rash of是什么意思_rash of的音标_用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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rash of


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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. a rash of 大批

2. A rash of stubble arises 好莱坞掀男士蓄须风潮

3. white rash of tea 茶白星病

4. ointment of heal rash 平疹膏

5. a rash of complaints 一大堆牢骚

6. biopsy of skin rash 皮疹活检

7. rash of hyper-ige 高ige

8. rash of hyper-ige syndrome 高ige综合征

9. rash lesion of measles 痧癞


1. So enjoy the current rash of solar flares and beautiful coronal mass ejections; it might be some time before we see a solar cycle like this again.


2. A rash of robberies had suddenly struck the country.

该国突然接连发生了多起抢劫案。《provided by jukuu》

3. In late may one of the latest of a rash of such developments was opened in London.


4. I think it was a bit rash of them to get married when they'd only known each other for a few weeks.

他们彼此认识才几星期就结婚,我觉得有点草率。《provided by jukuu》

5. "Flexible" lending standards designed to get more people in homes became the Fannie Mae template that led to a rash of subprime mortgages-and a housing crash.


6. It is rash of you to sign the form without read it.

你看也不看就在表格上签字真太轻率了。《provided by jukuu》

7. With the rash of TV channels, the package of TV program becomes the key to attract audience on the base of the content.


8. South Africa, which had a rash of blackouts in 2008 and imports electricity from its neighbours, sorely needs more generating capacity.


9. The recession would enter a new, dreadful chapter if a rash of financial crises broke out across eastern Europe, Asia or South America.


10. Around 2000, a rash of Volkswagen lookalikes began to make the scene.


11. Mr Bloom (pictured) wonders what has caused this rash of violent, often sadistic crime.


12. Plus a rash of other women-focused product sale sites.


13. Now a rash of scruffy little shops bordered one side of the street.


14. Overhead hung a summer sky furrowed with the rash of rockets.


15. You join the rash of church arsons, thinking there must be a crate under there!

你参与教堂的纵火,因为你认为它下面一定有个宝箱!《provided by jukuu》

16. One is a rash of killings of journalists.


17. During the financial crisis full-time employment fell for every age group but the over-65s, and there has been a rash of older entrepreneurs.


18. The skin rash of syphilis is infectious.


19. A downturn could lead to another rash of bad bank loans, straining a fragile financial system that lacks robust capital markets.


20. The school closed briefly in 2006, after a rash of killings and kidnappings targeted academics.


21. Bankers hoped the rash of activity in the healthcare sector would give companies in other industries the confidence to do deals.


22. Because of what he's seen taught in business schools, he's not surprised by the latest rash of corporate scandals.


23. In spite of the recent rash of PageRankoblems she has experienced, she looked careless.


24. There has been a rash of burglaries in the area over the last month.


25. A rash of student suicides that's now being called a public health crisis.


26. In spite of the recent rash of problems she has experienced, she looked careless.


27. Of the rash of bartering sites that appeared in 2006, only a few survive.


28. They believe this confusion is responsible for a rash of suicides this spring.


29. With the rash of fires in this neighborhood recently, it seemed like a good idea to talk about fire safety with all of you.


30. There has been a rash of burglaries in the area over the last month.


31. Overhead hung a summer sky furrowed with the rash of rockets.


32. The assertions have dismayed cancer researchers, and have led to a rash of uncritical coverage.


33. The rash of accidental shootings underscores how difficult it will be to restore order here.


34. The former boss of Qwest, a telecoms company, was one of a number of executives convicted in a rash of high-profile corporate scandals several years ago.


35. After a rash of minor vehicle pedestrian accidents,


36. The rash of suicides has intensified scrutiny of the working and living conditions at Foxconn, the world's biggest contract electronics supplier.


37. Local police are investigating a rash of burglaries in the area.

当地警察正在调查发生在该地区的多起入室盗窃案。《provided by jukuu》

38. A rash of ugly new houses has been built for commuters near the railway station.

火车站附近为通勤者们造了许多难看的新房子。《provided by jukuu》

39. Yet the headlong expansion continues, either through the opening of yet more new stores or through a rash of takeovers.


40. There was also no reference to her having the distinctive rash of scarlet fever as a teenager.


41. The move comes during a rash of Chinese accounting scandals and inquiries by US regulators that have resulted in sharp stock declines.


42. Background: Measles is caused by the measles virus as a rash of acute systemic respiratory tract infectious diseases.


43. Many should not have been allowed in, and there has been a predictable rash of frauds and governance problems.


44. During the middle of the 19th century, Germany, along with other European nations, experienced an unprecedented rash of workplace deaths and accidents as a result of growing industrialization.


45. But the recent rash of "ghost drivers" are very different from traditional individual scammers, said one analyst with a leading data group.


46. Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, a rash of child abuse cases horrified America.


47. But in recent weeks a rash of new data has pointed to a sharp downturn in orders and exports that has shaken German complacency.


48. But problems for us subprime lenders were obvious at least once a rash of bankruptcies hit the sector in February of last year.


49. Ferguson believes the rash of bad publicity that has hit Chelsea has helped Mourinho to change his approach.


50. As well he might: the rising cost of living has caused a rash of strikes and worries that food might be scarce over the Tet lunar New Year holiday this month.


