
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈwɜːkə(r)]play美 [ˈwɜːrkər]play

  • n. 工作者,工作人员;劳工,工人;工作做得……的人;工人阶级(the workers);工蜂,工蚁
  • 【名】 (Worker)沃克(姓氏)

复数 workers

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


worker /ˈwɜːkə/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A particular kind of worker does the kind of work mentioned. 人员

    She ate her sandwich alongside several other office workers taking their break.


  • 2.
    可数名词 Workers are people who are employed in industry or business and who are not managers. 工人; 员工

    Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.


  • 3.
    可数名词 You can use worker to say how well or badly someone works. 工作 (好或坏) 的人

    He is a hard worker and a skilled gardener.


  • 4.
    →see also   social worker



  • adj.

    wrought 锻造的;加工的;精细的

    working 工作的;操作的;可行的

    workable 切实可行的;可经营的;能工作的

  • n.

    work 工作;[物] 功;产品;操作;职业;行为;工厂;文学、音乐或艺术作品

    working 工作;活动;制作;操纵

    workingman 工人;劳动者

  • v.

    wrought 工作(work的过去分词)

    working 工作;影响;受雇用(work的ing形式)

  • vi.

    work 工作;运作;起作用

  • vt.

    work 使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进



1. manufacturing worker 生产员工 ; 出产员工 ; 临盆员工 ; 消费员工

2. medical worker 医务工作者

3. maintenance worker 维修工;保养工

4. temporary worker 临时工

5. The Miracle Worker 奇迹缔造者 ; 奇迹的缔造者 ; 海伦凯勒 ; 奇迹创造者

6. permanent worker 长期工;固定工

7. construction worker n. 建筑工人

8. technical worker 技工;技术人员

9. sex worker “性工作者”,妓女

10. white-collar worker 白领工人,脑力劳动者

11. sanitation worker 环卫工人

12. guest worker 客籍工人;外来工人

13. office worker 上班族

14. model worker 模范劳工

15. Technical Worker 技术工人 ; 技工 ; 技巧工人 ; 技能工人

16. migrant worker 外来工;外侨工人

17. skilled worker 技术工入

18. knowledge worker 知识工作者;知识工人

19. social worker 社会服务人员

20. health worker 保健人员

21. advanced worker 先进工作者

22. die worker 模工

23. manual worker 体力劳动者

24. farm worker 农场工人


1. In the past, the Labour Medal an honour given mainly to excellent Chinese workers.

过去, 劳动奖章主要颁发给中国籍的优秀劳动者.《期刊摘选》

2. The worker termites are small and wingless, with soft bodies.

工蚁很小,没有视觉,没有翅膀, 躯体也是柔软的.《期刊摘选》

3. A former loafter, he is now an advanced worker.

他这个昔日浪子, 今日成了先进工作者.《现代汉英综合大词典》

4. The real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten in the last 70 years.


5. Yet the worker bees seem to have no trouble at all in finding the food source.


6. Today workers need pension plans they can be movesd from one employer to anther.


7. The workers who abstained from work yesterday have been suspended.


8. But only 44 percent of workers are adequately trained

但仅有44%的工人接受过足够的培训。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

9. She expressed resentment at being interviewed by a social worker.


10. Older workers often get a raw deal.


11. The company and its workers ironed out their over hours and pay.


12. The worker hammered the iron flat.


13. Support supervisor to manage temporary workers, including Quality, EHS and operation etc.

协助主管进行临时员工的管理, 包括质量 、 安全、操作等.《期刊摘选》

14. Things are looking grim for workers in the building industry.


15. In the past, workers with average skills, doing an average job, could earn an average lifestyle.

过去,只要有个一般的手艺,做份普通的工作,工人的生活就过得还凑合。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

16. The factory is now a workers' cooperative.


17. Likewise, automation should eventually boost productivity, stimulate demand by driving down prices, and free workers from hard, boring work.

