most readily是什么意思_most readily短语搭配_most readily权威例句

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most readily

adv. 快捷地;轻而易举地;便利地;欣然地;乐意地


英 [məʊst ˈredɪli]play 美 [moʊst ˈredɪli]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. Compared with other cuprous species, Cu2O is the most readily available and above all an inexpensive catalyst.


2. Many countries continue to use coal for generating power as it is the cheapest and most readily available fuel in the world.


3. The cleanest, the most readily available source of hydrogen is very easy to find. It's water.


4. For the media companies involved in Vista's launch, most readily acknowledge that they don't know how the software will ultimately affect users' media habits.


5. To be sure, these conclusions are not entirely consistent with Radestock's observation (p. 168), that we most readily retain just those dreams which are most peculiar.


6. While logging data is the most readily available and relatively wide, and can reflect the continuous nature of stratum.


7. The most common and most readily used social data tag is fb: name.

最常用的社交标签是fb: name。

8. Nothing was to be done that he did not do himself; though I am sure ( and I do not speak it to be thanked, therefore say nothing about it), your uncle would most readily have settled the whole.


9. In general, however, the device seems to be accepted most readily in situations in which there are strong reasons to assume that the agency's assertions are trustworthy.

一般而言,这种方法似乎在以下情况最可接受,即有有力的理由推定行政机关的断言是值得依赖的。《provided by jukuu》

10. An analysis of different agile delivery methods was undertaken, and Extreme Programming (XP) seemed to fit our requirements most readily.


11. "The most readily expressed reason for rejecting Barbie was that she was babyish, and girls saw her as representing their younger childhood out of which they felt they had now grown," she said.


12. He points out that electricity is the form of energy that is most readily made emissions-free, whether through renewables such as wind, solar and hydro power, nuclear, or coal and gas-fired power plants that capture and store their emissions.


13. Now, probably the form of power that we most readily associated with John Milton involves his position at the dead center of the English literary canon.


14. Human nature is so constructed that it gives affection most readily to those who seem least to demand it. — Bertrand Russell.

人性本质在于它欣然地将爱给予那些需要它的人。- - -伯特兰·拉塞尔。

15. This will enable us to separate the aspects of brain function that are maturational and less influenced by the environment from those that respond most readily to nurture and learning.


16. The first type of bias is that the stars which revealtheir planets most readily are smaller than the sun.


17. If the information is most readily understood and digested by a machine, use attributes.


18. The most widely used and most readily available is vi.

vi 是一种使用最广泛、且随处可见的文本编辑器。

19. Often, the most readily available food is the next hermit crab.


20. Computer case is most readily seen part, this part is overlooked the most easily by the most people when they are installing.


21. However, the performance was televised extensively in many different countries, making it one of the most readily available concerts.


22. Most people readily accept the need for laws.


23. Now, probably the form of power that we most readily associated with John Milton involves his position at the dead center of the English literary Canon.


24. It is the sausage most readily eaten as finger food, especially in the United states.

特别在美国,香肠是随时可吃的“手指食物”。《provided by jukuu》

25. This may sound exaggerated, but on arriving in the High lands most people readily agree that the scenery is indeed magnificent.


26. They were actually on the same sofa, for Mrs. Musgrove had most readily made room for him.


27. This gallantry was not much to the taste of some of his hearers; but Mrs. Bennet, who quarreled with no compliments, answered most readily.


28. Human nature is so constructed that it gives affection most readily to those who seem least to demand it.


29. Hadley says Saudi officials argue that higher prices are driven more by uncertainty in the global market and the lack of refining capacity for the quality of oil most readily available.


30. It allocates the most frequently used variables into the most readily accessible RAM and puts less frequently used data into XDATA RAM.

它将最为常用的变量分配到了最容易读取的RAM中,并将使用频率较低的数据分配到XDATA RAM。

31. though I am sure ( and I do not speak it to be thanked, therefore say nothing about it), your uncle would most readily have settled the whole.


32. If the information is most readily understood and digested by a machine, use attributes.


33. Planet X is seen most readily at sunrise or sunset, when light in the red spectrum curves over the horizon and the glare of white light is reduced.


