persona non grata是什么意思_persona non grata短语搭配_persona non grata权威例句

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persona non grata

n. 不受欢迎的人(尤指政府令其离开某国者)

英 [pɜːˌsəʊnə nɒn ˈɡrɑːtə]play 美 [pɜːrˌsoʊnə nɑːn ˈɡrɑːtə]play

复数: personae non gratae

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persona non grata /pɜːˈsəʊnə nɒn ˈɡrɑːtə/

  • 1.
    习语 If someone becomes or is declared persona non grata, they become unwelcome or unacceptable because of something they have said or done. 不受欢迎的人

    The government has declared the French ambassador persona non grata and ordered him to leave the country.



1. T Persona Non Grata 新浪潮

2. persona a non grata 不受欢迎的人


4. persona non-grata 不受欢迎的人


1. He was declared persona non grata and forced to leave the country.


2. She may become persona non grata to you.

那么对你来说,她就是persona non grata,不受欢迎的人。

3. I'm gonna be a fucking pariah. Persona non grata.


4. I fear I am persona non grata at the smiths 'now.


5. The government has declared the French ambassador persona non grata and ordered him to leave the country.


6. Current managing director Dominic Barton personally called Gupta to tell him he was now persona non grata at the firm.


7. The government has declared the French ambassador persona non grata and ordered him to leave the country.


8. Beter! Seeing as I'm persona non grata.

不错!看来我不受欢迎。《provided by jukuu》

9. I felt I was persona non grata.


10. Several dissidents are considered ( as) persona non grata by a certain government.


11. Several dissidents are considered ( as ) persona non grata by a certain government.


12. The Russian foreign ministry says Ryan Fogle, a third secretary in the US embassy was declared "persona non grata," after he was detained with what Moscow calls a classic spy arsenal and lots of cash.


13. The government declared the implicated diplomats persona non grata.


14. He forgot to buy more coffee yesterday, so he was persona non grata at breakfast this morning!


15. There is, however, a big part of the Android ecosystem that is nothing to do with Google. This is most significant in China, where Google and its services are persona non grata.


16. From that moment on, I'm persona non grata with the party.

从那时候开始我成了政党不欢迎的人。《provided by jukuu》

17. Prisoners are women, it seems as persona non grata, give up on themselves to become.


18. The ambassador left the country within48hours after he was declared persona non grata.


19. Current managing director Dominic Barton personally called Gupta to tell him he was now persona non grata at the firm.


20. The diplomatic officials from the Russian embassy in Washington and its consulate in San Francisco were deemed "persona non grata" and told to leave the country within 72 hours.


21. The ambassador left the country within 48 hours after he was declared persona non grata.


22. And I became persona non grata in my native country.


23. He was declared persona non grata and thrown out of the country.


24. Overnight, he went from NBA poster child to persona non grata, a basketball savant assailed by the public on all sides for his conduct off the court.

一夜之间,他由一个NBA模范孩子变成了一个不受欢迎的人, 一个出色的球员就这样被公众质疑他在场外的所作所为。

25. Moldova's president told Russian media that because of Romania's "involvement in the protests," the Romanian ambassador had been declared "persona non grata."


26. but unfortunately, I am persona non grata again.


27. And that made him persona non grata with the Royal family.

那件事让他成为了最不受王室欢迎的人。《provided by jukuu》

28. The ambassador left the country within 48 hours after he was declared persona non grata.


29. The diplomat was declared persona non grata.



1. She was virtually declared persona non grata by Miami Cubans after she ordered the return of Elian Gonzalez, a six-year-old who had travelled to America on a raft, to his father in Cuba.

ECONOMIST: Florida's gubernatorial race

2. Now, thanks to leaked recordings purported to be of Gibson threatening his girlfriend, the actor is becoming persona non grata in Hollywood.

FORBES: Mel Gibson's Rants May Sink Jodie Foster's New Movie

3. From that moment on, Diana became persona non grata with the Queen Mother.


4. The ministry said Mr. Fogle had been declared persona non grata and Russia demanded his immediate departure in a meeting Tuesday with U.S. Ambassador Michael McFaul.

WSJ: Russia to Expel U.S. Diplomat

5. Tissa Balasuriya remains persona non grata.

CNN: Symbolizing Differences

6. It could, however, further downgrade Jordan's representation in Israel and declare the Israeli ambassador in Jordan persona non grata.

BBC: Arabs pressed to act over Israel

7. The ministry said Mr. Fogle had been declared persona non grata and demanded his immediate departure in a meeting Tuesday with U.S. Ambassador Michael McFaul.

WSJ: Russia Expels U.S. Diplomat

8. Congress asks Venezuelan govn't to declare IAPA persona non grata.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Venezuela Brief: Countdown to Tyranny I

9. The country's foreign ministry said in a statement that Nabih Ismail had been declared persona non grata.

BBC: Syria unrest: Second day of fierce Damascus clashes

10. Wall Street employees would no longer be persona non grata in Washington.

FORBES: Daley Pick Could Be A Good Sign For Banks

11. In 2010, Chavez declared then-Ambassador Patrick Duddy persona non grata, marking the last time that the US had an ambassadorial presence in Venezuela (but not the last time the two countries have expelled diplomatic personnel).

BBC: Viewpoint: New era for US-Venezuela relations?

12. He has been declared "persona non grata" for what the Russian foreign ministry called "provocative actions in the spirit of the Cold War".

BBC: Russia reveals Moscow CIA station chief's identity

13. He had become persona non grata in British-ruled Palestine, and so moved to Czechoslovakia to continue his work for the Stern Gang.

BBC: Jerusalem Diary: 20 April

14. The government has declared the French ambassador persona non grata and ordered him to leave the country.


15. But drugs and alcohol quickly took a toll on the actor who, after several brushes with the police, became persona non grata in the film industry.

FORBES: The Celebrities Most in Need of Career Rehab

16. Last year the State Department declared Venezuela's consul general in Miami persona non grata -- Latin for unwelcome or unacceptable person -- and expelled her from the United States.

CNN: U.S. expels 2 Venezuelan diplomats

17. Zeman seemingly became persona non grata in the game's higher echelons.

WSJ: Zdenek Zeman: The Return of Soccer's Jedi

18. But the plane has never left the ground because, in the U.S.-backed government of Hamid Karzai, General Dostum is something of a persona non grata.

FORBES: Lord of the Skies

19. And the iPad mini is virtually a persona tabula non grata among that crowd -- regardless of possible differences in build quality, camera quality, screen size or the absence of ads.

ENGADGET: Editorial: Amazon and Google are undermining mobile pricing, and that may hurt everyone

20. Syria's Foreign Ministry said diplomats from the United States, Britain, Switzerland, Turkey, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany and Canada were being declared persona non grata.

CNN: Syria says it will allow U.N. to deliver humanitarian aid

21. Recently, even before being made persona non grata by Syria, Russia and Italy, Ocalan had hinted at lowering the P.

CNN: Nationalists without a nation

22. He is a canny, theologically conservative populist, whose scathing references to Jews and homosexuals have made him persona non grata in America and, as of 2008, Britain.

ECONOMIST: Egypt and global Islam



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