同样,自动化会最终提高生产效率,通过压低价格来刺激消费需求,并将工人从乏味辛苦的工作中解放出来。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

18. But the workers are well aware of their lofty mission.


19. He has become a skilled worker.


20. Aid workers remain in the area despite continuous sniping.


21. Edwards is a Methodist lay preacher and social worker.


22. My co-worker was sick, so I had to carry the ball.


23. The workers are competing for jobs.


24. Those who engage in mental work are also workers.


25. A lot of manual workers will lose their jobs as a result of robots using.


26. A minute later, a young airport worker showed up.


27. The rate for all workers 4 . % . But people a bachelor's a rate 2 %.


28. His research showed worker ants would do this before protecting their young.


29. Previous studies have shown that losing a few key workers can destroy an insect society.


30. The final type of worker is the loner.


31. ...a call for the workers of the world to unite...


32. For many workers, Gittler's experience is frighteningly familiar.

对很多工人而言, 吉特勒 式的经历是再熟悉不过的了.《期刊摘选》

33. The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers.


34. This article touches first on the definition of knowledge workers.


35. Because of the sounds, worker ants feed and protect queen ant.

由于这个声音, 工蚁会喂养和保护蚁后.《期刊摘选》

36. The worker is levering at the rock.


37. Meyers is a diligent and prolific worker.


38. A worker put metal bands around the safe.


39. Already, the American Association of Retired People estimates that 37 % of workers lack a pension plan.

实际上, 美国退休人士协会(AmericanAssociationofRetiredPeople)估计37%的劳动者缺乏一个退休计划.《期刊摘选》

40. Worker ants gather food and repair the nest.


41. He is a hard worker and a skilled gardener...


42. The new contract will benefit both the workers and the company.


43. At RoMan Manufacturing, a maker of electrical transformers and welding equipment that his father confounded in 1980, Robert Roth keep a close eye on the age of his nearly 200 workers,

在罗曼制造(一家变压器和焊接设备制造企业,由罗伯特·罗斯的父亲与其他人于1080年共同创立),罗伯种·罗斯密切的关注着他手下将近200名员工的年齡。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

44. workers...


45. When these ants grow up, they become the only workers in the red ant's colony.


46. Life as an aid worker can be a risky business.


47. farm/factory/office workers

农场 / 工厂工人;职员《牛津词典》

48. As more scouts like the site , the number of workers in the new hole grows.

随着更多的侦察蚁喜欢上这个洞穴, 洞穴里的工蚁数量也在增加.《期刊摘选》

49. Ants can generally be divided into female ants, male ants, worker ants and soldier ants.

蚂蚁一般分为雌蚁 、 雄蚁 、 工蚁和兵蚁.《期刊摘选》

50. How many factory workers are in danger of losing their jobs?


51. Genetic map of worker bee appeared W 316 bp fragment, but male bee does not.

结果凡是三品系意蜂的工蜂均出现一高产浆特异标记W316pb条带, 但三品系意蜂的雄蜂均无W316bp条带.《期刊摘选》

52. Some workers keep the tunnels and rooms clean. All rubbish is carried out.

有些工蚁负责保持隧道和房子的清洁. 运出所有的垃圾.《期刊摘选》

53. My day with the hospital workers went very well.


54. The workers staged a protest against the proposed changes in their contracts.


55. Across the country, factory owners are now grappling with a new challenge: instead of having too many workers, they may end up with too few.

全国各地的工厂老板现在正努力应对一个新的挑战:他们可能最终只能佣到很少而不是大量的工人。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

56. He's not a slacker, he's the best worker they've got.


57. All five men are hard workers.


58. The man claimed to be a social worker and the old woman believed him.


59. One needs the designers, and perhaps the regulators , before the builders and operators, and each group of workers in training has to know there is work waiting beyond graduation.

在需要建筑者和操作员之前,可能最先需要一位设计师或管理者,而且每一组接受培训的工人都需要了解在毕业之后有工作等着他们。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

60. I'm a charity worker.


61. Today, when time zones have less and less meaning, there is little tolerance for offices ’ closing for lunch, and worsening traffic in cities means workers can’t make it home and back fast enough anyway.

