
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈlev(ə)l]play美 [ˈlev(ə)l]play

  • n. 数量,程度;标准,水平;层次,级别;看待(或应对、理解)事物的方式;水平高度,相对高度;楼层;平地;水平仪
  • adj. 平坦的,水平的;相同价值的,相同地位的;比分相同的;平静的,冷静的
  • v. 使平整;推倒,夷平;(使)比分相同;(尤指用枪)瞄准;针对……(进行批评等);稳定下来,达到平衡(level off);坦诚相见;作水准测量
  • 【名】 (Level)(法)勒韦尔(人名)

复数 levels 第三人称单数 levels 现在分词 levelling或leveling 过去式 levelled或leveled 过去分词 levelled或leveled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


level /ˈlɛvəl/ CET4 TEM4 [ levelling leveled levels ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A level is a point on a scale, for example, a scale of amount, quality, or difficulty. 水平

    If you don't know your cholesterol level, it's a good idea to have it checked.



    We do have the lowest level of inflation for some years.


  • 2.
    单数型名词 The level of a river, lake, or ocean or the level of liquid in a container is the height of its surface. 水位

    The water level of the Mississippi River is already 6.5 feet below normal.


  • 3.
    →see also   sea level
  • 4.
    单数型名词 If something is at a particular level, it is at that height. 水平高度

    Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eye level.


  • 5.
    可数名词 A level of a building is one of its different storeys, which is situated above or below other storeys. 层

    Thurlow and Brown's rooms were on the second level, to the rear of the building.


  • 6.
    可数名词 →see   spirit level
  • 7.
    形容词 If one thing is level with another thing, it is at the same height as it. 与…等高的

    He leaned over the counter so his face was almost level with the boy's.


  • 8.
    形容词 When something is level, it is completely flat with no part higher than any other. 平坦的

    The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head.


  • 9.
    副词 If you draw level with someone or something, you get closer to them until you are by their side. 接近

    Just before we drew level with the gates, he slipped out of the jeep and disappeared.


  • 10.
    形容词 Level is also an adjective. 接近的

    He waited until they were level with the door before he pivoted around sharply and punched Graham hard.


  • 11.
    及物动词 If someone or something such as a violent storm levels a building or area of land, they destroy it completely or make it completely flat. 夷平

    The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this century. It levelled sugar plantations and destroyed homes.


  • 12.
    及物动词 If an accusation or criticism is levelled at someone, they are accused of doing wrong or they are criticized for something they have done. (指责或批评) 针对

    Allegations of corruption were levelled at him and his family.


  • 13.
    a level playing field →see   playing field





level even flat horizontal 【导航词义:平的】

level adj. 平的,水平的

〔辨析〕 指平坦没有倾斜的;也指两事物齐平的,常后接介词 with。

例1: The floor is quite level.


例2: The city was built on a level terrain.


例3: Your eyes should be level with the top of the picture.


even adj. 平的,平坦的,平滑的

〔辨析〕 指表面平整无凸起的。

例1: Try to make the top of the hedge even.


例2: The road is not even.


flat adj. 扁平的,平坦的

〔辨析〕 指表面平滑的,无凹凸、倾斜或弯曲之处,但不一定是水平的。

例1: The earth is round but not flat.


例2: Work on a clean, flat surface.


horizontal adj. 水平的

〔辨析〕 指与地平线平行的。

例1: a horizontal instrument/surface


例2: The vertical line meets the horizontal one here.


flatten v. (使)变平

〔辨析〕 普通用词,指物体变平或使物体变平;也指通过撞击、轰炸等将建筑物、树木等夷平。

例1: Why do biscuits flatten slightly while cooking?


例2: You'd better use the rolling pin to flatten the dough.


例3: The enemy bombers have flattened the city.


level v. 使平坦,弄平

〔辨析〕 只作及物动词,指将某物弄平整,或摧毁、夷平建筑物等,常可与 flatten 换用。

例1: The workers managed to level/flatten the floor.


例2: Bombs levelled/flattened half of the city.


smooth out phr. v. 弄平

〔辨析〕 指用手把纸、布等弄平整。

例1: He smoothed out the paper and then began to write on it.


例2: She helped her son to smooth out all the wrinkles.