51. Take existing loan portfolios even before the rash of new stimulus lending.


52. No rash of Average Joe bankruptcies or mass layoffs or food stamp applications.


53. He wanted to know how people were doing after the rash of storms that struck Alabama that year.


54. In spite of the recent rash of problems she has experienced, she looked careless.


55. The has been a rash of robberies in the last two months.



1. The assault follows a rash of violence against journalists during the uprising in Egypt.

WSJ: CBS Reporter Targeted in Sexual Assault

2. They established a colony somewhere in the 750's, and soon afterwards,there is a colony established on the east coast of Sicily at what we call Syracuse now, and a rash of others.

他们大约公元前七百五十年在那儿建立殖民地,紧接着,又在西西里岛的东部建立殖民地,那里我们现在叫做锡拉库扎,还有紧随其后大量其他的殖民地古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. The rash of rival sites bidding for content drove licensing deals through the ceiling.

FORBES: Youku's Now The King Of China Web Video: Can It Make Money?

4. In the past few weeks, a rash of medicines have lost patent protection through court decisions.

FORBES: Plavix Pain

5. The plan provoked a rash of complaints asserting Ticketmaster was monopolistic and gouging consumers with high service charges.


6. But he added that the attack in Nasiriyaa was "inevitable" given the recent rash of violence in the country.

CNN: Berlusconi defiant over Iraq

7. Provoked by the rash of corporate scandals, shareholders in company after company rebelled against management this past spring.

FORBES: So That's Where My Proxy Goes

8. They point out that Brazil's devaluation has not prompted a rash of unilateral new barriers to its exports.

ECONOMIST: Mercosur’s malaise | The

9. But a few short years later Atari's machine, the 2600, was history, buried under a rash of poor-quality games.

FORBES: Pixelated dreams

10. Mr Bloom (pictured) wonders what has caused this rash of violent, often sadistic crime.

ECONOMIST: On being white after apartheid

11. There has recently been a rash of demands and strike threats by a range of workers in Athens.

BBC: NEWS | Europe | Olympics hotels face strike threat

12. And in 1986-1989, when Mr Greenspan made his debut, a rash of debt defaults followed.

ECONOMIST: The Fund's golden Rato

13. The reports came amid a rash of incidents around the country involving nooses and their grim symbolism.

CNN: Coast Guard tries to deal with noose incidents

14. Eriksson seems set to ignore Fifa criticism and make a rash of half-time substitutions.

BBC: Ledley King is poised to start for England

15. He sees no connection between the shootings and the rash of church arsons--but other blacks do.

CNN: Playing with Fire

16. The rash of scandals on Wall Street has shattered the notion that American rules are better.

ECONOMIST: European companies

17. During the winter of 2006, truckers in Minnesota reported a rash of engine problems.

FORBES: Biggest Battle Yet for Biofuels Begins

18. It warns of a rash of "broadband clutter" in national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty.

BBC: Campaigners angry at Growth and Infrastructure Bill

19. Hitchens, one of our great political pugilists, delivers the best of the recent rash of atheist manifestos.

FORBES: The Weekly E-Book Reading List

20. What I really love about New Moon is you see this girl really build herself back up and by the time she makes the sort of rash decision to spend eternity with a vampire, you believe her.

VOA : standard.2009.11.23

21. But small states went out of fashion in the 19th century's rash of national takeovers and mergers.


22. So, you get a rash, or a redness of the skin.

所以,你会出皮疹,或者皮肤变红生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. New cars clog central Damascus, while a rash of fancy restaurants has enlivened its once-crumbling Old City.

ECONOMIST: The last Baathists toy with reform

24. Subsequently, some American pilots began to more closely follow maintenance protocols, resulting in a rash of delays.

FORBES: Prospects Seem Dim as AMR and Pilots Seek Contract

25. Morgan and Salomon Smith Barney made a rash of calls and got the waivers.

FORBES: Looking Up--Maybe

26. A rash of home mortgage defaults helped spark last year's financial meltdown.

VOA : standard.2009.08.25

27. New technology introduced new business ideas (mostly services) and created a rash of growth!

FORBES: 9 Recommendations for President Obama to Create Jobs

28. The "toxic" swimming report also produced a rash of negative headlines, on front page and back.

BBC: Is Australian sport badly broken?

29. Niese has been tasked to lead a Mets rotation suddenly hit by a rash of injuries.

WSJ: Niese pitches into 5th, Mets beat Astros

30. The Chicago Marathon, in particular, has seen an unusual rash of death on its 26.2 mile course.

FORBES: Connect

31. WASHINGTON, DC-Following a rash of complaints by users about the new iPhone, U.S. Senator Charles E.

ENGADGET: Senator Chuck Schumer writes open letter to Steve Jobs, world is officially doomed

32. The fallout from the rash of foreclosures likely will have a long-term impact on education, especially in California.

CNN: Children of foreclosure falling behind in school

33. Some blame clerical celibacy for the rash of paedophilia cases that have rocked the church in recent years.

ECONOMIST: In John Paul's footsteps | The

34. The rash of dealmaking doubled Oracle's share of core business applications (excluding desktop apps like spreadsheets) to 10%.

FORBES: Magazine Article





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