今天,时区变得越来越没有意义,很少有公司机构中午会为了午餐关门休息,而且城市里越来越糟糕的交通情况意味着员工们来不及回家,然后再回来上班。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

62. In industry, a worker who is grossly insubordinate is threatened with discharge.


63. The amount of economic compensation is equivalent to worker pay pay, economy compensating summation come fivefold.

经济赔偿金的数额相当于劳动者工资报酬 、 经济补偿总和的一至五倍.《期刊摘选》

64. She was an industrious and willing worker.


65. Many workers opted to leave their jobs rather than take a pay cut.


66. Is it payback time for Chinese workers?

现在到了给中国劳动者还债的时候了 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

67. Stress can exact a high price from workers.


68. The term "industrial democracy" is often used as a synonym for worker participation.


69. The worker is dyeing cloth in a vat.


70. Some companies are establishing variable pay programs to reward top workers on their staff.


71. The construction workers accidentally dug out a dried and preserved dead body from underground.


72. The boss called the foreman on the carpet for granting sick leave to a worker without first asking for permission.


73. Bee bread as the food of bee larvae and worker is very important to bee's life.


74. She was a zealous worker for charity.


75. There is little prejudice against workers from other EU states.


76. The worker lost his job through inattention.


77. But to win over these young workers, manufacturers have to clear another major hurdle: parents, who lived through the worst US economic downturn since the Great Depression, telling them to avoid the factory.

但是为了争取这些青年工人,制造商必频清除另一个主要障:即经历过自大萧条以来最糟的美国经济低迷时期的父母,这些父母告诉他们要远离工厂。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

78. manual/skilled/unskilled workers

体力劳动者;熟练 / 非熟练工人《牛津词典》

79. But workers should not expect a pay rise any time soon.


80. The company employs six full-timers and one part-time worker.


81. Some workers keep the tunnels and rooms clean.


82. "You're a good worker," he told him. "I'll recommend you for a promotion."


83. To put It'simply, the new proposals mean that the average worker will be about 10 % better paid.

简单地说, 新建议意味着一个普通工人的工资将增加10%.《简明英汉词典》

84. Although capitalist state worker also participates in profit distributive fact, the 4 th part explains.


85. Management has realised that workers are still not ready to accept Japanese - style working methods.

管理层已经认识到,员工依旧没有准备好接受日本 式 的工作方法.《期刊摘选》

86. Third, improve the quality and capacity of our workers.

第三, 提高劳动者素质和能力.《期刊摘选》

87. A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy’s needs—and suddenly industry was eager to employ those “unadaptable and untrained” workers.

几年后,一项庞大的国防建设项目终于为经济需求提供了足够的财政刺激——于是,业界突然又急不可待地要雇用那些“不适应工作要求,而且没有经过培训”的员工了。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

88. A first-class worker, she operated the difficult Jacquard looms.


89. Why does the man suggest the woman see the worker who was late?.

男士为何建议女士约见迟到的员工?。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

90. The company apportioned shares to excellent workers.


91. His research showed the worker ants would do this before protecting their young.


92. Justification not to pay workers full wages is the wage deduction.


93. Overall , dissatisfaction has spread among all workers, regardless of age, income or residence.

总的来说, 无论年龄 、 收入和工作地的差别,所有员工对工作都有不满意的地方.《期刊摘选》

94. The workers are getting up a petition for tighter safety standards.


95. Britain's workers went sick for a record number of days last year.


96. Workers shall enjoy free medical treatment.


97. He lists himself as a skilled worker.


98. When workers think a periodic purge is imminent, everyone feels equally threatened.

当员工听说要定期裁员时, 人人都同样地感到受威胁.《期刊摘选》

99. rescue/aid/research workers

救援 / 援助 / 研究人员《牛津词典》

100. Mike Teavee: I don't know, I hate chocolate!

麦克: 我不知道, 我讨厌巧克力!《期刊摘选》

101. And, says workers should have enough bargaining position to defend their wages.


102. Workers were singing as they tilled the rice paddy fields.


103. But the one thing we know for sure is that with each advance in globalization and the I.T. revolution, the best jobs will require workers to have more and better education to make themselves above average.

