
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈbækɡraʊnd]play美 [ˈbækɡraʊnd]play

  • n. 出身背景,学历,经历;(事件或情况的)背景;背景声音;(画等的)后景;底色
  • adj. 背景的,事先的
  • v. 作……的背景

复数 backgrounds 第三人称单数 backgrounds 现在分词 backgrounding 过去式 backgrounded 过去分词 backgrounded

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


background /ˈbækˌɡraʊnd/

  • 1.
    可数名词 Your background is the kind of family you come from and the kind of education you have had. It can also refer to such things as your social and racial origins, your financial status, or the type of work experience that you have. (家庭、职业) 出身

    The Warners were from a Jewish working-class background.


  • 2.
    可数名词 The background to an event or situation consists of the facts that explain what caused it. 背景

    The background to the current troubles is provided by the dire state of the country's economy.



    The meeting takes place against a background of continuing political violence.


  • 3.
    单数型名词 The background is sounds, such as music, that you can hear but that you are not listening to with your full attention. 背景声音

    I kept hearing the sound of applause in the background.


  • 4.
    可数名词 You can use background to refer to the things in a picture or scene that are less noticeable or important than the main things or people in it. (图画、布景等的) 背景

    ...roses patterned on a blue background.




  • n.

    backgrounder 政府官员举行的记者招待会;提供背景资料的简报或报告



setting background 【导航词义:背景】

setting n. 背景

〔辨析〕 指戏剧、小说、电影等中情节发生的背景,包括人物活动的时间、地点和条件,也可指某处的环境。

例1: Our story has its setting in ancient Rome.


例2: The 1930s was used by the director as the setting for this television series.


例3: The island is the perfect setting for a beach holiday.


background n. 背景

〔辨析〕 指舞台或图片的背景,现尤指某人或某事物的背景情况。

例1: In the background you can see the Andean mountain range.


例2: Do you know that fellow's family background?


例3: The school has pupils from different ethnic backgrounds.


例4: He couldn't comment without knowing the background of the case.



1. background music 背景音乐;[电]陪衬音乐

2. white background 白色背景;比色板;比色纸

3. Viewport Background 背景图像 ; 视窗背景 ; 视图背景

4. Background check 背景调查 ; 背景检查 ; 本底检查 ; 政策问题

5. background image 背景影像

6. BackGround Music 背景音乐 ; 像星星一样的祈求 ; 只有爱 ; 就算现在分开

7. Background Process 后台进程 ; 背景程序 ; 背景处理程序

8. background color 背景颜色

9. Educational background 教育背景 ; 教育程度 ; 社科 学历 ; 教诲程度

10. background value 背景值

11. academic background 学术背景;学历;教育背景

12. on background [美国、加拿大英语]仅供参考(不作援引)

13. in the background 在后面,在幕后

14. for background (美)供内部参考

15. background radiation 背景辐射;[医]本底辐射

16. social background n. 社会背景

17. background program 计 后台程序 ; 后台程度 ; 后部程序 ; 辅助程序

18. business background 工作经历;企业背景;事情履历

19. education background 学历;教育背景

20. background noise 背景噪声

21. background information 背景资料;背景知识

22. family background 家庭背景

23. cultural background 文化背景

24. background check 背景调查

25. political background 政治背景

26. educational background 学历;教育背景;教育程度

27. Education Background 教育背景 ; 学历背景 ; 受教育情况 ; 教育及专业受训背景




cultural/ethnic/family background 文化/民族/家庭背景

educational background 教育背景


background check 背景调查

background information/knowledge 背景信息/知识

background story 背景故事

background music/noise 背景音乐/噪声


in the background 在背景(声)中

against a background 在…背景下


blend into the background 融入背景


1. a person's family/social/cultural/educational/class background

一个人的出身 / 社会 / 文化 / 教育 / 阶级背景《牛津词典》

2. There was a scuffling noise in the background, which turned out to be mice.


3. The blurry picture of the school in the background was graciously provided by Dare Cheung.


4. Provide them with additional background or with supplementary information.


5. She came from a working-class background...


6. Such results may seem surprising against the background of shocking incidents that color the way the mass media portray the young.

