try something out是什么意思_try something out短语搭配_try something out权威例句

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try something out

play play

  • 尝试某事:尝试做某事,以了解其效果或是否适合自己。

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1. try something out on 在……上试用某物

2. to try something out 试用

3. to try out something new 来尝试某新颖事物


1. But this year I think I will need to go on loan somewhere, probably in Holland again but it depends on people in the club, so when we go back to London we will try to sort something out.


2. After striking it rich, Xu Wenrong, founder of Hengdian Group, reached out to try something new.


3. If you're looking for new challenges or ideas to try out, the book has something for you.


4. Whenyou break out of your comfort zone and try something you haven’t beforeyou not only challenge yourself.


5. Stick to these sale websites and don't go out to try something new.


6. When we start out with something, we usually will try everything.


7. If things get bad, you can take a job with someone else, or try a new tactic, or figure something out so that things don't get that bad.


8. Without something to practice on, you won't be able to try out the examples or explore the various features of the product.


9. Every day something will try to push you out of balance (and most of the time this "something" will succeed) but every time you will be able to bounce back to your balance.


10. Treat yourself to a day out doing something you love, buy yourself that coveted gift, try a one-of-a-kind activity that makes your heart soar!


11. He set out to try something new, forming EPC Cigar Co. with his children, Lissette and Ernesto III that same year.

他开始尝试新东西,同年和他的孩子们(利塞特和埃内斯托三世)开创了 EPC 雪茄公司。

12. Just try out your ideas and see what happens, take what you learn, and try something else.


13. Groupons provide an important nudge to jolt people out of their day-to-day habits and to try something new.


14. Instead of starting a "time out", try something called "time in".


15. Hopefully, they'll serve as some inspiration for your professional work, but also as a reminder that it's always good to get out of your comfort zone and try out something new every once in a while.


16. I try to find something warm out from his pupil.


17. It can be scary to get out of our comfort zone and try something new. But have you ever asked yourself what if?


18. We try something, and see how it works out - and then we have more information to make better decisions in the future.


19. Unconventional ideas are forced to make a tortuous climb up the corporate pyramid... You wanna try something new, something out of bounds, something that challenges the status quo?


20. When you're starting out with something new, it's worth seeing if you can try it for free.


21. You can continue what you are currently doing and try out something new, all at the same time. Just start off with little steps.


22. So at the first sign, when something bad happens to you, relax, and try not to completely freak out.


23. After a moment he asks if he could try something out with her.


24. If you're stuck, try pulling something out of the first paragraph of the story.


25. From a high level, you now know where you want to go, but to really understand something, you have to try it out.


26. Let me try to work something out.

让我想个办法。《provided by jukuu》

27. The other cars will occasionally do something unexpected, like try to spin you out, but it's fairly easy to draft around them.


28. However, there are times when you need to break out and try something different to suit your individualism.


29. The more you achieve what you set out to do, the more you trust in your own capabilities and resources, so you're more likely to try something new.


30. Sometimes you just have to try something and see how it works, and then make corrections as necessary. But remember the sage advice, when in doubt, leave it out!


31. Perhaps you've experienced it before. You quickly develop passion over something, a new hobby, project or interest, and you fervently try to find out as much as you can about it.


32. You may not think you need something like this, but once you actually try it out, you'll notice that you can find the TAB you are looking for much faster than you did before.



1. First, try to contribute something and then figure out how to live on the rest of your income instead of the other way around.

FORBES: What's Really Jeopardizing Your Retirement?

2. This thing must be true, and second thing, very important, you are not purposely trying to dig out something that try to mess up the whole nation.

CNN: Interview with Jack Neo

3. But I think for anybody who wants to think a little bit out of box, what counts is the chance to try something, and I guess that's what I'm most grateful for in my career.

但我觉得只要你想要,打破陈规思考问题,你最好能尝试做一些事情,所以我在事业中最为感恩的。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

4. As great minds are let go from long-time jobs, they should feel liberated to go out and try something new.

FORBES: How Our Health Insurance System Is Silently Suffocating Startups

5. But while it does a whole lot more than other augmented reality apps, it still looks like something you might try out a couple of times, then forget.

BBC: Aurasma: Augmented reality future or forgettable fun?

6. So we believe that -- we continue to make the argument, we continue to negotiate, we continue to look at the avenues available to us to make something bigger happen, even as we, very pragmatically, negotiate and try to work out something small.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

7. "I try to make works of art out of something everybody uses all day: dollar bills and quarters and credit cards.