但我们确信无疑的是,全球化和信息技术革命每前进一步,最佳岗位都会要求工人接受更多、更优质的教育,从而使他们从常人中脱颖而出。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

104. He hired out as a farm worker.


105. Female workers constitute the majority of the labour force.


106. Bown and Harrell have found the camp that housed workers at the stone pit

鲍恩和哈勒尔已经发现了采石场工人的营地遗址。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

107. He brings a reputation as a big hitter and hard worker.


108. She is an excellent worker and I commend her to you without reservation.


109. Psychological contract, as implicit agreement between knowledge workers and enterprises, becomes the researching focus.

心理契约, 作为知识型员工与企业形成劳动关系时所建立的一份内隐性协议成为研究焦点.《期刊摘选》

110. Most servants and workers were slaves who were paid not money but in goods.

大部分仆人和劳动者是奴隶,他们得到的报酬不是货币,而是实物.《英汉非文学 - 历史》

111. Talks between management and workers broke down over the issue of holiday pay.


112. When a career change or labor organization change, the workers have this capability still exists.

当职业发生变更或劳动组织发生变化时, 劳动者所具备的这一能力依然存在.《期刊摘选》

113. Optimists point out that technological upheaval has benefited workers in the past.

乐观主义者指出,以往的技术剧变曾使工人获益。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

114. Jadav Payeng is a forestry worker from Jorhat, India.

Jadav Payeng 是一名来自印度乔哈特的林业工人。

115. In societies under the rule of exploiting classes, there are various kinds of mental workers.

在剥削阶级统治的社会里, 有各种各样的脑力劳动者.《期刊摘选》

116. Social workers must always consider the best interests of their clients.


117. The workers have little pollen baskets on their legs.


118. Science has shown a clear correlation between high stress levels in workers and absenteeism (旷工), reduced productivity, disengagement

and high turnover.科学研究已表明,员工所承受的高压与旷工、低生产效率、低注意力及高人员流动率之间具有明显的联系。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

119. If you want something to be done, then their staff do not have so much incentive to help you because he’s a worker for the government.

如果你想让学校做某些事情,员工没有太大的动力去帮你,因为他是政府的工作人员。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

120. She's a very hard worker.


121. Another airport worker appeared.


122. That is how we have put a giant target sign on the backs of American workers, Hagel says.

哈格尔说,这就是我们在美国工人背上贴上巨大的攻打标靶的方式。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

123. The society was looking for a capable research worker.


124. I'm quite a fast worker, but I've got nothing on her!


125. Even worker ants that never reproduce possess this drive.


126. A: Like endure hardship as mules the same as the worker bees, like dog like loyalty.

答: 像骡子一样吃苦,像工蜂一样耐劳, 像猎狗一样忠诚.《期刊摘选》

127. talks between workers and management


128. The manual worker is usually quite at ease in any company.


129. He is now an advanced worker.


130. The findings of a research institution have consistently shown that workers in all countries can be trained on the job to achieve radical higher productivity and, as a result, radically higher standards of living.

一家研究机构的研究成果一致证明,所有国家的工人都可以通过在职培训从根本上提高生产力,从而大幅度提高生活水平。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

131. Twenty workers lost their jobs when the department was rationalized.


132. It was believed at the time, technology was replacing workers.

据认为在那时, 技术正在取代工人.《期刊摘选》

133. Insulting , punishing physically, beating, illegally searching or taking workers into custody.

辱 、 罚 、 打 、 法搜查和拘禁劳动者的.《期刊摘选》

134. They defend the colony are cared for by the workers.


135. We cadres are ordinary workers and not overlords sitting on the backs of the people.


136. In a competitive work environment, employers are able to use technology to demand more from their employees rather than motivating workers with flexibility that benefits them.

在充满竞争的工作环境下,雇主们得以利用技术之便对员工提出更多要求,而不是通过提供有利于员工的灵活工作制度来鼓励他们。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

137. a hard/fast/quick/slow worker

做事努力 / 快 / 麻利 / 慢的人《牛津词典》

138. Some people look down on manual workers.


139. The company has laid off 150 workers in an effort to save money.


140. The worker is paid by the hour.


141. He was always a solid player, a hard worker, a great example to his teammates.


142. You are not a worker, nor is he.

你不是工人, 他也不是.《期刊摘选》

143. Gradually factory workers have been displaced by machines.


144. Workers at the nuclear plant were exposed to high doses of radiation.


145. Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions.


