professional association翻译_professional association短语搭配_professional association权威例句

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professional association


英 [prəˈfeʃənl əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃn]play 美 [prəˈfeʃənl əˌsoʊsiˈeɪʃn]play

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professional association

  • 1.
    名词 a body of persons engaged in the same profession, formed usually to control entry into the profession, maintain standards, and represent the profession in discussions with other bodies 职业协会



1. Professional Association for SQL Server Server专业协会 ; 专业协会 ; 专业组织 ; Server专业组织

2. Asia-Pacific Outstanding Professional Association 荣获亚太杰出专才协会 ; 亚太杰出专才协会

3. Professional Association of Diver Instructor 国际专业潜水教练协会 ; 专业潜水教练协会

4. Crowdfunding Professional Association 众筹行业协会

5. Network Professional Association 业人士协会 ; 网络专业人员协会

6. Professional Association of Diving Instructors 业潜水教练协会

7. ALA Allied Professional Association ALA联合专业协会 ; 联合专业协会

8. NPA Network Professional Association 网络专业人员协会

9. Professional Bowlers Association 职业保龄球协会


1. Professional Association of Natural Rubber in Africa


2. Library Education Group of Chinese Association for Education Promotion ( CAEP) is the first national library professional association in modern China.


3. From Professional Association to Teachers Union


4. Joining a professional association in your field and regularly attending its events is also a smart idea.


5. It would be fantastic because I'm thinking of becoming an officer in a professional association.


6. Qualified according to the rules of a professional association which has a royal charter


7. What professional association meetings have you attended in the last 6 months?


8. The Academy of Management is a professional association dedicated to creating, applying and disseminating knowledge related to management and organization.


9. AHISA is a professional association for Principals of independent and private schools across Australia.


10. We are a professional association looking for a part time administrator.


11. Our company is attached to the professional association of Liaoning exit& entry agency.


12. Also, set up folders for low-priority messages, such as notes from your professional association.


13. It would be fantastic because I'm thinking of becoming an officer in a professional association.


14. As 2000's annual report of Chinese Liquid Crystal Professional Association, the report list numerous data to show that LCD industry in China made a rapidly growth in 2000.


15. The Analysis on Farmer Professional Association among Agricultural Technology Innovation


16. At present, the vertical search engine adopted the system structure which is similar with the full-text search engine. It had high level in the professional association degree.


17. New Thoughts, New Approaches, New Improvement: The Problem and the References of Professional Association of the Rural Economy


18. IPIC is the only professional association in Canada to which nearly all patent agents, trademark agents and lawyers specializing in intellectual property belong.


19. Preiss: The IASA is a non-profit professional association for all types of it architects.

Preiss: IASA是针对所有类型的IT架构师的非盈利的专业协会。

20. What professional association meetings have you attended in the last 6 months? Give an example of one that increased your business/industry knowledge. How did you apply that to your work?

在过去 6 个月中,您参加过什么学术会议?请举个例 子说明,它增加了你的业务、行业知识。您怎样将它们应用到工作中去?

21. Become active in a professional association.


22. Intervention mechanism of foreign professional association on the training of nursing professionals


23. Until recently, Iranians were banned from publishing in the journals of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the industry's key international professional association.


24. The Function of Professional Association in Solving the Medical Dispute


25. This friendship and professional association of orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons will be of great benefit to patients.


26. Control the professional association in order to develope industry.


27. NCAA-National College association of America Students offers a great many reserve athletes for professional association matches.


28. Keeping this problem in mind, this can be an excellent placement for any relationship that is specifically aimed at accomplishing a job or task, such as a professional association.


29. Use professional association Web sites and magazines to advertise for professional staff.


30. At present, the vertical search engine adopted the system structure which is similar with the full-text search engine. It had high level in the professional association degree.


31. The professional association is a kind of nonprofit social organization, whose nature is the social power of the common management function.


32. Group standard: a standard that is established or adopted by a professional association or body.


33. After joining the American Translators Association (ATA) in 1993, I returned to the States, this time as a professional translator.


