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英 [pɔːz]play美 [pɔːz]play

  • n. 暂停,停顿;暂停键;延长记号
  • v. 暂停,停顿;(按暂停键)暂停;踌躇

复数 pauses 第三人称单数 pauses 现在分词 pausing 过去式 paused 过去分词 paused

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


pause /pɔːz/ CET4 TEM4 [ pausing paused pauses ]

  • 1.
    不及物动词 If you pause while you are doing something, you stop for a short period and then continue. 停顿

    "It's rather embarrassing," he began, and paused.

    “这很让人尴尬,” 他开始说道,又停顿了片刻。


    He talked for two hours without pausing for breath.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A pause is a short period when you stop doing something before continuing. 停顿

    After a pause Al said sharply: "I'm sorry if I've upset you."




1. P - PAUSE GAME 暂停

2. eye pause 眼停 ; 眼球暂停

3. compensatory pause 代偿间歇 ; 生理 代偿性间歇 ; 代偿间期 ; 代偿间隙

4. pause button 暂停键;暂停按钮

5. PAUSE TIME 暂停时间 ; 暂停一次 ; 暂停时间间隔

6. PAUSE GAME 暂停游戏 ; 停留比赛

7. give pause to vt. 使人踌躇

8. pause and ponder 踌躇;停下来好好想一想

9. silent pause 寂静时间 ; 静止时间 ; 无声停顿

10. Pause Funcation 程序暂停功能

11. pause key 停止键 ; 暂停键 ; 中断键 ; 暂停按键




awkward pause 尴尬的停顿

brief pause 短暂的停顿

long pause 长时间的停顿

short pause 短时间的停顿

slight pause 略微的停顿


1. The burly soldier pause at the foot of the blockhouse.


2. Pause and visualize the action as if it were already completed.


3. Better to pause until the smoke clears.


4. On leaving, she paused for a moment at the door


5. You can pause , FF , REW and play when watching life TV, as freely as watching VOD.

用户可以自主控制实时电视节目的快进、快退 、 暂停、播放, 获得如收看VOD一般的自在感受.《期刊摘选》

6. He came to a pause in reading and then went on reading.


7. Pause for a moment and look down at your own reflection.


8. His words were followed by a pregnant pause.


9. It's an interesting suggestion, but we need a bit longer to give pause to it.

这是个很好的建议, 但我们仍需要更多一点时间对它加以考虑.《简明英汉词典》

10. He paused enough to consider the options but never so long as to lose the initiative.


11. The bulk of the research shows that there may be a pause, or a shifting of gears in the 40s or 50s, but this shift“ can be exciting, rather than terrifying.”

大部分研究表明,人在四五十岁时,可能会出现短暂的停滞,或是转变,但这种转变“可以是振奋人心的,而不是骇人听闻的”。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

12. "We need proof, sir." Another pause. Then, "Very well."

“我们需要证据,先生。” 又顿了一下。然后说道,“好吧。”《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

