updated technology是什么意思_updated technology短语搭配_updated technology权威例句

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updated technology


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1. Updated Technology and Application 新技术与应用

2. Technology To Be Updated 技术要在更新

3. Production Technology Constantly Updated 生产技术不断更新


1. Rational Functional Tester also features ScriptAssure: object recognition technology that enables you to successfully play back scripts even when the application-under-test has been updated.

Rational Functional Tester还以scriptassure为特色:对象识别技术可以使您成功地回放脚本,甚至是当在测应用程序已经更新过的时候。

2. All the products are independently researched and developed by our unique technology to make sure that they can be upgraded and updated constantly.


3. This article is the first in a series that will take an updated look at WordNet 2.0 and how it can be used with XML and RDF technology.

我们将通过一系列文章来重新考察 WordNet 2.0 及其在 XML 和 RDF 技术中的应用,这是第一部分。

4. Because the product technology to improve constantly updated, this information is for reference only, in kind prevail!


5. Enterprise development in order to keep abreast of the times and respond to change and not only reflected in the updated technology, but also embodied in the idea of enterprise management.


6. With the continuous development of society and technology, continuously updated, human and technology on the rising demand on the indoor environment, many places require ventilation and air conditioning systems in a steady air flow without interference from other factors within the system.


7. To know that Baidu's algorithm is constantly updated, so in this environment, you have to update the optimization technology, and Baidu to support, so as to be able to move forward with Baidu.


8. By the using of the facility, the updated PLC control technology was presented.


9. Updated technology solutions for offshore wind power connections to shore. Critical issues on network studies and system configuration of offshore platform consider the whole system interaction.


10. The correctness and completeness of ordered updated technology is proved and the protocol message contents and algorithm are designed.


11. The company has high-tech equipment management personnel, equipment, technology, constantly updated.


12. On one hand, the objective requirements of updated concept of technology and advanced technology on the basis of the traditional train brake and vehicle braking systems are present with the improvement of train speed.


13. Geronimo 3 has also updated its kernel based on OSGi technology.

Geronimo 3也把其内核更新为基于OSGi技术。

14. With the world's progress, constantly updated technology, modern distance education in the education share of more and more.


15. The range of application of native starch is restricted seriously because of the updated technology, process and equipment.


16. Over the past few years, with constantly updated technology, networking has been a general increase quality and efficiency errors is growing.


17. EXPLORE THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIAL TECHNIQUE IN HOSPITAL The purpose of this article is to introduce a standard and scientific method and its achievement of unique and updated technology at our hospital in recent years.


18. Especially developing updated WSI technology of installed agriculture will be better for WSI agriculture.


19. Because of replacement of technology life-cycle, technological innovation processes are constantly reengineered, the relevant mainstream design and product technology platform will be updated.


20. In addition, going with a service model ensures their technology stays updated.


21. So, the elevator energy-saving deserves the social's attention more and more, and the technology has being improved and updated.


22. Constantly updated products, technology and quality, to provide the most reliable products.


23. Constantly updated wireless mobile communication technology, wireless data transfer rate is getting higher and higher, so people can enjoy facilitation services provide services by wireless mobile communication network.


24. Comparing with traditional technology of animation making, this technology has the advantages of high efficiency, easy implementation and updated.


25. With the development of information society and the updated of information technology, people suffer imbalance of the information ecosystem, such as information pollution, information redundancy, information violation.


26. The high-speed pipe welding machine described adopts updated pipe-welding technology with the result of max. welding speed up to 244m/ min.


27. Now Lenovo has also updated its 15 inch T-range classic with cutting-edge technology with the Arrandale CPUs.


28. It is an unprecedented open epoch, with the daily updated technology, adequate access to information nets, and the economic globalization being an integrative mechanism, and thus posing severe challenges to the moral education in higher educational institutions.

