽歌明显是所有诗歌类型中,最程式化,最具人工雕琢痕迹的诗种之一。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. Designing networks and thoughtfully engaging them is clearly a necessary skill for the 21st century.

FORBES: Hack One: Launch a Network

38. Clearly, a very weak job market is the prime cause for this loss of hope.

FORBES: What American Dream?

39. Its not clearly delineated in terms of what that money represents that's one of the difficulties.

WSJ: Cup That Could Hold More

40. But he says studies have not clearly shown that lowering salt means fewer heart attacks or strokes.

VOA : special.2010.03.03

41. The man told Lincoln that Europeans saw the war more clearly than Americans, who were in the middle of it.

VOA : special.2009.11.12

42. She will be missed as a prosecutor, and she will be clearly missed as a U.S. attorney.

NPR: How Prosecutor Lam's Case Was Handled

43. In the first account in Genesis 1, The creation of human is clearly the climactic divine act: after this God can rest.

在《创世纪》第一章中的第一种描述,人类的创造是上帝最具神性的行为:,在此之后神便可安息。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Sombart clearly was exaggerating, but the role of Jews in California was highly significant.

FORBES: California And The Jews

45. The bill did not clearly say if slavery would be legal,or illegal, in the two new territories.

VOA : special.2009.04.23

46. Clearly there is negative reactions to what I have said or what I have done.

NPR: A Conversation with Iraq Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad

47. Perhaps the harm related to conflicts will be spelled out more clearly in these cases.

FORBES: Consultants Intensify Opposition to Investigations of Their Conflicts (June 1, 2005)

48. He says the surprise collision clearly justifies the need for programs that search the skies for small space objects that could threaten earth.

VOA : special.2009.08.25

49. I don't think I have a clearly defined position which makes me different from some parties to the dispute, whether it's political or cultural or religious.

但我不认为自己有一个特定的立场,将我和其他人区分开来,无论是从政治上,文化上还是宗教上。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

50. Those days are clearly over, and truth be told, they have been for awhile now.

FORBES: OK, So This New Facebook Home Ad Is Actually Pretty Funny

51. The government clearly expects that the courts, by upholding the appeal, will defuse the situation.

ECONOMIST: Abnormal events in an increasingly normal Chile

52. At the same time, she deplored Israeli strikes against clearly marked U.N. buildings where civilians were taking shelter.

VOA : special.2009.01.10

53. From the opening of the record, this is clearly a different breed of singer-songwriter.

NPR: Jeff Hanson: 'Nothing Would Matter At All'

54. He said the government had to make sure that message was put across clearly.

BBC: UKIP is here to stay, says Nigel Farage

55. Clearly Mr. Noer is not a strong man, or he would not have made such comments.

FORBES: Readers Say

56. I saw it clearly -- all a dull blue, with a horrible veil over it that chilled my bones;

VOA : special.2009.05.16

57. Its advocates clearly want a political union, with major decisions being made by Brussels-based bureaucrats.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

58. "One checks, the other double-checks - that's clearly not happened in this case, " he said.

BBC: London

59. Clearly, hunting for product-market fit is your highest order goal when you found a company.

FORBES: When Should A Startup Hit The Gas?

60. You could contrast the roguish and fanciful, clearly done by hand, title of the magazine, with that machine-type Blast.

你们可以把这些明显手写的,无赖而稀奇的标题,和机械化的“暴风“相对比。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. So the technology can clearly be used on a variety of devices including TVs themselves.

FORBES: IntoNow's Adam Cahan On The Rise Of The Second Screen

62. This is one. Clearly, this was not referring to the 3.09 professor.

这就是一个,很明显,这儿并没有提到3。09的教授。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

63. And notice because I have just one line of code inside of each of these branches, what have I clearly omitted?

请注意因为我在每个分支中只有一行代码,显然地我省略了什么?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

64. "The locals do not appreciate it when tourists clearly misbehave, " said Machteld Ligtvoeld from the Amsterdam Tourist Board.

BBC: Spoking the fire in Amsterdam

65. He found that sections of the cracks had clearly moved from their original locations.

BBC: Enceladus has 'spreading surface'





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