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英 [ˌkæŋɡəˈruː]play美 [ˌkæŋɡəˈruː]play

  • n. 袋鼠
  • v. (汽车)因离合控制不当而前移,使(汽车)突然猛地短距离前移;对婴儿进行袋鼠式护理;捕猎袋鼠;像袋鼠一样移动

复数 kangaroos或kangaroo 第三人称单数 kangaroos 现在分词 kangarooing 过去式 kangarooed 过去分词 kangarooed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


kangaroo /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A kangaroo is a large Australian animal which moves by jumping on its back legs. Female kangaroos carry their babies in a pouch on their stomach. 袋鼠


  • n.[脊椎]袋鼠



1. eastern grey kangaroo 东部灰大袋鼠 ; 东部灰袋鼠 ; 灰袋鼠

2. Boxing kangaroo 拳击袋鼠

3. red kangaroo 红大袋鼠 ; 红袋鼠 ; 大赤袋鼠

4. Antilopine kangaroo 羚大袋鼠

5. Kangaroo Island 坎加鲁岛 ; 袋鼠岛 ; 坎加鲁 ; 着名的袋鼠岛

6. Kangaroo Route 袋鼠航线 ; 袋鼠航

7. Kangaroo care 袋鼠哺育法 ; 袋鼠疗法

8. kangaroo rat 更格卢鼠属 ; 更格卢鼠 ; 长鼻袋鼠

9. kangaroo leather 袋鼠皮革 ; 袋鼠皮 ; 漆马皮

10. kangaroo island n. 袋鼠岛(澳大利亚岛,等于坎加鲁岛)


1. There are over 600 animals there, including kangaroos, koalas and crocodiles.

那里有600多种动物,包括袋鼠、考拉和鳄鱼。《中考真题- 2017 天津 阅读B》

2. Nick Heath and Jack Donnelly were riding their motorbikes in the bush outside Sydney on Sunday when they came across a kangaroo stuck in the mud.

周日,尼克·希思和杰克·唐纳利在悉尼郊外的灌木丛中骑摩托车时,偶然发现一只陷在泥里的袋鼠。《中考真题- 2019 包头 阅读B》

3. There's a place called Kangaroo Lodge.


4. I think God sent a kangaroo to keep him warm.


5. Kangaroo mother care may be needed for a few days or several weeks.


6. An international rescue operation was mounted for a baby kangaroo that was rejected by her mother.


7. Mother Kangaroo jumps to the tree with her baby.


8. In boneyards across the continent, scientists have found the fossils of a giant snake, a huge flightless bird, and a seven-foot kangaroo.


9. Birds shelter in nests, rock overhangs, trees, and dense shrubs to avoid the hottest hours of the day, while mammals like the kangaroo rat burrow underground.


10. The dog was barking at the kangaroo.


11. The kindest animal is you, Mother Kangaroo. Even when you were worried about your Joey, you were still kind to a grumpy complaining old wombat.


12. "The kangaroo's life was important to us, so we pulled out all the stops to rescue it." Mr.Heath said.

"袋鼠的生命对我们来说很重要,所以我们竭尽全力去营救它。"希思先生说。《中考真题- 2019 包头 阅读B》

13. A newborn kangaroo is very small.


14. All the same, theirs was not a kangaroo court.


15. A baby kangaroo called joey makes an excellent target.


16. The tourist thought that no one would believe him, so he decided to take a photo of the kangaroo.


17. Is this a newspaper office or a kangaroo court?


18. The mother kangaroo has a special bag for her baby.


19. Like kangaroos, rabbits and they are really interesting.


20. The wombat and kangaroo are both marsupials in Australia.


21. It borrows from the way mother kangaroo mothers kangaroos carry their infront in a porchpouch.


22. At birth, the baby kangaroo lives in its mother's brood pouch.


23. Also encouraging is that most consumers perceive kangaroo to be a healthy meat.


24. The kangaroo is indigenous to Australia.


25. Did you get the address of Kangaroo Lodge?


26. It is advantageous for a kangaroo female to produce young at a time when plant productivity is sufficient to support her offspring.