摘要当今时代是一个空前开放的时代,科学技术日新月异、信息网络化、经济全球化使世界日益成为一个更加紧密联系的有机整体,从而使高校德育面临严峻的挑战。《provided by jukuu》

29. Novel detection updated technology of background information realized the memory function of unfamiliar words.


30. Beyond the updated processor (Intel ultralow power Core i7?), what would be a good choice for the graphics technology?

除了最新的处理器(英特尔超低功耗的酷睿i7 ?),在图形显示上有什么好的选择?

31. As a leader you have to constantly keep yourself updated with different skills, and as technology keeps evolving at an extremely rapid pace, the need to update has become more pressing.


32. Information Security Evaluation Criteria ( CC) is a general rule designed for security evaluation on IT product or system, it is constantly updated with technology and needs change.


33. The technology of flavor microencapsulation is detailedly and systemically reviewed. Some updated development in the this field is reported.


34. The updated development of production technology of clean steel in Shougang is introduced, including the end-point control of converter, LF-VD refining process and continuous casting process to prevent slag carryover and air reoxidation.


35. The article discusses an updated energy saving technology of 3-phase asynchronous motor, covers introduction on theory of vector superpose technology and application of it into economic energy of 3-phase asynchronous motor, also relevant data included.


36. Seismic prospecting instruments are continuously updated as technology advances.


37. And while the updated Quattro technology surely helps, the feedback from the chassis is still insufficiently three-dimensional.


38. The article covers the updated technology on fabrication of Baosteel 250 t converter and stress measurement at weld area prior to and after stress relieving heat treatment.

阐述250 t转炉的制造新工艺及消除应力热处理前后焊缝应力的测试。

39. Today the world is undergoing a transformation from industrial economy to knowledge and information economy. With the rapid development of knowledge and information revolution, more and more manual labor is updated by information technology.


40. The entire building technology has also been updated - only parts of the bathing water equipment have been retained.


41. Agricultural informationization refers to the process of Modernizing Agriculture with updated information technology to promote continuous development of agriculture.

摘要农业信息化是运用信息技术的最新成果装备现代农业,促进农业持续发展的过程。《provided by jukuu》

42. In this emerging industry, the senior executives as the key person of business decision, have to face with constantly updated information technology. Compared with the traditional industry leaders, they must take more challenges.


43. China says it has updated and improved the technology on which the CPR-1000 is based, but the government recognises that it is less safe than newer models.


44. With constantly updated patternes, excelsior technology and Chinese national Characteristic decorative patterns, modern silver jewelry shows artistic style and personalized characteristic. Moreover, it can be mixed with any other materials, and change with a diversity of possibilities.


45. Corresponding to the characteristics of the water turbine structure, a new water turbine fluid visualization system has been developed, using updated computer technology.


46. A static Web site may often give the impression of a stagnant technology, and having regularly updated news meets the dual need of informing people and making the project seem alive.


47. Mary: Phone technology is updating again. Many companies-Nokia, Ericsson. Motorola and Samsung are ready to offer completely updated technology.


48. The rapid development of digital animation and technology, constantly updated, we need to study them with cutting-edge.


49. Updated by the Information Technology industry is very fast, how to conduct effective research and development activities is particularly important for information technology companies.


50. However, the idea sure sounds fun, and one wonders if current technology could produce an updated Airphibian with better performance.


51. A technology designed to store a continuously updated copy of the Internet turns out to be pretty good at other things internet-related.


52. In recent years, with constantly updated hardware and software technology, research of various image recognition systems has been greatly developed.


53. The main point are as follows: Firstly, The FEM of Yonghe Bridge is built based on the design drawings and the model is updated by FEM updating technology base on sensitivity analysis.


54. General management has been updated with a technology focus and the careers office has moved up a gear.



1. The fact that ILOVEYOU was seemingly unaffected by most companies' front-line defenses should serve as a wake-up call to businesses that in the ever-mutating world of computer viruses, security software must constantly be updated with the latest technology.

CNN: 'Melissa' May Have Built a False Sense of Security

2. It is not brand new technology but it works and the first version (and it has been updated many times) came out in 1987.

