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  • adj. 逐字的;逐字翻译的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


  • adj.逐字的;逐字翻译的



1. word for word 逐字地 ; 逐词地 ; 一字不变地 ; 逐字逐句

2. word for word literally 逐字逐句的

3. word-for-word translation 语 直译 ; 逐字对译

4. translate word for word 直译

5. word-for-word matching 上看似对应

6. Was quoted word for word 被逐字逐句引用

7. Word-for-Word Equivalence 词字对等


1. If you write the speech out word-for-word and then just read it, you will sound very boring.


2. He wrote his speeches word-for-word on paper, and practiced them.


3. We shall eventually obtain a word-for-word account of the conference. All the information given was 'unclassified'.


4. The word-for-word quote, from David Kirkpatrick's book "The Facebook Effect": "A squirrel dying in front of your house may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa."


5. On the whole, the language in the word-for-word documents can not be regarded as the real reflection of oral Chinese in Yuan Dynasty.


6. I suggest writing it down word for word.


7. Extensive reading is not reading word for word but finding out the main ideas of the passage.


8. A word for word translation is not natural to some degree.


9. I don't try to memorize speeches word for word.


10. Reporting on China in English for Foreign Audience vs. Word-for-Word Translation


11. And make sure you get this word-for-word.

确定你记下我说的每个字。《provided by jukuu》

12. Word-for-Word Translation in the Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor


13. I will tell him word for word.


14. It is easier to remember a rhyme word for word than straight prose, especially if you are illiterate.


15. I don't try to memorize speeches word for word.


16. Reading a speech word for word.


17. She repeated their conversation word for word to me.


18. Reports emerged of a passage from a newspaper article being published word for word, and then of a paragraph from the us embassy website being used without attribution.


19. There is no way for word-for-word translation, and the translation should be confined within the limit of the communicative approach.


20. A word for word translation is not natural to some degree.


21. And sure enough, when I got back to my office and pulled one of my books off the shelf, there the pages were, practically word for word.


22. The newspaper printed his speech more or less word for word.


23. With similes and metaphors that are partially equivalent in form, the English version is preferable to a word-for-word translation;


24. Only about half of the words in these languages could be translated word-for-word.


25. The ghost would remind him of everything that transpired between him and his fiancee that day, even to the point of repeating, word for word, their conversations.

她斥责丈夫背弃了誓言,并且在之后的每个晚上都回来嘲弄他。 鬼魂会描述他与未婚妻当天相处的情形,甚至能一字不漏的重复他们之间的对话。

26. Right beside his appeal was another flier with the same request, word-for-word identical in every way, right down to the typeface.


27. He pointed out that this linguistic mentality helped create such expressions as'long time no see,'a word-for-word translation of a Chinese expression that became a mainstay of spoken English.

他指出,这种语言思维方式导致出现了诸如“long time no see(好久不见)”这样的表达,这个按中文字面意思翻译的句子经成为英语口语中常用句。

28. Linguistic mistakes are divided into spelling mistakes, semantic mistakes, syntactic mistakes and grammar mistakes; Pragmatic mistakes include chinglish, word-for-word translation and missing translation; cultural mistakes contain language style mistakes and cultural factors mistakes.


29. Can you repeat what I've just said word for word?


30. When they have difficulty in recalling, they mainly adopt strategies like transcoding and word-for-word interpreting according to the word order of the notes.


31. Literal translation , in other words word - for - word translation. is not to be encouraged.

直译,换句话说, 逐 字对应的翻译, 不应提倡.《互联网》

32. Lyrics and word-for-word translation of a popular song.


33. If the last copy were gone, we could reproduce it almost word for word.

即使最后一本也给抄走了, 我们也能几乎逐字逐句地再印行.《英汉文学》

34. He gave us a word-for-word translation/ repetition.


35. You know, I can't exactly sort of quote you word for word.

你知道, 我无法一字不落的引用你的话.《互联网》

36. The rest is never translated word for word.


37. He repeated the conversation word for word.


38. As for the negative aspect, both versions have the similar degree of improper Hybridity which lies in the word-for-word translation, abuse in preposition and passive sentence structure.


39. The child's essay was copied word for word out of an encyclopedia.


40. If we choose to follow word-for-word, we will never pave our own path to the simpler life we desire.


41. Sport is an optimum terminology in a broad sense, and physical education as an English word can ′ t be interpreted word-for-word.


