write on翻译_write on短语搭配_write on权威例句

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write on

网络 写入;书写;写字;写上;继续写

英 [raɪt ɒn]play 美 [raɪt ɑːn]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. write on the wall 在墙壁上题诗

2. write on the fly 实时写录 ; 即时写录 ; 立刻刻录

3. copy-on-write 写入时复制 ; 写时复制 ; 写时拷贝 ; 技术

4. write on any subject 写入任何主题 ; 就任何议题写 ; 写上任何主题

5. Write-on 书写 ; 手写效果 ; 效果是用画笔在一层中绘画 ; 模拟笔迹和绘制过程

6. Write on track 写下轨迹

7. write on the computer 在计算机上写入 ; 写在计算机上 ; 在计算机上写

8. Write-on Glassware 记事杯

9. Write on my soul 在我的心中写下


1. You can write on the edge for all I care.


2. Write on the lines of the paper.

顺着纸上的线条书写。《provided by jukuu》

3. What should a local guide write on the welcome board for receiving a large group?


4. Write on plain paper.


5. Write on one side of the paper and leave the other side blank.


6. Please write on every other line.


7. You should write on every other line.


8. Write on any topic – write as if nobody is watching.


9. While taking the 1993 census, I called on a woman who refused to state her age. I told her I was permitted to make an estimate. "I guess 85 is about right," I said and pretended to write on the form.


10. You can write on the edge for all I care.


11. I was to bring them up a mountain for the Lord to write on them.


12. to write on the blackboard


13. But his version, designed to write on leather, was difficult to use on paper.


14. We need a piece of paper to write on.


15. When I have time I will write on all ten of them.


16. Please use this special pen and write on the pressure - sensitive screen.


17. He used to write on a daily basis.


18. In my first literature class, Mrs. Smith asked us to read a story and then write on it, all within 45 minutes.

在我的第一节文学课上,史密斯夫人让我们读一个故事,然后在45分钟内写下来。《高考真题- 2015 重庆 阅读A》

19. The teacher can either write on the blackboard or on the computer.


20. Animal skins were dried and also used to write on.


21. Have you got a piece of paper I could write on?

你有没有一张我可以用来写字的纸?《provided by jukuu》

22. You can write on both sides of the paper.

你可以写在试卷的两面。《provided by jukuu》

23. Give me a piece of paper to write on.

给我一张纸写字。《provided by jukuu》

24. Write in your journal, write on you blog, write on your notepad.


25. You can enter text on the QWERTY keyboard or simply write on the screen.


26. JEFF: Do you have anything I can write on?


27. I read Twitter far more than I write on Twitter.


28. If you write on the blackboard, rub it off at the end of the lesson.


29. Instead of putting hands up, pupils write on their board and hold it up.


30. Teachers usually write on the blackboard with chalk.


31. For official use only . Do not write on this page.


32. Please write on both sides of the paper - waste not, want not.

请在纸上两面都写上东西 —— 不浪费, 不愁缺.《互联网》

33. Ancient peoples used tablets to write on before paper was invented.


34. If you write on the blackboard, rub it off at the end of the lesson.


35. You can write on the front. You can write on the back.


36. Reading what people write on desks can teach you a lot.


37. I need a flat surface to write on.


38. The user should not be able to write on local drives.


39. You can write on the front; you can write on the back.


40. I ask him what he will write on the letters.


41. You can write on them like a chalkboard and then erase when you are done.


42. Ever wonder what Britain's royal family write on their Christmas CARDS?


43. You had better write on every other line, leave a space for corrections.


44. What did you write on your fact sheet?

你的资料单上写了什么?《provided by jukuu》

45. You may write on whatever subject you like.


46. Please pass me some paper to write on.

请递给我一些写字的纸。《provided by jukuu》

47. I need a flat surface to write on.


48. I don't care what you write on there.


49. There he began to write on stray scraps of paper.


50. If you tear the paper into four pieces, we can each have something to write on.


51. Some people spit in public, draw or write on the wall.

有些人吐痰在公共场所, 提请或写在墙上.《互联网》

52. We write on the back of a waterfall drawing.


53. Do you have anything I can write on?


54. What's more, I could write on the side.


55. I can write on the board with it.


56. Please write on one side of the paper only.


57. He couldn't find anything else to write on.

他不可以书写其它内容吗?《provided by jukuu》

58. He took great pains to write on his subject without a trace of sensationalism.


59. The most popular option: write on a topic of your choice.


60. You can write on the front; you can write on the back.


61. Why write on the blackboard and why not broadcast?


62. She began to write on the ruled paper.

她开始在有横线格的纸上写。《provided by jukuu》

63. Please write on both sides of the paper, and don't write in the margin.

请在纸的正反两面书写, 但不要写在四周的边上.《辞典例句》

64. He smoothed out the paper and then began to write on it.


65. We are looking for a paper to write on.


66. Write on one side of the paper only.

只在纸的一面写字。《provided by jukuu》

67. Value write on a coin or share certificate or banknote.


68. Smith asked us to read a story and then write on it, all within 45 minutes.


69. He worked out how to write on rice grains, poppy seeds even human hair, and created the necessary micro-instruments to do this.


