business recession翻译_business recession短语搭配_business recession权威例句

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business recession

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  • n. 经济衰退

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1. Asian distributors are optimistic despite a general slowdown in Cannes market business in this recession year.


2. Sales of bottled water, which are about 10% of its business, are falling in rich countries because of the recession.


3. Due to the recession, 72 percent of survey respondents had monitored their business travel expenses in various ways this past year.


4. McDonald's move into mochas and iced lattes has helped the fast food chain report its seventh consecutive month of increases in global sales this year, underscoring the resilience of its business model in the recession.


5. This recession, it clearly believes, is just another business cycle.


6. What concerns me above all else is that in a recession governments should be encouraging business to find ways to cut costs.


7. "They blame it on the manufacturing recession," says Birgit Klohs, chief executive of The Right Place, a business development agency for western Michigan.

密歇根州西部商业发展机构 The Right Place 的总裁比尔吉特·克洛斯说:“他们将其归咎于制造业衰退。”

8. The firm couldn't keep the business afloat during the recession.

在经济衰退期间,这家公司不能顺利维持业务。《provided by jukuu》

9. In this recession, where collection agencies have little hope of collecting from the unemployed, that business model is suffering.


10. BUSINESS schools are generally reckoned to be pretty recession proof.


11. Their catering business remained strong despite the recession.


12. He warned that this crisis was not simply a more severe version of the usual business cycle recession in which economies ultimately adjust and stabilise.


13. An insolvency specialist today warned of a "deluge" of business failures next year, saying the UK is in the mid-point of a W-shaped recession.


14. If you see2009 as a good time to start a business despite the recession, then you may have an entrepreneurial perspective.


15. Some of the top business successes of the 1980s became the country's greatest losers in the recession.


16. An increase in business activity following a recession or depression.


17. Thanks to stimulus money to combat the recession, subsidies are now flooding into the renewable-energy business faster than ever before.


18. Only six months ago I ran my own business. The recession put paid to that.


19. Those who applied for business school in response to the 2001 recession caution that applicants should be sure they aren't just doing it because of job-market conditions.


20. Many observers expected the recession to break the PGA Tour's business model.


21. Nearly every industry or sector is expected to show decreased levels of business travel spending in 2009 versus last year, "reflecting the global recession," according to an NBTA statement.


22. No one was much surprised: applications to business schools often rise during the first years of a recession as people seek shelter from the storm.


23. The business is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession.


24. Indeed, the argument that recession inhibits global expansion is one that seems lost on business schools, which are pursuing international growth with vigour.


25. Even in a recession, business is booming.


26. For those in its infancy stage of the real estate business or recession, the industry should face up to its own conditions on the basis of objective laws in the development and accept the fact that it must be taken strategic M& A timely.


27. News of the management overhaul came as Google reported earnings that comfortably topped Wall Street forecasts for the final quarter of 2010, reflecting a continued rebound in its online advertising business after the recession.


28. Pioneer bailed out of the grindingly competitive flat-screen TV business in the recent recession.


29. Business recession or work position is no longer needed.


30. Even with the recession apparently cutting into the hiring of business school graduates, about 79,000 people are expected to receive MBAs in 1993.

即便经济衰退明显减少了商学院毕业生的招聘,预计1993年仍有大约7.9万人将获得 MBA 学位。

31. Benson was also big business, and Bluebell Lakes was already suffering in the recession.


32. The runup in business school applications during the recession has created a windfall for essay writers.


33. Since the government began to measure the business cycle, no recession has been marked by such high levels of unemployment and underemployment, or followed by such anaemic job growth.


34. Until recently executives were boasting that the film business was resistant, perhaps even immune, to recession.


35. Despite slumping global sales, Honda's lineup of gas sippers and a profitable motorbike business have helped the automaker navigate the recession.


36. Business recession seems have no end


37. DHL has seen these types of business flourish even as recession bites in Europe. It is enjoying increased traffic in high-value technology items and in health-care products ( an area in which all four firms are developing specialist divisions).


38. Are such motley enterprises a barometer of British business in recession?


39. People don't stop brushing their teeth just because there is a recession, notes John Quelch of Harvard Business School.



1. But the federation's reading on expected business conditions remained deep in recession territory, and business owners reporting declining sales far outnumbered those saying sales increased.

WSJ: Stocks Keep Streak Alive

2. They used to say in Britain that if you want to own a recession-proof business you should buy a pub or become a bookmaker.

