water lines翻译_water lines短语搭配_water lines权威例句

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water lines

网络 水线

英 [ˈwɔːtə(r) laɪnz]play 美 [ˈwɔːtər laɪnz]play

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1. and potable water lines 饮用水线 ; 和食水线路 ; 和适合饮用的水线


3. water lines group 水管路组件

4. water lines regulator housing 水管路稳压箱

5. plan of water lines 水线图

6. turbocharger water lines group 涡轮增压器水管组

7. fore-body water lines 前部水线

8. Dental Unit water lines 口腔综合治疗台水路


1. In water lines destruction and pollution, every time the rest of the possible outcomes.


2. Ensure water and electrical lines are routed properly.

确保水管路和电线布线正确。《provided by jukuu》

3. The Determination of The Economy-Pipe-Diameter of Oilfield Water Injection Pipe lines


4. The theoretic studies of collision broadening of water vapor absorption lines


5. The telltales are specific "lines" in the spectrum of infra-red light from the plume. These correspond to the frequencies of light given off when water molecules are energetically excited.


6. Through comparing open channel steady flow above the difference of water lines, some domestic relevant experts summarize the advantages and disadvantages of these four kinds of typical models.


7. Disconnect the outside water lines from the top and the bottom of the lavatory.


8. Surface lines the scale up, it's often depress out flow of water injection lines.


9. Broken electrical, water, gas, and sewage lines that can result in injury or illness; and.


10. A bathroom cabinet that encloses a basin and its water lines and drain, usually furnished with shelves and drawers underneath for storage of toiletries.


11. Be sure you have thoroughly flushed water supply lines before using.

在使用前,请确认你已经认真仔细地冲洗水的供应线路。《provided by jukuu》

12. Century - old water lines dug and replaced with new pipes.


13. Ihave seen she strived as possible to draw the river water with the basket repeatedly then looked in desperation at the water to run off. I fond of such lines of hers.


14. During this time, therefore, have to guarantee the safety of water lines.


15. India's planners are finally realizing that DAMS, canals, water taps and sewer lines are as connected to one another as rivers are to the glaciers, rain and groundwater that feed them.


16. The falling water level denoted the passing hour as it dipped below hour lines inscribed on the inner surface.


17. When Skipper Rolando spotted a color line in the water, with deeper blue water on one side and greenish blue water on the other, he signaled to put lines into the water.


18. In water lines destruction and pollution, every time the rest of the possible outcomes.


19. This paper researches systematically the tubular cooler by applying the said system and test so that test data of heat delivery and resistance force characteristics in three water pipe lines are gained.


20. Connect the hot and cold water lines to the installed nipples using unions. The hot pipe was cooled with running water.


21. An earthquake may break gas, electrical, and water lines.


22. Do not locate the heater where water lines could be subjected to freezing temperatures.

不能把热水器放在水管可能被冷冻洁冰的地方。《provided by jukuu》

23. Study on Design Flow of Water Supply Lines in High-Building Hotel


24. During this time, therefore, have to guarantee the safety of water lines.


25. Computational result shows that, in the front of tidal wave, the water surface lines of two models are basically the same;


26. Valves for reducing point of discharge temperature by mixing cold and hot water in branch water lines are available.


27. Install the toilet flush line, the sink drain, the potable water lines, the bonding jumper, and the control cable.


28. Currently, it provides water lines to Central Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong International Airport and Macao.

目前开通了直达香港中环 、 九龙 、 香港国际机场和澳门的水上航线.《互联网》

29. However, this valve should not be used in water lines receiving chlorine gas or bleach injection.

但是, 这种阀门不能用于接受氯气或漂白剂注射的水管.《互联网》

30. Extending the Irrigation Technology of Water Conveyance Pipe Lines in a Large Area


31. Check to see that water and sewage lines are intact before using the toilet.


32. If so, please will represent water lines (the sink, refrigerator) or fire lines (gas stove) one of the kitchen utensils a new position.


33. Gauss curvature numerical calculation is performed by dividing curved shell surface into smaller ones according to water lines and section lines, and then examining the developability of the smaller surfaces, on the basis of which the developability of the larger surface can consequently be determined.


