
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈrekɔːd; rɪˈkɔːd]play美 [ˈrekɔːd; rɪˈkɔːd]play

  • n. 记录,记载;(某人或某物过去的)记录,经历;(尤指体育运动中的)最佳纪录,最好成绩;唱片;前科,犯罪记录;唱片乐曲;(计算机)记录(指作为一个单位处理的一批相关信息)
  • v. 记录,记载;录制;(仪器)显示,标示;(尤指体育上)获得(好成绩);发表正式(或法律方面的)声明,申明;演奏音乐供录制
  • adj. 创纪录的
  • 【名】 (Record)(美)勒科尔(人名)

复数 records 第三人称单数 records 现在分词 recording 过去式 recorded 过去分词 recorded

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


record CET4 TEM4 [ recording recorded records ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 If you keep a record of something, you keep a written account or photographs of it so that it can be referred to later. 记录; 记载

    Keep a record of all the payments.



    There's no record of any marriage or children.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you record a piece of information or an event, you write it down, photograph it, or put it into a computer so that in the future people can refer to it. 记录; 记载

    Her letters record the domestic and social details of diplomatic life in China.


  • 3.
    及物动词 If you record something such as a speech or performance, you put it on tape or film so that it can be heard or seen again later. 录音; 录像

    There is nothing to stop viewers from recording the films on videotape.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If a musician or performer records a piece of music or a television or radio show, they perform it so that it can be put onto CD, tape, or film. 录制

    It took the musicians two and a half days to record their soundtrack for the film.


  • 5.
    可数名词 A record is a round, flat piece of black plastic on which sound, especially music, is stored, and which can be played on a record player. You can also refer to the music stored on this piece of plastic as a record. 唱片

    This is one of my favourite records.


  • 6.
    及物动词 If a dial or other measuring device records a certain measurement or value, it shows that measurement or value. 标明; 显示

    The test records the electrical activity of the brain.


  • 7.
    可数名词 A record is the best result that has ever been achieved in a particular sport or activity, for example the fastest time, the farthest distance, or the greatest number of victories. 纪录

    Roger Kingdom set the world record of 12.92 seconds.


  • 8.
    形容词 You use record to say that something is higher, lower, better, or worse than has ever been achieved before. 创纪录的

    Profits were at record levels.


  • 9.
    可数名词 Someone's record is the facts that are known about their achievements or character. 经历; 履历

    His record reveals a tough streak.


  • 10.
    可数名词 If someone has a criminal record, it is officially known that they have committed crimes in the past. (犯罪) 记录

    ...a heroin addict with a criminal record going back 15 years.


  • 11.
    →see also   recording track record
  • 12.
    习语 If you say that what you are going to say next is for the record, you mean that you are saying it publicly and officially and you want it to be written down and remembered. 供记录在案

    We're willing to state for the record that it has enormous value.


  • 13.
    习语 If you give some information for the record, you give it in case people might find it useful at a later time, although it is not a very important part of what you are talking about. 顺便说一下; 仅供参考

    For the record, most Moscow girls leave school at about 18.


  • 14.
    习语 If something that you say is off the record, you do not intend it to be considered as official, or published with your name attached to it. 非正式的; 不得公开引用的

    May I speak off the record?


  • 15.
    习语 If you are on record as saying something, you have said it publicly and officially and it has been written down. 公开宣布并记录在案的

    The president is on record as saying that the increase in unemployment is "a price worth paying" to keep inflation down.


  • 16.
    习语 If you keep information on record, you write it down or store it in a computer so that it can be used later. 记录在案的

    The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples.




  • adj.

    recording 记录的;记录用的

  • n.

    recorder 录音机;记录器;记录员;八孔直笛

    recording 录音;唱片

  • v.

    recording 录音;记录;录像(record的ing形式)



diary chronicle journal log record 【导航词义:记录】

diary n. 日记,日志

〔辨析〕 指对每天所发生的事情或工作日程的记录。

例1: He has the good habit of keeping a diary.


例2: The ship captain kept a diary of the trip's events.


chronicle n. 编年史,年代记

〔辨析〕 指对一系列事件按发生先后顺序所作的记录,尤指对历史事件的记录。

例1: This is the chronicle of his life during World War II.


例2: The chronicle breaks down into six parts.


journal n. 日志

〔辨析〕 指对每天所发生的事情的记录,可与 diary 换用。

例1: He began to keep a journal/diary when he was 10 years old.


例2: Sara confided in her journal/diary.


log n. (事件的)正式记录

〔辨析〕 尤指航海日志、飞行日志或航行记录。

例1: The captain kept writing logs.


例2: The pilot described the engine failure in his log.


record n. 记录

〔辨析〕 指记录在纸张、胶片等上或存储在计算机中的与某事物相关的信息,以备将来查阅。

例1: Keep a record of the things that you've bought.


例2: Only the manager has access to sales records.