在当下一些骇人事件影响了大众媒体对青少年报道角度的背景下,这样的调查结果看起来可能出人意料。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

7. Interestingly, parents’ attitudes toward education do not seem to reflect their own educational background as much as a belief in the importance of education for upward mobility.

有趣的是,家长们对教育的态度似乎并不能体现他们自己的教育背景,而他们关于教育对子女在社会阶层中高升的重要性的看法则不然《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

8. BACKGROUND DATA: after lumbar fusion commonly focuses on analgesic pain control and activities of daily living.

背景资料概要: 腰椎融合术后通常侧重于镇痛控制和日常功能运动方面.《期刊摘选》

9. She has a lot of power, but likes to remain in the background.

她掌握不少权力, 但喜欢退居幕后.《简明英汉词典》

10. Like a chameleon, he could merge unobtrusively into the background.


11. The background was shaded to add depth to the drawing.


12. The Matterhorn rose proudly in the background.


13. The strings provided a melodic background to the passages played by the soloist.


14. ...roses patterned on a blue background...


15. Summary of Background Data. Sympathetic block is used to relieve symptoms in radiculopathy patients.

背景资料总结: 交感神经阻滞已被用于减轻神经根痛症状.《期刊摘选》

16. The chameleon can take on the colours of its background.


17. His family background is shrouded in mystery.


18. The design so produced stands out from the background of the fabric.


19. Doing some background reading in encyclopedias is one way to improve your reading comprehension in English.


20. Generally, images have some kind of background color, often white.

一般而言, 形象都有底色, 往往白.《期刊摘选》

21. Use the transferable skills acquired from your previous working background


22. The sound of sirens was an omnipresent background noise in New York.


23. I grew to dislike the people from my background – they were uptight and prissy.


24. In thousands of ways, social workers help other people—people from every age, every background across the country.

社会福利工作者通过许多种方法来帮助他人——那些年龄不同,来自不同地区,拥有不同背景的人。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

25. He nowhere offers concrete historical background to support his arguments.


26. It's only the background color that's not identical.


27. Do you like the background music of this film?

你喜欢这部电影的背景音乐(配乐) 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

28. Moulded by his background, he could not escape the traditional role of strict father...


29. Summary of Background Data. Burst fractures of L 5 represent aery small proportion of all spinal injuries.

背景资料概述: L5爆裂性骨折在所有脊柱创伤中只占很小的比例.《期刊摘选》

30. He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant talk to the press.


31. Use the relevant background information to put together a project charter.


32. General selection transparent yellow, pale yellow ink, ink or false gold ink as a background.

凡是拔取透明黄不朱 、 淡黄不朱或不真金色油不朱作为底色.《期刊摘选》

33. The book's cover has white lettering on a blue background.


34. Can you give me more background on the company?


35. With little else to go on, they were asked to estimate Mr. Williams ’ s salary, professional standing , and educational background.

在没有别的限定,然后要求他们要预测 Williams 先生的收入水平、专业名望和教育背景。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