34. Select a location accessible to water lines and power supply where the floor is level.


35. Building codes may also require anti-siphon or backflow devices, so surface water won't be pulled back into water lines and residential plumbing.


36. Disconnect the toilet flushing, the sink drain, the potable water lines, the cables, and bonding jumper.

断开厕所冲水管, 洗手池排水及饮用水管, 钢索, 和搭地线.《互联网》

37. Select a location accessible to water lines and power supply where the floor is level.


38. Check gas, electrical, and water lines, and check appliances for damage.


39. Corrosion Analysis of Hot Water Return Lines of Oil& Gas Gathering System


40. Through those tubes, rescue workers could pass food, water, medicine, telephone lines, letters between miners and family members, and games to help pass the time.


41. In any case, Britain's infrastructure is extensively privatised, with private firms providing water, power generation, transmission lines, railway travel and much besides.


42. A Linear Programming Model for Water Transfer Pipe Lines in Gravity Sprinkler System


43. Calculation of collision broadening of water vapor absorption lines in the visible region


44. But still more expensive wine, one bottle of water lines on the mouth Run Run it.

但酒水还是比较贵, 一人一瓶水能润润嘴就行啦.《互联网》

45. That can include beams, posts, drain lines, water piping or surface-mounted wires.


46. Study on Susceptibility of Multiple Fresh Water Fish Cell Lines to Channel Catfish Virus


47. What's more, valley lines and ridge lines are respectively water collection lines and water divide lines, so they are also of special meaning to engineering application.


48. There's a mess of fish down there, so get your lines in the water.


49. Ensure water and electrical lines are laid properly.

务必将水管和电线正确放置。《provided by jukuu》

50. Set and monitor water lines, air flow and temperature in barns, pens and chicken coops.


51. Stones of grotesque forms are often attractive with underlaid lines and water holes.


52. I found that water and electricity lines in the decoration of various companies and different practices guerrillas.


53. Lifelines engineering ( potable drinking water lines, communication and transportation networks etc.) related closely to the social life;


54. A bathroom cabinet that encloses a basin and its water lines and drain, usually furnished with shelves and drawers underneath for storage of toiletries.


55. Do not locate the heater where water lines could be subjected to freezing temperatures.



1. The railways were privatised along similar lines to the water, energy and telephone markets and similar regulators exist in each industry.

ECONOMIST: Why doing business with the government can be a bad idea

2. At the same time, Mr. Charoen began diversifying, developing lucrative soda-water and iced-tea lines and building up a sizable property portfolio that included prominent Bangkok hotels.

WSJ: Heineken, Thailand's Charoen Reach Deal on Asia Pacific Breweries

3. Katrina knocked out phone lines, power and water in Jackson and some people in the surrounding areas are still living without.

NPR: Rebuilding with an Eye to Social Equity

4. And when I got there, I found that even though there was no clean water and no electricity and day-long lines for gas at the pump, that people were really relieved that Saddam Hussein was gone.

NPR: Aaron Glantz: 'How America Lost Iraq'

5. As rescuers battled to reach the remaining suvivors, food and water were being handed out to long lines of homeless survivors as mothers tried to comfort babies.

CNN: Quake survivor: I feel a deep sadness

6. In corridors where workers gathered, water and electricity, phone lines and computers were in full use.

CNN: No hope of finding more survivors at Pentagon

7. The Alamodome in San Antonio, water lines in New Jersey, and sewers in Germany have been purchased from and leased back to public authorities under these deals.

FORBES: Will SILOs Collapse?

8. The Woodlands is an unincorporated area that was laid out with no rights of way for public water or sewer lines, and even the idea of extending a public water line to the area has created divisions.

NPR: Cause Of Off-Color, Fetid Water Eludes Pa. Town

9. Looking up, he watched lines of icicles forming where water sluiced through cracks in the plaster.


10. That includes bridges and roads, drinking water and wastewater pipelines, levees, power lines, solid waste systems, and a host of other things.