34. Become active in a professional association. This means doing more than paying dues and showing up for meetings.


35. Experiment proves that the search which added the adelomorphic key words can improve the professional association degree of the results. 4.


36. The Foundation of the Law Believes and the Professional Association


37. The IEEE, a non-profit organization, is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology.


38. Look at recent salary surveys, talk to people working in your field, and contact your trade or professional association to find out what others are paid for doing the same work.


39. The Development, Status Quo and Growth of Professional Association of Industry of China


40. Leading peasants to set up the local area or professional association.


41. If your school is accredited by a professional organization (such as the American Library Association), your degree will be honored by those in your profession.


42. America's leading professional association of pollsters has launched an inquiry into how they could the result so wrong.


43. Use professional association Web sites and magazines to advertise for professional staff.


44. The American Trucking Association lists approximately 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the U. S.


45. He was a founding Director of the American Association of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ( AACFS), a professional association of scientists and clinicians.


46. It would be fantastic because I'm thinking of becoming an officer in a professional association. '.


47. From the eighties of last century till now, improving and ensuring the teacher's quality has been the focus of American Federal Government and Professional Association.


48. Library Education Group of Chinese association for Education Promotion (CAEP) is the first national library professional association in modern China.


49. Exploration of Attributes, Generating Mechanism and Developing Models of Leshan Rural Professional Association


50. We are a professional association looking for a part time administrator.


51. You can find them through your college alumni association, professional associations, and schools with programs in the field.


52. The National Association of Professional Organizers estimates that a huge percentage of work days are lost to people looking for things they have misplaced.


53. The Company introduced its Professional Association Group Life Insurance product.


54. Firstly, set up government's macro administrative mechanism suited to market economy, secondly, establish professional association's middle cosmic as well as enterprise's microcosmic administrative mechanism.


55. The American Trucking Association lists approximately 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the U.S.


56. Attending professional association meetings can be even more beneficial, since you'll meet people who are working in your field.


57. The development of forestry leisure industry must coordinate the guide of the government, the professional association and the self-functioning of the industry to promote the highly efficient operation, orderly competition and sustainable development.



1. Other jewellery traders said they had been persuaded to go back to work by the police, and their own professional association.

BBC: Rare strike alarms Iran's leaders

2. When I started the Zinser Law Group in 2008, I started out by joining a listserve for a professional association I wanted to be affiliated with.

FORBES: How Pizza Crust Helped Me Realize My Entrepreneurial Dream

3. The vice president of Ordog's own professional association, the American College of Medical Toxicology, agrees.

FORBES: Dr. Mold

4. The tobacconists' revolt in Strasbourg is spearheaded by Patrick Merck, who heads the local professional association.

BBC: Strasbourg split on EU vote

5. Catherine Farrell, of the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years, said the government needed a "joined-up strategy" for childcare rather than the current "random set of proposals".

BBC: Childcare ratios: We will find way forward, says Cameron

6. Demonstrating how patient engagement is central to the future of healthcare, the professional association for healthIT (HIMSS) has published the seminal book on patient engagement.

FORBES: DIY Health Reform: Proof of How Easy it is to Slay the Healthcare Cost Beast

7. Tricia Pritchard, of the Professional Association of Nursery Nurses, said that although there were loopholes for the "more unscrupulous providers", most nurseries offered quality child care with "high standards and requirements of their staff".

BBC: NEWS | UK | Children 'sent home on inspection day'

8. The price of girls' exam success was also being paid in terms of stress and anxiety, said Kay Driver, general secretary of the Professional Association of Teachers.

BBC: Male teachers for 'role models'

9. When he was three years old, I took a part-time job as a membership director of a professional association, knowing that my childcare expenses alone would eat up over half my salary.

FORBES: The Personal and Global Stimulus Effect of Ending the Wage Gap

10. Expand your network by attending industry or professional association meetings, she says.

WSJ: At Last, the Job Market Shows Signs of Life

11. She noted that while at Sprint she had revived the Kansas City chapter of a data modelers' professional association and, long after being laid off, continued to attend its seminars where invited experts would describe the latest advances.