42. While word-for-word translation is a word-rank-bound translation featuring words translated singly out of context.


43. Write, word-for-word, the script for your documentary. This means that you will write the dialogue of your characters as well as the narrator's dialogue.


44. He can confirm it, word for word, just as I've described it.


45. The author and publisher of thirty-five, which came out in early April, apparently believe that description fits their book as well, word-for-word.


46. One study showed that 79% of test users scanned any new page they visited, while only 16% read the page word-for-word.


47. What he said was a word for word translation from Chinese, but even if he had phrased his idea more idiomatically, you still would have misunderstood him.


48. He remembered it was somewhere in James but couldn't remember it word for word.


49. She told me exactly what he said, word for word.


50. An idiomatic expression in one language could sound completely stupid when translated word for word into another.


51. Yang can repeat the tenets on his pre-job training brochure word for word: "Careful, patient, considerate, enthusiastic".


52. Don't translate word for word , sentence for sentence.


53. I learn the passage by heart and can recite it word - for - word .

我很用心得学这段话,都可以 逐字逐句 的背下来了.《互联网》

54. You can't script your conversation word for word, but you can prepare by writing down the most important points so you don't miss anything.


55. Therefore, this thesis select 220 common used Korea proverbs and translate them word-for-word trying to keep their original characteristics and make various comparisons with Chinese proverbs in a more scientific way.


56. One of them is a word counter, which counts for certain word occurrence in several files.


57. Some are word-for-word translation, without fully understanding the meaning of the counterpart in English;


58. They tend to read word-for-word and try to understand the meaning of each word and every detail and focus on the correct answer as the end product.


59. He explains this regulation to me word for word.


60. Many passages are identically the same, word for word.


61. At the stage of expressing, being affected by the components of logic and synthesis, strategies such as word-for-word interpreting, transcoding and thinking aloud are frequently used by the subjects.


62. Taking all these into account, the word-for-word method should be adopted in the translation of the book.


63. If you have to do a report, copy word-for-word from the World Book Encyclopedia.


64. He repeated her statement word for word.


65. It holds that the goal of "formal equivalence" can be reached, but not through mechanical word-for-word transplantation of the superficial structure of the original poem.


66. Translation is never word-for-word or sentence-for-sentence but to actualize the gestalt qualities of source text by means of the linguistic structure of target language, i.e. the aesthetic qualities of source text such as atmosphere and mood.


67. If you try similar word-for-word translations, you too could end up with nonsense.


68. Write it down word for word.


69. Poems by Li Po ( Li Bei), Wang Wei, Du Fu, and Meng Haoran, in pinyin and characters; with word-for-word English translation.


70. Don't read the report word for word now; just skim it.

现在,不要逐字读报告, 大致地看一下就可以了.《辞典例句》

71. If you write the speech out word-for-word and then just read it, you will sound very boring.


72. Word-for-word translations from one language to another often result in ungrammatical or meaningless sentences. This can be illustrated by translating the following French sentences.


73. The Skopos theory perspective on the mistranslation and word-for-word translation of commodity instructions


74. Any material copied word - for - word is supposed to appear inside quotation marks.

任何 逐字逐句 复制的材料应该要打上引号.《互联网》

75. He explains this regulation to me word for word.



1. Most languages around the world have a different word for luck and risk--or luck and fortune.

世上的大多数语言,对运气和风险,或者说运气和机遇,都有另一种表达方式金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. But there is, obviously, which is the very onerous actions that would be forced on the Congress by the sequestration -- forgive me for using that word -- by the trigger.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

3. Well we could begin with George Washington Alright, for your sake, we toss in John Kennedy ... who cut taxes. -Because... the Kennedy tax cuts and the Reagan tax cuts ... were both major tax cuts. -Did you hear me ask him ? for a one-word answer? Did you hear me?

那干脆从乔治·华盛顿谈起得了,真是的,好吧,看在你的面子上,姑且把他算上吧,他好歹也减税了,-因为。,肯尼迪的减税和里根的,都不可等闲视之,-我不是让他,只回答一个字吗?他怎么说这么多?经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

4. While other species," he notes, "may have voice, may have sounds and be able to distinguish pleasure and pain, Logos speech"--logos is his word for it.