70. Write on the form that you stayed so many nights at so much per night.


71. You can write on the edge. I don't care.


72. Card with information write on it, used to classify information into the correct order



1. And on this side, we're going to write out an engine, and we're going to say this is a Carnot engine.

在这边,我们画出一个热机,是卡诺热机。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. The Ethiopian National Association of the Blind helped write a training document on how to include blind people in education projects.

VOA : special.2011.06.29

3. Berlin did not write on oath.

ECONOMIST: Isaiah Berlin

4. " seems like an easier topic to write on than "Should students be required to participate in extracurricular activities?

NPR: Should You Take the SAT or the ACT?

5. She helped write all eleven songs on the album.

VOA : special.2009.07.10

6. Only a few years ago, Chinese outfits preferred contracts you could write on the back of an envelope and wriggle out of at will.

ECONOMIST: China's cup overflows; India catches the spillage

7. Alternatively, you can write on friend's walls or upload pictures.

ENGADGET: HTC Status review

8. What else were they supposed to write on -- rocks, using carving tools?

CNN: In digital age, recall beauty of paper

9. You put it between two pieces of paper, then you write on the top one and it creates as copy on the bottom one.

你将它放在两张纸之间,然后你在上面那张纸上写字,下面那张纸上就会复印下来。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. Some of China's most reactionary netizens bombarded her blog for expressing her dislike of blogging, which served to spur Hung to write on.

CNN: China's fashionably outspoken media mogul

11. Mr. Kadyrbayev was one of the few people to write on Mr. Tsarnaev's profile on Russian social-networking site Vkontakte.

WSJ: Heritage Linked Boston Suspect, Students

12. Well, I'm going to write on the board, "shield equals moon," and you can schematize it with, let's say, "A equals A'." A'?

我会在黑板上写下“屏障和月亮一般大“,你们可以在脑海里概括一下,“两者相等“?弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. We can write on a blank slate here in deciding some of these critical issues.

NPR: Managing The $30 Million 'One Fund' To Aid Boston Victims

14. But for advocates of copyright reform and privacy, not to mention photographers and writers who may want the photos they upload or "notes" they write on Facebook to eventually lead to some kind of profit, the news was alarming.

CNN: Facebook faces furor over content rights

15. In addition to my Forbes blog, I write on health care, fiscal matters, finance, and other policy issues for National Review.

FORBES: Avik Roy - The Apothecary - Archive

16. Look, part of the reason I'm flaming at you is, something like square root, it seems dumb to write specs on it. Everybody knows what this is going to do. But you want to get into that discipline of good hygiene, good style.

也是非常重要的,我在这里说的,一些理由就是像平方根,为它写规范听上去很傻,每个人都知道它是干什么的。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

17. I can write on the board with it.

我能拿它在黑板上写字死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. "Although it seems that Twitter has been thrust into this situation a bit unfairly, a hack along these lines could have happened to the executives of more Web companies than anybody would like to admit, " Josh Lowensohn and Caroline McCarthy write on the news site.

CNN: Twitter hack raises questions about 'cloud computing'

19. When a brief pulse of electricity is sent to the read/write head it flips on a tiny electromagnet for a fraction of a second.

当一个简单的电脉冲被送到读写头,它会短时间内出现一个小的电磁。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

20. To this end, we have assembled an unprecedented cast of contributors to write on the founding fathers of Asian nations.


21. A committee of thirteen men was named to write a bill based on Henry Clay's compromise.

VOA : special.2009.04.02

22. You can write on the edge. I don't care.

你也可以写在边缘,我不在乎。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

23. And thanks to Sears and Rebuild Together, who worked together to refit his house for his wheelchair -- and Jill and I got to write on his wall -- I hope our signatures are still there.

WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady and Dr. Biden Speak on the Joining Forces Anniversary | The White House

24. So if you want to on an exam, you can just write this down quickly at the beginning and refer to it as you're filling up your electron configurations, but also if you look at the periodic table it's very clear as you try to fill it up that way that the same order comes out of that.

如果你们想要在考试中,你们要在开始时快速地把这个写下来,然后在填充电子构型,的时候参考它,但是如果你们看着周期表,它就非常清楚了当你们将它用从那产生的,同样的顺序来填充。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

25. When asked to write something for the book on Texas' death row, he chose not to write about himself, but about a fellow inmate who took his own life.

VOA : standard.2009.10.21

26. Be sure your business card is plain on the back and not smooth to allow you to write on it.

FORBES: Create a Healthy and Prosperous Business

27. By the way, all the names that I read and that are not on the power points, you don't need to remember or write down.

我所提到名字不会出现在幻灯片上,不必背诵或记录。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

28. They made the extra effort to pick out one just for me, physically write on it and send it off.

CNN: Can postcards survive in the digital age?