1. sales record 销售记录

2. no record 无记录

3. record of formal schooling 学历

4. off the record 非正式的;(美)不可引用的;非官方的

5. on record 记录在案的;公开发表的

6. track record n. 径赛成绩记录;过去的成绩或成就

7. of record 有案可查的

8. world record 世界纪录

9. in record 记录在案

10. data record 数据记录;资料记录

11. for the record 为正式记录在案目的

12. gramophone record 黑胶唱片 ; 唱片 ; 留声机唱片 ; 唱碟

13. The Record 记录报 ; 纪事报 ; 记录

14. record keeping 记帐;记录保持

15. record breaker 打破创造者 ; 打破纪录者 ; 纪录创造者

16. charity record 公益歌曲

17. proven track record 可靠的工作业绩

18. Criminal record 前科 ; 犯罪记录 ; 罪恶档案

19. record producer 音乐制作人 ; 一名音乐制作人

20. put on record 立案;记录

21. Item Record 专案记录 ; 项目记载

22. record holder n. 纪录保持者

23. academic record 学业成绩

24. medical record 病历卡;病史档案

25. on the record 记录在案;正式发言;公开发布

26. criminal record [法]犯罪记录;[法]前科

27. Architectural Record 建筑实录 ; 建筑学档案 ; 修建实录 ; 建筑记录

28. record label 唱片公司 ; 唱片厂牌 ; 记录标记 ; 记录头标

29. record number 记录号,记录编号




record a song 录制歌曲

record album 唱片专辑

record club 唱片俱乐部

record company 唱片公司

hit record 流行唱片

record industry 唱片业

record label 唱片公司

record producer 唱片制作者

record store 唱片店

world record 世界纪录

record earnings 创纪录的收益

record high 历史最高纪录

record low 历史最低纪录

record numbers 创纪录的数值

record temperatures 创纪录的气温

record time 创纪录的用时

criminal record 前科


break a record 打破纪录

set a record 创造纪录


1. Takes shall be professionally recorded human voices and edited to allow assembly in any random order.


2. Volkswagen produced a record 450,000 vehicles at the plant in 2008.


3. That's the way I work with my producers and my recording.


4. She had broken the world 100 metres record.


5. The country has a poor record on human rights.


6. It was the worst flood since records began .


7. The number of international students in the United States is at record levels.


8. The index fell record eased inflation concerns, but led to concerns of deflation.

该指数创纪录的降幅缓解了通货膨胀担忧, 但引发了通货紧缩担忧.《期刊摘选》

9. Clipboard Recorder records your clipboard. It provides multiple clipboards.

剪贴板录音机记录你的剪贴板. 它提供多重剪贴板.《期刊摘选》

10. This battle was vividly recorded in the article.


11. But the records office charges 50 dollars for an official grade report.


12. I am an exclusive right to create a full record!


13. packages which record the details of your photographs.


14. This is also the Beijing international marathon man project highest record.


15. Helpful hints on home recording.


16. There's no record of any marriage or children...


17. Last summer was the wettest on record .


18. All but two pieces sold, fetching more than £70m, a record for a sale by a single artist.

除两部作品以外,其余作品全部售出, 总售价高达7千多万英镑,创单个艺术家作品单次销售的最高记录。这是最后一次的胜利。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

19. Integrated expression builder, comprehensive error log, rejected records file.

综合表达的建设者, 全面的错误记录, 拒绝记录档案.《期刊摘选》

20. He filed a lawsuit against his record company.


21. The movie became a box-office record breaker.


22. Plagues have been recorded in human society since record keeping began.


23. The report criticizes the government's record on housing.


24. ...a place which has rarely suffered a famine in its recorded history.


25. Keeping records is not only about the law of contracts, but also about Murphy's Law.

白纸黑字记载的不只是法律契约内容而已, 也和墨非法则(凡有可能出差错的事,终将出差错)有关.《期刊摘选》

26. According to the record, the cord was the oldest recorder the people could afford.

据记载, 绳子是人们用得起的最古老的记录器.《期刊摘选》

27. This is the contradictory place of record company.


28. On Sunday, the castle’s owner John Gordon, 76, was forced to move out his property after the River Dee swept away about 60 feet of land, leaving the castle dangerously close to the river, according to the Scottish Daily Record.

据苏格兰《每日记录》报道,周日,城堡的主人,76 岁的John Gordon被迫搬离自己的家, 因为Dee 河冲走了将近60 英尺的土地, 使城堡与河流过于接近, 超过了安全距离。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

29. But the U.S. was the exception: November was the warmest ever 28 globally, and current data indicates that 2013 is likely to have been the fourth hottest year on record.

但是,美国是个特例:(28) 从全球范围看,11 月是至今为止最温暖的11 月,而且当前的数据表明,2013 年有可能是有记录以来气温第四高的一年。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

30. Playing those 1960 s records was a trip down memory lane.


31. We rejected the old records.


32. Earlier this year, British explorer ?Hadow and his team trekked for three months across the frozen Arctic Ocean, taking measurements and recording observations about the ice.