1. level of …的水平;…的等级

2. service level 服务水平

3. high level 高层;高电平

4. level with 对……说实话

5. water level n. 水位;水平面;水准仪

6. spirit level 水平仪 ; 水平尺

7. international level 国际层面,国际水准

8. county-level city 县级市 ; 县级城市

9. advanced level n. (英国)一般学历证书考试优等(等于A level)

10. technical level 技术层面,技术水平

11. certain level 某一水平

12. liquid level 液面

13. price level 物价水平

14. A-level 高中 ; 英国高考 ; 课程 ; 高中课程

15. energy level 物 能级 ; 能态 ; 能量水平 ; 能量级

16. noise level 声,环境 噪声级 ; 电子 噪声电平 ; 噪音值 ; 声,环境 噪音级

17. lower level 下水平,低电平

18. on the level 诚实的;可靠的;坦率地;老实说

19. management level 管理水平;管理[层]级

20. top level 最高级的

21. Level Set 水平集 ; 等值面 ; 水平集方法

22. confidence level 统计 置信水平 ; 可信度

23. income level [经]收益水平

24. basic level 基本水平

25. High level 高层 ; 俱乐部高层 ; 高阶 ; 高电平

26. low level 低水平;低能级

27. national level 国家级;国家层次

28. sea level 海平面

29. logic level 计 逻辑级 ; 逻辑层




basic level 基础级

increased level 提高级

intermediate level 中级

top level 最高级

upper level 较高级

high/low level 高/上层;高/低


level of activity 活动水平

level of awareness 认识水平

cholesterol level 胆固醇水平

college level 大学水平

comfort level 舒适度

level of difficulty 难度

energy level 能量水平

noise level 噪音程度

reading level 阅读水平

skill level 技术水平

stress level 压力程度

level of violence 暴力水平

eye level 齐眼的高度

ground level 地面高度

street level 街道标高


1. There's a cheat you can use to get to the next level.


2. Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eye level.


3. House prices show no sign of levelling off, ie are continuing to rise or fall.


4. This may cause frosting on the outside of the cylinder at the liquid level.


5. He studied French to degree level .


6. They brought in a bulldozer to level the land around the house.


7. That is the highest level in 27 years

这是27年来的最高水平。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

8. When Julie speaks of her disability, she talks in the same calm, level tones she uses to discuss her A level prospects.


9. He leveled bitter criticism against the US.


10. What is the level of this course?


11. a high level of achievement


12. He tried to level at the fox.


13. Most of the monkeys' food is found at ground level.


14. Upcoming reforms might bring the price to a more reasonable level.

即将进行的改革可能使价格趋于更合理的水平。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

15. This increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for the complex political systems

required by advanced economic performance.不断提高的教育水平也许是非凡经济效益所需的复杂政治制度的必要条件,但并非充分条件。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

16. The current market price at this level is still online.


17. A unit that describes the ratio of two power levels.


18. The standard of your work has fallen from the level we expect from you.


19. a test that checks the level of alcohol in the blood




21. Water will always find its own level.


22. It became obvious that a new level of accessibility and decoupling was necessary.


23. Other research hasn't found a difference in blood pressure levels among pet owners and non owners.


24. It is important not to let production levels fall.


25. Shemsen brought the tines level with Eshono's heart.


26. Maggie . Think I just level led Moscow.


27. What is the consequence of raising my service level?


28. We shoulders heavy responsibility for overstepping advanced level in the world.


29. In order to suit users'convenient, new level shift circuit is used in digital dimming block.


30. Stop bIt'send by transmitters are always placed in the mark level.


31. II with a horizontal line. Formed by straight and level of consistent performance, quiet and static.

水平线骨式. 由水平直线组成的构图,具有稳定 、 平静感,表现静态美.《期刊摘选》

32. “Its key objective is to place at the centre of recovery efforts measures that would generate high levels of employment and provide basic social protection for the most vulnerable.

“协议的关键目标是将能够带来高就业水平并为最脆弱的群体提供基本社会保障的措施作为就业复苏工作的核心。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

33. The energy density of the spot was 100 times the typical saturation level of the vidicons.


34. TCCC recognizes global challenges and the differences between each manufacturer and level of their development.


35. Are there any additional actions KCPL can implement to enhance the level of customer service?


36. a relatively low/high level of crime

相对低的 / 高的罪案数字《牛津词典》

37. Both players are on a level (= of the same standard) .


38. Subcircuits of control input , level translation, analog switch transistor and static protection are described in detail.

