people peoples翻译_people peoples短语搭配_people peoples权威例句

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people peoples

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1. Over the last century Japanese militarism has brought suffering not only to the Chinese people and to the peoples of other Asian countries but also to the Japanese people themselves.

一个多世纪以来,日本军国主义的所作所为,受害的不仅是中国人民和亚洲其他国家的人民,日本人民也是受害者。《provided by jukuu》

2. Because shy people can be overly concerned with other peoples' reactions, they don't want to rock the boat.


3. People-to-people exchanges serve as a bridge for the two peoples to deepen mutual understanding, while cultural exchanges provide a channel for the two peoples to enhance friendship.


4. Every year on the International Day of Peace, people around the world commit to non-violence and to harmony among all peoples and nations.


5. In this way, people can gain a better understanding and appreciation of peoples all over the world.


6. I wonder if unemployed people on the train look at the tags around the other peoples' necks and think.


7. The peoples have mixed and people started to think only of their own profits.


8. Meteorology information being owned to people could directly or indirectly produce economic efficiency, upgrade and improve quality of peoples living.


9. Ours is a Congress for the defeat of the Japanese aggressors and the building of a new china, for final victory through the unity of all the Chinese people and of the peoples of the whole world.

这个大会是一个打败日本侵略者、建设新中国的大会,是一个团结全中国人民、团结全世界人民、争取最后胜利的大会。《provided by jukuu》

10. You see, in the previous empires, like the Assyrian Empire, or these kinds of& the Egyptian Empire, when people conquered other peoples, often all they wanted was tribute.


11. However, his voyages were such a huge achievement that people still remember him as a pioneer in opening up cultural contacts between different peoples around the world.


12. This is an artistic treasure, and the historical portrayal of the exchange of friendly visits of China and people of Arab peoples of the Tang dynasty.

这既是一件艺术珍品,又是唐代中国与阿拉伯民族人民友好往来的历史写照。《provided by jukuu》

13. The Uygher people are related to the Turkic peoples across central Asia and consider this area their home.


14. The legal basis of balancing the books for the people is the peoples legal rights, namely, the peoples rights to par.


15. We believe that these people-to-people exchanges will help us build more understanding and support for China-EU relations between our two peoples.


16. For this I thank the Committee, the people of Norway and peoples all over the world whose support has strengthened my faith in the common quest for peace.


17. The European Parliament, as representative of the European people and public opinion, can play an important role in enhancing understanding and friendship between the peoples of China and Europe.


18. The two sides will continue to work together to maintain peace, security and tranquility of the region to the benefit of both peoples and people of the whole region.


19. The median American is richer than about 95 percent of people worldwide, a fact that may explain why the gap separating them from the richest Americans is so low on the list of most peoples' concerns.


20. When thinking and learning about the world we should not forget that our world is the home of a very great many different people-peoples with different colored skins, living very different lives and having very different ideas about a great many important things such as religion, government, education and social behavior.


21. Hoarfrost thinks we should remember ping-pong diplomacy in order to understand the importance of people-to-people exchanges in establishing human bonds between peoples.


22. It is very important that white people, black people and indigenous peoples fight together to save the life of the forest and the earth.


23. China's relations with its neighboring countries are better than ever before, a situation that best represents the interests of the Chinese people and the peoples of other countries concerned.


24. The text mining application described in this article, Preston, analyzes documents to find mentions of peoples' names, and uses data mining to find groups of people who are often mentioned together.

本文中描述的文本挖掘应用程序称为 Preston,它对文档进行分析,寻找提到的人名,并使用文本挖掘寻找常常同时提到的人。

25. If this competition is to do the best for both of our peoples and for people everywhere, there must be a free exchange of ideas.


26. People of the two countries have maintained sincere friendship and support each other on an equal footing. Profound friendship between the two peoples has been established.


27. So people all over the world are able to say that Germans are the peoples of loving peace.


28. If we're lucky, we may yet find traces of a bygone people ( or peoples) we'd somehow forgotten all about.


29. Mr Bush offered some respectful words for Iranian people on Tuesday. And Mr Ahmadinejad found many occasions to mention "justice" and "love" among peoples.


30. It's evidence that people will be malicious and try to compromise peoples' health using computers, especially if neural devices become more widespread.


31. Chinese people have enough rice to eat, and hybrid rice has also brought good news to the peoples of many other countries all over the world.


32. We regard peoples' eyes as Windows to their souls, and it's from our eyes that people assess us.


33. Many people in history tried to create a common universal language for all peoples of the world.


34. The fundamental purpose of physical education is to perfect people and promote peoples' healthy.


35. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.



1. What America and the international community can do is to state frankly what everyone knows -- a lasting peace will involve two states for two peoples: Israel as a Jewish state and the homeland for the Jewish people, and the state of Palestine as the homeland for the Palestinian people, each state enjoying self-determination, mutual recognition, and peace.

WHITEHOUSE: Moment of Opportunity: American Diplomacy in the Middle East & North Africa | The White House

2. It is high time that our people enjoy peace and their right to live a normal life, just like all other peoples in the world under the sovereignty of law, under one authority and one weapon and with political plurality (ph).

CNN: Transcript of Mahmoud Abbas' speech at Egypt summit

3. "Seems as though it takes a violation of peoples' privacy to make people pay attention, " Schwartz added.

CNN: Is the e-commerce boom fueling security holes?