今年早些时候,英国探险家Pen Hadow 和他的团队艰苦跋涉三个月穿越冰冻的北冰洋,对冰层进行测量并且记录观察情况。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

33. Where the accused has a record of violence, they should always be kept in custody.


34. It was said that his personal records were rejiggered by one of his schoolmates.


35. Start a Group Documentation Form for each room and record the number of head entered.


36. A proven track record in former companies.


37. In all, the study concludes that whereas prosecutors should only evaluate a case based on its merits, they do seem to be influenced by a company’s record in CSR.

总之,该研究得出的结论是,尽管检察官应该只根据案情本身进行评估,但他们似乎确实会受到一个公司CSR记录的影响。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

38. Did you remember to record that programme for me?


39. Unemployment has reached a record high.


40. It was a live broadcast, not a recording.

那是现场直播, 不是录音.《简明英汉词典》

41. But today we have radio and film, records and tapes, and something else, music videos!

令天有了收音机电影, 唱片、录音带, 还有音乐光盘!《期刊摘选》

42. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.


43. Set the counter to zero and you'll know where the recording starts.


44. His record of fighting guy makes him an ideal Democratic candidate.


45. Accurate records must be kept at all times.


46. Create Work Instruction and historical record for equipments.


47. Selectable microphone sensitivity allows optimal recording of personal dictation , small conferences or lecture halls.

最佳录音麦克风灵敏度选择允许个人听写 、 会议或演讲厅.《期刊摘选》

48. For the record, most Moscow girls leave school at about 18...


49. The call was answered by a recorded message saying the company had closed early.


50. There is a record during Ming Dynasty in Shanxi, Guizhou and Yunnan.

明末,番茄传入中国,山西 、 贵州、云南均有记载.《期刊摘选》

51. All I have to do is to go to my CD shelf, or boot up my computer and download still more recorded music from iTunes.

我所要做的仅仅是走到我的唱片架旁,或者打开电脑,从iTunes下载更多的音乐录音。 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

52. Greece have spent a record 1.5 billion dollars on the large security preparations for a event.


53. And history should be the story of the masses and their record of struggle.

因而历史应该是人民大众的历史,是记录他们斗争的历史。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

54. Veiseh can even put a date on when those tapes started recording: 15 December 2000, when he met his first girlfriend at his best friend’s 16th birthday party.

Veiseh 甚至能说出这些录影带开始记录的时间:那是2000 年12 月15 日,他在他最好的朋友的16 岁生日宴上结识了他的第一个女友。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

55. She was catapult to stardom by the success of her first record.


56. His track record as a headmaster was excellent.


57. It should be made clear that not everyone has a device to record their sleep patterns; in some of these nations, it’s likely that only the richest people do.

应澄清一点,不是所有人都拥有记录睡眠模式的装置;在本项研究涉及的一些国家里,可能只有最富有的人在用这种装置。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

58. The Tibetan work History From the Han and Tibetan Sources records them in detail.


59. He must have hit the jackpot with the sales of his last gramophone record.


60. The imposter's secret came a missing year was noticed in his record.


61. Keep a record of all the payments...


62. The index of the performance of leading shares recorded a 16 per cent fall.


63. It's the shortest election campaign on record...


64. A record wave and changing direction on Saturday helped fan the flames.


65. Today I went for recording.


66. The police records include all the information of the staff of the Public Security Bureau.


67. Business failure registered a postwar record this year.


68. That is 30 times more the 1987 record for annual foreign investment in South Korea.


69. This is a recording session.


70. She made a record tally.


71. In this nonexistent game, the player campaign lasts a record 17,250 hours.

在这个不存在的游戏里, 单人战役长达 “ 创纪录的17,250小时 ”.《期刊摘选》

72. The coroner record a verdict of death by misadventure.


73. Would you play the reverse side of that phonograph record please ?

请播放那张唱片的反面好 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

74. He has a spotless record so far.


75. He works as a sound technician in a recording studio.


76. Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy.


77. Fen plays a lot of Mama & Papa records.

FEN演奏 很多Mamas & amp;Papas唱片.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

78. AVI recorder, capturing image from any window, recording under condition of a modification of an image.

为AVI录音机, 捕捉影像从任何窗口, 记录的情况下,修改的形象.《期刊摘选》

79. Record new data applications for unemployment benefits showed that the employment situation continues to deteriorate trend.


80. This record demand is helping to push prices for soybeans higher.


81. The airline has a good safety record.


82. His latest record was a smash hit within a week of being released.


83. In short, WP aids document creation and record keeping.

简而言之, 字处理工具帮助创建文档和储存档案.《期刊摘选》

84. The previous record was 3003 billion miles in 2007 before the economic recession in high gas prices.

在高油价的经济衰退之前,美国人驾 驶里程的最高纪录是2007年的3.003万亿英里。《17年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

85. Record Phone Conversation, Meeting notes, and use it as a Voice Recorder.

本软件可以用以记录电话会话内容, 会议记录, 并可当成录音器来使用.《期刊摘选》

86. One possible response is for classical performers to program attractive new music that is not yet available on record.