FORBES: Premier League Hits UK TV Jackpot Again - US Rights Battle Up Next

3. Having a business that grew more profitable right through the recession canned tuna is a pretty good business when households are slashing budgets certainly helped matters.

FORBES: Meet The Men Who Bought And Sold Bumble Bee Tuna...Twice

4. Some elements of Cisco's business may thrive in a recession.

FORBES: Magazine Article

5. The NBER waited until now to declare an end to the recession because its Business Cycle Dating Committee wanted to see the most recent revisions of GDP and GDI figures, released in July and August.

FORBES: The End Of The Great Recession? Hardly

6. Only 14% of small business owners expected a recession the last time the survey was conducted in December, 2011.

FORBES: Small Business Owners Lose Confidence, Slow Hiring Plans

7. Mr Clune told the committee that he was aware of the concerns of business and commuters during the recession, but stressed that they had also suffered.

BBC: Welsh Affairs Select Committee

8. Despite the dismal economic outlook, there still seems to be a genuine interest and curiosity about the recession and in business-related fields in general, faculty members say.

CNN: College students look to future with worry, hope

9. Business leaders at the time called it a mere "business recession" to whittle down excess capacity and high inventories built up in response to rising commodity prices.

FORBES: Magazine Article

10. When we first visited during last year's campaign, Forrest told us her business was struggling because the recession had convinced people to scale back on hair braiding and other personal luxuries.

CNN: King: Obama fever still runs hot at St. Louis store

11. For our Success video series, Krill sat down with Moira Forbes to talk about the evolving fashion at Ann Taylor, keeping business afloat during the recession, and staying humble.

FORBES: Q&A With Kay Krill, Ann Taylor CEO

12. In the same 25-year time span only two times have the analysts been too bearish compared to actual earnings, and this was in the recovery phase of the business cycle after a recession.

FORBES: Don't Fall For The Analysts' Optimism

13. Meanwhile in Kilrea, a family firm has been looking for new ways to make the business recession-proof.

BBC: Public speak of their fears ahead of forthcoming cuts

14. Coming out of recession, business spending starts to show signs of life while consumers, still spooked by the job market, keep their wallets locked down awhile longer.

FORBES: At The Winter Meetings: Sponsorships Up, But Not Ticket Sales

15. Big business may be flourishing, but small business is still in recession.

FORBES: Wall Street's Hollow Boom: With Small Business And Startups Lagging, Job Recovery Unlikely

16. Business is threatened by recession and Japan.

FORBES: Magazine Article

17. In the current recession, small business has accounted for 60% of all job losses.

FORBES: Can Goldman Sachs Be Socially Responsible?

18. Add up these insults to the economy and there is no doubt that they are hobbling international trade, hurting U.S. business productivity and prolonging the recession.

FORBES: The Detour Economy

19. Having started my own business as the Great Recession was picking up steam, I got a crash course in how big businesses slow down payments to small contractors when times are tough.

FORBES: What You Can Learn from High-Revenue Firms

20. The threats to your business are recession and Wall Street jitters.

FORBES: America's Worst C-Title Job

21. Why is this small business recession persisting?

FORBES: Wall Street's Hollow Boom: With Small Business And Startups Lagging, Job Recovery Unlikely

22. And despite the recession, business has been good.

WHITEHOUSE: Small Business Roundtable

23. Mr Mandell thinks the modesty of such purchases makes his business recession-proof.

ECONOMIST: Trick or treat | The

24. Janice Birch lost her costume jewellery business when recession struck, as well as a property she bought as an investment.

BBC: Repossession capital of the US

25. She says it was sometimes difficult to secure work during the boom years because of high competition, and the recession caused business to dry up.

FORBES: Arabia-Asia: Five Companies Find Risk and Reward In China-Mideast Trade

26. The slow recovery of business starts from the recession could be exacerbated by the long-run decline in business formation I mentioned earlier.

WSJ: Do Small Businesses Deserve Their Reputation as Job Creators?

27. So, either you survived as a small business through the Great Recession, or out of necessity you started a business that is now in its third or fourth year of operation.

FORBES: The Ephemeral Micro- Business, What its Owners Should Consider

28. In fact, setting up a business during a downturn or recession may even work in your favour.

BBC: Advice before you go it alone

29. After tightening greatly during the Great Recession, small business borrowing had been becoming more available.

FORBES: Has the Trend to Small Business Credit Availability Stopped?

30. The business is recession-resistant, so there is not a lot of downside here.

FORBES: More themes for the coming year





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