resolve conflict翻译_resolve conflict短语搭配_resolve conflict权威例句

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resolve conflict

网络 解决冲突

英 [rɪˈzɒlv ˈkɒnflɪkt]play 美 [rɪˈzɑːlv ˈkɑːnflɪkt]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. To resolve channel conflict 解决渠道冲突

2. auto-resolve conflict 自动解决冲突

3. To Resolve This Conflict 为解决该矛盾

4. resolve a conflict 解决冲突

5. Using Threats to Resolve Conflict 用威胁解决冲突

6. resolve conflict critie 解决矛盾规则

7. conflict resolve 冲突消解

8. resolve conflict criterion 解决矛盾准则


1. U.S. President George Bush said it is in America's vital interest to help resolve conflict because people who live in free societies are less likely to turn to ideologies of hatred and fear.


2. She may become more likely to resolve conflict with violence, to become involved with people who are abusive, and eventually to hit her own children.


3. The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses' pay.


4. Experiment of macro/ micro long range dual drive real time compensation is performed. It confirms that dual drive technology can effectively resolve conflict between long range and high precision.


5. A Leader Must be Able to Resolve Conflict: A good leader will examine conflict from all angles and be able to determine its root cause.


6. If they do, the operators are prompted to resolve the conflict.


7. Resolve Conflict between Network Information Security and Sophistication of Technology and Management


8. It forces the brain to resolve internal conflict, giving the mind a workout that strengthens its cognitive muscles.


9. When we compromise and resolve conflict, everyone wins.


10. According to the Times, these include the ability to "solve problems and make decisions," "resolve conflict and negotiate," "cooperate with others," and "listen actively."


11. How do you resolve conflict on a project team?


12. In the end, they always look to me to resolve conflict, and I have no choice but to enter the fray.


13. Therefore, how to maintain individuality, resolve conflict, achieve a win-win situation and diversified development become a urgent problem that need to be solved in the globalization.


14. A leader Must be able to Resolve conflict: a good leader will examine conflict from all angles and be able to determine its root cause.


15. According to a survey conducted which polled 100 mental health professionals, it was found that 43 percent of couples cited their inability to resolve conflict as the factor that led to divorce.


16. Chapter I presents the cause and the important content of international coordination on competition policy, then analyzes, to resolve conflict of competition policy, that constitute the international coordination mechanism of competition policy, moreover, expound its origin, development and function.


17. What is the best way to resolve conflict between players?


18. The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses' pay.


19. What is the best way to resolve conflict between players?


20. British attempt to resolve conflict with U.S. over what shape a football should be by giving U.S. a goal in their World Cup game.


21. Governance is the most effective tool to resolve this conflict.


22. The author brings forward the method of horizontal detection and distance detection to detect flight conflict, summarizes the detection procedure, points out some methods to resolve conflict, deduces the associate arithmetic, quantifies the detection criterion.


23. Examine one ending closely or compare two to determine how comic endings resolve conflict and to what degree they restore order: social order, personal authority, justice, or the truth.


24. Institute of Peace, founded by Congress in1984 as an independent, nonpartisan organization to resolve conflict and promote post-conflict stability and development.


25. We are often too busy to listen to our spouses and resolve conflict.


26. Part IV: The construction of priority for repayment of the price associated with the civil rights and resolve conflict.


27. He is sounding out Middle Eastern governments on ways to resolve the conflict.


28. Cannot resolve conflict while file is suspended.

在文件挂起时,无法解决冲突。《provided by jukuu》

29. Dispute settlement mechanism and its impact on the robustness of the real world, its ability and effect to resolve conflict is an assessment of social civilization and order.


30. He highlighted a series of "alarming, though not alarmist" scenarios, in which increasing degradation and competition for dwindling resources weakened the power of States to resolve conflict.


31. There is only one way to resolve this conflict: if outsiders don't know, then one will be made uncomfortable by my actions.