27. To mimic2 the atmosphere of the womb, "kangaroo mothers" must sit still for a whole hour without going to the bathroom or breathing heavily.


28. There was a small Kangaroo who was bad in school.


29. Go to the zoo, watch a kangaroo.

去动物园, 去看袋鼠.《期刊摘选》

30. Because of this, 5,000 koalas soon face starvation on Kangaroo Island in the south of Australia.

由于这个缘故, 在澳洲南方的袋鼠岛上,有五千只无尾熊很快就面临挨饿的问题.《期刊摘选》

31. The report, which was released at the end of March, caused a stir in the country, fueling the popular stereotype that the kangaroo tribe is made up of South Koreans who have failed to achieve success in life.


32. Kangaroo: I can jump very high and very far.


33. Suddenly she sees a kangaroo with her baby.


34. Indiana does not require a permit to keep kangaroos.


35. As soon as the kangaroo woke up, it ran away, wearing a jacket, which also included three credit cards, one passport and $1,000 in cash!


36. Kangaroo can jump very high.


37. Today, this creature is known as the kangaroo, a widespread marsupial endemic to Australia.


38. And kangaroos are tasty too!


39. A kangaroo is an interesting animal.


40. Reverse dynamics analysis on mechanism of bionic kangaroo-leaping robot


41. Koala bears and Kangaroos are the most common marsupials.


42. Two Australians, Mack and Jill, are camping on Kangaroo Island.

两名澳洲人, 梅克和吉儿, 正在袋鼠岛上露营.《期刊摘选》

43. Kangaroo attacks are relatively rare.


44. The mother kangaroo is wearing an old jacket.


45. Because the mother kangaroo is wearing an old jacket.


46. He is a member of South Korea's "kangaroo tribe" — a moniker used to describe unmarried men and women who haven't moved out of their parents' homes, even though they are in their 30s and even 40s.


47. The health center has a Kangaroo Clinic, a special area for teaching this method.


48. To put different young kangaroos at various stages of development is advantageous for the female kangaroo to handle them at the same time.


49. I reckon Kangaroo Lodge sounds the best.


50. Kangaroos compete with sheep and cattle for sparse supplies of food and water


51. Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia.


52. This is the kangaroo from Australia. It bounces and bounces anywhere it wants to go.

这是来自澳大利亚的袋鼠. 无论它去哪里都蹦蹦跳跳的.《期刊摘选》

53. Kangaroo mother care is also as the skin to skin skinskin method for premature babies.


54. Although it does gather in groups, the kangaroo is not a herd animal.

它们有时也结群,但总体而言, 袋鼠不喜欢群居.《期刊摘选》

55. The autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo.


56. We first spent some time with the kangaroos.

最开始,我们和袋鼠们待了一会儿。《中考真题- 2017 天津 阅读B》

57. You can also see kangaroos in zoos in China.


58. A tourist was driving along a road one evening, he accidentally ran over a kangaroo.


59. Kangaroo, kangaroo. Where are you?

小袋鼠, 小袋鼠. 你在哪里?《期刊摘选》

60. One time I was able to photograph one old kangaroo getting under a fence.


61. Australia is the hometown of kangaroos.


62. To make a study of the kangaroo, he came to australia.

为了研究袋鼠,他来到了澳洲。《provided by jukuu》

63. Kangaroo: I can jump very high and very far.


64. All went well, suddenly, the kangaroo woke up!


65. Kangaroos harbor a vast range of parasites.


66. The kangaroo is a native of Australia.


67. What do you get if you cross a chicken with a kangaroo? Pouched eggs.

如果把袋鼠和小鸡杂交给你,你将得到什么呢? 有带子的鸡蛋.《期刊摘选》

68. Mother Kangaroo shouts loudly.


69. Kangaroo will not walk, will jump, or in the front and back help before jumping off.

袋鼠不会行走, 只会跳跃, 或在前脚和后腿的帮助下奔跳前行.《期刊摘选》

70. A: Can you jump like a kangaroo?

你能像袋鼠一样跳 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

71. What a lucky kangaroo!


72. There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins


73. When they returned, Mr.Donnelly tied the rope around his waist and walked into the thick mud to get hold of the kangaroo while his friend then pulled them about 30m to safety.

