
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [blʌd]play美 [blʌd]play

  • n. 血,血液;出身,血统;成员,人员;杀戮,流血;气质,脾气;<旧>纨绔子弟,花花公子;血样,血检
  • v. 使取得初次经验;用猎物的血涂(新手的)脸;让(猎狗)第一次尝血
  • 【名】 (Blood)(英、西)布拉德(人名)

复数 bloods 第三人称单数 bloods 现在分词 blooding 过去式 blooded 过去分词 blooded

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


blood /blʌd/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Blood is the red liquid that flows inside your body, which you can see if you cut yourself. 血液

    His shirt was covered in blood.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 You can use blood to refer to the race or social class of someone's parents or ancestors. 血统

    There was Greek blood in his veins: his ancestors originally bore the name Karajannis.


  • 3.
    习语 If you say that there is bad blood between people, you mean that they have argued about something and dislike each other. 积怨

    There is, it seems, some bad blood between Mills and the Baldwins.


  • 4.
    习语 If something violent and cruel is done in cold blood, it is done deliberately and in an unemotional way. 残忍蓄意地表不满

    The crime had been committed in cold blood.


  • 5.
    →see also   cold-blooded
  • 6.
    习语 If you say that someone has a person's blood on their hands, you mean that they are responsible for that person's death. 应对某人的死亡负责

    He has my son's blood on his hands. I hope it haunts him for the rest of his days.


  • 7.
    习语 If a quality or talent is in your blood, it is part of your nature, and other members of your family have it too. 天生遗传的

    Diplomacy was in his blood: his ancestors had been feudal lords.


  • 8.
    习语 You can use the expressions new blood, fresh blood, or young blood to refer to people who are brought into an organization to improve it by thinking of new ideas or new ways of doing things. 新生力量

    There's been a major reshuffle of the cabinet to bring in new blood.


  • 9.
    flesh and blood →see   flesh
  • 10.
    own flesh and blood →see   flesh



  • adj.

    bloody 血腥的;非常的;嗜杀的,残忍的;血色的

    bleeding 流血的;同情的

    blooded 血统优良的;有血的

    bloodless 不流血的;无血色的;没有精神的

  • adv.


    bloodily 残忍地;血迹斑斑地,血腥地

  • n.

    bleeding 出血;渗色

    bleeder 流血不易停止的人;易出血的人;泄放器

    bloodiness 残忍,残酷;血腥;血污

  • v.

    bleeding 出血;渗出(bleed的ing形式);感到疼痛

  • vi.

    bleed 流血;渗出;悲痛

  • vt.