VOA : special.2011.01.31

8. If we wanted to try something out of the norm, we needed their approval and permission.

FORBES: Never ask for permission to do something remarkable

9. Each week I would try something new that expanded my view and forced me to step out of my comfort zone in some way.

FORBES: Why Brand Experiences Matter

10. "She's gotten so much response to it, and I'm wondering whether she might try to make something out of that, " he said.

CNN: Woman, 67, braves job search with online posse

11. So, my argument today is going to try to have something to say back to all those obvious aspects that you pointed out so rightly.

我今天的讨论就是说一些,你们刚刚正确提出的明显的事情。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. For many baby boomers, retirement is a time to try out something new be it a new career or a new living environment.

FORBES: The Best Places To Retire In 2013

13. You might also inspire others to discover their own courage to try something new and out of their comfort zone.

FORBES: Double Dare: Could You Start A Business in 2013?

14. You know, every president, almost every president in his second term reaches out to try to write something in his legacy about a big breakthrough.

NPR: Week in Review: India; Guantanamo; Iraq; FEMA

15. We are going to have to try and sort something else out.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Security increased at NI airports

16. hey'd rather single step it through using Idol or something, than just read it and try and figure things out. The most important thing to remember when you're doing all of this is to be systematic.

比起阅读代码发现错误来他们,宁愿用内置的操作层,或者其他工具一步完成,你要记住的最重要的事情,就是要系统化的去做调试。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

17. We're not ones to shy away from the command line, but we took the opportunity to try out something that might have a... broader appeal.

ENGADGET: How to upgrade your TiVo HD with WinMFS HD

18. And then as I grew up, you know, I started to appreciate my culture and where they're from and so I decided, like you know, I don't like what's out there, so why don't I try doing something to change it too?

NPR: Rapping About Land and Identity

19. They try to work out who is willing to pay more for something than others will then engineer matters so that they can indeed get them to pay more.

FORBES: The Importance Of The First Sale Doctrine

20. My wife got a great position out here and I decided the time was right to try something new.

FORBES: David Whelan's New Career And Location

21. We put more fruits and vegetables in our diets, again, trying to make for a colorful palate, but you'd slip some grapes in at breakfast time, and throw in an apple at lunch, and pester them about whether they actually ate the apple. (Laughter.) And then you try to balance it out with something at dinner time.

WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Takes On Childhood Obesity

22. I'll go sit with them and we'll talk, and I'll try to make some humor out of something.

NPR: Police Coping with Stress During Katrina Efforts

23. Last Monday, I had an opportunity to do something pretty cool: try out (along with a team of other Forbes folks) a major new social photography app before virtually anyone but its creators had been invited to play with it.

FORBES: The $41 Million App Launch, with a Cameo From Yours Truly

24. We want to try to get a big scalp and get something out of these autumn internationals.

BBC: James Hook happy to fill Wales full-back role

25. Are you -- is this administration working with Amtrak to try to work something out to enforce security on the rail system, passenger rail?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

26. Well I decided to do something truly radical: I decided to try and find out.

FORBES: Ross Douthat, Demography, and Innovation

27. "I'll be meeting representatives from the Ambulance Trust next week to try to sort something out - I'm hoping the chair could go into production, " he added.

BBC: Wheelchair 'walks' down stairs

28. Idea is then free to innovate, to try modern designs, to reach out for something new and exciting.

FORBES: Segmentating On Fear And Lust

29. The parents of a toddler who died in a gas blast that destroyed eight houses in Greater Manchester have set up a charity in his name as they try to make "something good out of something so bad".

BBC: Charity honours Jamie Heaton killed in Shaw blast

30. What's more, that loaner will be a top-of-the-line Model S regardless of the car you turn in (there's a fleet of 85 to start with, each with valet service to your location), and customers in "most markets" can also opt to get a Tesla Roadster as a loaner if they'd prefer to try out something sportier.


31. "As far as Alzheimer's is concerned, all this is something new to try out, " says Pepys.

FORBES: A New Drug To Treat Alzheimer's?

32. There are a number of clandestine relationships that dance in and out of the story as people try to find something to hold onto in the wake of the accident, but these survival elements are also shown as necessary evils when the children are still very much alive.

CNN: Review: Vengeance in a town full of grief in 'The Sweet Hereafter'

33. An essay is something you write to try to figure something out.

FORBES: Why I Write

34. "A typical CubeSat mission was a student-built satellite that would maybe go beep or try something out that didn't cost a lot of money, " he says.

BBC: First Scottish-built satellite UKube-1 to launch in 2013









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