WSJ: The Declining Value Of Your College Degree

12. Is this kosher, to steer money from state lawsuits to a professional association?

FORBES: The House Tobacco Built

13. Another option is finding a coach through the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARCC), which also offers certification.

WSJ: Career Q&A: How To Find A Career Coach

14. The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) is the leading professional association of fee-only financial advisors.

FORBES: Fee-Only Financial Planner: What's the Difference?

15. Beside funding antismoking campaigns, the loot from the tobacco companies has helped turn this once sleepy professional association into a kind of super regulatory body, hunting for antitrust and consumer-fraud violations.

FORBES: Magazine Article

16. Nearly 60% of human-resources executives graded their own performance-management systems a C or below, according to a 2010 survey by Sibson Consulting Inc. and WorldatWork, a professional association.

WSJ: Performance Reviews Lose Steam

17. We found out later from local sellers that he rants to anyone that will listen, and even called our professional association headquarters, the ABAA, to curse out our executive director.

FORBES: How To Deal With Crazy Clients

18. The standard was developed in 1997 in consultation with Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a professional association open to everyone, including manufacturers and health specialists.

CNN: Scientists debate possible cell phone link to brain cancer

19. She holds a key role in the evolution of crowdfund investing, as the chair of CFIRA (CrowdFund Intermediary Regulatory Advocates) and a founding board member of CfPA (Crowdfunding Professional Association).

FORBES: Winning A 5 Minute Pitch: How Candace Klein Won $1.7M in 25 Competitions (And Why She and SoMoLend Are Giving Money Away)

20. Kennedy's name also is on the Sacramento chapter of a professional association of lawyers, the Anthony M.

WSJ: SUPREME COURT NOTEBOOK: What's in a naming?

21. Wiltshire, originally from Toronto, co-founded the Aboriginal Professional Association of Canada (APAC), which connects, supports, and highlights the work and leadership of aboriginal professionals across Canada.

FORBES: 3 Necessary Ingredients for Corporate Changemaking

22. After work at professional association meetings.

FORBES: Do You Need To Build Work Relationships? Only If You Plan On Advancing Your Career

23. This, together with ongoing efforts by The Lehrman Institute and by its strategic partner, the American Principles Project (with both of which this writer has a professional association) laid the groundwork for another critical development: putting monetary reform at the core of the agenda of the conservative movement.

FORBES: The Death Certificate Of The Paper Dollar: Where To Next?

24. "There are 35 other mandated benefits you have to cover, " said Susan Pisano, vice president of communications for America's Health Insurance Plans, a professional association that represents the health insurance industry.


25. As Mr Boorstin loved to point out, Gibbon was an amateur: a man who, without belonging to any professional association or bowing to historical conventions, produced the most impressive work of history of his age.

ECONOMIST: Daniel Boorstin

26. Meanwhile, the Professional Cricketers Association (PCA) says teams should be restricted to just one overseas professional.

BBC: County debate gathers pace

27. Job seekers say belonging to a professional association also allows them to easily connect with others in their field, which often results in job referrals and provides useful insights.

WSJ: If You Want to Stand Out, Join the Crowd

28. The Worldwide Association of Business Coaches (WABC), a professional coaching association exclusively dedicated to business coaching, where membership is selective and based upon eligibility requirements, ask trusted sources for recommendations (your attorney, your accountant, your banker, etc.), then carefully consider in which areas you most need guidance and find a coach who best suits your needs.

FORBES: Taking the Next Step for Your Small Business: Selecting a Business Coach

29. This is the professional association of crime lab technicians around the world that deals with the forensic aspects of locks and safes when there is a crime.

FORBES: What's Missing In The Gun Control Debate Is Talk About Gun Safety At Home

30. Such a professional association might look after the interests of membership, and promote understanding and exchange through publications and regular forums.






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