32. The "Three Caring Acout" can resolve conflict, create harmony and promote development.


33. Negotiation Method to Resolve Conflict of Shared Resource in Troops Cooperation


34. In the present, exploiting new fresh water resource and implementing water conservation for agriculture was one of the fundamental ways to resolve conflict between supply and demand of water for agriculture.


35. Breathe deeply 10 times, consider your options, and resolve conflict through focus on areas of similarity rather than oppositions.


36. The next step is to resolve any conflict that eventually appears and try to compile the code again.


37. How do you resolve conflict on a project team?


38. and another one is the anterior cingulate, which controls how we allocate and regulate attention and resolve conflict.


39. It can guarantee the citizens' space right, and counterpoise the interests, and resolve conflict, and stable economical order.


40. At the same time, resolved method of conflict in legal rules, conflict between legal rules and principles and conflict in legal principles provides the way to resolve conflict in legal duties.


41. As one of the important measures to resolve conflict between transportation supply and demand, the research of high-speed railway has become a urgent affair for railway development in China.


42. This comprehensive and effective control and resolve conflict is detrimental to the right.


43. He is sounding out Middle Eastern governments on ways to resolve the conflict


44. 'She's this mysterious stranger who rides in from out of town, changes everything using rather unorthodox methods to resolve conflict and then must leave.


45. This attempted to capture the degree to which they discussed what psychologists consider five crucial aspects of wise reasoning: willingness to seek opportunities to resolve conflict;


46. This is based on how you met and when, how you resolve conflict and how different your expectations and the reality are.


47. Establish the basic situation, introduce a conflict, build the picture very quickly, and finally resolve the conflict in some way with all the ends tidied up.


48. Though cultures are powerful, they are often unconscious, influencing conflict and attempts to resolve conflict in imperceptible ways.


49. You'll see how they resolve the conflict by merging and delivering.


50. This is a program within the school to help boys resolve conflict non-violently.


51. One way some philosophers have tried to resolve this conflict is by pointing out that determinism and free will are not necessarily incompatible.


52. Life skills and social development programmes designed to help children and adolescents manage anger, resolve conflict, and develop the necessary social skills to solve problems;


53. Q: What can be done to resolve this conflict of interest on tobacco control?


54. Parties in Israel are deeply divided over how to resolve the conflict with the Palestinians.



1. She also cited decades of efforts by U.S. presidents to resolve the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians, an effort she said was sometimes misunderstood.

CNN: Rice: U.S. using Cold War techniques in war on terror

2. This is why Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's claim that it will be impossible to resolve the conflict with the Palestinians without first neutralizing Iran rings so true.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's Arab cheerleaders

3. "Here I am talking to Minister Salehi and seeking the support and cooperation of Iran in my efforts to resolve this conflict peacefully, " he said.

CNN: Annan: Iran has 'role to play' for Syrian peace

4. He said the job was created because of China's interest in helping to resolve the conflict, not because of outside pressure.

NPR: China Envoy Responds to Critics of Darfur Policies

5. Women and men can play different, but essential roles in responding to crisis and attempting to resolve conflict and build peace.

UNESCO: Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Responses

6. China does not get involved in domestic politics in its African partner-nations and has not used its diplomatic or investment weight to help resolve the conflict in Darfur, Sudan.

NPR: Series Overview: China's Rising Power in Africa

7. And there were many people trying to resolve the conflict, not just in the Middle East,else in the world, with very good intentions but very often making inadvertently the matters worse.

有很多人都试图解决冲突,不只在中东,世界各地都有这种情况,人们都心存好意,但往往在不经意间使事情变得更糟。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

8. The A.U. blamed the Sudanese government for insisting on using force to resolve the conflict, a charge the government denies.

NPR: Stars Come Out for Darfur Refugees

9. In an attempt to resolve any conflict, the first step is to identify and isolate the specific areas of difference being debated.

FORBES: 8 Tips For Leading Those Who Don't Want to Follow

10. Within Bahrain's government, hardline and moderate factions argue over how to resolve the conflict, which is badly denting the kingdom's image.