    bleed 使出血;榨取

    bloody 使流血


  • n.[解剖]血,血液;血统

    birth   /   stem   /   stock


1. blood cell 血细胞,血球

2. First Blood 第一滴血 ; 一血 ; 第一滴血花絮 ; 贰拾叁章

3. blood glucose 血糖

4. blood vessel 血管

5. cord blood [医]脐带血

6. in blood [废语](动物)充满活力的,生气勃勃的

7. in the blood 世代相传;生来就有的

8. high blood 勇气;贵族血统

9. peripheral blood 周边血液

10. low blood pressure n. [医]低血压症

11. blood circulation 血液循环,血循环

12. Blood orange 红橙 ; 血橙图片 ; 表演者

13. Blood Diamond 血钻 ; 血钻石 ; 血腥钻石 ; 滴血钻石

14. Dragon's Blood 血竭 ; 龙血竭 ; 树脂 龙血 ; 血竭粉末

15. red blood 血性

16. blood flow 血流;血流量

17. blood pressure n. 血压

18. flesh and blood 血肉之躯;人类;情欲

19. blood transfusion 输血

20. blood stasis 血瘀;瘀血;血液停滞

21. True Blood 真爱如血 ; 噬血真爱 ; 真实血液 ; 实爱如血

22. Blood Brothers 刺马 ; 天堂口 ; 热血兄弟 ; 亲兄弟

23. blood type 遗,免疫 血型 ; 血液型 ; 血型表 ; 型血的

24. In Cold Blood 冷血杀手 ; 残忍地

25. blood fat 血脂

26. blood supply 血液供给

27. high blood pressure 高血压

28. blood sugar [生化]血糖




donate/give blood 献血


(red/white) blood cells 红/白细胞

blood clot 血块

blood disease 血液疾病

blood loss 失血

pool of blood 血泊

blood sample 血样

blood stream 血流

blood supply 血液供给

blood test 血液化验

blood transfusion 输血


covered in blood 沾满血的

related by blood 有血缘关系的

bad blood 仇怨


in someone's blood 骨子里


1. The heart pumps blood around the body.


2. I am a Filipino with rich and strong Chinese blood running through my veins.


3. The blood samples are sent to the laboratory for analysis.


4. Blood was pumping out of his wound.


5. Blood pressure and respiration are also recorded.


6. He had a morbid fascination with blood.


7. His shirt was covered in blood.


8. The murderer's hands still reek with blood.


9. Officers and men at the front are shedding their blood and sacrificing their lives.


10. Blood gas analysis, lung function were not different between groups ( P > 0.05 ).

而血气分析 、 血压及肺功能无变化 ( P<0.05 ).《期刊摘选》

11. The blood had started to congeal.


12. Conclusion: To store whole blood for blood gas analysis, we suggest glass syringes be used.

结论: 贮存全血做血气分析时, 应选择玻璃注射器.《期刊摘选》

13. The calculating look in his eyes told of Norman blood.


14. Please email us to be removed from our active list of blood donors.


15. They took samples of my blood.


16. The amount of alcohol in his blood was triple the legal maximum.


17. Her nose was spurting blood.


18. Blood oozed out of the wound.


19. The blood gas , the PH value and the blood resistance of the umbilical artery were analysed.

方法:在经胎羊动脉插管取血进行胎羊血气分析的同时 、 检测了脐血流阻力指标.《期刊摘选》

20. She is of noble blood.


21. Families have their problems and jealousies, but blood is thicker than water.


22. To aerate or oxygenate ( blood ).

提供氧气向血液供氧或加氧于 ( 血 )《期刊摘选》

23. In about 3 months, you may attain CFA the blood relationship certificate.

在大约3个月后, 您就可以拿到CFA的血统证书.《期刊摘选》

24. Methods Clinical features , arterial blood gas and plasma electrolytes of 168 critical ill patients were analyzed.


25. The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack.


26. A method was developed for the determination of sodium monofluoroacetate in human blood by ion chromatography.


27. I faint at the sight of blood.


28. The injured man was vomiting blood.


29. He dodged, but the knife nicked him and drew blood from his arm.


30. He committed murder in cold blood.


31. Nor will you, my dear, for you and I are of the same blood.

还有你, 亲爱的梅勒妮,你也不会适应的, 因为我们有着相同的血统.《期刊摘选》

32. The body was lying in a pool of blood.


33. Jenny's blood test was repeated three times.


34. For their feet run to evil And they make haste to shed blood.


35. The blood can dissect up or down the aorta.


36. He has oriental blood in his veins.


37. Arterio will help to purify the blood and improve the functions of organs.


38. Blood had soaked through the bandage.


39. The crime had been committed in cold blood.