其内部电路设计有控制输入级 、 电平转换级 、 高速模拟开关管及静电保护电路.《期刊摘选》

39. The floodwater nearly reached roof level.


40. Allegations of corruption were levelled at him and his family...


41. There were probably moments when you wondered if anyone spoke the truth or was on the level.


42. Have the potential to conduct research and write a thesis at doctoral level.


43. The government exacts taxes from every wage earner above a certain level of income.


44. The folding bracket after being folded is parallel or oblique with the horizontal level.


45. Two A-level passes are needed for this course.


46. He levelled his gun at the lion.


47. The completed island will be six to seven meters above sea level.


48. Clear the garden and level off!


49. A heavy roller is pulled over grass to level it.


50. The model parameters can be interpreted on the molecular level.


51. He got agitated too much for his own tolerance level.


52. The level of violence in the film really disgusted me.


53. Computer screens should be at eye level.


54. An increase in height, as of the level of water.

上涨,上升,升高:高度的升高, 如水平线.《期刊摘选》

55. Is the sampling plan set with consideration of existing outgoing quality level and target?


56. A power level of the first communication as received is measured.


57. Please give me your normal method of indicating polish level.


58. The government has raised the tax levels.


59. Capital expenditure was treble the 2002 level.


60. He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader.


61. Ears - Folded level with top of head, with forward edge close to cheek.

耳朵的折痕位于头顶的水平面, 前侧边缘贴近面颊.《期刊摘选》

62. Figure 3 shows a graphic representation of a tri level sync signal.


63. The builders levelled the ground.


64. The factory cannot continue its current level of production.


65. Associations were adjusted for age, level of education, working status, smoking, and overweight.

联系还经过了与年龄 、 教育水平 、 工作状况 、 吸烟及体重超重等相关因素的修正.《期刊摘选》

66. What happens to water level in the glass when the candle goes out?


67. The top of the bulb CD must be at a lower level than mark B.


68. Make three small holes at different levels in another plastic bottle.


69. She's doing an AS (level) in French.


70. He studied French to degree level.


71. The ground levels off beyond those houses.


72. It is not clear, however, how high levels of fiber affect mineral balance.


73. The library is all on one level.


74. I'm not convinced he's on the level.


75. Since fewer than half of Americans say they cook at an intermediate level and only 20% describe their cooking skills as advanced, the crisis is one of confidence.

鉴于不到一半的美国人表示他们的厨艺水平仅达中等,只有20% 的人认为自己的厨艺精湛,所以问题其实在于自信心。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

76. Amy knelt down so that their eyes were level.


77. Levelling out the pavement in Queen Street is a top priority.


78. Are these pictures level?


79. Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.


80. When the car had pulled level with him, he had spoken into the lowered passenger window.


81. The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this century. It leveled sugar plantations and destroyed homes.


82. I have taught ALL levels of English and have enjoyed it all!


83. Make sure the frame is level on the wall.


84. The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head.


85. Objectives : To investigate the levels of arsenic exposure of residents in the arsenic polluted areas an.

目的: 研究砷污染地区居民砷暴露水平的分布特征.《期刊摘选》

86. You need three A levels to get onto this university course.


87. Achieving success at this level requires a commitment of time and energy.


88. We need support at grass-roots level.


89.  This  figure is now 830,000(4.4 percent ) above its year ago level

该数字目前比年前水平增加了83万(增长率为4.4%)。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

90. Noise estimation is the key factor of speech enhancement in variable noise level environments.


91. The values calculated at population levels are above the diagonal, the average values at are below.

对角线上为居群水平的计算值, 对角线下为以物种为单位的平均值.《期刊摘选》

92. He has leveled with the American people about his role in the affair.


93. The level of technical detail, research, and time invested in developing relevant examples is impressive.

水平的技术细节, 研究和时间投入发展相关的例子,令人印象深刻.《期刊摘选》

94. This more sophisticated devices that require a high level of specialist operations, and validation.


95. Stir in 1 level teaspoon of yeast.


96. Griselda: You're right. For example, millions could be driven from their homes by rising sea levels.

格里塞达: 你 说 得对. 例如数以百万计的人,可能因海洋水平线上升,不得不撤离居所.《期刊摘选》

97. Survey On Physical Function Developmental Level Of Students With Mental Retardation In beijing.


98. ...a plateau of fairly level ground.


