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英 [ˌʌnprɪˌdɪktəˈbɪləti]play美 [ˌʌnprɪˌdɪktəˈbɪləti]play

  • n. 不可预测性,不可预知性;不可预见性

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1. Element of unpredictability 不可预见性因素

2. the unpredictability of our death 死亡的不可预见性

3. Inherent unpredictability 预测性

4. Environment Unpredictability 环境不可预测性

5. What about unpredictability 对于不可预见性

6. Law of Unpredictability 市场中的不可预见法则 ; 不可预见法则

7. Unpredictability Of World Affairs 东海扬尘


1. We need to establish skills to live in a world of unpredictability.


2. Predictability is the advanced class: unpredictability seems to be the default human condition.


3. Efficiency means unpredictability since predictability will make you be in a disadvantageous position.


4. Governance reduces the unpredictability and unknowns that come with implementing SOA.


5. A control mechanism is used to manage the unpredictability and control the risk.


6. The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability!


7. Unpredictability is part of the essential nature of research.


8. That unpredictability is the great thing about life.


9. As its unpredictability, multiple ovulation and embryo transfer ( MOET ) have not used widely.

由于结果具有不可预见性,超数排卵和胚胎移植 ( MOET ) 使用的并不十分广泛.《互联网》

10. Florida State's Sturges stresses the unpredictability of the situation.


11. Litigation is less suited to fixed fees, however, becauseof its unpredictability.

然而需要争讼的案件,由于其不可预测性, 则不太适合固定收费.《互联网》

12. Choosing a younger successor would carry a higher degree of uncertainly of unpredictability.


13. The unpredictability starts with unilateral measures, where the US is currently making the pace.


14. Subway construction is a high risk of the construction works due to its complexity and unpredictability.


15. They also reinforce awareness of the unpredictability of business life.


16. While the uncertainty, unpredictability and spread of public crisis grow increasingly.


17. An improved jumper and more unpredictability attacking the basket will help.


18. All of this suggests then that the unpredictability of our death adds an extra negative element.


19. Less established artists remain an area of unpredictability.


20. Yet the incompetence and unpredictability of politicians help explain the companies' caution.


21. People pay more attention to public emergency because of its adverse effects and unpredictability.


22. The hardest thing about MS is its unpredictability.


23. ONE of the problems about locusts is the unpredictability of their behaviour.


24. What about unpredictability?


25. A balance is achieved in the painting between orderliness and unpredictability.


26. The unpredictability of the real world may bring to the surface a troubling software problem.


27. Fundamental Frequency Transformation and Unpredictability Estimation Algorithm of Chaotic Systems


28. A bit of unpredictability in the financial system is a good thing.


29. Process management must be effectual, in order to reduce the high unpredictability.


30. The solution is to accept that life is defined by uncertainty, risk and unpredictability.


31. But the only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability.


32. Furthermore, they prefer change and unpredictability to a stable environment.


33. I have no idea with the unpredictability of the weather.


34. Projects where unpredictability is a key factor.


35. of the power and unpredictability of breaking ice came


36. First, there is a great deal of unpredictability concerning the effects of interest rate policies.


37. The main characteristic of risk society is the uncertainty and unpredictability of the results.


38. One way in which unpredictability at least has the potential of making things worse is this.


39. The unpredictability of global demand and the lag time it takes to add more cows to a herd to meet demand can result in events like the recent cheese surplus.


40. Yet some of these factors in recent months serve as a reminder of the unpredictability of China.


41. In other words, the distribution of unpredictability is not uniform throughout systems.

换句话说, 不可预测性在整个系统中的分布并不是统一的.《互联网》

42. In our world, not only do we have variability, we've got unpredictability.


43. But also the unpredictability of nature.


44. The danger lies in its unpredictability.


45. Unpredictability is what makes a sport match, especially a football match exciting.


46. "The advantage of these natural products is their unpredictability," said Varella.