13. He paused, waiting for her to digest the information.


14. The woman spoke almost without pausing for breath.


15. He paused, drawing a deep breath.


16. He spoke for one and a half hours and barely paused for breath.


17. Time silent footsteps, not because we have many things to be addressed and Pause briefly.

时间的无声的脚步, 是不会因为我们有许多事情需要处理而稍停片刻的.《期刊摘选》

18. You can resume or pause the endpoints through these panels.


19. Sebastian nodded, but another pause ensued.


20. You can be easily caught up by life problems that you forget to pause and appreciate the things you have.


21. The use of FLASH animation playback controls, which include open, pause, stop and other control!

利用FLASH控件进行动画的播放, 其包括打开, 暂停, 停止等控制!《期刊摘选》

22. After a brief pause, they continued climbing.


23. He made a pause and then went on reading.


24. If you feel your feelings getting out of control, pause.


25. The rain fell without pause .


26. After a short pause, I opened the box.


27. There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates in front of us.


28. There was a long, long pause.


29. David waited for a pause in the conversation so he could ask his question.


30. Changed: Pausing processing no longer distorts the time estimation.

变化: 暂停过程将不会被计算在估算的时间里.《期刊摘选》

31. A deer pauses near third hole a round June 16.


32. He talked for two hours without pausing for breath.


33. Pause the game with the key button.


34. After a pause, the man said, May I go?

短暂停留后, 该人说, 我可以走 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

35. After a pause Alex said sharply: 'I'm sorry if I've upset you'...


36. But recent a slump in his own popularity seems to have given him pause for thought.


37. The football march had to be paused because of the barbaric supporters.


38. At the corner one of the buildings, she paused, inhaled, and turned her head.

在建筑物之一的角落, 她暂停, 吸入, 而且转了她的头.《期刊摘选》

39. A more robust American posture was called for, to give the Kremlin pause.


40. The pause of the development of an embryo has more benefits for preparing it to avoid the harsh times than for competing with its siblings.


41. You'll also need to consider how marketable you'll after a pause in your work life.


42. There was a long pause before she answered.


43. Breathe . When you find yourself speeding and stressing out, pause and take a deep breath.

当你发现自己节奏变快、压力变大的时候, 暂停,做一个深呼吸.《期刊摘选》

44. After a pause Al said sharply: "I'm sorry if I've upset you."


45. C: ( Pause ) I guess so.

( 犹豫片刻 ) 我猜是的.《期刊摘选》

46. According to family legend he was a slow talker, pausing to consider what he would say.

根据一本家族介绍,他很晚才会说话, 经常中止他想说的话.《期刊摘选》

47. You have to plan where the page turns are going to be and then pause recording.


48. There was another pause, and then the judge arrived and the sheriff proclaimed the opening of the court.


49. I paused in the hall to take three deep breaths to restore my equilibrium


50. However during pauses or at lower data rates will be lower.


51. She paused and, sensing his tone, walked nearer to him.

她犹豫了一会, 辨出了他的声调, 便向他走近一些.《辞典例句》

52. You can cancel at any time by pausing your ads.


53. He paused before making the important decision.


54. Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house.


55. During the long pause which followed , Simon felt his eyelids creeping inexorably downward.

下面的交谈中止了很长时间, Simon觉得自己的眼皮一个劲儿地往下沉.《期刊摘选》

56. The joggers paused to catch their breath.


57. "He knows my name, boy," my father said after a long pause.


58. But it also has special phenomenon of pause , returning, leaping, displacement and hyperplasia, etc.

但其运动中也有中止 、 流 、 跃 、 移 、 生等特殊现象.《期刊摘选》

59. She paused and turned, her face alight with happiness.


60. Franz paused for a moment.


61. The bad weather gave us pause about driving to the country.


62. After a pause, his brother said to the servants, "You have observed him."


63. Aborting skill training message now correctly warns training on the current skill will be paused.


64. After a pause he asked, "You got any identification?"


65. Their pause of applause shall have no excuse.


66. There was a really long pause in that scene because Mandy missed her cue.


67. After a pause he asked, 'You got any identification?'


68. She paused significantly before she answered.


69. He started from his instant's pause, and said in a low firm voice, Not guilty, my Lord.

他从这短促的思冥中惊醒过来, 用低微而坚决的声音回答: “ 无罪, 大人. ”《辞典例句》

70. 'We need proof, sir.' Another pause. Then, 'Very well.'


71. New functionality includes the ability to start the sound paused.


72. His recent behavior has given her pause about their relationship.


73. An opposition spokesman said he hoped the agreement would give them pause for thought about the futility of violence.


74. Pause at the end of a sentence or after saying an important point.


75. Here the speaker paused to have a drink.


76. The Internet is progressing without pause, demanding companies to run 24 hours per day.

互联网在大踏步地前进, 要求公司每天24小时运作.《期刊摘选》

77. Press pause to stop the tape.


78. The rain fell without pause.


79. He paused, apparently lost in thought.


80. In the first half, you're pausing for so much laughter from your audience.

前半段, 你不得不因为听众的哄堂大笑而暂停.《期刊摘选》

81. 'It's rather embarrassing,' he began, and paused...


82. I saw him pause ever so slightly.


83. There was a longish pause.


84. Digital video recorders, that can store , pause, or rewind live TV, are also proving popular.

数字电视录像装置, 可以存储 、 回放或暂停电视节目, 这些灵活性使得数字电视日趋流行.《期刊摘选》

85. Once they start growing, such plants seem not to retain the ability to hit the pause button on metabolism in their stems or leaves.


