to feel certain that是什么意思_to feel certain that怎么读_to feel certain that的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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to feel certain that

to feel certain that

网络 确信;觉得。。。肯定

英 [tu fiːl ˈsɜːtn ðæt]play 美 [tu fiːl ˈsɜːrtn ðæt]play

词典扩展 权威例句 实用例句



1. believe in sb/ sth to feel certain that sb/ sth exists Do you believe in God?


2. This isn't to say that it's not appropriate for people to feel unhappy or depressed under certain circumstances.


3. If you're certain that you've made a wrong turn, try not to get mired in feelings of negativity. 'If you go to work every day with a woe-is-me attitude, you are going to feel even worse, 'says Ms.


4. It seems you need to clear out certain outworn elements of your life - people, feelings, possessions, and obligations - that you feel no longer have the meaning they once did for you.


5. I am certain that something terrible will happen to Barbara very soon. I can't explain why, I just feel it in my bones.


6. Regarding salary, I leave that to you but feel certain that I can earn at least 8, 000 yuan per month.


7. However, I want you to think the success of certain things so that you feel proud, happy and memorable things, allows you to have a better feel of things.


8. In a second study that analyzed the development of perspective, she asked 150 adolescents to make decisions about how they would feel and how other people would feel in certain situations.


9. I may be a fatalist and I always feel that an unknown power in my body is driving me to do this, if I don't do it, I have no idea why I feel very suffering and sorry for certain things.


10. Mrs Reed: I've tried so hard, you cannot believe how hard I've tried but... There is devil in the child. Exp. to feel certain that sth is true or that sb is telling the truth

【Listen and Read】边看边听Mrs Reed:我已经很努力了,你无法想象我有多努力去尝试,可是……这孩子有恶魔缠身。

11. When I finished, the class went unexpectedly silent, to the point that I could feel a certain amount of hostility.


12. When we get trapped in the mindset that events must go a certain way, or the result must fit certain criteria in order for us to feel secure we do ourselves a disservice.


13. My trap is weak when it comes to an alarm mechanism, but our bedroom is adjacent to the kitchen and I feel certain that I will hear something to alert me to the mouse's capture.


14. We feel that in order to gain God's love or to achieve spiritual fullness, we are to do certain things.


15. You feel that it's your prerogative to keep your feelings private, and to a certain extent you are right.


16. Advertisements are made to make people feel certain that they are true, and then people can buy the products.


17. There are certain people whom one almost feel inclined to urge to hurry up and die so that their letters can be published.


18. For example, if certain countries had more women in research-related positions, the girls in that country were more likely to do better in math and feel more confident of those skills.


19. It just explains that you feel a certain way and it might be contradictory to what is expected of you.


20. I am much less certain that it benefits a person not to feel sadness or agony about the normal losses we all experience in life if the person is not clinically depressed.

但如果没有被确诊为抑郁的话,那我对它能否帮助那些因正常失去- - -我们都会在生活中经历——而感到悲伤和痛苦的人就不是那么肯定了。

21. I leave that to you, but I feel certain that I can earn at least 2500 yuan R. M. B. per month.


22. Some people feel that this divorce seems to fit a certain trope - of a beautiful but ordinary girl marrying a rich but less good-looking man.


23. In case the talks fail, we feel that we will have to take certain steps to address the people's desperation.


24. So many people feel that they have to wait for certain experience in order to feel the emotions they desire.


25. "We feel that there is a certain moral necessity to make known the terrible facts," a missionary, Miner Searle Bates, wrote.

“我们觉得应该让人们知道这个悲惨的事实,这绝对是道义上的需要”一位委员会的成员Miner Searle Bates这样写道。

26. 'But the fact that I failed to make it through makes me feel guilty that I couldn't prevent national waste and confusion that are certain to come in the future.'


27. Of course, starting before you feel motivated is difficult. But certain strategies can directly tackle the conditions that lead to procrastination in the first place.



1. And while we feel a certain sadness that Senator Kennedy is not with us to honor her, let us also take pleasure tonight in knowing just how much he would have loved and admired Magodonga Mahlangu and the organization that she helps lead -- WOZA, which stands for Women of Zimbabwe Arise, and is represented tonight by one of its founders, Jenni Williams.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Presents Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award | The White House

2. While some may criticize the effort, suggesting it is hard to feel sorry for millionaires who make bad investment decisions, that shows a certain ignorance about the situation.

FORBES: Leadership: On the Field and Off

3. Just the way that certain places are designed to make you feel a certain way (think: a really great boutique hotel), so too is the Uncovet site.

FORBES: Better Than Fab: Your Very Own Style Graph

4. Every driver on earth has become accustomed to a certain degree of control over their vehicles, and I wonder how long it would take people to feel comfortable giving that up.

FORBES: Would You Feel Safe in a Driverless Car? Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown Does.

5. "If we feel that you are making decisions unilaterally and are using negotiations as an instrument to justify your illegal actions, be certain that the process will change, " he said.

CNN: Iran: Time running out over nuke issue

6. "At a certain point, you want to feel that connection, " she added.

BBC: NEWS | Africa | Oprah opens school in S Africa

7. The original, with its touch of the uncanny, has a special appeal for techno-geek teen-agers and perhaps for certain intellectuals who feel trapped in a corporate-controlled culture that they are powerless to fight.

NEWYORKER: The Matrix Reloaded

8. And can you target certain things, and say we're going to do special programs in the inner cities with a certain statistical base that we feel is, you know, I think those are fairer.

NPR: 12 min 17 sec

9. It just explains that you feel a certain way and it might be contradictory to what is expected of you

它可以表达你产生了一种可能与他人对你的预期相反的感觉。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I can't help but 课堂

10. However, as much as I respect Suu Kyi (and I respect her a lot), I feel certain that she needs to go beyond reconciliation and rethink her strategy of pushing the Western world to implement stringent economic sanctions against Myanmar.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. "If there is a message at all, it's probably that we have to recognize in ourselves how we feel morally about certain things and make sure we follow that up with our actions, " says the actress and celebrity spokesperson for Estee Lauder cosmetics.

CNN: EDtv: Comedy targets sudden fame, guy named Ed

12. The third issue why it may matter, is simply out of people's feeling of happiness and wellbeing, and if we find people are perennially worried about certain issues that they feel unable to talk to people about, then their unhappiness and concern must be, at the end of the day, something of importance in social policy and to the government.

BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Panorama | Interview with Professor Webber

13. It is almost certain that others in the region would feel compelled to get their own nuclear weapon, triggering an arms race in one of the world's most volatile regions.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at 2012 AIPAC Policy Conference






















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