36. The study investigated the practical pattern of kindergarten teacher evaluation based on different backgrounds.


37. Copying machine clean and no dust, no background colour is laid flat screen.

拷贝机保留肮不净、无尘埃 、 无污物是铺好底色陡网的先决前提.《期刊摘选》

38. the historical background to the war


39. Additional commentary, background information and other items by Times editorial writers.

附加的注释, 背景资料和消息来自于纽约时报社论作者.《期刊摘选》

40. I'd like a china vase, and preferably something with a creamy white background.

我想买一只瓷器花瓶, 最好是底色为乳白色的.《期刊摘选》

41. I kept hearing the sound of applause in the background...


42. Complete documentation of the literature used as background material for this book is impossible.


43. Hydraulic engineering background and roll forming experience preferred.


44. Summary of Background Data: Instrumented spinal arthrodesis is a common procedure to correct scoliosis.

背景资料: 内固定脊柱融合术是纠正脊柱侧弯的常用方法.《期刊摘选》

45. The meeting takes place against a background of continuing political violence.


46. Such background material inevitably reflects who we are.44____

这种背景材料不可避免地反映了我们是谁。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

47. The job would suit someone with a business background.


48. He had learnt how to melt invisibly into the background.


49. Children from certain backgrounds tend to be stereotyped by their teachers.


50. But first a bit of background behind the match engine itself.


51. Nothing is known about her parentage and background.


52. Evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.


53. By way of introduction , let me give you the background to the story.


54. There was a lot of background noise (= that you could hear, but were not listening to) .


55. Many students have insufficient science and mathematics background to gain entrance to engineering school.


56. The appendix in the article affords related background information and assistant explanation for the study.


57. Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background.


58. This chapter concerns itself with the historical background.


59. Secondly , the background color is white ink that enables total reflection prints colors more vivid.

其不宾, 不暗不朱底色是残不正射,可使印品的色彩更为灿艳.《期刊摘选》

60. The background to the current troubles is provided by the dire state of the country's economy.


61. I kept hearing the sound of applause in the background.


62. Background: A single detectable cardiac troponin predicts mortality in patients treated with dialysis.

背景: 单次心肌肌钙蛋白预测透析患者的死亡率.《期刊摘选》

63. Rather, the index contains background information about each page, such as titles, descriptions and keywords.

相反, 这些网页目录收录了每个页面的一些背景资料, 例如:标题, 页面描述,关键字等.《期刊摘选》

64. The mountains in the background were capped with snow.


65. Most of them do. But the background color should be a little lighter.

大多数人是的. 但底色好象应该再淡一些.《期刊摘选》

66. a photograph with trees in the background


67. Without the meditative background that is criticism, works become isolated gestures, ahistorical accidents, soon forgotten.

没有冥想背景下,是批评, 作品成为孤立的姿态, ahistorical事故, 很快被遗忘.《期刊摘选》

68. Paint the background tones lighter and the colours cooler.


69. It is important that you read important background material before turning in the proposal!


70. His background was in engineering.


71. Yes, I'd like a china vase, and preferably something with a creamy white background.

是的, 要.我想要个花瓶, 最好底色为乳白色的.《期刊摘选》

72. His paternal grandparents, a steward and a housekeeper, possessed even less status, having been servants, and Dickens later concealed their background.

其祖父母的社会地位更为卑贱,他们曾经做过仆人或管家,狄更斯后来隐瞒了他们的身份背景。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

73. This document provides some additional background information on Hartford, population data and retail market information.