29. And I think that's actually not on your handout, so I'll write it out for you.

讲义上应该没有写,我写在黑板上。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. Eminent feminist writer, Rajam Krishnan, one of the first to write on female infanticide in the state, said she met several mothers who were full of remorse when they told her why they had to kill their child.

BBC: India rights campaign for infanticide mothers

31. You can write on the front. You can write on the back.

你能写在前面,也能写在后面。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. Unlike with other pen-enabled tablets, where you might see air pockets in between the screen layers, this actually comes close to matching what it feels like to write on paper.

ENGADGET: Microsoft Surface Pro hands-on Hands-on

33. So you know everywhere on this picture you could write down exactly what the sequence of nucleotides are that make up this vector.

所以你能准确的知晓,组成图上这个载体的任何一处的核酸序列生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. The pen's targeted toward kids aged four to eight (and, thankfully, is designed to only write on designated books) and will come in pink and green.


35. Write on their Facebook page.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Student Loan Interest Rates in North Carolina | The White House

36. We got to write on his wall.

WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady and Dr. Biden Speak on the Joining Forces Anniversary | The White House

37. You can also write to us on Facebook and Twitter at VOA Learning English.

VOA : special.2010.06.16

38. He also offered some tough talk. "I emphasized that this has to be a point in time in which we begin to write a new chapter based on improved governance, a much more serious effort to eradicate corruption, joint efforts to accelerate the training of Afghan security forces so that the Afghan people can provide for their own security,".

VOA : standard.2009.11.02

39. Anya Marina did not write all the songs on the album.

VOA : special.2009.01.30

40. In fact, I'm going to write on Twitter what I am doing right now.

NPR: Sunshine State Smiles on McCain

41. Why don't you write down a second on the corner of your notepad what it is you're going to choose to do with my T.A.'s watching so we can't cheat.

请你们各自在笔记本上写下你们的选择,让助教监督一下,以防你们沟通好了博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Ms. GENTRY: I hear it from both sides, but again, I deal with a large African-American community when I'm talking to most of my - the folks that respond to me and who write on my blog, and they don't feel like they've ever been polled.

NPR: As Election Day Nears, Poll Data Questioned

43. "You Know I'm No Good" is the only cut Benevento didn't write on his new album Between the Needles and Nightfall.

NPR: Marco Benevento: Reinventing Amy Winehouse

44. Yeats is saying even simply on one level, "I will write differently henceforth, I must."

在某种程度上只是在叙述事情,叶芝说,必需写出不同的风格“现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. But what I really have to teach is not going to be based on what you might read in textbook or a great work of technical film studies, you gonna write paper about that, but what to do to get most of the meanings you have to read these books.

但我真正想教授的,并不基于你们可能在教材读到的东西,也不基于很多技术性的电影研究,你们将对此写论文,但是你们必须读这些书,才能更好的理解书中的内容。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. When he occasionally works as a substitute teacher, he'll write on the board a "nice or naughty" list.

CNN: Being Santa: 7 men share tales from behind the red suit

47. Then he'd write on a little note " and hand it to the guy and say just keep this note.

之后金匠会将其记录到一张票据上,交给他个人并且对他说:“保留好这张票据。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Hi, could you give us some tips on how to write better?

嗨,你能教我们一些写作技巧吗?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 英语写作:技巧

49. Her first job was to write a series of programs called Romance Under the Waters. The series was broadcast on radio for a year.

VOA : special.2010.03.14

50. Another way to write us is on Facebook.

VOA : special.2010.04.23

51. As he travels through each hall, he stops to write on the wall the lesson that he learned that day.

FORBES: Change Happens. Embrace It. Enjoy It. Look Forward To It.

52. reached Number One on the Country chart. Although he didn't write the track, he says, "This song identifies who I am.

VOA : standard.2010.04.09

53. Professor Young, who is Professor of Cultural Studies at Middlesex University, said American women writers tended to write on a more sweeping, epic scale.

BBC: Writers slated for 'Bridget Jones' novels

54. Laser disc players use lasers to accurately read or write marks on a reflective,coated plastic disc.

VOA : special.2010.09.01

55. In any case, I am glad that you chose to write on this topic, Jenna.

FORBES: The 10 Worst Stereotypes About Powerful Men

56. Still other experts write on estate and gift tax strategies and asset protection.

FORBES: The Forbes Guide To Estate Planning: 2013 Update

57. Cowper could write on anything, and generally did.

ECONOMIST: English letters

58. More than seventy-five percent of students choose to print their essay on the test rather than write in cursive.

VOA : special.2009.10.29

59. Now, again, we go through these faster then you can write, and as you all know, the lecture notes are posted on the website, so if you need to go back and refresh your memory on these things you can.

现在我们再快速的过一遍以便大家记录,而且你们都知道,课堂笔记都挂在网上,所以如果你们需要温习,加强记忆,你们可以看看笔记关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. To maintain relationships, I really love social media I often write on the Facebook walls of my key contacts, wish them happy birthday, or just reach out to say hi through a tweet or email or text message.

FORBES: The New Relationship Marketing







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