FORBES: Prosser Takes Lead In Wisconsin After Discovery Of Lost Votes

3. From restaurants, where busy servers require a light and durable device with great battery life, to food trucks that require high-resolution displays to be legible in bright sunlight, the updated design and advanced technology included in the new LeafPresenter can meet a wide range of business needs.

ENGADGET: Leaf unveils next-gen LeafPresenter Android POS tablet for taking payments

4. Last year, the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation updated a comprehensive study that ranked the top 44 industrialized nations in what they call innovative competitiveness.

FORBES: An Internal Failure To Innovate Is America's Greatest Global Threat

5. In the review of the 2010 outlook published in November of that year, the updated averaged capital costs for deploying onshore wind power technology were seen to have increased by 21%, while those for offshore deployment went up by 50%.

FORBES: More On Africa's Power Problems And Possible Solutions

6. The firm also updated its mapping technology to feature "City Lens" - an augmented reality app that overlays information about nearby restaurants and other points of interest over live footage of the surrounding area captured by the device's camera.

BBC: Nokia unveils two Windows Phone 8 handsets

7. Click here for continuously updated investing ideas from elite technology entrepreneurs and investors.

FORBES: Should Investors Be Worried About Proposed NYSE Merger?

8. Google has previously updated its core Web search technology.

WSJ: Google Gives Search a Refresh

9. By the time he was 14, he had co-written the specification for RSS -- originally Rich Site Summary, now Really Simple Syndication -- a Web-publishing technology for delivering syndicated content from frequently updated sites, such as blogs or news websites.

CNN: How Aaron Swartz helped build the Internet

10. While there were not any leading innovations, Apple updated the phone with all of the newest, fastest and smartest technology available, while also improving the look and feel of the device.

FORBES: Don't Expect The World From Ben Bernanke

11. The U.S. has constitutional limits on unreasonable searches, and legislation will need to be updated as technology progresses on how data on suspects and law-abiding citizens can be used.

WSJ: Crovitz: In Praise of Surveillance Cameras

12. Restomods are classic cars that have been updated with modern technology: New engines, electronics and creature comforts.

FORBES: Restomod? Hot Rod? Classic? Barrett-Jackson Auctions Them All

13. Announcing the change, Chancellor George Osborne said the updated qualifications would help Britain "lead the way in science and technology".

BBC: Government accused of engineering diploma U-turn

14. This scheme has been running for many years, but Tesco recently updated it by investing in customer-monitoring technology supplied by Irisys, a British company.

ECONOMIST: Retail surveillance

15. The book and updated figures on Amish population were released ahead of a major international conference on the Amish and technology at Elizabethtown College, located about 20 miles southeast of Harrisburg in Lancaster County, the traditional heartland of Amish farming in the United States.

WSJ: New research shows diversity among US Amish groups

16. Click here for instant access to continuously updated analysis and stock recommendations from Paul McWilliams in Next Inning Technology Research.

FORBES: The Travelers Gets Little Love But It's A Money Machine

17. As someone on the forefront of tracking technology, O'Sullivan sees an increase in interest among companies who can and do keep job seekers updated at regular intervals.

CNN: Why don't employers call me back?

18. Unlike other market data vendors in the fixed income market who aggregate prices supplied by large dealers, Benchmark Solution uses proprietary technology to analyze millions of market inputs and generate prices which are updated every 10 seconds to provide pre-trade pricing intelligence.

FORBES: Delivering Transparency To Fixed Income Markets

19. To this end, his officials explained that the Europeans have updated and tightened regulations first adopted in 2000 on the transfer of dual-use equipment and technology.

ECONOMIST: They agreed to disagree a little more amicably about China

20. Indonesia is one of Asia's most rapidly expanding airline markets, but is struggling to provide qualified pilots, mechanics, air traffic controllers and updated airport technology to ensure safety.

NPR: Investigators Probe Lion Air Crash In Bali

21. Doing so would result in more gasoline being burned over time than if it were legal to replace them with new big cars employing updated technology.

FORBES: Hello More Stringent CAFE Standards, Goodbye Lincoln





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