86. To be able to stop or pause encoding, click the encoder button on the taskbar.

要能够停止或暂停编码, 请单击任务栏上的编码器按钮.《期刊摘选》

87. In the process of collecting data, press SET key, the process of collecting data will pause.

数据采集的过程中, 按下SET键, 采集工作被暂停.《期刊摘选》

88. The sun apparently again a day in pause, then return to overdo friendly intercourse north ambulation.

太阳似乎又暂停一天, 再回过头来往北移动.《期刊摘选》

89. The woman spoke almost without pausing for breath (= very quickly) .


90. From the length of the pause between a tone and the heat pulse.


91. "I don't see him," John said after a long pause.


92. He paused thoughtfully moment and scratched the stub where his left arm had once been.


93. She paused the video and went to answer the phone.


94. Government sources said there would be no prolonged pause in the war.


95. To pause the slideshow, place your mouse cursor over the picture.

暂停幻灯片, 把你的鼠标光标放在图画上.《期刊摘选》

96. The bulk of the research shows that there may be a pause, or a shifting of gears in the 40s or 50s, but this shift "can be exciting, rather than terrifying".


97. It's wise of you to pause when your feelings become bad.


98. I paused at the door and looked back.


99. She paused on the edge, trying to regain her balance.


100. There were two lemon trees and I paused to enjoy their perfume.


101. She paused before consenting to marry him.


102. Weather conditions were bad enough to give pause to even the most experienced climbers.


103. He paused momentarily.


104. She paused as the group of children filed out of the house


105. Anita paused for a moment, then said: ‘All right. ’


106. What's more, if you don't remember the next word or line, pause for one or two seconds to look at your note card.


107. After you introduce the topic, pause to hear what your partner says.


108. Tom, after a pause, "I wish I'd said 'Mister Williams'."


109. You should pause and ponder now.


110. He paused thoughtfully a moment and scratched the stub where his left arm had once been.


111. 'It's rather embarrassing,' he began, and paused


112. They pause and chew their pencils.


113. Pause your reading and go do this.


114. That seemed to be everything, and an awkward pause followed.


115. I made the classic mistake of clapping in a pause in the music!


116. He had to pause to clear his throat...


117. He paused outside the door.



1. The only chance lay in forcing a pause that would allow the bargaining to begin.

NEWYORKER: General Principles

2. After that, there was a pause, before, in a businesslike tone, the girl resumed with Kate.

NEWYORKER: Another Manhattan

3. All right. Now let me pause quickly over the word introduction.

现在让我们来探讨入门一词。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. Pause to think about what really matters: what does winning look like for you?

FORBES: Are You Focused on Winning in 2012?

5. In other words, it makes us pause over what we're reading.

也就是说,它使我们在阅读的时候停下。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. That pause didn't last long, with demand underpinned by strong economic growth, says Zhou.

FORBES: Revolution by Block

7. The longest unplanned pause came in the first half of Michigan's win over Kansas last week.

WSJ: NCAA Tournament: A Basketball Telecast With a Little Basketball

8. Now if all we have to go on is just this semiotic system, it's going to be kind of hard to put up resistance to by the same token we'll say "yellow" means "pause," "green" means "go."

而从语义学角度分析,我们必须不能这么想,这样绿色自然就表示继续,黄色表示暂停“文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. This should be the sort of thing that gives cable and broadband companies pause.

FORBES: Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Lives Without Broadband

10. Pickens used the pause in the schedule to check in with his traders in Dallas.

FORBES: Inside T. Boone Pickens' Brain

11. Would such a correction be just a pause to the rally or something more serious?

FORBES: Beginning of the Week Market Review: Investors Should Keep an Eye on the "Big Picture"

12. He had to pause to clear his throat.


13. "An incident like this obviously gives you the opportunity to pause and ask yourself, 'Are we doing everything we can and should be doing to address the range of issues that come out of an event like this,".