74. People alter their voices in relationship to background noise.


75. A sample exam in addition to lab project background information, may be downloaded.


76. Bearing in mind that background color cannot be printed too thick.


77. The background music to this film is completely at odds with the storyline.


78. A piano tinkled gently in the background .


79. But the background color should be a little lighter.


80. Manual exposure control or compensation to make the background bright or dark on demand?


81. background music


82. Mr. Smith, have you ever tried Chinese food?

史密斯先生, 您吃过中餐 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

83. In Part one, I have comprehensively introduced the printing trade and background knowledge of printing house.

第一部分, 详细介绍印刷行业和CA厂 背景资料,阐述本次诊断研究的基本原则和基本方法.《期刊摘选》

84. Summary of Background Data. Neurologic deficit is one of the risks of surgical correction of scoliosis.

背景资料摘要: 神经并发症是脊柱侧凸手术矫正(畸形)的严重并发症之一.《期刊摘选》

85. There was a lot of background noise.


86. The killer had a disturbed family background.


87. This ring is the background color of white liner ring pattern.


88. We have some reports to show you for background information.


89. Itewe Indian red background color when printing transparent yellow top overprint magenta gloss effect.


90. Her background militates against her.


91. He nowhere offers concrete historical background to support his arguments


92. In the background, in soft focus, we see his smiling wife.


93. They were two of a kind, from the same sort of background.


94. Some background research in that area, detailing the science background information.

一些背景研究在这方面, 详细介绍了科学的背景资料.《期刊摘选》

95. Her background is markedly different from her husband's.


96. I grew to dislike the people from my background — they were rather uptight and prissy.


97. The raw exam results make no allowance for social background.


98. The midterm tests for background information on the U.S. system.


99. She didn't enlighten him about her background.


100. Their background gives them little chance of achieving at school.


101. Background subtraction was used for detecting moving vessels in dock video images.


102. A simple color gradient for buttons, backgrounds, etc.


103. The more they probed into his background, the more inflamed their suspicions would become.


104. Their characteristic black patterns are painted on a red background with primitive simplicity.


105. In contrast, the criminal justice system accounted for nearly one out of every five visual backgrounds.

相比之下,几乎在每五个影像背景资料中,就有一个涉及刑事司法系统。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

106. Summary of Background Data.


107. The love story unfolds against a background of civil war.


108. She comes from a privileged background.


109. The lettering stood out well against the dark background.


110. The background to the current troubles is provided by the dire state of the country's economy...


111. Summary of Background Data. The ideal graft material for ACDF remains to be identified.


112. This course features a comprehensive set of assignments, lecture notes and project background information.

本课程的特点在于有一套涵盖各个主题的作业 、 课堂讲稿、及专题背景资料.《期刊摘选》

113. Passengers who pass a background check are eligible to use expedited screening lanes.

通过背景审核的旅客有资格使用快速安检通道。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

114. In the background was that eternal hum.


115. The name of the company is written in red on a white background.


116. Quite evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.


117. The book is full of amusing sidelights on his family background.


118. Expand on your resume and highlight your background as it relates to the job.


119. The elections are taking place against a background of violence.


120. She had a way of fading into the background when things got rough


121. Passengers must pay 85 dolalrs every five years to process their background checks.

乘客须每五年支付85美元方可审查个人背景。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

122. Her dress has pink flowers on a white background.


123. All entrants will be responsible for obtaining copyright permission for any background music used.


124. There is classical music playing in the background.


125. The background is pale blue with traditional Japanese paintings of flowers and birds.


126. Black transparent texture background, white compact glossy icon.

黑色的透明质感底色, 白色的简洁光泽图标.《期刊摘选》

127. Summary of Background Data. Few studies have analyzed correlation between clinical outcomes and ASD.

背景资料: 很少有研究分析邻近节段退变和临床治疗效果的相关性.《期刊摘选》

128. The findings do not simply explain people's tendency to befriend those of similar ethnic backgrounds, say the researchers.

研究人员说,该发现不是在简单说明人们倾向于和种族背景相似的人交朋友。 《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

129. Summary of the Background Data. The use of mobile fluoroscopy has become commonplace in orthopaedics.

背景资料小结: 使用可移动的透视仪在矫形外科中已是很普遍的了.《期刊摘选》

130. Though his background was modest, it was in no sense deprived.


131. background information/knowledge

背景资料 / 知识《牛津词典》

132. ...police sirens wailing in the background...


133. A piano tinkled gently in the background.



1. Shortly after the Boston Marathon bombings, news media were quick to point out their Chechen background.

FORBES: Chechen Leader Says Boston Bombers Got What They Deserved

2. And it is really great because he actually goes through the thought process for you and describes - I need to give you one piece of background.

它非常厉害,因为他已经将思考的过程,为你们过了一遍,并描写,我需要给你们一点背景介绍。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

3. Spacey dance music plays in the background as Haiz tells visitors that they need to learn about advertising.

VOA : special.2010.06.04

4. The thing to understand about Muslim community in comparison to other communities is that we don't have students that fit one specific background.

穆斯林社会与其他社会,相比不同的地方是,我们的学生都不是来自一样的背景。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

5. He could hear her dog barking and whining in the background.


6. "It kind of happens in the background, because I have an iPhone which I love.