当他们回来时,唐纳利先生把绳子系在他的腰上并走进厚厚的泥泞中抓住袋鼠,而他的朋友则把它们拉到大约30米的安全地带。《中考真题- 2019 包头 阅读B》

74. The kangaroo has a pouch where babies live until they can hop around on their own.


75. There are a lot of Kangaroos in Austrialia.


76. An 80-year-old man was attacked by a 200-pound kangaroo.


77. Kangaroo generation is known1 because its members still live with their parents.


78. Are there kangaroos in Taiwan?

台湾有袋鼠 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

79. Research on HRMK ( Hopping Robot Modelled on Kangaroo ) is a challenging exploration in the robot area.


80. It's believed that it's very hot and the kangaroo was likely searching for water in the dry conditions when it got stuck in the mud.

有人认为,天气很热,在这种干旱条件下,可能袋鼠正在寻找水,然后突然它陷入了泥里。《中考真题- 2019 包头 阅读B》

81. He then took off his jacket and sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo to make his photo more interesting.


82. During diapause, a young kangaroo stays in the female's pouch and growth of a second fertilized egg inside the uterus is delayed.


83. Was kangaroo one of the three Olympic mascots for the 2000 Sydney Games?

袋鼠是2000年悉尼奥运会三个奥运吉祥物之一 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

84. As you can see, here we have the pandas, kangaroos, and koala bears.

就如你们所见, 这边我们有熊猫 、 袋鼠跟无尾熊相关数据.《期刊摘选》

85. Are you thinking of a Kangaroo in Denmark eating an Orange?


86. Furthermore, while a lack of economic independence is often a factor for why children don't leave the nest, the truth is that many continue to live at home for a variety of reasons, and the kangaroo tribe phenomenon is not as simple and one-sided as often depicted in popular culture.


87. There are two kangaroo jump in house one behind the other one.


88. He picked the dead kangaroo up and put it next to the car.


89. There is a young kangaroo that is lucky to be alive today, thanks to meeting a pair of New South Wales teenagers.

有一只小袋鼠很幸运,它之所以还活着,是因为遇到了两个来自新南威尔士的青少年。《中考真题- 2019 包头 阅读B》

90. Every year, people from every corner of the world travel to Australia to meet the kangaroo — the lovely, unuaual and special Australian animal that jumps all over this sunburnt continennt.

每年,世界各地的人们都会到澳大利亚去看看袋鼠——一种可爱、不寻常、特别的的澳大利亚动物,它们在这片阳光照射强烈的大陆上四处活动。《中考真题- 2019 包头 阅读B》

91. What is the best year for a kangaroo?


92. Individual types of kangaroo have teeth to eat the leaves or tree.



1. There are fears that kangaroo courts may be set up if the legal courts are thought to be too slow.

ECONOMIST: After centuries of oppression, the birth of a nation

2. When he camped here with his students, he could sometimes hear kangaroo rats or kit foxes moving beyond the firelight.

NEWYORKER: The Martian Chroniclers

3. Under current legislation, the department of fish and game is required to track Australia's kangaroo harvest and provide details to the government.

BBC: California's Jerry Brown ends 'unnecessary' briefings

4. Soutter had bought the name and distinctive kangaroo label off the shelf from an Adelaide designer.

FORBES: Magazine Article

5. The fact that the verdict was a mixed one might suggest that these are not mere kangaroo courts.

ECONOMIST: Guantnamo trials

6. They are keen to disprove the Serb belief that the tribunal is just an anti-Serb kangaroo court.

ECONOMIST: The Hague war-crimes tribunal

7. They must look the other way when Putin orders a second kangaroo court for jailed oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

FORBES: Leading Economist Gives Up On Putin's Russia

8. Take, for example, my above description of trying to outrun a tough Cutter or kangaroo monster.

FORBES: Etrian Odyssey IV Review

9. Stuart said he was looking forward to returning to the country which he enjoyed visiting as a Kangaroo tourist.

BBC: Adrian Morley in action for the Roosters

10. It includes those condemned by kangaroo courts, as well as others taken from their homes, shot and buried in unmarked mass graves.