34. The example that comes most readily to mind is China.


35. Wood is the use of the oldest, one of the most readily available building materials.


36. Most systems can now readily export taxonomies in an XML format, and subscribing systems can import taxonomies as XML.


37. As a way to remedy iron deficiency, experts recommend meat, chicken and fish, the best sources of iron, and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body.


38. Human nature is so. Structed that it gives affection most readily to those who seem least to demand it. — Bertrand Russell.

人的天性就是如此,他最乐意将爱给予那些似乎最不强求爱的人。- - - - -罗素。

39. Opinion polls show most Ameri-cans would readily pay more tax in return for better schools.

民意测验表明,大多数美国人愿意付更多的税来使学校办得更好。《provided by jukuu》

40. Unable to receive the explanation which most readily presented itself, or to imagine any other-that they remained silent and inactive spectators of the judgment which Providence seemed about to work.

既不能接受那显而易见的解释,又想不出别的什么涵义,只好保持沉默,静观上天似乎就要进行的裁决。《provided by jukuu》

41. Most plastics do not readily conduct heat or electricity.


42. In the manufacturing sectors that are the most readily automated, including cars and other transport equipment, computers and electronics and electrical equipment, about 85 per cent of tasks can be performed by robots, according to BCG.


43. The "where" could most readily be described as a prison cell.

我在的地方可以形容为囚房。《provided by jukuu》

44. This phenomenon is most readily understood from the point of view of the stationary observe a.


45. Nothing was to be done that he did not do himself; though I am sure (and I do not speak it to be thanked, therefore say nothing about it), your uncle would most readily have settled the whole.


46. Red light bends most readily, and the charged dust cloud shrouding Planet X is composed primarily of red iron oxide particles.


47. As a result our emotions tend to respond most readily to changes that are relative to this frame of reference.


48. The experimental results revealed that toluene was difficult to be oxidated by H2O2, that the oxidation reaction rate of toluene seemed to increase using O3 as an oxidant, and that toluene by advanced oxidation process of coupling H2O2 and O3 was most readily degradable.


49. The color that is most readily spread is blue.


50. For the media companies involved in Vista's launch, most readily acknowledge that they don't know how the software will ultimately affect users'media habits.


51. Cancers are most readily curable if they can be treated before they spread from their original locations.


52. The emotions, therefore, respond most readily to change.


53. Hadley says Saudi officials argue that higher prices are driven more by uncertainty in the global market and the lack of refining capacity for the quality of oil most readily available.


54. For this reason, instructions should be given to take the prescribed oral analgesic medication at the first sign of discomfort, because pain is most readily treated before it becomes excruciating.


55. Stress may be most readily associated with the attosecond pace of postindustrial society, but the body's stress response is one of our oldest possessions.


56. Your goal is to eat three to four servings a day of low-fat cheeses, yogurt, and 1 percent or skim milk; the calcium in dairy products is the most readily absorbed by your body.



1. The architect, who studied in Wisconsin, had been shocked when, on a visit home to the town of Buea, he was confronted with a community ravaged by AIDS. Though aid workers were teaching the message of prevention, Menyoli found that most locals trusted foreigners more readily when they said that HIV was not a lie or a conspiracy but a fatal disease.


2. For millennia, humans have thrived using the most basic and readily accessible forms of energy.

FORBES: Hurricanes Drive Home Appeal Of Alternative Energy Sources

3. The difference between the Wii and Wii U are readily apparent to most contemporary gamers, but some consumers are having trouble telling them apart.

ENGADGET: Nintendo to Wii owners: the Wii U is an entirely new system, not just an upgrade

4. As I often note, the problems associated with dealing with spouses are often nuanced and not readily apparent to even the most skilled stockbroker.

FORBES: Husband Sues Advest, Credit Suisse, And Two Stockbrokers Over Wife's Unauthorized Withdrawals

5. These enable companies like Harrah's Entertainment (nyse: HET - news - people ) to see deeper patterns in their businesses that might not be readily apparent: the most profitable customers, the customers who are about to leave for a competitor, and so on.

FORBES: Who Wants to Be Public?

6. The easiest and most readily available white statement this season is a sweater.

WSJ: Tina Gaudoin on Style: Winter Whites

7. Those who practice them are racist bigots who have replaced liberal values that hold everyone to the same moral and criminal standards with illiberal values that judge people's morality and criminality by the identity group with which they are most readily associated.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Lara Logan and the media rules

8. However, they find it hard to agree on exactly what pricing and advertising strategies would most readily accomplish this.