40. Revolt and conflicts in Algeria ( Africa ) mark blood in the country.

在非洲阿尔及利亚 暴乱 和流血冲突.《期刊摘选》

41. It'seemed less to cast out the evils of humanity than to feed its blood lust.


42. Driving with excess alcohol in the blood is a serious offence.


43. Hemoglobin was the carrier of oxygen in blood circulation.


44. Be that as it may, the nerve poison does its business with man far more quickly than the blood poison.

尽管如此, 神经毒液毒杀人类比血毒液快得多.《用法词典》

45. Has this murderer slaked his lust for blood yet?

该杀人犯满足了嗜杀欲了 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

46. It's quite a sacrifice for them to exist on animal blood.


47. Blood was spurting from her nose.


48. The diver made another discovery.


49. Uncontrolled bleeding from any wound also calls for professional care. So does coughing or vomiting blood.

伤口流血不止同样需要专业的护理. 咳嗽以及呕血也是一样.《期刊摘选》

50. The amount of sugar in tears changes proportionately with the blood authors explain.

科学家表示:“泪水中的含糖比率,和血液中的含糖比率成正比例改变. ”《期刊摘选》

51. Wizards have won many a great victory spilling very little blood.


52. The caster sacrifices several blood slaves to contract and bind a Demon Knight to his service.


53. Conclusion: HTJQ can markedly improve pulmonary function and blood gas in COPD on the stable ph.


54. Her blood count was normal.


55. Blood was still oozing from the wound.


56. When the external pressure reduces, bubbles form in the blood, leading to lung damage within minutes.

当外部压力降低, 血液中形成气泡, 肺部会在几分钟内受损.《期刊摘选》

57. You'll pay for this with every drop of your anemic blood.


58. The wound was oozing blood.


59. Rina Hhouse Cattery transmits yours information to American CFA, carries on cat's blood relationship registration.

RinaHhouseCattery将您的信息发送到美国CFA, 进行猫的血统注册.《期刊摘选》

60. Blood flowed along the tube into the bottle.


61. to draw blood (= to wound a person so that they lose blood)


62. There wasn't blood on them but they were so shocked.


63. You inherited rich blood.


64. It is he that coagulates the blood, stops the gash, and weaves the new skin.

正是他,止住了流血 、 防止伤口恶化并生出新的皮肤.《期刊摘选》

65. She tried to stop the flow of blood from the wound.


66. Blood flows into aorta distal to the stenosis.


67. Her blood was found to contain poison.


68. a blood cell/sample


69. Uncontrolled bleeding from any wound also calls for professional care. So coughing or vomiting blood.

任何伤口流血不止都需要专业急救, 包括咳嗽或吐血.《期刊摘选》

70. The virus is still active in the blood.


71. There is the culture blood relationship of royal need on Li Yu body.


72. The imperial furniture's each series's birth, as if is having aristocrat's blood relationship.

皇家家具的每个系列的诞生, 都似乎带着贵族的血统.《期刊摘选》

73. The prince of the country will not marry any girl who has no blue blood.


74. This increased resistance causes the muscle work harder to pump the blood through these blood vessels.


75. Nothing could atone for the loss of good blood.


76. And so what will he say to those who have been baying for his blood?


77. With the continued loss of blood, her life was steadily leaking away.

她不断地流血, 生命随之逐渐离去.《期刊摘选》

78. A brain scan revealed the blood clot.


79. For example, can our blood adjust itself to underwater surroundings?

例如, 在水底环境里我们的血液能自我调节 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

80. Can the blood of the Westerns submit to your contamination?

魏斯顿家清白的血统能让你去糟踏 吗 ?《辞典例句》

81. He has adventure in his blood.


82. Indian blood was plain in her features, overbalancing the negroid characteristics.

她的面貌显然带有印第安人血统, 这比非洲黑人的特征更为突出.《飘(部分)》

83. She washed the blood from his face.


84. High blood pressure is a common accompaniment to this disease.


85. We'll get some new blood in there.


86. Physical activity can improve blood 33 flow to the brain, fueling memory, attention and creativity, which are 34 essential to learning.