对于古典音乐演奏者而言,他们可能做的回应就是去演奏还没录制成唱片的、有吸引力的新音乐。 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

87. We now can be fairly certain from historical records that agriculture was an invention of women.


88. He has an unblemished employment record.


89. A thermometer records temperatures.


90. We're willing to state for the record that it has enormous value.


91. The record is held by one bird which was found with 61 sand eels in its beak.


92. The temperature reached a record low in London last night.


93. Let me set the record straight on the misconceptions contained in your article.


94. Balboa was accused of criminal misconduct in regard to his record keeping.


95. His record is against him.


96. Recording controls: You can select input device and set filter, make high quality output voice.

录音控制 ︰ 您能选择输入装置并且集合过滤器, 做出高质量的输出声音.《期刊摘选》

97. China imports record tons of crude.


98. All the relevant records are easily available ready to hand.


99. There's a record entry for this year's marathon.


100. She completed the 500 metres in record time.


101. This is one of my favourite records.


102. This is because the record and the cereal have opposite charges.


103. The Chancellor is on record as saying that the increase in unemployment is 'a price worth paying' to keep inflation down.


104. He finished 12 seconds outside the world record.


105. She hopes to have another crack at the world record this year.


106. Manual labor card holders should fill in the information and records information on manual labor.


107. ...the biggest and best-known record company in England.


108. record profits


109. Unemployment has reached a record high (= the highest level ever) .


110. She won the race in record time.


111. And they were more likely to have a criminal record and to be raising a child as a single parent on a very low income.

他们更有可能留下犯罪记录,也更有可能以单亲父母的身份依靠非常低的收入抚养孩子。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

112. The monthly mean temperature of 29.0 degrees equaled the record set in 1969.


113. The bamboo Tube archives are records of the duties of Zhao Long and Baya, Dai chief.


114. Teachers must keep a record of students' attendances.


115. Last summer was the wettest on record.


116. The students who hacked their way into the academic records were punished.


117. Cher included one of their old hits , Bang , Bang, on her new record.

谢尔的新唱片集中,包括他们早年的一支热门歌曲《砰, 砰》.《期刊摘选》

118. Then you'll be given a passbook in which your initial deposit would be recorded.


119. Personnel records management systems typically include personnel files on the statistics, query, update, report output capabilities.

人事档案管理系统一般包括对人事档案的统计 、 查询 、 更新 、 报表输出等功能.《期刊摘选》

120. These days electronic records are created by government agencies at an astounding rate.


121. Don't be coy with me about your past record.


122. a record company (= one which produces and sells records)


123. More than the outcome of the game will set record time of 60 hours or more.


124. But this year has a record number of people applying to university.


125. He hopes one day to surpass the world record.


126. The test records the electrical activity of the brain...


127. Who holds the world record for the long jump?


128. May I speak off the record?...


129. But the records office charges 20 dollars for an official grade report.


130. The paper and study of ancient of mineral matters ameliorating soil, but the records were fragmentary.

在长期的生产实践中,已摸索出利用矿物质改良土壤之法, 古文献中有零星记载.《期刊摘选》

131. The certificate is valid when complied with the record in personal technical file.


132. Needless to say, people like Veiseh are of great interest to neuroscientists ( 神经科学专家) hoping to understand the way the brain records our lives.

不用说,神经科学专家对Veiseh 这样的人当然非常感兴趣,他们想知道大脑是如何记录生活的《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

133. They were the earliest poets whereof there is record.


134. Zhuang claimed the record in 54.64 seconds.


135. Blood pressure and respiration are also recorded.


136. This year's festival attracted a record turnout.


137. Yields are forecast at a record 2.83 tonnes per hectare, the USDA noted.


138. I'd like to send this recorded delivery.


139. It was the worst flood since records began.


140. Thanks to the recorded will or won the lawsuit.


141. Till they throw on a rap record, and they sit and they vibe.

直到他们找到一张说唱唱片作为支柱, 然后他们开始欣赏音乐.《期刊摘选》

142. A smart phone may contain an arrestee's reading history, financial history, medical history and comprehensive records of recent correspondence.

智能手机可能包含被捕者的阅读记录、金融财物记录、疾病记录以及近期通信的全面记录。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

143. There is nothing to stop viewers recording the films on videotape...


144. Demonstrated track record as a cotton executive with understanding of mill's quality, delivery and service requirements.

了解客户对棉花质量, 交付以及服务的相关要求,具备从事棉花销售或管理的履历证明.《期刊摘选》

145. She set out to break the world record.


146. The euro hit a record low in trading today.


147. Contrary to the descriptions on record, no systematic evidence was found that levels of productivity were related changes in lighting.