VOA : special.2009.09.14

7. But his professional background was another influence.

VOA : special.2009.10.12

8. In March, he said nationwide background checks on all gun sales would save lives.

CNN: Threatening letters to Bloomberg test positive for ricin

9. The Royal Hospital in the background is such a beautiful building and it's a lovely site.

BBC: Chelsea Flower Show: The small show with a big birthday

10. The white background shows the colours better.


11. A newspaper account of the time described the background.

当时的报纸是这么描述事件背景的。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. So Mike and I came up with a great prize: a custom twitter background.

FORBES: Redesign the IRS Web Site

13. People moved around them, past them, like blurs in the background of a photograph.


14. The young shoe salesman was unable to guess about her background.

VOA : special.2009.09.05

15. They are calling for fingerprinting and background checks for airport employees.


16. There was a scuffling noise in the background.


17. The background of Mr Mount's father, Robin, is less distinguished but just as colourful.

ECONOMIST: English memoirs

18. The victor of Crewe's third useful trait is one that Mr Davis shares: his humble background.


19. All three outcomes were more common in women and those from a working-class background.

BBC: Child headaches 'a long-term pain'

20. For background on the parent-coach conflict, check out this March 2012 story from the Telegram-Gazette.

FORBES: For Want Of A Swim Trophy, One High School's Winter Sports Teams Banned From Postseason

21. Because the firm invested in Pandora, it has some specific background in the sector.

FORBES: GGV Capital, With $625 Million In New Funds, Targets China, U.S. Growth

22. "We did not do a background or credit check on Dr. Murray, " Trell conceded.

CNN: Sweet controversy at Michael Jackson death trial

23. Okay, that's sort of a broad background about the content of the course.

那么,这些就是这门课程的基础背景关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Land was a private man, who kept his family in the background and left few records.

ECONOMIST: The complex lives of legal persons

25. The video shows colorful and dreamy background images to provide players with a nineteen sixties feel.

VOA : special.2009.09.18

26. The technology side was definitely helpful, as was a background in business and finance too.

WSJ: Managing in Asia: Hariharan; Singapore Mercantile Exchange Finds the Pulse of Commodities Trading

27. Diabetes is a chronic, life-threatening illness that touches Americans of every age, ethnicity, and background.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

28. When the black color splashed against the background, it created definition and a sense of space.

FORBES: Forget First Person Shooters. Try 'The Unfinished Swan,' a First Person Painter

29. (Speaking in French) One young man described being denied jobs at upscale French hotels, ostensibly because of his North African background.

VOA : standard.2009.12.30

30. Wa-el is an Egyptian entrepreneur whose background is in composite materials, but whose soul lives in motorcars.

BBC: Trick of the light: A California road trip

31. "My background is a teacher. I taught young adults from, say,age eleven through thirteen for about fifteen years.

VOA : special.2009.10.12

32. I knew some of it, but it has been interesting to do the background on it."

VOA : special.2010.06.28

33. Executives with a background in engineering, accounting, or finance were plain clumsy at it.

FORBES: Six Scientific Ways to Suck up Successfully

34. Coupled with the expertise that Michelle Rhee brings from her background as Chancellor for D.

FORBES: The Age of Disruption

35. For more background on the case, you can read my earlier report here.

FORBES: Court Must Now Decide If T. Boone Pickens' Case Threatens Son's First Amendment Rights

36. Anyone, regardless of background, could buy shares in the flotation of previously nationalised industries.

BBC: Class calculator: A US view of the class system

37. So, there we go. But somewhat here in war and peace of battle is slowly being relegated to the background.

所以战争与和平问题,就慢慢转移到这个背景上欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Cos I ask them to go back to interview their parents or whoever they could find out information about themselves, just like the professor was interviewing people to find out his own background and his family, I want them to go home, and interview their parents or grandparents, or aunts and uncles.