体育活动可促进向大脑的血液 (33) 流动,增强记忆力、注意力和创造力,这些对学习是 (34) 至关重要的。《16年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

87. He was of noble blood, and an officer.


88. Anyway, a year ago, I was always after blood, knocking kids around.

不敢怎么样, 一年前偶总是这样,流血不断, 被小孩子戏弄.《电影对白》

89. Needless to say perspiring , we are not afraid of shedding blood or sacrificing ourselves.


90. Inside the room I found my patient with blood spilling uncontrollably from her mouth and nose.


91. The caster sacrifices several blood slaves to contract and bind a Fiend of Darkness.


92. The tongue is like a sharp knife; it kills without drawing blood.

“ 舌头像一把锋利的刀子, 它杀人不会流血 ”.《期刊摘选》

93. Virture is more important than blood.


94. A nosebleed is an issue of blood from the nose.


95. Peter Fredericks looked up at Kincaid through a mask of blood. Who's he, the bleeding'Gestapo? he said.

彼得·费雷得里克斯满脸血迹,抬眼看着金凯德说: “ 他是谁? 杀人不眨眼的盖世太保? ”《辞典例句》

96. Her head was streaming with blood.


97. He could hear a sudden roaring. His blood froze.


98. This is the way to stem the flow of the blood.


99. Getting an apology from him was like getting blood from a stone.


100. The wound was still spouting blood.


101. The patient's blood refused to clot.


102. Crime movies and westerns usually have lots of blood and thunder.


103. The walls were splattered with blood.


104. Stop the flow of blood.


105. I can't stand the sight of blood.


106. The soldiers gladly gave their blood for their country.


107. If you're passing blood you ought to see a doctor.


108. The England selectors must start introducing young blood.


109. In beauty, education and blood, Susan held hand with any princess of the world.

在美貌 、 教育和血统诸方面, 苏珊足以与世界上任何一位公主媲美.《期刊摘选》

110. The company needs an infusion of new blood.


111. He felt the blood run down his arm.


112. Those soldiers sacrificed for the new nation have founded the national spirit with their blood.


113. He was a murderer whose hands reeked with blood.


114. Obama Sr. had 12.5 % African in his blood, with the majority of percentile being Arabic.

老奥巴马(指奥巴马生父)百分之12.5的非洲血统, 绝大部分是阿拉伯血统.《期刊摘选》

115. Blood was streaming from her head.


116. Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood.


117. My blood ran chill in my veins.


118. It makes my blood boil to think two thugs decided to pick on an innocent young girl.


119. Paper to Dress for bamboo as body fat on the fire for the blood gas soul.


120. If we adults could indulge in a bit of silliness and giggling, we would reduce the stress hormones in our bodies, increase good hormones like endorphin, improve blood flow to our hearts and ever have a greater chance of fighting off infection.

如果我们成年人能够放任自己去做一些傻亊并傻笑一会儿,我们就能减少体内的压力激素,增加类似内啡 肽的健康激素,改善心脏血液流动,甚至还可以提髙抵抗感染的机率《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

121. It was found that her blood contained poison.


122. Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm.