结果表明,没有系统的证据证明,生产效率与照明灯光的变化有关,而这则与以前的试验记录相互矛盾。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

148. The world record then stood at 6.59 metres.


149. Also, how do you want to get the record file?

还有, 你怎么想获得记录档案?《期刊摘选》

150. Expats living in Beijing are joining the record number of the great holiday getaway.


151. Her last throw was only three centimetres short of the world record.


152. As recently as 2007, Japan posted a record annual current account surplus of Y 24 , 800 bn.

而就在2007年, 日本还实现了创纪录的年度经常账户帐盈余, 规模高达24.8万亿日元.《期刊摘选》

153. He bought two records for you.


154. To enable us to complete our records, we need to have this information.


155. We also request for Recommendation Letter and Working Certification Record from your previous employer.


156. I got to work in record time.


157. In the sea, reached a record high after every continent and shape of today's very similar.


158. This volume records the history of the country's revolution.


159. His race has peopled this island through all recorded history.


160. A recording reproduced in cassette form.


161. The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history.


162. The UK project will hold named records.


163. “You’re what you eat and drink, and that’s recorded in your hair,”said Thure Cerling, a geologist at the University of Utah.

“你的饮食反映了你的状况,这些信息会记录在你的头发中,”犹他大学的地质学家图勒 · 瑟林说。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

164. His job is to record how politicians vote on major issues.


165. Net income also hit a record high of 80 billion Swiss francs.


166. Before he was appointed, the committee delved into his past record.

委员会在任命他之前, 曾调查过他的履历.《期刊摘选》

167. I could work in a recording studio, recording albums.

我能在录音棚里面工作, 灌录唱片.《期刊摘选》

168. It took the musicians two and a half days to record their soundtrack for the film...


169. The police are looking the records of all those involved in the crime.


170. The fact that the policeman was against foreigners could not be recorded in he official files.


171. You've been absent six times according to our records.


172. The draft environmental impact assessment report in the foregoing paragraph shall record the following.


173. The 1980s were the hottest decade on record.


174. The band is back in the US recording their new album.


175. Generally speaking, MP 3 recording pen with almost big machine.


176. The sale generated record profits.


177. Does he have a record?


178. But crops have been hit hard by the record heat this summer.


179. As last week's obituaries have already recorded, Derrida was the founding father of deconstruction.

正如上周的各条讣告所记载的, 德里达是“解构主义”之父.《期刊摘选》

180. A record is kept of all the firm's transactions.


181. He largely passed over the government's record.


182. Each index achieves calendar year record repeatedly.


183. He has a proven track record in marketing.


184. In that case, some people may ask, this is recording device and how long do work?

那么, 一定有人会问, 这套录音装置又是如何做到长时间工作的 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

185. She has recently recorded a programme for television.


186. He wasn't about to blemish that pristine record.


187. The quality of reproduction isn't very good on this recording.


188. His attendance record was spotty.


189. The records had been balled up by inefficient file clerks.


190. His past record weighs heavily against him.


191. Yes, the Internet is one of a record 237 nominations for the coveted prize this year.

是的, 今年互联网在这个梦寐以求的奖项上获得了创纪录的237次提名.《期刊摘选》

192. He sat at the console and controlled the recording.


193. It musicals too, that is, films with music, and millions of records are sold every year.

它(印度)还制作音乐片,也就是以音乐为主题的影片, 每年销售的唱片达几百万张.《期刊摘选》

194. It was the hottest July on record.


195. Do well in the application of executive expense and record of files per each month.


196. Last winter, ice thickness has contracted 19 % which sets a record.

去年冬季, 海冰的厚度收缩了创纪录的19%.《期刊摘选》

197. Keeps a record on former, existing, potential clients and a profile of each of them.


198. The spread between the Center Gulf and the PNW presently at a record $ 23.62 per tonne.


199. In most developing countries increased government expenditures led to record fiscal deficit in 1982 and 1983.


200. I made a summary report for the records.


201. We had no computer backup and had to rely on old paper files to reconstruct the records.


202. Our company has broken the record for best daily steel output today.


203. Enjoy the snow now, because 29 chances are good that 2014 will be even hotter, perhaps the hottest year since records have been kept.

好好享受现在的雪天吧,因为2014 年很有(29) 可能将会更热,或许会成为有记录以来最热的一年。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

204. Prof Rao's own work record includes experience in both the academic and the business worlds.


205. A electrocardiogram records the heartbeat.


206. The painting was sold for £665,000 — a record for the artist.


207. Roger Kingdom set the world record of 12.92 seconds...


208. History records the name of royal bastard but cannot tell us the origin of wheat.


209. Unusually cold temperatures in Southern California continued, with Los Angeles International Airport a record low.


210. The bookshop has decided to branch out into selling various records and tapes.


211. In those days recording sound was not technically possible.


212. Their latest record is really magic.


213. These records not only have complicated sources, but also cultural purport of the special times.

这些记载不仅来源复杂, 而且具有特定时代的文化旨趣.《期刊摘选》

214. Last week's brief wobble over the record US November trade deficIt'seems to have been forgotten.


215. Hawthorn as a medicine in ancient China, there are a lot of medical records.


216. According to the U.S. Labor Department, Winston compiled the best work record in U.S. history.

依照美国劳动局的数据记载, 温斯顿创下了美国最佳工作记录史.《期刊摘选》

217. The school's audio apparatus includes films and records.


218. He had a distinguished record as a chaplain...


219. Ms Brooks may or may not have had suspicions about how her journalists got their stories, but she asked no questions, gave no instructions—nor received traceable, recorded answers.