47. There is also the same exuberance and unpredictability in sudden fad switches.


48. The clone would go through childhood and adolescence with the same life - shaping unpredictability as any kid.


49. In fact, unpredictability is the life hackers advantage!


50. The long-term unpredictability of pressure fluctuation and its exponent separation were also studied.


51. The unpredictability makes it worse.


52. We forget about unpredictability when it is our turn to predict, and overestimate our own knowledge.

当我们做出预测时,总会忘记不可预测性, 高估自己的知识能力.《互联网》

53. THE HOSTESS: It'strikes me that the route of a cult film is often its unpredictability.

主持人: 邪典电影给我留下的深刻印象是其故事情节总是非常出人意料.《互联网》

54. The unpredictability of global demand and the lag-time it takes to add more cows to a herd to meet demand can result in events like the recent cheese surplus.


55. This complex unpredictability makes climate change a particularly uncertain science.


56. The stress which comes with frustration, unpredictability, loneliness and the fear of the unknown.


57. Your world is formed out of the vast unpredictability of consciousness.


58. Right? Because of unpredictability, you can't really know.


59. Unpredictability is also a major constraint for companies and countries trying to diversify into higher value production.


60. Traffic jam leads to expense and unpredictability, things that keep investors away.


61. Juries are renowned, after all, for what lawyers must see as infuriating unpredictability.


62. Risk is unpredictability& the tendency that actual results may differ from predicted results.


63. Law 12 Keep others in suspended terror: Cultivate an air of unpredictability.

规则12》让他们停留在恐惧中: 营造一种不可预测的气氛.《互联网》

64. But sexual attraction is based on spontaneity, unpredictability and, to Obama point, a little mystery.

但是性的吸引力却是自发的 、 不可预见的, 对于奥巴马来说, 也有些许的神秘.《互联网》

65. I like the unpredictability and challenge ofentrepreneurship.



1. It challenges judgement with unpredictability and consequences in a way that man-made structures cannot, she says.

BBC: What can we learn from climbing trees?

2. Here, notes Mr Shearing, Hungary could be the most vulnerable, thanks to a combination of indebtedness and political unpredictability.

ECONOMIST: Eastern Europes economies: Some calm amid storms | The

3. Established, once-consistent winners are starting to lose to up-and-comers and newly promoted clubs, leading to greater unpredictability week after week.

WSJ: England Awaits Stuttering Finale

4. In short, there is an inflection point where linear relationships break down and unpredictability becomes the norm.

FORBES: Sober Reasons To Own Gold

5. People worry most about these expenses' unpredictability and potential for high costs.

WSJ: The Experts: Should People Buy Long-Term-Care Insurance?

6. The unpredictability makes it worse.

不可预见性让事情更糟糕了。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. The models contemplate factors associated with how the atmosphere, oceans and continents interact, all natural elements that have unpredictability intrinsic to them.

CNN: Global warming: A natural cycle or human result?

8. Your life will feel less predictable and more chaotic but within that messy unpredictability of human relationships, you will find the greatest treasures.

FORBES: Connect

9. In addition to the inevitability, in addition to the variability, in addition to the unpredictability, there's the fact that death is, as I like to think of it, ubiquitous.

除了不可避免性之外,除了可变性之外,除了不可预知性之外,还有个事实便是死亡,是无处不在的,正如我所想的那样。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. Nevertheless, the unpredictability and pervasiveness of such chips worry even the best-prepared managers.

ECONOMIST: Please panic early

11. Even if Battles' live show pulls back the curtain on the record, Mirrored remains a riot of unpredictability.

NPR: A Spaz-Funk Marching Band's Riot of Unpredictability

12. This can lead to unpredictability of wind farm revenues, which in turn makes wind farms more expensive to finance.

FORBES: Financial Innovation is Blowin' in the Wind

13. But in a season of unpredictability at West Ham, it maybe was predictable that the mercurial Tevez would pen the last chapter.

BBC: Tevez delivers final twist

14. The unpredictability of the weather is a fundamental attraction of ocean racing.


15. "The popcorn takes the place of croutons, adding texture, richness and an element of unpredictability, " said chef Kevin Sbraga.

WSJ: Makeover: Popcorn Goes Gourmet | Off Duty Spring 50

16. Right? Because of unpredictability, you can't really know.

对吧?因为有不可预见性,你无法知道这些事。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Yet the signs point to more of the same: a bigger, more interventionist state, a deluge of new laws, continued unpredictability.

ECONOMIST: The worst performer in central Europe

18. What about unpredictability?

那么不可预见性呢?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. At the same time, I will never be completely comfortable with the inherent unpredictability of long-term travel.

