more rapidly翻译_more rapidly短语搭配_more rapidly权威例句

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more rapidly

adv. 迅速;高速;急促;急速地


英 [mɔː(r) 'ræpɪdlɪ]play 美 [mɔːr 'ræpɪdli]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. But Ever More Rapidly 而且越来越快

2. I Breathed More Rapidly 我呼吸加快

3. develop more rapidly 发育迅速

4. more and more rapidly 越来越快

5. decreased more rapidly 降低较快

6. recovered more rapidly 恢复较快

7. Make Progress More Rapidly 谢谢进步

8. grow and develop more rapidly 生长发育迅速


1. This allows organizations to adapt to changes in their business environment more rapidly.


2. At the same time, data service over IP is advancing much more rapidly than voice service.


3. With greater filling speed, the side direction displacement of soft soil foundations increases more rapidly.


4. "I suspect that this is changing more rapidly than most politicians realize," he says.


5. Since 1978 the study of Shakespeare's history plays in China has developed more rapidly than ever before.


6. Education, social security, health care and other social programs developed more rapidly.


7. He becomes a pauper , and pauperism develops more rapidly than population and wealth.

工人变成赤贫者,贫困比人口和财富增长得还要快.《英汉非文学 - 共产党宣言》

8. The cancer cells divide much more rapidly than the normal cells.


9. Shandong Province is a strong province for its economy. And in recent years, the economy developed more rapidly.


10. Studies of botanical ecology generally advanced more rapidly than those involving animals.


11. In other comparable countries real wages increased much more rapidly


12. He becomes a pauper, and pauperism develops more rapidly than population and wealth.


13. By driving out technical risk early the architecture will stabilize more rapidly.


14. We must try every means to ripen the late crops more rapidly.


15. The algorithm can discover the network topology more rapidly and accurately.


16. The incidence of myopia in Asian population is increasing much more rapidly than several decades ago.


17. Sea ice in the Arctic is melting more rapidly than climate models had predicted.


18. There the fireball is much larger and expands much more rapidly.


19. Therefore, liquid evaporates more rapidly a high temperature than a low one.


20. This means you can accelerate rather more rapidly.


21. With the originals, volunteers' eyes tended to stay longer on certain places in the image, but with the altered versions they would flit across a piece more rapidly.