他注明,“虽然其它动物也许能发声,也许有音调能区分出愉悦与痛苦,“辩论能力“或他所用的词汇。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. But by the time she'd sobbed her way through a three-minute, 365-word acceptance speech for her Best Actress award, her look had gone from regal to ridiculous.

FORBES: I'd Like Not To Thank The Academy

6. With no Greek, he worked from multiple translations and Carne-Ross's word-for-word cribs.

ECONOMIST: Christopher Logue, poet, died on December 2nd, aged 85

7. Railroad workers have an antiseptic -- but descriptive -- word for what happened next: Telescoping.

CNN: Welcome to obscure Washington, D.C.

8. In a scene that was taken almost word-for-word from the book, Tywin tells Tyrion in no uncertain terms that he will be rewarded for his services as befitting his position, but Casterly Rock?

FORBES: Game of Thrones 3.01 Recap: Let the Games Begin Again

9. Mr. Maziarz read almost word-for-word 14 sentences from an 18-sentence speech prepared by Mr. Cuomo's office.

WSJ: Cuomo Staff Penned Praises for the Boss

10. Paget says Belu -- derived from the word blue and the Italian word for beautiful, "bella" -- takes a three-pronged approach to its clean water projects, by not only providing a clean water source for drinking but water for washing hands and education about the importance of hygiene.

CNN: Eco-friendly bottle for ethical water

11. "Petit" -- p-e-t-i-t comes from the French word for small.

VOA : special.2009.08.31

12. The church shouldn't be under the control of the bishops -this is Milton's argument -or prelates, a common seventeenth-century word for bishops, but the church should be led by preachers: men who were chosen by their congregations to preach.

弥尔顿认为,教会不应该在主教的完全掌控之下,或者这里可以用17世纪指称主教的常用词,高级教士,反而教会应当在布道者的领导下:,在那些被教堂会众所选出布道的人的领导下。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. "While the specific document made public may be deemed by some as not particularly consequential, the disclosure of the document and nearly word-for-word disclosure of a confidential board conversation led to concerns that other information -- especially student information we have a duty to protect as private -- was at risk, " said a statement from Deans Michael D.

CNN: Harvard apologizes after secret e-mail search

14. Allegations arose that he had lifted a passage from a newspaper article word-for-word, and included a paragraph from the US embassy's website without attribution.

BBC: Germany's Guttenberg 'deliberately' plagiarised

15. Richard J. Daley led Chicago - ruled might be a better word - for 21 years.

VOA : special.2009.01.12

16. Taylor, Berlin was a consummate telly-don, always available for a word-perfect interview in grainy black-and-white with Bernard Levin or Bryan Magee on the meaning of life or the way of the world.

ECONOMIST: And what it says about the role of public intellectuals

17. Like just about every other cardinal who is regarded as "papabile" - the Italian word for a possible Pope - he refuses to discuss his chances.

BBC: Betting on the next Pope

18. Its name is malloc for memory allocation and what malloc does for us is we say, hmm, the user has typed in a three-letter word.

它为我们分配内存地址,它为用户输入的3个字母单词,分配地址。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

19. Analysis revealed that more than half of his thesis had long sections lifted word-for-word from the work of others.

BBC: German minister loses doctorate after plagiarism row

20. In nineteen twenty-eight the Levi Strauss company registered the word "Levi's" as a trademark for their product.

VOA : special.2009.12.18

21. Later political theorists, like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Nietzsche would even develop a word for Hobbesian man.

稍后时代的政治理论家,如卢梭,尼采,给霍布斯笔下这样的公民取了个名字。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. "Mayor Taveras found an evidence-based solution to a major challenge the word gap for low-income children that has potential to move us forward in a cost effective, scalable, and sustainable way, " Bloomberg said in a statement.

NPR: RI City Wins $5M Bloomberg Prize With Word Gap Fix

23. It was virtually a word-for-word repeat of a short clip from an interview I recorded for the BBC with Richard Caborn back in 1995.

BBC: Dj vu in Yorkshire on government spending

24. There's a tendency for loyalty to friends -that's your own friends--and there's this word, other people.

人们还倾向于忠于朋友,我是指你自己的朋友,还有一个词叫做外人金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. If we give him number two, it's going to follow that whatever's doing the grasping-- call that the soul since the soul is just Plato's word for our mind-- if whatever's doing the grasping of the eternal and non-physical forms must itself be eternal and non-physical, it follows that the soul must be non-physical.