123. What blood group are you?


124. You have the best blood in England in your veins if only you'd use it.


125. There is, it seems, some bad blood between Mills and the Baldwins.


126. Diplomacy was in his blood: his ancestors had been feudal lords...


127. Being of alien blood, he was hated by the people over whom he ruled.

他既是外国血统, 就被他管辖的民众所恨恶.《期刊摘选》

128. He waded through slaughter [ blood ] to the throne.

他行 杀戮 而得王位.《期刊摘选》

129. The veins carry blood to the heart.


130. If plaque in an artery ruptures or breaks open, blood clots may form.

如果动脉中的斑块破裂, 就可能会形成医学血液凝块.《期刊摘选》

131. The infrared + force vibration design, may promote the blood circulation, speeds up the metabolism.

红外+强力振动设计, 可促进血液循环, 加快新陈代谢.《期刊摘选》

132. He was given a blood transfusion.


133. He has my son's blood on his hands. I hope it haunts him for the rest of his days.


134. The white blood cells attack cells infected with an invader.


135. Red blood cells are roughly the shape of a disk.


136. Excessive discharge of blood from the blood vessels; profuse bleeding.

出血(尤指大出血):血液从血管中大量排出; 大量流血.《期刊摘选》

137. I have no remorse for the blood that I spill.


138. Ancestry: mostly pure - blood; descendants of mixed blood are not recognized by the family.

世系: 基本上是纯血统; 混血的后代不被家族承认.《期刊摘选》

139. With the continued loss of blood , his life was steadily leaking away.

他流血不止, 生命的火焰渐渐熄灭.《简明英汉词典》

140. Smoking often elevates blood pressure.


141. Hot blood will err sometimes.


142. His nose streamed blood.


143. Only as long as I keep my finger upon this artery stop the blood gushing out.


144. The drum's was the only voice in Saint Antoine that blood and hurry had not changed.

大鼓的声音是唯一不曾为流血与忙乱而改变的声音.《英汉文学 - 双城记》

145. The blood exports waste products from the tissues.


146. Sister de Santis's foreign blood made it easier for her to accept.


147. I need to have my blood pressure taken.


148. He shed his blood for his country.


149. Haie Yang , the famous underworld going family daughter, family's background rank smell of blood, slaughters, fears.

杨海儿(吴辰君),赫赫有名的黑道家族千金, 家族的背景血腥 、 杀戮 、 令人恐惧.《期刊摘选》

150. As the people slept, the scientists put into their blood a substance very similar to acetylcholine.

在这些人睡着以后, 科学家往他们的血液中注入一种非常类似于乙酰胆碱的物质.《期刊摘选》

151. The rage in his eyes made her blood run cold...


152. a dictator with the blood of thousands on his hands


153. Survey of blood gas interpretation.


154. The FBI is tracking the source of the blood money.


155. What blood type do you have?


156. Blood samples were taken from patients for typing.


157. The doctors decided to run some more tests on the blood samples.


158. Alcohol thins the blood and prevents clots 12 that block arteries.


159. His face was covered in blood.


160. Why do apparently sane people go through all the blood, sweat, tears and heartache involved in getting a PhD?


161. Bill Sikes is a rough man and thinks nothing of blood when he is angry.


162. to give blood (= to have blood taken from you so that it can be used in the medical treatment of other people)