99. Most countries with similar income levels – Angola, say , or Azerbaijan – are also authoritarian.

大多数同类发展水平的国家也都是极权主义的,如安哥拉, 再如, 阿塞拜疆.《期刊摘选》

100. Many families are living below the level of subsistence.


101. After the long hill, the road levelled out.


102. The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution.


103. About half of the 1,200 achievements were comparable in quality to the world level.


104. The bottom line here is the more fiber you eat, perhaps, a lower level of hormone in your body, and therefore, a lower lifetime risk of developing breast cancer.

这其中的要旨是,你摄入的纤维素越多,你体内的荷尔蒙水平就有可能越低,因此,你这一生中患乳腺癌的风险就越低。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

105. And , now we a basis to figure out when we have reached that level.


106. She took six subjects at O level.


107. Objective : To increase the diagnosis and treatment level of adult wilms tumor.

目的: 提高成人肾母细胞瘤的诊治水平.《期刊摘选》

108. The transducing levelling instrument can be used for automatic observation on deformation.


109. To verify this, let us review the whole question upon the philosophic level.

为证实这点, 我们必须在纯哲学的水准上,把它重新研究一番.《期刊摘选》

110. In the end, author proposes how to improve purchasing management level to face the future challenge.

最后, 本文提出了对我国企业改进采购管理水平的建议,以帮助企业提高采购管理的水平,以应对未来的挑战.《期刊摘选》

111. The government, in recent years, has already attained to the advanced country's level of the world.

我国政府机关近几年不论在政府资讯通信基础建设或应用服务方面, 都已逐渐臻于世界先进国家水准.《期刊摘选》

112. People living in moderate poverty have the resources to keep themselves alive, but only at a very basic level.

处于中度贫困的人拥有维持生存的资源,但仅处于非常基本的水平。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

113. It's amazing that sculpture had attained such a high artistic level by that time.


114. A degree is an essential prerequisite for employment at this level.


115. This can facilitate the desing of the automatic level.


116. The water level rises rapidly during monsoon season.


117. This level of success would have been unimaginable just last year.


118. People used to live near people of different income levels; neighborhoods are now more segregated by income.

过去人们的邻居收入水平不一,而现在的居住区在更大程度上是由收入划分的。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

119. He's got an O level in Russian.


120. This current may affect the measurement accuracy, especially at low signal levels.

此电流就可能影响测量的准确度, 在低信号电平时尤为显著.《期刊摘选》

121. Napoli have drawn level with AC Milan at the top of the Italian league.


122. America's new plan to buy up toxic assets will not work unless banks mark assets to levels which buyers find attractive.

除非银行将资产价值确定在买主觉得有吸引力的水平,否则,美国收购有毒资产的新计划将不会奏效。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

123. We do not lower ourselves to the levels of those that mock Munich.


124. The key specification for darkroom electrical property is reflecting level.


125. You are to repulse an attack of terrorist detachments at each level.


126. The plane levelled off at 1 500 feet.

飞机在1 500英尺的高空保持水平飞行。《牛津词典》

127. Are you sure this deal is on the level?


128. Correlation analysis was given on aided hearing level and speech recognition abilities.


129. Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety.


130. The offers on the table add up to around 15 % compared with 1990 levels by 2020.


131. Michael's roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level...


132. Wang Ping: Nevertheless, there is a great potential for raising the Asian sports level.

王平: 但是, 亚洲运动水平的潜力很大.《期刊摘选》

133. More than 20 subjects are on offer at AS level at our college.


134. Considering the fuzzy probabilities of the seismic damage levels macroscopic method is developed for aseismic structures.