22. Pluralistic trends of thoughts of cultural and art made popular music develop more rapidly than usually.


23. But sometimes these cells divide more rapidly and fail to mature normally.


24. Operating profit is rising more rapidly, he said.


25. Pension coverage for rural residents has grown even more rapidly.


26. Since 1950s in particular, resolving commercial disputes through arbitration has developed more rapidly.


27. He ascended rapidly - much more rapidly than he anticipated - and rose above San Pedro.


28. The temperature of iron increases more rapidly than that of water.


29. They can be built more rapidly and can be more effectively tailored to individual load requirements.


30. But in today's world, the bar for effectiveness is rising more rapidly than ever before.


31. Year by year , more and more rapidly, our common knowledge increases.

年复一年, 我们的常识增长越来越快.《辞典例句》

32. Entering for the 21st century, the Chinese and African relations of economic trade is developing more rapidly.


33. With Cai Lun's papermaking method, Chinese culture grew more rapidly over the next several centuries.


34. Scientists have long known that bacteria and viruses grow more rapidly and virulently in space.


35. Pauperism did not develop more rapidly than population and wealth.


36. The beautiful Indian corn never grows more rapidly than in the shadow of a warm summer night.


37. As long as the soil has enough moisture, such plants grow more rapidly.

如果土壤有足够的湿度, 这些植物生长就更快.《辞典例句》

38. When the clothes are spread out , they dry more rapidly than when they bunched together.


39. Now with so many frogs killed, the insects were increasing more rapidly.


40. With Cai Lun's papermaking method, Chinese culture grew more rapidly over the next several centuries.

在蔡伦造纸方法的助推下,中国文化在接下来的几个世纪里发展得更快了。《中考真题- 2019 福建 短文填空》

41. By keeping a diary, you can improve your writing skills more rapidly.


42. In other comparable countries, real wages increased much more rapidly.


43. Both these factors should help France to rebound more rapidly than Britain did.


44. Experience shows that the positive electrode always burns away more rapidly than the negative.


45. This allows organizations to adapt to changes in their business environment more rapidly.


46. Signet cell types tend to grow more rapidly.


47. He ascended rapidly—much more rapidly than he anticipated—and rose above San Pedro.


48. Early risk mitigation hence means that the variance in your estimates will be reduced more rapidly.


49. "From that day," continued Mr. Prentice, "there was no boy in the school who learned more rapidly than Henry. From that day till the present hour he has been a student; and he now urges his son George to 'try again' as he tried."


50. And we suggest to you that it is going to happen more and more rapidly.


51. But some of us a re more plugged in than others and are getting plugged in far more rapidly.


52. "The health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever," Robert Watson said.


53. The dissolution rate of dispersible tables is more rapidly than common tablets.


54. We offer ahead more rapidly than is possible at most other firms.


55. The reason is that the influenza virus mutates much more rapidly than most other viruses.


56. By driving out technical risk early the architecture will stabilize more rapidly.


57. While the consumption rate especially the citizen consumption rate is lower and declines more rapidly.


58. After the way to the northeast China was obstructed, the immigrants increased more rapidly.


59. Because the core is spinning more rapidly, it is increasing in heat and size.


60. To start moving or move more rapidly.


61. In the recent years, our economy has grown more rapidly and acquired great achievements.


62. It also enables the re-use information more easily and more rapidly.


63. With the rapid development of network technology, mass customization can be developed more rapidly and flexibly.


64. The more rapidly the economy develops, the more important the accounting is.


65. Other things being equal, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.


66. Temperatures climbed more rapidly in the twentieth century as the use of fossil fuels proliferated and greenhouse gas levels continued to soar.


67. The same trend is playing out more rapidly in China.


68. The available range of microcomputer systems is evolving more rapidly than minicomputers.



1. Materials used for the blue color deteriorated more rapidly than the materials used for other colors.

FORBES: Samsung's Bendable Phone Could Break Apple's Innovation Hegemony

2. But not everyone believes that more U.S.troops, however rapidly deployed, will assure the defeat of Taliban militants and deny terrorists a safe haven from which to plan attacks on Western targets.

VOA : standard.2009.11.23

3. For the most part, Europe is aging far more rapidly, and its workforce is shrinking.

FORBES: New Geographer

4. But, the more rapidly the economy decarbonizes, the smaller the revenues any particular carbon tax can generate.

FORBES: Carbon Tax: Will Tweedle Dum Snatch Defeat From the Jaws of Victory?

5. If your patient recovers more rapidly than expected, a hospital might get more money.

FORBES: Is technology part of the health care solution --or part of the problem?

6. However, Benedict slightly amended the 500-year-old policy on pope selection to get a successor into place more rapidly.

CNN: Cardinals meet Monday; could set date to elect new pope

7. However, it allowed us to grow more rapidly because of our combined skill sets and experiences.

FORBES: Can Anyone Become An Entrepreneur?

8. The country could thus more rapidly and thoroughly integrate itself into the global economy.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

9. And he said lenders need to create systems and staff up more rapidly to handle the flood.

NPR: Bernanke Hints at Further Interest Rate Cuts

10. Its population is ageing much more rapidly and its labour force will be shrinking after 2016.

BBC: China: Does it have to become more like us?

11. But, as Dr Tilghman points out, some species emerge more rapidly than this hypothesis can explain.

ECONOMIST: Genes are not all there is to heredity

12. They found, not surprisingly, that it tends to--mutual funds have been growing more rapidly in countries that have stronger securities laws and institutions, especially laws that protect individual shareholders rights.

他们发现,那些共同基金发展较迅速的国家,都拥有比较健全的证券法规和完善的证券制度,其中保护个人股东权利的法律尤为完善金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. And if they do, the parts will corrode far more rapidly than they would otherwise.