163. The child has dancing in her blood and geng in the very marrow of her bones.


164. The blood gases, CO, FAP were determined in all dogs at 2, 6, 12,18,24,36,48 hours postburn.

血气分析 、 CO 、 FAP等在伤后0.5、2 、 6 、 12、18、24、36、48小时观测.《期刊摘选》

165. The heart is a kind of natural pump that moves the blood around the body.


166. Spurts of blood indicate when he takes more damage.


167. The animation shows how blood flows through the heart as it contracts and relates.


168. Her aunt of noble blood cultured her into a princess.


169. The Party is not concerned with perpetuating its blood but with perpetuating itself.


170. The partial pressure of oxygen was measured with blood gas analyzer ( BAYER 248 ).

由血气分析仪 ( BAYER型号:248 ) 测定动脉血气.《期刊摘选》

171. Only around 2 % of Venezuela's 28 m people are of unmixed Indian blood.


172. The blood was throbbing in my veins.


173. I had to sweat blood for an M.A.


174. He lost a lot of blood in the accident.


175. The blood mage sacrifices a virgin and in exchange his fors are slain on the battlefield.


176. We Moslems also have Chinese blood in us.


177. Massage the aged regularly for better blood circulator.


178. She's got pirate blood.


179. First to draw blood was John, who gallantly climbed into the boat and held Starkey.

第一个使敌人流血的是约翰, 他英勇地爬上小艇,扑向斯塔奇.《期刊摘选》

180. There was Greek blood in his veins...


181. She laughs, saying a possibility is the reason that ancestors has Chinese blood relationship.

她笑, 说可能是祖上有华人血统的缘故吧.《期刊摘选》

182. He did not want to see any American blood spilt.


183. The wounds streamed blood.


184. This drug is used to lower blood pressure.


185. Strengthen blood vessel's ventilate ability, make eyes bright and spiritual.

增强血管的通透性,令眼部血气充足, 亮目怡神.《期刊摘选》

186. cold-blooded reptiles


187. Patient: Doctor, It's terrible. I saw some blood discharge today. This is 8 day due date.

病人: 大夫, 太吓人了. 今天开始流血了,可离预产期还有8天呢.《期刊摘选》

188. And saturated with the blood rain of sacrifice.


189. There's been a major reshuffle of the cabinet to bring in new blood...


190. The home side drew first blood with a penalty from Murray Strang.


191. The other kind is called a hemorrhagic, or bleeding , stroke . This happens a blood vessel breaks.

另一种被称为出血性的, 或流血性的, 发生于血管破裂时.《期刊摘选》

192. The paper the ways to maintain the and the fluid pipe of ABL 50 blood gas system.


193. He suffers from a rare blood disease.


194. Blood was pouring out of a cut on her head.


195. Some innocent people were massacred in cold blood by the aggressors.


196. Platelets are one of the components required to make blood clot.


197. Royal blood ran in his veins.


198. Rom. 3:15 Swift are their feet to shed blood.


199. Regular exercise will improve blood circulation.



1. However, these blood vessels tend to not last long after awhile, they just shrivel up.

FORBES: Could Bypass Surgeries Become a Thing of the Past?

2. The Romer scale was, Romer was a Dane, and he defined freezing of water at 7.5 degrees Roemer, and 22.5 degrees Romer as blood-warm.

他的罗默温标,定义水的冰点,是7。5,罗默度,温血的温度是22。5,罗默度。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

3. He had sensed it here and there in the past the momentary aroma of salt and wood smoke, rich with blood.

NEWYORKER: The Tigers Wife

4. Then, when much blood had clogged their chariot-wheels, I would go up and wash them from sweet wells, Even with truths that lie too deep for taint.

因此当大量的血液凝固,阻塞了战车前进的轮之际,我就要起身,用甘甜清澈的井水刷洗猩红,甚至是用深深隐藏在污点后的事实。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. And despite their varying ideologies nationalist, Islamist, and leftist these groups are all adherents to the politics of blood and revenge.

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6. Traditional polygraphs, the sort used in the sex-offender trial, measure changes in physiology usually breathing rate, blood pressure and sweating.

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7. Both explored difficult subjects blood feud and revenge in the former, apocalyptic visions in the latter with clarity and meticulous craftsmanship.

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8. Fine if you are ready when your bluff is called to pay in blood.

ECONOMIST: Boxing for Britain

9. For example, if I isolated this one called the myeloid cell, it's capable of forming red blood cells, megakaryocytes and neutrophils.

比如,如果我分离出一个髓系细胞,它就能生成红细胞,巨核细胞和嗜中性粒细胞生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. We want our net worth to go up and our blood pressure to go down not the other way around.

FORBES: The Three Most Important Financial Numbers You Need to Know

11. CHD better, indeed, than high levels of blood sugar, the standard symptom of diabetic disorder.

ECONOMIST: The power of negative thinking

12. capillary blood samples


13. He and his doctors believed he had gotten it when he received infected blood after his second heart operation.

VOA : special.2010.02.07

14. blood-red roses


15. But while someone is taking the drugs, the virus almost disappears from his blood stream and, crucially, his seminal fluid.

ECONOMIST: The XVIIth International AIDS Conference

16. There, researchers are developing a test that uses human saliva instead of blood to find those infected with malaria.

VOA : special.2010.04.20

17. Something is usually said about Kafka in connection with Wise Blood, but I have never succeeded in making my way through The Castle or The Trial, and I wouldn't pretend to know anything about Kafka.