135. I just had to get his signature to take an upper level seminar.


136. I had a gun levelled at my head.


137. Or local economic potentiality, technical level, level of living and national defense strength.

或地区的经济实力 、 科技水平 、 生活水准和国防实力.《期刊摘选》

138. These are support and resistance levels. They are plotted using a horizontal line.

它们就是支撑和阻力位, 用水平线来表示.《期刊摘选》

139. Therefore, how to efficiently control the inventory level becomes a very important issue.

因此, 如何有效的控制存货水准已经变成企业管理者一个所必须要面对的议题.《期刊摘选》

140. To break up and level ( soil or land ) with a harrow.

用耙弄平(农地, 土壤 )用耙子打碎和平整 ( 土壤或土地 )《期刊摘选》

141. The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level.


142. Replying with a snide remark means stooping to the bully's level, and the problem could escalate.

以卑鄙的话回答意味著把自己降低到恶棍的水准, 可能导致问题激化.《期刊摘选》

143. Variation in the level of cheese holder brackets.


144. He leaned over the counter so his face was almost level with the boy's...


145. When the level of the players is higher an opportunistic shot is not rational.


146. Change from a dive to level flight . Used of an aircraft.


147. Important guidelines such as sampling level, acceptance criteria and inspection instructions are clearly defined and documented.

重要指引如抽样水准, 接收标准和检查说明清析定义并有文件证明.《期刊摘选》

148. The level of urbanization is an important index of a country's economic development.


149. I and instinct, and am always ready to showcase myself on the top level.

我是感性的人, 而且我总是准备在最高水平的舞台上去表现自己.《期刊摘选》

150. So professionally and a high level of material must be specified.


151. The President told American troops that he would do his level best to bring them home soon.


152. Objective To investigate effect of experimental stress and cage shelf level on emotionality in Chinese Hamster.


153. Further tremors could level more buildings...


154. The debt has been reduced to a more manageable level.


155. Bullets were thudding against the wall.


156. Meet the standard, closed standards, support level of computing functions.

符合水准 、 闭合水准 、 支水准计算功能.《期刊摘选》

157. They were living barely above the level of subsistence.


158. This book is perfect for introductory level courses in computational methods for comparative and functional genomics.


159. English is a compulsory subject at this level.


160. The level of violence in the movie really disgusted me.


161. A good second round brought him level with the tournament leader.


162. Tests have shown high levels of pollutants in the water.


163. Some of their earliest observations have to do with the level of selfcontrol the youngsters displayed.

他们最早的一些观察内容与儿童们表现出的自控水平有关。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

164. Improve the financial service facilities and layout planning, to enhance the level of financial services.

完善金融服务设施和布局规划, 提升金融服务水平.《期刊摘选》

165. The stadium was 5,000 feet above sea level.


166. The conflict has now reached a new level of intensity.


167. We need to cut nitrate levels in water.


168. The finding points to longstanding evidence that fiber may reduce circulating female hormone levels, which could explain the reduced risk.

这项发现强调了一种早就存在的证据,即纤维素也许会降低女性荷尔蒙的循环水平——这可能是患病风险降低的原因。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

169. The hunter levelled a gun at a tiger.


170. The organizers of the experiment concluded that far fewer students were achieving at high levels on critical thinking than they were doing for written communication or quantitative literacy.

实验的组织者总结说,比起书面交流和数据理解方面,在批判性思维方面达到高水平的学生要少得多。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

171. Relative poverty is generally considered to be a household income level which is below a given proportion of average family income.

相对贫困一般指低于一定比例的平均家庭收入的家庭收入水平。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