ECONOMIST: Reopening graves of the past

11. The ICC's kangaroo-court claim of power and jurisdiction is almost beyond belief.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Will Obama revive the ICC threat to the military?

12. Burma is back in the news, with the looming opening on Monday of a kangaroo legislature in the isolated capital of Naypyitaw.

FORBES: A New Government for Myanmar (Not)

13. But Cambodia's court system is so weak and politically subservient that the trials would almost certainly be dismissed as a kangaroo court.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | CAMBODIA: Will Justice Ever be Served?

14. "Kangaroo Mother Care" could save nearly a half-million premature babies through the warmth of their own mothers' skin, no incubators necessary.

CNN: Why are moms in America lagging?

15. Kangaroo centre Greg Inglis and New Zealand prop Jeff Lima are travelling with the squad, even though both are injury doubts.

BBC: Gareth Widdop in Storm squad for World Club Challenge

16. Indeed, Flash notes as much in a mildly heavy-handed yet highly effective metaphor about a kangaroo that was killed by a truck.

FORBES: Thinking it over: Injustice: Gods Among Us #13 Review

17. Retailers loved the distinctive kangaroo and the brightly colored point-of-sale displays that Casella Wines shipped with the first batch of bottles.

FORBES: Magazine Article

18. Located in Bondi, this organic butcher shop carries crocodile sausages, kangaroo sausages and kangaroo loin fillet.

BBC: A guide to adventurous eating in Australia

19. Bouncing like a kangaroo, the station employee disappeared into the ticket office, then came out with a bottle and a glass.

NEWYORKER: The Insufferable Gaucho

20. The same will have to occur in Australia for Kangaroo, as opposed to the continued slaughter of some 3 million Kangaroos each year, there.

FORBES: Don Binney (1940-2012): Tribute to A Great Artist and Conservationist

21. His private life is his and not a subject of discussion at Kenneth Starr's kangaroo court.

CNN: Starr v. Clinton: More Of Your Letters

22. Mr Gibson's local constituency party has defended him, saying he was the victim of a "kangaroo court".

BBC: MP quitting to force by-election

23. Users can protest the strikes, but only via a kangaroo court which is not designed to let users win.

FORBES: Your Internet Service Provider Is Being Deputized

24. It's also a dance (sort of) whose main signature move can best be described as riding a horse or, perhaps, fornicating with a kangaroo.

CNN: Apparently This Matters: R.I.P., 'Gangnam Style'

25. The old man kangaroo is dozing in the sun.


26. Sitting out under the stars eating stewed kangaroo, she told us how, for thousands of years, her people had survived the parched outback.

FORBES: World Water Day 2013: The Biggest Story of Our Lifetime is Water

27. Mr Imperato had also opposed the creation of LDPs, saying they risked becoming a "kangaroo court".

BBC: Classroom

28. Yes, in addition to those birds, bats, lizards, kangaroo rats and tortoises, we taxpayers were endangered too.

FORBES: Environmental Groups Strongly Endorse "None Of The Above" Energy Plans

29. An earlier scheme, Project Kangaroo, was blocked by the Competition Commission at the start of 2010.

BBC: Project Canvas to become YouView

30. Regular reports on Australia's kangaroo harvest should no longer be required by law, California's governor Jerry Brown has said.

BBC: California's Jerry Brown ends 'unnecessary' briefings

31. For lunch, try the kangaroo baguette sandwich, made with marinated kangaroo loin, the emu pumpkin lasagne or the creamed crocodile penne pasta.

BBC: A guide to adventurous eating in Australia






















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