FORBES: Biggest Battle Yet for Biofuels Begins

14. That rate of rise is steeper so they--antibody levels go up more rapidly and they reach a higher level.

同时,上升速度也更加迅速,以达到更高的浓度水平生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Even if U.S.economic output expands in 2010 and more Americans head back to work, both critics and supporters of the president say the nation faces a more serious challenge to future economic viability: a rapidly growing deficit and a national debt estimated at more than $12 trillion.

VOA : standard.2010.01.15

16. And if we do that, then we have the ability to be able to respond more rapidly.

NPR: Transcript of Presidential Debate

17. The problem, say security engineers, is that the more uses for a card, the more rapidly it degrades.

ECONOMIST: Identity cards

18. Mainstream education is embracing these new tools and OER content perhaps more rapidly than is generally realized.

FORBES: How Can Mainstream Education Meet The Needs of Post-Modern Society?

19. Through their own networks, patients started learning about treatments more rapidly than their doctors did.

ECONOMIST: Go on, its good for you

20. Stephen Roach, an economist at Morgan Stanley, thinks it could soon fall much more rapidly.

ECONOMIST: To cut or not to cut

21. The lives of the poorest have improved more rapidly in the past 15 years than ever before.

WSJ: Bill Gates on the Importance of Measurement

22. But in remote villages of Africa, a quieter energy revolution is underway which could change lives more rapidly.

BBC: Energy revolution promises to transform East Africa

23. Similarly, the rate of depletion in key sources of current oil supply is accelerating more rapidly than anticipated.

FORBES: Europe: Oil's Brave New World

24. Since 1991 port traffic has risen steadily, along with consumer spending, though much more rapidly.

ECONOMIST: California

25. Intel has begun lowering its prices somewhat more rapidly than it did in the past.

ECONOMIST: Intel: Paranoia time | The

26. Chan notes no one can predict what will happen later in the year when the southern hemisphere enters its influenza season and the virus spreads more rapidly throughout the population.

VOA : standard.2010.01.18

27. Also, by buying back copious amounts of its stock, per-share earnings rise even more rapidly.

FORBES: Can Kroger Beat Wal-Mart?

28. "Those are the building blocks that enable us to enter these markets more rapidly, " Michael Dell says.

FORBES: Magazine Article

29. Many scientists believe that if federal funding is approved, breakthroughs will be made much more rapidly.

CNN: Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Understanding stem cell research

30. Now, what happens during an action potential is that that membrane potential changes very rapidly and it changes from being negative to being more positive.

在动作电位产生时,膜电位迅速改变,从较负的电位向更正的电位改变生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. However, Benedict amended the 500-year-old policy to get a successor into place more rapidly.

CNN: Cardinals meet Monday, could set date to elect new pope

32. If Europe's output is growing more slowly than America's, how can its employment be rising more rapidly?

ECONOMIST: European economies

33. And companies wanting to invest abroad will favour markets that are expanding more rapidly.

ECONOMIST: Economics focus

34. These allow us to assess more rapidly any movement as the market changes more quickly than accounting.

FORBES: Innovation In Investment Vehicles

35. It's not just that your whole immune system gets revved up and it's going to respond more rapidly to any antigen it's exposed to.

并不是整个免疫系统都得以加强,免疫应答会对,以前接触过的抗原做出的应答更加迅速生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. Becasue the rich are getting rich more rapidly than the poor who are benefiting but not as rapidly, so you get inequalities inceasing on variety of dismensions which has political implications and which has the implications for how fast the poor benefit from the economic growth.

因为有钱人更加有钱,而穷人却更穷,所以地区不同,不平等现象的程度也不同,有些地区有政策帮助,有些地区的穷人还是可以,从经济增长中获益。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

37. Marine extinctions are uncovered slowly on a global scale, but local disappearances are much more rapidly apparent.

ECONOMIST: Marine biodiversity

38. Volumes increased more rapidly in emerging market economies, where snacks grew 13% and beverages grew 10%.

FORBES: PepsiCo Beats Estimates With Strong Emerging Market Volumes





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