ECONOMIST: The money in the message

9. Ideas in science emerge most readily when some part of the world is studied for its own sake.

WSJ: Great Scientists Don't Need Math

10. Most of these cannot be readily quantified but are disproportionately important to the poor, who cannot afford to distract or insulate themselves from them.


11. Even if other measures catch on, researchers likely will continue to use BMI, if only because that is what is most readily available from past studies, and it allows for comparability.

WSJ: A Good Way to Measure Obesity? Fat Chance

12. Nannies and household help are, for the most part, affordable and readily available.


13. As a result, little of the intended message is received, and even later, when they reflect on the incident, the histrionics are what they most readily recall.

FORBES: Jim Harbaugh's Super Bowl Histrionics Hurt All Leaders

14. Even as they hoard their most valued workers, companies can more readily shed temporary staff, who now account for nearly 3% of the workforce, up from 1.3% in 1990.

ECONOMIST: To cut or not to cut

15. Meat, especially red meat, being the most readily assimilable protein, becomes a banquet for cancer cells.

FORBES: Connect

16. It cannot readily write off debts as most of them are domestic and a large proportion owed by state entities of one sort or another.

WSJ: Philip Bowring: China Needs a 1997-Style Crisis

17. Mangroves are the most readily available source of firewood for fires to boil seawater and what is called "salt dust" scraped from the soil.

VOA : standard.2010.03.29

18. Privately held companies, for whom in most cases only 2004 data were readily available, were valued based on comparisons to prevailing price-to-earnings or price-to-sales ratios for similar publicly traded companies.

FORBES: Philippines 40 Richest

19. Refrigerators are not readily available for most women in the area, which has one of the highest rates of Aids in the world.

BBC: Condoms

20. Those unable to attend the UCLA screenings can take comfort knowing that Tracy's most famous pictures are readily obtainable on DVD, the bulk from Warner Brothers.

WSJ: Spencer Tracy: That Natural Thing | He Made a Career Out of Acting Ordinary | By David Mermelstein

21. The humid conditions that spread rust most readily have recently been lacking in most places.

ECONOMIST: Wheat rust and world farming

22. The softness in demand for capital equipment means that for most types, machinery is readily available.

FORBES: Economic Forecast Update, 2013-2014: Light-to-moderate Growth

23. It is time to try branding again, but this time the U.S. should start with a message that its audiences are most likely to accept readily: the evil nature of the enemy.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Branding - not ourselves, but the enemy

24. Most of the readily cashable shares in personal hands are held by the richest 20% of Americans, so average families have little extra to spend.

ECONOMIST: From angst to action?

25. These enable companies like Harrah's Entertainment to see deeper patterns in their businesses that might not be readily apparent: the most profitable customers, the customers who are about to leave for a competitor, and so on.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. If asked by your customers or employees, can you readily list your most attractive healthy living growth opportunities?

FORBES: Time For Businesses To Trim The Fat: Ours

27. One of the most readily observed cultural differences is the degree of physical intimacy allowed or expected in a business meeting.

FORBES: Body Language for Global Business

28. McCain calls energy independence a national-security issue, but rules out obtaining here in the United States more of the most efficient form of energy readily available.

FORBES: McCain's Loser Bet

29. That's because internal knowledge allows companies to more readily identify the most promising research areas, which in turn allows them to select the most promising research partners.

WSJ: Finding an Innovation Strategy That Works

30. Now, probably the form of power that we most readily associated with John Milton involves his position at the dead center of the English literary canon.

我们最容易由约翰·弥尔顿,联想到的力量形式很可能,与他处在英国文学经典的中心位置有关。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Section 213 doctrine stumbles over various rationales to justify the outcome with which the IRS and Tax Court are most comfortable that fertility treatments be readily deductible for medically-infertile, heterosexual, married couples but not for anyone else.

FORBES: Fertility Treatment - Is IRS Heteronormative Or Just Muddled ?

32. Game consoles like movies and most other forms of entertainment are readily available in China.

FORBES: Sony, Microsoft Could Make Billions if Chinese Ban is Lifted







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