146. temporary/part-time/casual workers


147. We will effectively protect the lawful rights and interests of workers.


148. The workers live in shanties outside the factory.


149. Workers should wear full protective clothing.


150. I admired him as a true scientist and hard worker.


151. How do you get virtual teams of workers to bond, for instance?

再举例来说,你怎么才能让这样一队虚拟员工团结在一起 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

152. Worker bees are neuter.


153. Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.


154. I can vouch for the fact that he is a good worker.


155. Unemployment seems to be stabilizing and even improving, and workers need office space.

失业率看起来开始企稳,甚至在好转, 员工们需要办公场所.《期刊摘选》

156. But in general each kind has ants of three main types: queens, males, workers.

但是总的来讲,每一种蚂蚁都有三种主要类型: 雌蚁 、 雄蚁和工蚁.《期刊摘选》

157. The workers see the deal as a union sell-out to management.


158. She's a good little worker.


159. Besides, workers must be made to feel that they can enjoy resonable benefits.

  第二, 要让员工觉得在公司工作,能得到相当不错的获益.《期刊摘选》

160. She has experienced many downturns, but fears this one is untenable for workers and leaders alike.

她经历过许多次经济下滑, 但她担心这次下滑对员工和领导来说,都很难挺过去.《期刊摘选》

161. This isn’t a battle between garment workers and greedy bosses.

这可不是制衣工人与贪婪老板之间的那种斗争。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

162. The displacement of workers as individual firms discard them causes social hardships.


163. Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.


164. The workers are using the advanced electric drill.


165. It’s not only unsustainable for workers, but also for the companies that employ them.

这不仅对员工而言是难以持续下去的,对雇用他们的企业而言也是如此。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

166. I judge him a skilled worker.


167. In the ant society each worker has a special job.


168. They all are the mental ability worker!


169. Another proposal aims to give Chinese workers at least five paid vacation days year.


170. His father is a worker and his mother is a doctor.


171. For factory owners, it all adds up to staff competition for workers —and upward pressure no wages.

但对于工厂老板来说,所有这些意味着他们将对工人展开激烈的争夺,并面临新金上涨的压力《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

172. Werbach gives the example of several Disneyland hotels in Anaheim, California, which used large digital leaderboards to display how efficiently laundry workers were working compared to one another.

Werbach 举了加利福尼亚州Anaheim 市的迪士尼乐园酒店的例子,他们用大型的电子积分榜来展示洗衣工人彼此的工作效率。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

173. This article elaborated three parts on the economical reforming time worker and enterprise's relational this subject.


174. The workers are reluctant to be ordered around by the employers.


175. Rural migrant workers are special group which formed in the transfering of rural surplus labor force.


176. The U.S. is also the only advanced economy that does not guarantee workers paid vacation time, and it’s one of only two countries in the world that does not offer guaranteed paid maternity leave

美国也是所有发达经济体中唯一一个没有保障员工带薪休假的国家,也是世界上仅有的两个没有保障员工带薪产假的国家之一。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

177. Brain workers should take their protein in a form easily digested.


178. From the outside the workers bring in food to the queen.


179. The worker of today is different from the worker of yesterday.


180. In fact, this is a disguised form of workers deprived of the right to rest.

其实, 这是对劳动者休息权的变相剥夺.《期刊摘选》

181. He is a hard worker and a skilled gardener.


182. The basic pay of the average worker has risen by 3 per cent.


183. If you are only allowed make two breaksthe gold bar, how do you pay your worker?

如果你只能将这根金条切割两次, 你怎样给这些工人分?《期刊摘选》

184. Conflict between employers and workers intensified and the number of strikes rose.


185. Workers are fighting the decision to close the factory.


186. The average hourly wage for clerical workers in Korea is $ 7.94, compared with $ 1.15 in China.

而在韩国,从事文案工作的员工时薪是7.94美元, 在中国这个数字只有1.15美元.《期刊摘选》


1. This drug is a wonder-worker.


2. Mr. AKBAR HASSAN (Party Worker): This agenda is of somebody else, not the Pashtuns' agenda.

NPR: Violence Precedes Pakistan Election

3. As a Social Worker, I agree that Financial Literacy should be taught in our schools!

FORBES: Are Universities Immoral?