BBC: How I quit my job to travel: The corporate lawyer

20. Even if we didn't have unpredictability, I mean rather, even if we had unpredictability, it wouldn't necessarily follow that death was pervasive in this way.

即使我们没有不可预知性,我的意思其实是,即使我们有不可预知性,但死也未必会,按照这种方式遍布。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. So, for better or worse, you know, the nature of terrorism is unpredictability.

NPR: Alaska Town Watched by Eighty Security Cameras

22. But there's no unpredictability.

但是这都可以预见。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Why not put in tiny chunks of real fruit to add a dimension of unpredictability and anticipation--attacking the boredom factor.

FORBES: Book Excerpt

24. It was exactly the kind of unpredictability that drew more than half a billion television fans to the sport last year.

WSJ: F1 Racing Relies on

25. one way in which unpredictability at least has the potential of making things worse is this.

不可预见性,使事情更糟糕的一种情况是。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Because of the relative unpredictability of personal-computer purchases, the half of Dell's business that comes from the United States could suffer.

FORBES: Silicon Valley Globetrotters

27. But other times, the unpredictability kicks in, and Mobley's mood shifts instantly.


28. Government interventions to shore up the housing market add an extra element of unpredictability.

ECONOMIST: Bricks and slaughter

29. But then again, the regime's surest character trait has long been its unpredictability.

ECONOMIST: North Korea

30. And we turned to a discussion of the unpredictability of death, -- the fact that because we don't know-- we can't predict--how much more time we've got, we may, as it were, pace ourselves incorrectly.

我们转而讨论死亡的不可预测性,因为我们不知道-,我们不能预测--我们还有多少时间,我们可能,可以说是,为自己定错了前进的速度。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Yet the incompetence and unpredictability of politicians help explain the companies' caution.

ECONOMIST: Japan's pain

32. Because you don't know how much more time you've got-- You can make a guess based on statistics, but as we saw, there's wild unpredictability.

因为你不知道你剩下多少时间-,你可以根据数据进行猜测,但是我们都知道,不可预见性太难把握。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. Now, that being the case, we have to worry then that because of the unpredictability of death that our lives may not have the ideal shape.

既然是这样,那么我们会变得担心起来,由于存在死亡的不可预见性,我们的生命线可能不会是理想的形状。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. Against this, most businessmen prefer Mr Blair's pragmatic approach to Europe to the Tories' unpredictability.

ECONOMIST: Tony Blairs business affair

35. Fischer has lived up to his reputation for unpredictability.


36. A balance is achieved in the painting between orderliness and unpredictability.


37. So, that unpredictability makes us a little bit cautious about braggery (laughs) or the percentages of winning.

CNN: Jill Henselwood: 'Animal factor' in equestrian

38. Real greatness comes from having the chutzpah to act in the face of enormous risk and unpredictability.

FORBES: Unexpected Intersections and the Secret to Greatness

39. He says relations with Mr Nasheed (who has a reputation for unpredictability) had long proved too strained for the coalition to hold.

ECONOMIST: Rival leaders bicker, and vie for help from India

40. In our world, not only do we have variability, we've got unpredictability.

在我们的世界不仅有可变性,还有不可预见性。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. Plus, socializing while playing cards adds a level of unpredictability that gives your brain a charge--something solo games don't offer.

CNN: Helpful ways to boost your memory

42. But in fact, logically speaking at least, variability, although it's a requirement for unpredictability, doesn't guarantee unpredictability.

但实际上,至少在逻辑上讲,可变性虽然是不可预见性的必要条件,但是不可预见性却不是必然。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. All of this suggests then that the unpredictability of our death adds an extra negative element.

这一切表明,死亡的不可预见性,添加了额外的负面因素。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. But for Mr Savall memorisation is the same as playing on autopilot, and stifles a necessary element of unpredictability.

ECONOMIST: Early music

45. To add to the unpredictability, the league has yet to unveil its 66-game schedule, which is set to begin Dec. 25.

WSJ: NBA Owners Win Big in Contract Deal

46. But successful leaders and employees see the turbulence and unpredictability for what they are: opportunities to succeed.

FORBES: Change Is Coming! Are You Ready?





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