经常有人说到卡夫卡,与《慧血》之间的联系,但我从来没有成功地,读懂《城堡》或者《审判》,我不会假装我了解卡夫卡的一切。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. The same probably goes for more preventive measures blood pressure pills, cancer screening tests and the like.

FORBES: Is Sex Reassignment Surgery a Basic Human Right?

19. There was no sign of the bull, although there was dung in the air and Donal saw it now blood on the street.

NEWYORKER: Bullfighting

20. The director of its Vaccine Research Center,Gary Nabel, says each antibody blocks the virus from attaching to white blood cells.

VOA : special.2010.07.14

21. More importantly, they can affect blood pressure as well, the strength of your heartbeat and the pressure that your heart generates.

尤为重要的是,这也会影响血压,心跳的强度,和心脏能够输出的压力生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. That doctor determined he had Lyme and babesiosis, caused by a parasite that destroys red blood cells.

WSJ: This Season's Ticking Bomb

23. It was gigantic, the liver blood-purple and the two guys were covered in bloody entrails.


24. Reforms have made its workings more open, attracting new young blood to its ranks Mr Torrijos, for example.


25. But she says it must be shown scientifically that cord blood stem cells cause improvement, and not other reasons.

VOA : special.2011.02.01

26. Last Friday he suffered a torn aorta, a large artery that carries blood from the heart to the body.

VOA : special.2010.12.18

27. The euphemisms of television have vanished the blood hits the wall with a splat and the material is now grim and self-important.


28. Your classmates make sacrifices in blood, sweat, tears to represent this school show your support!

FORBES: Calling Students 'Boy Lovers' Who Need To 'Grow a Pair' Gets High School Coach Suspended

29. They can live there until the death of the high priest, and the death of the high priest symbolically serves to purge or remove the blood guilt or impurity of the accidental homicide.

他们可以住在那里直到大祭司死去,大祭司的死亡象征着净化,或移除这个意外杀人者的罪孽或不洁。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. More storage sites, more transport, and almost certainly more demonstrations as well as bad blood with Britain and France.

ECONOMIST: German nuclear power

31. Over the years,researchers have identified several substances in the blood that can serve as what they call cardiac biomarkers.

VOA : special.2009.07.15

32. For example, your body reacts to stressful situations by raising your blood pressure and making your heart work harder.

VOA : special.2009.03.24

33. That and fresh forensic techniques identifying tiny amounts of fibres and blood secured the two convictions.

ECONOMIST: How a racist murder reshaped English law

34. According to the Priestly source, blood, the blood that courses through one's veins, represents the life force.

根据祭司资料,血,在人血管中流动,代表着生命的力量。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have assigned it to you for making expiation for your lives upon the altar."

因为活物的生命是在血中,我把这血赐给你们,可以在坛上,为你们的生命赎罪“旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. Remember in the Noahide covenant, in Genesis 9, which is a Priestly passage, the Priestly blood prohibition: You may not spill human blood.

在《诺亚律法》中,在《创世纪》的第九章,是一篇祭司的文章,它禁止血液:,不能溢漏人血。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. She wore an understated tan sari, a gold watch, and several unusual rings a star sapphire and a Burmese pigeon-blood ruby.

NEWYORKER: In Other Rooms, Other Wonders

38. Your heart starts to beat a little faster, your blood starts flowing quicker, and your breath gets shorter.

你的心跳加速,血脉贲张,呼吸也急促起来。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I'm ~ing 课堂

39. There is a risk that giving a patient a strong blood thinner during a stroke can cause bleeding inside the brain.

VOA : special.2009.09.22

40. Well, they want to see blood, they want to see if there's a body, they want to see how much damage has been caused.

他们都想要看到血,他们想看到是否有尸体,他们想看事故的严重程度。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. Hot weather also increases dangers for people who must take medicine for high blood pressure,poor blood flow, nervousness or depression.