VOA : standard.2009.11.16

14. Insider selling, commercial risk and the inevitable problems new products face may be giving investors pause.


15. Kellogg Co. (see our post on that here) may have given Judge Hamilton pause.

FORBES: Update: Judge Rejects Settlement in Ben & Jerry's "Natural" Class Action

16. Okay, and let's listen to just a little-- we're going to pause it there.

好了,我们就听一点,我们就暂停在那里聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. The Polish zloty jumped on the governor's remarks about the likely pause in easing.

WSJ: Poland Hints at End to Rate Cuts

18. After a pause I said in my most neutral voice: `Really?'


19. Now I'm going to pause for a minute and let you ask questions, or make comments,or throw things,or whatever.

我暂时说到这儿,你们可以提问,或评论,扔臭鸡蛋,都可以。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. Now I want to pause a little bit more, then, in this regard over Derrida's distinction between writing and speech--writing, ecriture.

现在我想再停下来花一点儿时间讲讲,德里达的书写和演讲之间的区别,书写,文字。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. And I'm going to pause for a minute, before I run it, and ask each of you to compute in your head what you think the answer should be.

我将暂停一会儿,在我运行之前,我想问问你们你们,心算得出的答案应该是什么。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

22. We didn't really pause to talk much about this ? but in Book II you remember he criticizes at considerable length Plato's Republic for the excessive unity it demands of its citizens.

太多这方面的论述,但在第,II,册,记得吗,他花了相当篇幅,评论柏拉图的《理想国》,因为后者对其公民。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. The U.S. dollar index is trading slightly lower Tuesday morning, also in a pause mode.

FORBES: Comex Gold Trades Near Steady; Fresh News Regarding EU Debt Crisis Awaited

24. She continued after a pause.


25. Changing weapons or spells, even in mid-combat, simply requires a pause to reassign new items.


26. "But I like the concept of knowing something in class but then going back and pressing pause or rewind and actually getting a deeper understand of it."

VOA : standard.2010.03.26

27. Let's pause it right there.

就暂停在这里聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. And of course, you know, when you look at code it doesn't pause in between them.

当然,你们知道的,在代码执行的时候不会暂停。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

29. With iTunes, it does volume up, volume down, next and previous track, play and pause.

ENGADGET: The Engadget Interview: Paul Griffin, CEO/founder of Griffin Technology

30. There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates.


31. "The notion of being willing to pause, reassess basic assumptions, reassess the analysis and then make those decisions, seems to me, given the importance of these decisions, which I've said are probably among the most important he will make in his entire presidency, seems entirely appropriate,".

VOA : standard.2009.10.06

32. If it's important enough for you to retain I'll stop and pause on it in class and discuss it in enough detail so you'll be able to learn it.

如果真的很重要到需要你们记住,我会在课堂上进行详细地讲解,这样你们就能掌握了关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. Mr. Ryan said the low price of natural gas should give state policy makers pause.

WSJ: Dreams of Binghamton

34. Let's pause it there, and as we said last time, it operates in that fashion, and that beginning gives us a good opportunity to make a distinction between two types of melody, between this idea of a motive and a theme.

稍微停一下,就像我们上次所说的那样,它是这样,编排的,乐曲的开始乐段给了我们很好的范例,来区分两种旋律类型,区分动机和主题聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. When its smartphone badges practically demand a pause for breath, you know there's a problem.

ENGADGET: Verizon's HTC DLX may be called Droid DNA, Windows Phone 8 devices get tentative prices

36. Well, that's the sense of theory that I like to work with, and I would pause over it by saying that after all, there is a difference and practice and we shouldn't too quickly, at least, confuse the terms.

我想在此讨论的就是理论的这种解释,不过我想补充一句,理论和实践是两回事,至少我们不能混淆这两个名词。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. But during the giddy precrash era, that track record gave little pause to Citi or others.

FORBES: Citigroup's Bad Boy

38. It was down from the holiday quarter (and perhaps enough to give some investors pause).

FORBES: Is Apple 'Doomed'? Is Tim Cook Being Fired? No and No

39. Okay. let's just pause it there.

好的,暂停在这里聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. It also has an FM radio feature that allows users to pause and resume music.