FORBES: 2012 is the Year America Must Get Serious About its Infrastructure

11. Five people in the seaside resort town of Gelendzhik were electrocuted after power lines collapsed into the water.

CNN: July 9, 2012 -- Updated 0150 GMT (0950 HKT)

12. It even cleans itself, running hot water through all the lines and nozzles every time you shut it down.

FORBES: The Rolex of Coffee Makers - How Swiss-Made Precision Changed My Life

13. Meanwhile, downed power lines, leaking gas lines, broken water pipes and still-blazing fires have blocked the return of thousands of Southern Californians who fled their homes this week ahead of more than 20 wind-whipped wildfires.

CNN: Gov. Schwarzenegger vows to 'hunt down' arsonists

14. What the city does have is contaminated standing water and soil, downed power lines and limited automobile fuel.

CNN: Feds, locals out of sync on repopulation

15. Let me take you on a quick tour around the world and introduce you to just a few of the people and places Circle of Blue is finding on the front lines of a global water crisis.

FORBES: World Water Day 2013: The Biggest Story of Our Lifetime is Water

16. Smaller rural agencies can also access the data to maintain assets in the field like water lines, fire hydrants, trails, vegetation, wildfire mitigation areas, and more.

FORBES: With Spring in Full Bloom -- Have You Gardened Your Economy Lately?

17. They have set up protection rackets against the utilities companies by cutting power lines, damaging water pipes, destroying cellular telephone antennas and breaking into businesses, and then offering their "security services" to the firms and owners they have robbed in exchange for promises not to rob again.


18. In Missouri, the combination of high water and fallen power lines closed dozen of roads, snarling traffic on highways and side streets in the St.

WSJ: Tornado-Hit Oklahoma Struck Again; Mother and Baby Dead

19. So designers are seeing under-the-counter microwaves, dishwashers set into drawers that match existing cabinetry, and in-cabinet coffee makers with their own water lines installed.

FORBES: Cutting-Edge Kitchen Gear

20. Like many cities, Greenwich has created a geographic information system - a map that shows all the hidden bones and arteries of modern civilization: water mains, storm sewers, utility lines.

NPR: Security Officials Seek to Block Some Online Maps

21. Last summer's event featured a high-ropes course, two zip lines, a water slide, and a lumberjack show.

WSJ: Amid Boy Scout turmoil, other groups hope to grow

22. Coastal fisherman know that when a flock of seagulls is circling and diving into the sea a school of bluefish is often driving bait fish towards the surface and the anglers hasten to cast their lines into the frothy water beneath the screeching birds.

FORBES: Bevy of Black Swans Or Just A Flock of Seagulls?

23. After the state rejected the construction of another hard structure, park officials, working with environmentalists, came up with a Plan B: Move gas, water and sewer lines out of the risk zone.

MSN: Stay or go? Communities are eyeing a retreat from sea

24. Nationwide, 250, 000 water lines burst a year, or about one every two minutes, flooding and closing streets, interrupting water service, and requiring residents to boil water for safety, wrote New York Times reporter Charles Duhigg in a special series on water issues.

FORBES: Spending Cuts Threaten U.S. Water Infrastructure

25. Unreliable water can impact both corporate bottom lines and jeopardize natural security, as two recent reports point out.

FORBES: Water Risk Threatens Businesses, National Security

26. But the Woodlands residents would still need to form an association to manage and pay for water lines and hookups.

NPR: Cause Of Off-Color, Fetid Water Eludes Pa. Town

27. Dirk Bowman watches with pride as we walk along an assembly line, while workers tweak and twiddle with lines of cylindrical water heaters at this General Electric plant in Louisville, Kentucky.

BBC: Is 'Made in the USA' coming back?

28. Probably because the earthquake knocked out water lines for a considerable distance around.

FORBES: The Japanese Nuclear Power Crisis Deepens

29. Other passengers reported long lines waiting for food, water shortages and widespread boredom.

CNN: Triumph passengers head home as ship heads for repairs

30. Regarding water consumption, the company is now building a water footprint management system along similar lines to what they have done for carbon.

FORBES: Reckitt Benckiser bets on being a better business



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