布鲁克斯女士可能会也可能不会对她的记者是如何得到新闻故事的有所怀疑,但是她没有质疑、不做指示,也没有得到可追踪、有记录的答案。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

220. Sexual immorality is the major reason for last year's record number of abortions.


221. The document recorded that there had been a lot of earthquakes in this area.


222. Plainly, the British had not troubled to inquire into his highly sinister record.

显然, 英国人还没有费力去调查一下他那非常见不得人的履历.《辞典例句》

223. This record figure was unequalled for 13 years.


224. Without radio play, a record can disappear without a trace.

没有广播剧的话, 唱片会消失得无影无踪.《期刊摘选》

225. Profits were at record levels.


226. The crime he committed is a blot on his record.


227. Exports in June rose 1.5% to a record $30.91 billion.


228. He extra polite to his superiors lest something adverse might be written into his records.


229. Traditional and the newly established key projects absorbed a total of more than 60 million graduates.


230. While being used the record is organized and stored with similar material.


231. It was a record night for a rural Kansas football team.


232. This was the zero point for the record.


233. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer’s driving record, not the passenger’s.

政府应确立安全标准,然后让保险公司给出机器人险种的承保报价,报价基于制造商生产产品的驾驶记录,而不是无人驾驶汽车使用者的记录。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

234. And that was the first moment that I realised oh, we have a record

接着我头一次意识到 “ 哦, 我们有一张唱片了 ”《期刊摘选》

235. Someone in the personnel office had pulled out the wrong record.


236. It was the whole home entertainment center before radio and photographic record phonographic records came along.


237. Some individual investors exulted at the record.


238. She won 11 of her record 22 majors after the stabbing.


239. George's career record also demonstrates just how reliable he was in the goal.


240. Net earnings were a record $ 32.8 million compared with $ 23.9 million.


241. The record was a bootleg.


242. The expectation of record crowds has created extra security and transportation problems.


243. Perhaps you'd like to tell me what you were doing Monday. Just for the record.


244. It takes a lot of time to create and then record it and mix it.


245. His record reveals a tough streak...


246. You also integrate the complete set of record volume control for your convenience.


247. If your product is not marked in the record number of pages, in your sample.

如果你的记录中没有标明产品的页数, 那就要在你的样品上标注出来.《期刊摘选》

248. The barometer recorded a low pressure.


249. Who holds the record in the 100 meters?


250. There's no record of any marriage or children.


251. Search He Saixian's record, ordinary in refracting brilliant.

翻开贺思贤的档案, 平凡中折射着辉煌.《期刊摘选》

252. The dictation is done with your speaking, a machine's recording, and your secretarys transcribing . ( )

记录会随着你的述说而进行, 用机器录音同时你的秘书会 转录.《期刊摘选》

253. The article was a savage attack on the government's record.


254. And in the billing cycle, and every link, to the record companies can Chinakayao.

并且在结算周期上, 以及每一个环节上, 都可以向唱片公司吃拿卡要.《期刊摘选》

255. a record collection


256. Indeed, his record as governor of Texas, where he worked easily with Democrats, held promise.

实际上, 他在得克萨斯任州长的履历也帮他印证了这一承诺, 在那个地方他很容易与民主党相处.《期刊摘选》

257. Even his war record was fraudulently inflated.


258. In addition, there were countless books, literary works and ancient records.

除此之外, 还有大量图书典籍、文献档案.《期刊摘选》

259. The previous record deficit, about 6 percent of a far smaller economy, was recorded in 2002.

之前的财政赤字最高纪录出现在2002年, 大约占当时较小的经济总量中的6%.《期刊摘选》

260. By Egyptian record, Keftiu was destroyed by the seas in an apocalypse.

依照埃及人记载, 克弗悌乌在一次天启中被海洋毁灭.《期刊摘选》

261. The ship made its run in record time.


262. Profits were at record levels...


263. Only two men in the company have access to the secret records.


264. The record of the plow was insignificant.


265. The world record stood for 20 years.


266. to play a record


267. For more information, see Record Field Exchange Functions in the Class Library Reference.

有关更多信息, 请参见《类库参考》中的记录字段交换函数.《期刊摘选》

268. ...a heroin addict with a criminal record going back 15 years...


269. By most recent measures, the UK's GDP has been the envy of the Western world, with record low unemployment and high growth figures.