假如我们承认前提二,那么接下来就是不管是什么事物在认知,姑且称之为灵魂好了,因为灵魂是柏拉图对我们心灵的称呼,假如能够认知永恒,和非现实型相的事物本身必须是,永恒和非现实的,那么灵魂必须是非现实的死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. The F-word and the A-word are often nominated for the list, but Pink says offensive words aren't considered.

CNN: University 'banishes' words for 2013

27. And what we find, the first example of a Bronze Age-- and I use the word civilization now for the first time, because before the Bronze Age-- there is nothing that we would define as civilization.

我们发现的第一个文明出现在青铜时代,也是我第一次用文明这个词,因为在青铜时代之前,没有任何东西能称之为文明古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. To know how to get word-for-word the exact sound bite or quote you want in the final story.

FORBES: Connect

29. If the interview has aired or shown, check to make sure that the exact, word-for-word sound bites that you prepared made it into the story.

FORBES: Connect

30. Isn't this a lovely mythos -- the Greek word for story -- a narrative with symbolic resonance and profound meaning?

CNN: Seeking the truth about Jesus

31. Much like Microsoft Word had a model for GUI-based word processing in MacWrite, touch-optimized office suites have been developed by or snapped up by Microsoft's competitors, including Apple ( iWork), Google ( QuickOffice) and RIM ( Docs To Go).

ENGADGET: Switched On: An Office outside the Metro

32. The movie is particularly poignant in a scene in which Phillies manager Ben Chapman hurls verbal abuse -- the N-word -- at Robinson every time he is up for bat.

CNN: Honoring '42' comes slowly in legend's hometown

33. So it does that for us so that you can get away with just knowing the address of the first byte and it will make sure that you know when to stop by including the special value so, in fact, get the string if you type in a three-letter word, we allocate four bytes no matter what because we need an additional byte 0 for this special sentinel value back slash zero at the very end.

它为我们做了这些事情,这样我们就可以,通过第一个字节的地址,它还可以通过包含一个特殊的值,来保证在哪里停止,如果你输入了一个三个字母的单词,就可以获得那个字符串,不管怎样,我们分配四个字节,因为我们在末端需要一个额外的字节,来保存这个特殊的标志值--反斜杠。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

34. "But if you look back to 2007 when over 55, 000 properties were flooded, we were relatively lucky - if lucky is the right word - for the impacts we saw this summer, " he said.

BBC: UK experiences 'weirdest' weather

35. "We should take the Pakistani Taliban, and specifically the so-called TTP, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, at their word, "Their leaders have been saying for some time that they want to strike targets outside their own region, and they've talked about the United States, they've talked about the U.K.

VOA : standard.2010.05.05

36. In 2007, Safaricom launched M-Pesa (M for mobile and Pesa- a Swahili word for money) which lets users deposit, transfer and withdraw funds via text message.

FORBES: The Ten Most Innovative Companies In Africa

37. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

FORBES: What Happens When High School Sports Fans Are Accused of Racist Insults

38. Whites who protest or riot are not called thugs, because the word thug serves as a proxy for the N-word, whether it's black or white people using the descriptors.

CNN: Calling people 'thugs' solves nothing

39. The video is understood to show Mr Landeros stencilling an image of a bullfighter, a bull and the word 'conquista' - the Spanish word for conquest - on Picasso's 1932 work Woman in a Red Armchair.

BBC: Picasso 'vandal' surrenders to authorities

40. Ms. Warren's 1984 recipe for Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing is a word-for-word copy of Mr. Franey's 1979 recipe.

WSJ: Centrist Censor

41. At The News, it was a standing joke that the competing TV and radio stations read our stories word-for-word on air.

FORBES: Warren Buffett Is A Very Odd Paper Boy

42. To get exact word-for-word quotes or sound bites into the story that were planned in advance.

FORBES: Connect

43. "I thought that the German curse had turned into a German blessing, " he said, when asked what he thought when he heard the final word, a German-derived Yiddish word for a type of dumpling.

CNN: New York eighth-grader wins national spelling bee

44. Some children did complain, but according to Chris Walby - a social services expert helping with another child abuse investigation in Merseyside - their word counted for little in an atmosphere where they were not listened to or believed.

BBC: News Online







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