4. Do you think Mr. Johnson is a good worker?


5. His name was Arnold Parks. He caught another worker who had fallen off the top of the canyon.

VOA : special.2010.10.27

6. Let me describe these given the nature of current relationships between corporation and worker.

FORBES: The Choices for Japanese Youth

7. and your co-worker continues to discuss how to do the work rather than actually doing the work,

但你的同事仍然在滔滔不绝地谈论如何着手工作而不实际地做,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : There is 课堂

8. She worked for different organizations as a social worker before working for her family's foundation.

VOA : special.2009.08.23

9. Dory was assigned to work on a waste-management project in a Dominican migrant farm worker community.

CNN: From Marine Corps to Peace Corps

10. It's what the worker uses to do things and to make things.

这是工人用来制作和创造的工具。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. He was pointing to a chart illustrating the hierarchical relationship between the foreman and the worker.


12. Worker classification issues are raised if at all in an income tax audit of the employer.

FORBES: Employers Beware of IRS' Illusory Worker Classification Program

13. This is not a worker bee, it has no sting.


14. Keep it up! You are working really hard. You are such a great worker.

再接再厉哦。你做得真不错。真是个努力的学生!SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I'm glad 课堂

15. So I threw a party in New York, and her best friend, my co-worker came, and she brought her,

我在纽约开了个派对,而她最好的朋友,也就是我的同事,把她带到派对上去了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 第一次与妻子见面

16. Well, I guess in the first case where you have the one worker and the five, it's a choice between those two and you have to make a certain choice and people are going to die because of the trolley car, not necessarily because of your direct actions.

我认为,在第一种情况中是撞死一个还是五个,你只能在这两者中选择,不管你做出的是哪一个选择,总得有人被电车撞死,而他们的死,并非你的直接行为导致。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Border Force worker Chris Holmes quit his job at Stansted Airport by baking a resignation "letter".

BBC: Quiz of the week's news

18. We could lose our most productive worker, maybe even have to close the club for a while.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Bangkok Tattoo'

19. This relational inferiority may follow a worker throughout her career, sabotaging chances of true organizational power.

FORBES: Daddy Issues In The Office

20. This would still leave UAW members making 40% more than the average American manufacturing worker.

WSJ: James Sherk and Todd Zywicki: Obama's United Auto Workers Bailout

21. Adolf Wolfli was a poor farm worker who was placed in a mental hospital in eighteen ninety-five.

VOA : special.2010.04.14

22. The researchers say a clinic worker could identify the glow with equipment available in many clinics.

VOA : special.2009.03.25

23. Worker bees spend 12 days of their 21-day development period in a capped brood cell.

BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Sticky bees combat insect pests

24. Phineas Gage was a construction worker about 100 years ago.

大约一百年前,菲尼亚斯·盖奇是一名建筑工人心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. As a foreign worker in Singapore, he explained, he was used to being ignored by the locals.

FORBES: Weaving Connections

26. The independent worker both understands and likes that they are responsible for their career.

FORBES: For American Workers, It's The Age Of Independence

27. With its growth came a new kind of worker -- the man who watched and took care of the cattle.

VOA : special.2010.03.25

28. Another retired worker was more optimistic, citing the long history of shipbuilding on the Queen's Island.

BBC: Yard workers face 'uncertainty'

29. and she's a very hard worker.

而且她也很刻苦用功。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我们是校园情侣

30. Failing to report an injury like this,can be dangerous if a patient,or a medical worker, has an infectious disease.

VOA : special.2010.02.10

31. For instance, what is the ratio of men to women who leave their spouse for a co-worker?

FORBES: Readers Say

32. She was a social worker and the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

VOA : special.2010.01.07

33. Earlier on Wednesday, activists marched through the city centre, promoting worker rights and immigration reform.

BBC: Eighteen arrested as Seattle May Day rally turns violent

34. Congress is getting ready to debate a bill that would support a guest worker program.

NPR: The Hidden Costs and Benefits of Illegal Immigration

35. It took a worker smelling crude oil on the ground before it was noticed.

NPR: Alaskans Speak Up About Oil Field Shutdown

36. So, let me just read you this poem, it is short, and it's a Brecht poem and it's called "A Worker Reads History." And then you can go home, or go shop, shop till you drop, whatever.