因为我让他们回家去采访,父母或任何他们能搜集到,关于自己信息的人,就像教授采访人们,来发掘自己的背景和家庭,我希望他们回家去,采访他们的父母,或爷爷奶奶,或舅舅舅妈。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

39. "What protects the lady is when the FBI does their background check, and if this guy's got a criminal record he's not going to be allowed to bring a lady here."

VOA : special.2011.02.14

40. Teams years ago weren't nearly as vigilant about background research as they are now.

WSJ: NBA Draft 2012: For Thomas Robinson and Other Prospects, It's Basketball's Wonderlic Test

41. Those loopholes make no sense and 90 percent of the public backs expanding background checks.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

42. But what if of certain abusive families and any religious background in location who really confine women to their home?

但是,如果在某些发生虐待现象的家庭里,有着某种宗教背景,而这种宗教背景又允许监禁妇女的情况发生呢?人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

43. Not race,not economic background, not an abusive childhood.

VOA : special.2009.04.27

44. So generally and those of you coming from high school computer science background probably used An Integrated Development Environment which actually is a gooey with menus and icons and such.

对于你们这些,有着高中电脑知识背景的同学可能一般用,即“集成开发环境“,它有一些菜单,图标等等。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

45. If you want to find out about their background or about how they feel about a certain thing,

如果你想了解他们的背景,或者他们对做某一件事有什么样的态度,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : What do you 课堂

46. His Native background greatly influences his work.

VOA : special.2009.11.13

47. They voted down extending background checks to people who buy from unlicensed dealers, at gun shows and online.

BBC: Obama as warrior and healer

48. Nest Labs has an excellent background, and their thermostat has been a well-earned success.

FORBES: Which Startups Founded Since January 2010 Are Most Likely To Be Worth $1+ Billion?

49. So, what I want to do now is, with that background in mind, I want to take this up and just open up the first few pages.

所以我想要做的事,记着这个背景,我想要打开几页小说。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. Some progress has been made on those instructions with regards to our background check system.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

51. Quickly, India and Pakistan, ? How do they get along? Has the prospects for war between the two countries we see is in the background? -Probably yes.

印度和巴基斯坦,它们的关系怎么样,这两个国家间潜在的战争,可能爆发吗?,-也许吧。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

52. In the backdrop, in the background, of that expression, "struggle for science," there are two key figures.

为科学而斗争,这个表达的背景中“,有两个关键的人物。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. Barchi released a statement Monday saying that the search and background check on Hermann were thorough.

WSJ: Rutgers Athletic Chief Vows to Remain in Post

54. Student: Did Matthew come from a rich background then?

学生:那马太出身富裕吗?新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. He tells these teenagers the key to being an astronaut is having a solid background in math and science.

VOA : standard.2010.02.02

56. He's got a full-feathered headdress. Or he's sitting cross-legged with his moccasins and a bow and arrow and a tepee in the background type of thing."

VOA : special.2010.11.29

57. "I watch the programmes that you'd expect somebody of my background to, " he told MPs.

BBC: Profile: Lord Patten

58. It doesn't presuppose any background in philosophy.

它并不需要任何哲学基础。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. But how could Rutgers hire anyone with a questionable coaching background after the Rice debacle?

CNN: Rutgers president needs reality check

60. These take nearly forever to get and involve a proper background check on everyone involved.

FORBES: The 'Liberator' Plastic Gun And The Export Regulations Take Down Of It

61. All right. With that by the way of background, let's go on to two -what we might call rhythmic devices here--two rhythmic devices.

以此为背景知识,我们来继续学习,两种节奏类型聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. Who is that figure in the background?


63. Despite his Catholic background, Kennedy also became a strong advocate of abortion rights and later, a supporter of same-sex marriage.

VOA : standard.2009.08.26

64. This would extend background checks to purchases made at gun shows and on the internet.

CNN: Background checks on gun sales: How do they work?

65. So the library books are all optional background.

所以图书馆内的书,都是可供选择的背景资料金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课




















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