172. After levelling aviation field, collect pay begin fine fine ground to study this industry.

瞄准航空领域后, 汇付开始细细地研究这个行业.《期刊摘选》

173. He's doing an A2 (level) in History.


174. Just before we drew level with the gates, he slipped out of the jeep and disappeared into the crowd...


175. This latest rise is intended to keep wages level with inflation.


176. Can she take the heat of this level of competition?


177. It was concluded that the level of change necessary would be low.


178. The test was pitched at too low a level for the students.


179. I'll level with you. I'm no great detective. I've no training or anything...


180. low/high pollution levels

轻度 / 重度污染《牛津词典》

181. Immediately Shevchenko set up Bridge for a fine cross and Chelsea levelled the corner count.


182. I'm doing maths A level.


183. It is hard to keep the economy growing at a level clip.


184. Guidelines such as sampling level ( AQL ) and acceptance criteria are not well defined.

指引没有清析定义如抽样水准 ( AQL ),接收标准等事项.《期刊摘选》

185. Level off the shelves with a spirit level.


186. He forced his voice to remain level...


187. That path is too high; level it down from here.

那条路太高, 从这里把它弄平.《期刊摘选》

188. Individualattack tactic motion level height directly is affecting partial and the whole attack tactic quality.


189. What level of profit do you envisage?


190. The Cincinnati Reds have levelled the score in the National League play-off against the Pittsburgh Pirates.


191. When water levels rise, flooding results.


192. The wind, temperature , water level , etc has dropped considerably.

风势已减弱了 、 温度已下降了 、 水平面已降低了很多.《辞典例句》

193. The levels of pollution in this area are unduly high.


194. The signal level in decibels ( or nepers ) at a particular position on a telecommunication line.

在远程通信线的某一位置上,以分贝 ( 奈培 ) 单位表示的信号电平.《期刊摘选》

195. Stress levels increased 18% for women and 24% for men from 1983 to 2009.

从 1983 年到 2009 年,女性的压力水平上涨了18%,男性的则上涨了 24%。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

196. Profits were at the same level as the year before.


197. The CRP level and CSS are positive correlated with TLR 4.

ACS患者 外周血单核细胞TLR4水平与CRP及CSS呈正相关.《期刊摘选》

198. Significant interpersonal skills so that communication at all levels are of the highest standard.


199. A higher level of equity, of course, makes it easier to issue debt.

当然, 权益水平的上升会使发债变得相对容易.《期刊摘选》

200. Players of every skill level are to jump into a match.


201. Mic level output must be connected to the microphone connector on the back of the system.


202. Able to work quickly and efficiently in a high level of cleaning job.


203. Require it is impossible for the whole people to reach a level with quality.


204. Work is like a tree full of monkeys, all on different limbs at different levels.

工作单位就像一棵爬满猴的树, 所有的猴分处在不同高度的枝杈上.《期刊摘选》

205. The preliminary computation is the same as that for ordinary levelling.


206. The water level of the Mississippi River is already 6.5 feet below normal...


207. I must be below the level of the Kynslagh.


208. Branching intensity and rhizome length of L . virgaurea and L. sagitta increased with the increasing of resource level.


209. If you don't know your cholesterol level, it's a good idea to have it checked...


210. Above the level of the court.


211. Many companies have enjoyed considerable success without advancing beyond the rudimentary levels of strategic development.


212. No other executive car can offer you the same level of standard equipment at this price.


213. But could Norway keep its standard of living and yet cut its emissions to Moroccan or even Ethiopian levels?

但是,挪威可以既保持生活标准,又把排放量降低到摩洛哥甚至是埃塞俄比亚的水平吗?《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

214. Different levels of formality are appropriate in different situations.


215. Like any skill, cooking gets easier as you do it more; every time you cook, you advance your level of skills.

烹饪和其他技能一样,你做得越多就越得心应手;你每次做饭时,水平都会提高一些。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

216. Applicable WIESON quality inspection plan will specify the sampling acceptable quality level to be used.


217. Simon is level-headed and practical.


218. The level of pollution in the river was falling.


219. Iglesias scored twice to level the score...


220. The hostage had a rifle levelled at his head.


221. The whole place is at sea level.


222. Becomes more important with low signal levels or high noise levels.


223. Now in the Standing Spin Outside you'll go from Right into Level.


224. Patrick Belser, an International Labour Organization specialist says declining wage rates are linked to the levels of unemployment.

国际劳工组织专家Patrick Belser说,下降的工资和失业水平有关系。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

225. The input voltage at which the output logic level changes state.


226. He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them.


227. Its unhurried but sophisticated citizens boast not only high incomes but also high levels of education.


228. To break up and level ( soil or land ) with harrow.

用耙弄平(农地, 土壤 ):用耙子打碎和平整 ( 土壤或土地 )《期刊摘选》

229. The level of the water mounted until it reached my waist.



1. Jones is well-versed at that level and he has done a fantastic job - nobody should forget that.

BBC: Ask Steve Claridge

2. The government does not think there is a need to change the level of parking fines.

BBC: Fixed Penalty Notice motoring fines may rise to ?90

3. um, in one language and then go to another language you have to talk on the level of a child.

再转换到另一门陌生的语言将是十分困难的,他的表达可能变得像儿童一样磕磕巴巴。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 想学好英语吗?