所以就让我给你们读一下这首诗,很短的,是一首布莱希特的诗,叫做,《工人读史》,然后你们就可以回家了,或者去购物,买到你拎不动,爱干啥干啥1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. He was regarded as a miracle worker, the man who took risks and could not lose.


38. She's a social worker.


39. Mary Harris was a schoolteacher in the state of Tennessee when she married an iron worker named George Jones.

VOA : special.2009.03.16

40. They could provide portable retirement and health benefits, financial planning, worker training to boost employee value and more.

FORBES: Big Labor Should Learn From Big Blue

41. What some workers might consider bullying by another worker or a supervisor might not be true.

VOA : special.2011.03.25

42. Figure out what kind of worker you are and manage your business to optimize your efforts.

FORBES: What's Your Management Style?

43. In Sion Mills, community worker Andy Patton said the rain came into about six homes.

BBC: Floods cause havoc across North West

44. You're talking to your co-worker and your co-worker says "Oh, it's because you're so hard working."

你跟你的同事提到的时候,你的同事会说,“哦,这是因为你工作太卖力了。”SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : That's why 课堂

45. The law forced every worker and business owner to pay a small amount of money each month to the federal government.

VOA : special.2011.04.07

46. like he was the hardest... that I was the hardest worker he had seen in sports in like 10 years.

他是训练最刻苦的……我是他这十年来见过的训练最刻苦的球员。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 足球部队长的领导力

47. My mother was a teacher. My father had planned to become a big business man, but he became a social worker instead.

VOA : special.2010.01.30

48. In our first class, we had the former chief social worker inspector for the entire country of Scotland within the class.

在第一班里,学生中有来自苏格兰的,全国前社工总监。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

49. Sure. No, we actually met through a co-worker.

当然。我们其实是通过同事认识的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 第一次与妻子见面

50. Bangladesh last increased its minimum garment-worker wage in late 2010, almost doubling the lowest pay.

WSJ: Bangladesh to Raise Pay for Garment Workers

51. The reform could increase the cost of having a domestic worker by nearly 20%.

BBC: Domestic workers to get equal rights in Brazil

52. It reminds the worker that it has the power of death, the force that the worker only accesses through the tool.

它让人想到掌控死亡的权力,工人只能从工具中得到的权力。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. Let's say your friend is a really great worker and your boss comes to you and says,

假设你有个朋友工作认真负责。有一天你的老板找到你,跟你说,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I agree课堂

54. For marital happiness marry a coal miner, construction worker, oil platform engineer, farmer, etc.

FORBES: Readers Say

55. Mister Parks held the worker to the wall of the canyon until others came to help.

VOA : special.2009.08.12

56. He wanted to build institutions that would be used for the sole purpose of perfecting the slave into the perfect worker.

因而需要建立一些特殊机构,这些机构只用于一个目的,就是能够让奴隶变成完美的工人美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. This is a monologue by a worker, a mower.

这是一个割草者的独白。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. When a worker is tied to an employer it gives that employer bargaining power.

FORBES: How Region-Based Visas Can Help Immigrants

59. It was saved by a former factory worker last year and will be sold in July.

BBC: Longbridge tunnel Mini Clubman to be auctioned

60. He says eHealth will offer a way to reduce the effects of health worker shortages and make it easier to train existing workers.

VOA : special.2009.06.17

61. On Tuesday, authorities scrambled to save another Indonesian migrant worker from execution in Saudi Arabia.


62. In services, foreign-owned companies generated double the value added per worker, and had labour costs 30% higher.

BBC: Who owns the best of Scotland?

63. After discussing the break-up Mr Fuller, a paper mill worker, went missing with the three children.

BBC: Sam, Rebecca and Charlotte Fuller

64. As a young man,he was interested in being a religious worker or a baseball player.

VOA : special.2009.08.30

65. "They did what they know best, " another Lao aid worker said, on condition of anonymity.

BBC: Fears grow for abducted Laos campaigner Sombath







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