ECONOMIST: Bahrains by-elections

11. The Brundtland Commission, formally called the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), was established to resolve a conflict between economic and environmental ministers.

FORBES: Settling the Sustainability Frontier

12. The festival seeks to resolve conflict, strengthen community bonds and hopefully, arrive at a greater peace.

BBC: Perus Christmas fighting festival

13. How are in conflict resolution, the dominant theme of most people with good intentions want to resolve conflict is let's get the people together, let's get them to talk, and they and we will live happily ever after.

在解决冲突时,大多数人,好心想要解决冲突,让人们坐下来,好好谈谈,然后就能过上幸福快乐的日子。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

14. An actual knife, or at least a psychological one, appears in the third to kill someone off and resolve the conflict.

FORBES: Zynga and Facebook: Still Married But Taking Separate Vacations

15. Elected to a three-year term that began in April 2012, Hummel has consistently sought to find compromise and resolve conflict with management as well as with Phoenix-based pilots from America West, which merged with US Airways in 2005.

FORBES: US Airways Pilots Approve Merger Contract in Win for Union President

16. The Palestinian parliament met in a bid to resolve the conflict between the president, Yasser Arafat, and the prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas.

ECONOMIST: After the bomb

17. If this happens, the effort to resolve the conflict will fail.

ECONOMIST: Accurate accounts

18. He asserted that as a consequence, it will be impossible to resolve the conflict until they change their view of Israel.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's premier opportunist

19. To resolve the conflict, each side appeals to our System One never asked to do the math, but to decide which experts to believe.

FORBES: Thinking Fast, Slow And Not At All

20. The natural way to resolve this conflict would be to reorganize the whole business so that investors are obliged to pay for the rationings that they use.

FORBES: Rethinking Credit Ratings

21. They are also very in favor, and this includes the Pakistan's People Parties, of negotiation to resolve the conflict with the Taliban - both in Afghanistan and in Pakistan.

NPR: Opposition Parties Join over Dislike for Musharraf

22. Putin said that the U.S. move will hamper efforts to resolve the conflict.

NPR: Why Georgia-Russia Conflict Is Significant For U.S.

23. The commission is investigating the allegations, spokeswoman Shannon Powers said, and will attempt to resolve the conflict out of court.

CNN: Swim club accused of racial discrimination against kids

24. Tell your supervisor what you've done to resolve the conflict, but don't discuss what went on at the meeting with other cubicle dwellers.

FORBES: Handling The Dingbat

25. Click here for seven tips on how to resolve conflict at work.

FORBES: Handling The Dingbat

26. "Nobody gets everything they want in a negotiation seeking to resolve a conflict like this,".

VOA : standard.2009.11.25

27. In his interview, Mr Assad dismissed any suggestion that Britain could help to resolve the conflict.

BBC: Hague: Giving arms to Syrian rebels cannot be ruled out

28. Let's just get them together to talk,to resolve their conflict and their issue and then we will all live happily ever after.

让他们交谈,解决他们的冲突,和他们的问题,然后我们就能过上幸福生活。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

29. The biggest test for the joint venture will be to resolve channel conflict between the founding parties.

ECONOMIST: So the elephants danced | The

30. Or, in other words, how do I help resolve the conflict my Big Data and analysis has generated?

FORBES: Meeting the Big Data challenge: DON'T be objective

31. When questioned about the long-standing rivalry between India and Pakistan, Mr.Obama said it is not Washington's role to try to resolve the conflict from the outside.

VOA : standard.2009.11.25

32. It is tempting to give up trying to resolve the conflict altogether.

ECONOMIST: Northern Cyprus's new president: Enter Eroglu | The

33. How you resolve that conflict is up to you but startup UpTo wants you to at least have all that information in one place.

FORBES: Startup UpTo Wants To Make Your Calendar Social

34. In exchange the Palestinians committed to resolve their conflict with Israel through direct negotiations that would lead to peace.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: With friends like these

35. "The best solution to resolve this conflict is of course to promote a system for making government officials' property public, " The Beijing News comments.

BBC: China media: Housing law anger









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