VOA : special.2010.07.27

42. Doctor Thompson said sixteen of the mummies had enough heart or blood vessel tissues remaining for the doctors to examine.

VOA : special.2009.12.15

43. He'd been pissing blood for months.


44. She wrote a very compelling argument about O'Connor's fiction not about Wise Blood in particular, but about her stories.

她针对奥克纳小说写过一篇极有说服力的文章,并不只是针对《慧血》,而是针对奥克纳的所有故事。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. blood-curdling caterwauls


46. They have spent the summer and a good deal of money depicting Mitt Romney as a blood-sucking corporate parasite.

ECONOMIST: Lexington

47. Vetaw must cope with various health ailments among other things, she takes medication for high blood pressure without insurance.

NPR: Laid-Off Workers Anxious For COBRA Extension

48. Clots can block the flow of blood to the heart or brain and cause a heart attack or stroke.

VOA : special.2009.10.20

49. Now we're going to compare high glycemic index foods with low glycemic index foods, and so the curve of blood sugar with high glycemic index foods, those that create an exaggerated blood sugar response over a period of time might look like this.

现在我们要对高血糖指数的食物和,低血糖指数的食物进行对比,那些高血糖指数食物所形成的曲线,那些会在某段时间内产生过高血糖的食物,所形成的曲线看起来可能就是这样的关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. For this workshop, Larissa used red paint to show how different murder weapons can leave different patterns of blood.

VOA : special.2010.05.05

51. Blood was its Avatar and its seal the redness and the horror of blood.

FORBES: The Black Death: Longing For The Good Old Days

52. The way, in the simplest terms that cyanide can kill you, is it basically out-competes your oxygen for the heme in your blood.

氰化物可以杀掉你的最简单的一种方式基本上就是,将氧从你血液中,的血红素中挤出去。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. He's obviously been asking her about the sources of some of the images and characters and themes in Wise Blood.

他一直问奥康纳,关于《慧血》里面一些形象、,人物和主题的来源。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. Some spoil in shipping red blood cells have a shelf life of 42 days, platelets 5 days some are wasted at hospitals.

FORBES: The Guys Who Trade Your Blood For Profit

55. Hypertension chronic, abnormally raised blood pressure causes heart attacks, strokes and a multitude of other nasty conditions.

ECONOMIST: High blood pressure may originate in the brain

56. In fact, his friends-- it went through his head, went--ended up 100 feet away, covered with brains and blood.

事实上,他的朋友们,钢管穿过了他的脑袋,飞出一百多英尺,浑身是脑浆和血心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. Diagnosis of low thyroid hormone are made via blood samples that measure levels of another hormone called TSH that induces thyroid production.

WSJ: U.S. Track's Unconventional Physician

58. Anyone with Jewish blood was prey for attack politically, legally, theologically, racially, verbally, physically.

FORBES: There He Goes Again: Egypt's Morsi Stuns U.S. Senators In Meeting With 'Jews-Control-Media' Slur

59. For example, a murderer might have blood or dirt on his or her hands which leaves prints on the wall.

VOA : special.2010.05.05

60. The other big problem with using human blood for making these blood agar plates is that they're actually not accurate."

VOA : special.2009.08.03

61. Blood has, however, been spilt as result of communism's collapse in former Yugoslavia, quantities of it.

ECONOMIST: Ten years on

62. It was the first bomb to explode in Tel-Aviv in six years, and the bus was charred with blood everywhere.

FORBES: My Family In Israel: One Direct Hit, Two Near Misses -- And The Brainwashing Behind The Rockets

63. Forget blood relations this family lives next door to a woman who is the husband's mistress.

ECONOMIST: Iranian cinema: How not to be offside | The

64. dark, viscous blood


65. How can she not be bewildered, when Spyros her own flesh and blood will soon be, on his specific instructions, reduced to ash?

NEWYORKER: Bringing Up Babies



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