4. How would we be able to help the some of the afflicted peoples of the earth like the Syrian people?

FORBES: A Catastrophe is When Economic Activity is Reduced by 4%

5. It also stated that cultural authenticity is based on recognition of the components of cultural identity, whatever their geographic origin and however they have mingled, and that every people or group of peoples has both the right and the duty to determine independently its own cultural identity, based on its historical antecedents, its individual values and aspirations, and its sovereign will.

UNESCO: Intangible Cultural Heritage

6. In the Lords (from 11am) question time covers the position of the Kachin, Shan and Rohingya ethnic national peoples in Burma, assistance for people with dyslexia who're taking apprenticeship qualifications and UK support provided for the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium.

BBC: Week ahead

7. This outline has become well known to the international community and to both peoples -- the Palestinian and Israeli people.

WHITEHOUSE: Middle East Peace Talks

8. Social justice is based on equal rights for all peoples and the ideal that benefits from economic and social progress are for all people without discrimination.


9. You see, in the previous empires, like the Assyrian Empire, or these kinds of-- the Egyptian Empire, when people conquered other peoples, often all they wanted was tribute.

之前的各个帝国,比如亚述帝国,或者埃及帝国-,当他们战胜其他民族时,往往只是觊觎贡品。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. And the election was entirely God's initiative and is no cause for Israel to boast. So Deuteronomy 7, verses 6-8 read: For you are a people consecrated to the Lord your God: of all the peoples on earth the Lord your God chose you to be His treasured people.

而选择也完全是上帝自愿的,不该是以色列吹嘘的原因,《申命记》第7章6-8节:,因为你归耶和华你身为圣洁的民:,从地上的万民中拣选你,耶和华选你作自己的子民。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Secondly, promote full respect of the land-related provisions of the ILO 169 Convention on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, notably the general principle that indigenous people should not be removed from the land they occupy and, in the exceptional cases where their relocation is considered, that it should be conditioned to their free prior informed consent.

UNESCO: Madiodio Niasse on the risks associated with large-scale foreign land aquisitions | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

12. As part of their efforts to improve their exposure and relationships with people worldwide, the Inuit and other native peoples of the region are hosting Canada's Northern House in downtown Vancouver.

VOA : standard.2010.02.19

13. People will bash Windows for being out in front on the new trends of tech but celebrate Apple for calling other peoples tech theirs.

FORBES: Microsoft Reportedly Reintroducing Start Button With Windows 8.1, But Damage May Already Be Done

14. Sea skills come as naturally to the people of these shores as horsemanship does to peoples of the steppe.

BBC: Sailing in Croatia

15. We know this is very important, not only for the American people but also for the Mexican peoples, for both of our nations.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

16. From Iran's war against Israel, the US, and freedom loving peoples worldwide, Palin's speech turned to the regime's war against its own people.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Your abortions or your lives!

17. In retracing its own cultural lineage, in recognizing the many different influences that have marked its history and shaped its identity, a people is better able to build peaceful relations with other peoples, to pursue what is often an age-old dialogue and to forge its future.

UNESCO: 18_eng

18. But they also serve another very important function, and that was the formation and maintenance of a differentiated ethnic identity or in Priestly parlance, the formation and maintenance of a holy peoples separated out from other nations by rules that mark her as God's people.

但是它们也有另外一个很重要的功能,这个功能形成并维护了,一个分化的种族身份,或者用神职人员的说法,这些规则促使了神圣民族的形成和保持,这个民族和其他的城邦区别开来,被标记为上帝的子民。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. When he took the oath of citizenship he took on the karma from many of his now fellow countrymen not being the descendants of immigrants but rather people taken in captivity or displaced indigenous peoples like his ancestors.

FORBES: Tribe To Receive Millions In Federal Unemployment Tax Refunds

20. With a view to promoting international exchanges in the field of education, culture, communication, science and technology, and to enhancing friendship among peoples of the world, the Government of the People's Republic of China has placed at the disposal of UNESCO for the academic year 2011-2012, under the co-sponsorship of UNESCO, twenty five (25) fellowships for advanced studies at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

UNESCO: Sources

21. And that is, in the end, very good for the people in the region, for the peoples of these countries, and very good for the United States of America.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

22. "In a continent in which most of the memory of peoples is transferred orally through storytelling and can be lost, the people in Timbuktu had a written tradition that is quite rare in Africa, " he said.

CNN: , for

23. Some of the criticism is quite petty and irrelevant, however, it is reasonable to expect the Chief Executive of the world's most powerful country to be able to speak coherently to his people, and to the peoples of the world.

CNN: 'The Bush Dyslexicon' author Mark Crispin Miller

24. In 2010, more than 500 people participated in the International Week of Peoples of the City of Toulouse.

UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

25. Both peoples also live in many places, but the people never change.

CNN: The Ghosts of Shanghai

26. First is the fact that "Arab culture" is really many cultures, that "Arab people" are really many peoples, and that "Arab countries" are filled with a combustible mix of ethnicity, religion, nationalism, and race that produces the entire range of human passions.

NPR: Historian Robert Satloff

27. Thankfully there are people out there (much better people than us, we might add), who have turned to 3D printers to actually improve peoples lives.

ENGADGET: 3D printed 'Magic Arms' give a little girl use of her limbs

28. Our cooperation on Syria is an example of how the partnership between the United States and Jordan improves the lives not only of the Jordanian people, but peoples across the region.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference with King Abdullah II of Jordan | The White House

29. And I firmly believe that this will mean more dignity, more prosperity and more security - not only for the peoples of our two nations, but for people across Latin America and around the world.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama, President Rousseff Meet in Brasilia



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