CNN: Yes, they still make 'em: Apple refreshes iPods

41. But I want to pause for a moment and note that this assumption that the way to think about the value of the combination as just a matter of adding the goodness of life and the badness of death and just summing them that way-- that may not be right.

但我想暂停一会并指出,这个用加上生命的好处,和死亡那个的坏处然后求和的方式,去考虑这个组合的价值的假设-,可能并不是正确的。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. It gave us pause to smile at each other and move on our busy way.

FORBES: Remembering Andy Rooney and the Tiffany Network

43. And you insert a pause at that point.

然后你在这个点上插入停顿心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Analyzing our hypothetical bonus accrual, test numbers two and three give us no pause.

FORBES: When Can An Employer Deduct Accrued But Unpaid Year-End Bonuses To Employees?

45. But the pause is a psychological illusion.

但停顿只是一种心理错觉而已心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. That makes the downturn in the tar sands less a collapse than a pause for breath.

ECONOMIST: China invests in Canada's tar sands

47. But will any of that really give users pause as they decide which tablet to buy?

FORBES: Research In Motion: PlayBook Tablet In Deep, Deep Trouble

48. These are questions, statements, or visuals that trigger the brain to pause and think.

FORBES: WOW Your Way to Better Results!

49. It caused people to pause a bit with what was going on in the EuroZone.

FORBES: TD Ameritrades Advantage

50. Once sated, Roshan will pause for a few moments before picking a new victim.

FORBES: Dota 2's Halloween Soiree: Diretide

51. Now, I want to pause for a moment there and ask you a question.

现在,我想停顿片刻问你们一个问题。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Now that--If the only language you've ever heard is English, that's going to seem like a really weird example of a problem because you're listening to me speak and in between each of my words you're hearing a pause.

如果你只接触过英语,那么刚才的问题就看上去非常奇怪了,因为你在听我讲话,而你会在我所说的单词之间听到一个停顿心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. There is an acute danger that you will pause and see no reason to continue them.

FORBES: The Acid Test Of Radical Management: Laughter

54. Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman, Democrat Henry Waxman ordered a pause in his panel's drafting of the measure as Democrats work to overcome differences within their party.

VOA : standard.2009.07.21

55. We just pause there.

我们只是暂停下聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. I'm going to actually pause, periodically look at my notes and make sure I'm remembering how I think Plato understands the arguments.

我会时不时停下来,看看我的笔记,以确保,我记得我自己对柏拉图论证的理解死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. There was, in his view, enough good news to justify a pause before seeking a rescue.

BBC: Eurozone crisis: From deutschmark to lira?

58. He left a pregnant pause that gave enough time for the camera to cover both faces.

FORBES: An Unexpected Way to Become the Top Choice

59. There are lots of things to be said against it, on the other hand, which I don't want to pause over now because I think a course of lectures on literary theory will inevitably show the ways in which paraphrase is inadequate to the task of rigorous interpretation.

另一方面,有很多反对这个的言论,我不想在此,停下来讲,因为我觉得一门,文学理论上的课不可避免地,会包括一些释意所无法,充分解释的方面,一个严苛的评论家克林斯。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. Okay, now let's pause it there.

好了,我们暂停在这里聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. He only had one argument not to kill himself: "To sleep, perchance to dream, for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil might give us pause."

他只有一个不自杀的理由:,“入睡,偶尔作梦,因为在沉睡中,什么梦都会出现,我们可以从中暂时摆脱尘世的烦恼”心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. And in that emphasis on the dark side of schooling, should give pause to adults who were looking for an understanding of why something like Columbine comes about.

这一对学校黑暗面的控诉,应该给成年人们敲了一记警钟,尤其是那些在探讨,为什么会有科罗拉多可伦拜枪杀案这样的事件。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

63. As it is, we quickly got tired of reaching for our tablet to pause the music.

ENGADGET: Nexus Q review: Google's mysterious little social streamer

64. Okay, let's stop, pause it there.

好了,暂停在那里聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课









sense of humour是什么意思_sense of humour的音标_用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

sense of humour是什么意思_sense of humour的音标_用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句






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人有饷余潇湘八景画册者退食之暇逐景分题空同子先有此作余其为妇乎加七言以别之 其一 渔村夕照原文、翻译和赏析



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