4. The New Orleans Police Department has some 1, 200 officers, about 300 short of its peak staffing level.

BBC: New Orleans Mother's Day attack: Brothers arrested

5. But at some grade level the emphasis needs to shift from shoring up weaknesses to building on strengths.

FORBES: Real-World Advice for the Young

6. Let's talk sort of at a more tactical level, about what do we want you to know in this course.

我们来讲一些策略层面上的目标,关于我们希望你们从课程中学到什么。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

7. The city is more than two thousand meters above sea level, near the southern Rocky Mountains in northern New Mexico.

VOA : special.2009.03.30

8. University degree (preferably at master's level) in the field of Information Technology or related disciplines.

UNESCO: Main Menu

9. Experts say the ability to take up lead is reduced when the pH level is above six and a half.

VOA : special.2009.06.09

10. Two penalties apiece from Blues' Dai Flanagan and Bath's Olly Barkley left the scores level at the break.

BBC: Bath 6-14 Blues

11. You could get this sort of agreement on a UK level, but the European system is too blunt.

BBC: You are in: UK

12. These values are referred to by their catchy titles: Level 1, 2, or 3.

FORBES: Briefing Book: A. Michael Lipper

13. A-level maths


14. In late 1996 Aetna demanded that 2, 000 of its mid- and senior-level managers sign a noncompete agreement.

FORBES: Whose Rolodex is it, anyway?

15. The rest of contemporary history, including all of the stormy events leading up to Milton's own beloved Puritan Revolution, in which Milton himself, of course, had participated -all of that has been at least at the literal level, at the explicit level, expunged from the poem.

接下来的当代历史,包括所有引领着弥尔顿所钟爱的清教徒革命的,暴风性事件,在那场革命中,弥尔顿本人也参与其中,-所有那些至少在文义层面,在独立于本诗之外可说清的层面,都是很重要的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. The players have to find all the marketing in the neighborhood before they can move on to the next level.

VOA : special.2010.06.04

17. It takes work both at the individual level and it takes work at the group level.

不仅个人需要下功夫,群体也要下功夫。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. Perry, 47 hit a four-under 67 to draw level with Axley (67) and Adamonis (66) on 15-under par.

BBC: Perry in tie for John Deere lead

19. I showed you this in this picture here and those levels of control can be at the level of transcription.

我把这些都给你们显示在这张图上,调控可以在转录的水平下进行生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. Initially when we go to a warm place, we feel the relief and there's this spiky level of wellbeing.

刚去到一个温暖的地方,会感到放松,幸福水平高到值峰。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

21. According to Kim, pollution is one of the primary concerns on the local level.

BBC: Travellers impact on coral reefs

22. The UK's rebate is shrinking from its current annual level of about 3.5bn euros.

BBC: EU leaders agree 3% budget cut deal in Brussels

23. That represented 10% of revenues and that was the lowest level for the entire century -the entire twentieth century--10% of revenues.

占了收入的10%,这个比例是整个20世纪的最低水平,收入的10%金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. At one level, you might say there is an important difference in style that you will see almost immediately.

在一个层面上,你可能会说有个重要的差别是风格,我们马上就会看到。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. They are playing at a high level indeed, and they dress and play the part.

FORBES: Ignore the Man Behind the Curtain -- Just Enjoy the Show

26. The decibel level was mounting.


27. The survey showed that only 29% of the responders are satisfied with the current level of standards.

FORBES: The Great RFID Experiment That Wasn't

28. This year, ninety-six per cent of A-level candidates achieved a pass.


29. Dr.Chan says the WHO is no longer operating "at the level of top performance that is increasingly needed,and expected."

VOA : special.2011.01.19

30. What's more, black women are more likely than any group in America to work for poverty-level wages.

CNN: How threat to Planned Parenthood hurts black mothers

31. And instead of having the electron giving off energy as a photon, instead now the electron is going to take in energy from light and move up to that higher level.

与电子以光子形式施放能量不同,我们现在要从光中,获得能量到一个更高的能级。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. In warmer climates, snow is known to fall in areas over four thousand nine hundred meters above sea level.

VOA : special.2010.01.05

33. From this level, a flight of stairs leads to the first viewing gallery on floor 69.

BBC: Sky high at Londons Shard

34. The solution undergoes further processing to stabilize the ions and to adjust the pH level.

FORBES: Holy Water

35. One sports writer later described Clemente's throwing, running and hitting during the World Series as close to the level of perfection.