根据最新评估,英国的国内生产总值一直让西方世界羡慕不已,它有着创纪录的低失业率及高速增长的数据。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

270. Despite record sales last year, the company reported a 1.3 % fall in operating profit.

虽然科龙去年的销售额创历史最高纪录, 但经营利润却下降了1.3%.《期刊摘选》

271. Every brush and stroke seem to record his love through thousands of years.


272. The agent search his files for a record of the sale.


273. She seemed perversely proud of her criminal record.


274. And for the record, he dropped out of grade school Bit of a late bloomer.

而且从他的履历上看, 他小学没读完就辍学了.可以说是个大器晚成的人.《期刊摘选》

275. I sang my heart mantra and recorded it for all to share. One file attached.

余自颂心咒并录音以供大家分享. 一档案附呈.《期刊摘选》

276. The airline has an excellent safety record.


277. It may be that the value of Whole Foods to Amazon is not so much the 460 shops it owns, but the records of which customers have purchased what.

也许,Whole Foods对于亚马逊的价值与其说是在于它旗下的460间店铺,倒不如说在与其客户的购买记录。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

278. Your record will be examined at length.


279. His record reveals a tough streak.


280. Americans drove more miles last year than any other year on record.

去年美国人的驾驶里程比以往记录在案的任何一年都多。《17年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

281. The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples.


282. There have been record bankruptcies and remorselessly rising unemployment.


283. He sliced two seconds off the world record.


284. Britain's workers went sick for a record number of days last year.


285. The firm keeps personal records for everyone who works for it.


286. Conn , there something I dont understand. Who hid the broken record inside the piano?

我有件事不是很明白, 是谁把破碎的唱片藏在钢琴里面?《期刊摘选》

287. At the end of the lunch, I said I had some off-the-record comments.


288. Measures looking from the subscriber, already was last week's highest record.

从认购量来看, 已是上周的最高纪录.《期刊摘选》

289. Output was at a record low.


290. The band made their first record as far back as 1990.


291. The song was recorded by Neil Lomax , who kept it in the archives at his foundation.

NeilLomax录制 完这首歌后便将它放进了自己所在的基金会的档案资料中.《期刊摘选》

292. Sys link was established in 1992 specializing in digital recording products.


293. In late 2003, Ashlee signed a recording contract with Geffen Records to make her first album.

2003年下半年, 艾希莉同盖芬唱片公司签订了合同,制作她的第一张专辑.《期刊摘选》


1. You will hear the whole record in due time and I am sure it will all make sense.

NPR: Arcade Fire: Art-Rock Fueled by Eclecticism and Pain

2. In Florida, as temperatures fell to record lows, citrus growers sprayed water on their trees to help prevent freeze damage.

VOA : special.2010.01.12

3. Yeah. And then we kind of figured out that what we really wanted was Goldman Sachs, because they were a little different than all the others, and they actually had a great track record in our industry.

然后我们就认清了,我们想和高盛合作,因为他们和其他投行不一样,并在我们这一行名声很好。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

4. The songs she posted on her MySpace page caught the attention of the music industry and led to a record deal.

VOA : special.2009.09.04

5. With the overwhelming amount of ESI increasing at record rates, per-gigabyte pricing quickly becomes prohibitive.

FORBES: Connect

6. Now all of this is a matter of record and I suppose needs to be paused over a little bit.

这些事情都是有记录的,我认为我们需要在上边停留一会儿。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. "We don't have enough money to record things that sound contemporary, " he says, laughing.

NPR: Kings Go Forth: Bringing Back Soul

8. The Federal Open Market Committee meets Tuesday to discuss its record-low interest rate policy.

FORBES: Fed's Next Move Will Be To Ease Interest Rates

9. Profits were at record levels.


10. So when the next morning he called me and he said, we have to record that song.

NPR: Judy Collins, From Both Sides Now

11. He had an exemplary military career and has a clean record since his release from prison.

BBC: Victim on abuser's removal from sex register

12. In the second quarter so far, exports dropped 22.6% in April and a record 26.4% in May.

FORBES: Recovery In China? Not So Fast

13. One goal of the project is to record the condition of the tomb and the wall paintings in the burial room.

VOA : special.2009.12.15

14. Most people at the festival would agree that the Internet has greatly changed the ways musicians and record companies do business.

VOA : special.2009.04.03

15. Describing this kind of thing in magazines is not like having it on the public record.

FORBES: 5 Questions Congress Should Ask Obama Commerce Nominee Penny Pritzker

16. Today,Frank Oliver and Doug Johnson tell about a special plane called Voyager and the effort to set a difficult world record.

VOA : special.2010.10.06

17. there was no such record.