VOA : special.2010.04.11

36. The researchers say the nanodiamonds were all found in a level of soil thought to be about 13,000 years old.

VOA : special.2009.01.20

37. A level of humility, and hyper sensitivity to the suffering of poor people, the oppressed people and working people.

他对穷苦人民,受压迫的人民,以及工人阶级有着极大的谦逊和极高的敏感。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

38. Secretary Clinton said donors and the government of Haiti showed a new level of international support, coordination and cooperation.

VOA : special.2010.04.02

39. The Wales Coast Path website also details the difficulty level of any leg of the hike.

BBC: Walking the new Wales coastal path

40. But as part of a more rigorous introduction to understanding how the machines work and writing programs at this lower level.

作为一种,理解电脑工作机制,和在低平台上编程的入门方法。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

41. The scientists say the current level of diversity within cattle breeds is at least as great as within humans.

VOA : special.2009.05.05

42. Portillo is set at 2, 880m above sea level and receives some 6m of dry powder every winter.

BBC: A South American snow-hounds paradise

43. Already Dell is planning to invade the larger Level 3 switch market and go upward from there.

FORBES: Pulled in a New Direction

44. Even if quantum mechanics was wrong and somehow, you know, at the macro level all the indeterminism boils out-- whatever-- and at the macro level we are deterministic systems, so what?

即便量子力学是错的,而且不知怎的,在宏观水平上,所有的非决定性都蒸发了,不管发生了什么,在宏观水平上我们都成了决定论的系统,那又如何死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. If consumption remains at the 2010 level, they will have accounted for 35% of electricity needs.

BBC: Energy Committee 1

46. C So, that's the breakdown. And, the grade is C level, 50% and it's based upon a performance of 50% absolute.

这些就是分类,分数是,那就是基于成绩的。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

47. There, Congress's state-level chiefs will need time to placate their own angry members if they can.

ECONOMIST: Attempts to satisfy demands for local autonomy backfire

48. They have a material that supplies electrons and a power source that lifts the energy level of those electrons.

VOA : special.2010.09.01

49. Applicants' videos on his website capture an extraordinary level of excitement about the chance of making the journey.

BBC: Prospect of one-way Mars trip captures the imagination

50. These are factors that can add on to the base offense level, which results in a higher sentence.

CNN: Peanut sentence sends a message

51. The strike will now disrupt students as it coincides with GCSE and A-Level examinations.

BBC: Isle of Man bus strike to continue into TT week

52. Simon is level-headed and practical.


53. The Commerce Department reported Thursday that the building of new homes fell in March to the second-lowest level on record.

VOA : special.2009.04.17

54. The commercial center of southern Laos, Pakse, is busy, noisy and on a charm level with maybe Secaucus.

FORBES: Asian Beauty

55. By honouring post-doctoral level women in science with flexible financial aid, the prize is completely unique.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - LOral -UNESCO For Women in Science 2015 Fellows Announced at Royal Society event

56. They answered questions about their level of physical activity as teenagers and at age thirty, fifty and late in life.

VOA : special.2010.07.07

57. It predicts counterfeit sales will reach seventy-five billion dollars worldwide this year nearly double the level of two thousand five.

VOA : special.2010.02.22

58. Work has now been completed to realign and level a dozen collapsed gravestones and control overgrown vegetation.

BBC: Beverley Minster churchyard opens to the public

59. The fields are below sea level.


60. "It will keep us busy at a high level until April or May next year, " he said.

BBC: Euro launch lifts security firms

61. Whereas, 27% of whites are reading at a low level, 22% of Asian-Pacific kids are reading at low level.

也处于低水平,然而,27%的白人孩子阅读能力很差,而22%亚太地区的孩子阅读能力很差。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

62. She says that Earth Day is still very much about activism and fighting for the environment on a local level.

VOA : special.2010.04.21

63. That's an issue that should be addressed at the policy level and it is being addressed.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

64. I want to go back to our energy level diagrams and see if I can rationalize energy level diagrams.

让我们往回看,回到我们的能级图表,来看看我是否能使能级图表合理化些。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

65. It's in here to--intended to do two things: One to show you something about the method that we will be using in here and two, to show you something of the level of this course-- the level of the course.

这个测试的目的是,第一,向你展示一些我们的教学方法,第二,告诉你本课程所处的水平,本课程的水平聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课




















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