但我们没有数据。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

18. If you want to record a marathon Conquest match in Battlefield 3, have at it.

FORBES: NVIDIA's 'ShadowPlay' Brings Effortless Gameplay Recording To The PC Masses

19. And the result may have been more spare than on the record but it was no less raw.

NPR: 'BPP' Jukebox: The Whigs

20. a record-breaker


21. But like so many, he had a horrible track record of failed diets and exercise attempts.

CNN: From 'sumo wrestler' to distance runner

22. Its drivers now have handheld Dell computers with touch screens to record orders, price changes and payments.

FORBES: Dirty Laundry

23. A new report says the number of foreign students in the United States reached a record high in two thousand eight.

VOA : special.2009.11.26

24. But during the giddy precrash era, that track record gave little pause to Citi or others.

FORBES: Citigroup's Bad Boy

25. For three years, he clandestinely saw a therapist, paying in cash so there would be no record.


26. and ended up owning record companies and radio stations and airline companies and those kind of thing.

最后拥有了自己的唱片公司、广播电台和航空公司,诸如此类的东西。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 激励创业

27. Ghana does not have an unblemished record on human rights.


28. We'll discuss this in a second, but why don't we actually record what the game is, that we're playing first.

一会再开始分析,我们先记录一下这个游戏的内容博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have broken the Democratic Party's record for fundraising in a presidential race.

NPR: Sen. Obama Breaks Fundraising Record

30. The competition was extremely tough this year with a record 350 candidates applying for the five fellowships.

UNESCO: 2015 For Women In Science Fellows Announced

31. He's not bringing fans into the seats anymore because the record phase is over.

NPR: Giants Say Goodbye to Bonds

32. All cash donations have to be backed up by a record under the new law.

FORBES: Cutting Taxes While Doing Good

33. The seeds and pollen have left a forty-thousand-year record of the environment and weather for this area of California.

VOA : special.2010.04.07

34. From the opening of the record, this is clearly a different breed of singer-songwriter.

NPR: Jeff Hanson: 'Nothing Would Matter At All'

35. At U.C.L.A. the man known simply as "Coach" had a record of six hundred twenty wins and one hundred forty-seven losses.

VOA : special.2010.06.10

36. We saw record price declines on a monthly basis for fourteen of our twenty cities that we reported.

我们看到记录中价格每月,在报告中的二十个城市中的十四个城市下跌。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. I used it so that they could record all of the books that they read about Japanese culture.

我用它是为了让孩子们能记录下,他们读过的所有有关日本文化的书。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. It won't be long before we're using these same kind of devices to both record--to test what's going on-- and to act in the right way and response.

相信不久以后,这个装置就可以同时记录和反馈,大脑的信号,并做出相应的回应生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. German 30-year bund yields fell to a record low at a government auction Wednesday.

FORBES: P.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Solid Gains For Gold Amid Bullish Outside Mkts, Bargain Hunting, Good Physical Demand

40. In your estimation, and you don't have to go on a record, you can change your mind after leaving Inner Core.

在您的看法中,您不用将看法录下来,您可以在离开人性讲堂后改变想法。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

41. Hires wrote about how he became successful in an article published in nineteen thirteen in the American Druggist and Pharmaceutical Record.

VOA : special.2011.08.01

42. It has grown into a huge event that brings together musicians, record companies,filmmakers, reporters and radio programmers from around the world.

VOA : special.2009.04.03

43. In other words, this was not meant to be a record to be left for the future. It was an accident.

换句话说,这些并不是刻意为将来,留下的记录,只是个意外而已古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Well, the coldest March on record was in 1962, when the mean temperature staggered to just 1.9C.

BBC: Spring equinox today but winter lingers

45. I mean sometimes if you have things that are a mixture of foods, like you go out for Chinese food or you have a casserole somewhere, or you have some dish of vegetables mixed together, how do you make sense of that when it comes to entering these things into a record.

我是说,有时候有一堆食物在你面前,如出去吃中餐,或你面前有一份大杂烩,又或者是很多蔬菜混合在一块,在输入饮食记录的时候,怎样才能让你输入的东西有意义呢关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. In two thousand seven, the Yankees signed a ten-year contract with Alex Rodriguez for a record two hundred seventy-five million dollars.

VOA : special.2010.07.26

47. My future plan, my record company is going to be one of the biggest independent record companies

未来的计划是让我的公司变成最大的独立唱片公司之一,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 请听听我的歌

48. And it said this week that final results will likely show two thousand nine was the fifth-warmest year on record.

VOA : special.2009.12.12

49. The judge noted that Carlton had a "significant" criminal record before his latest conviction.

BBC: police forensic officer at the scene

50. He set the British allcomers record.


51. So dominant was music in his life that a promising school record was one day suddenly ruined.

BBC: Obituary: Luther Vandross

52. There is no record of any similar medieval map with such scale or accuracy.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - Oxfords new Digital.Bodleian features UNESCOs Memory of the World Gough Map

53. Mike actually holds the world record for downhill speed skiing for blind person, which is 60 miles an hour.

实际上,迈克是盲人高山滑雪的记录保持者,速度达到了每小时60英里。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

54. He's got a criminal record.


55. American swimmer Michael Phelps won 8 gold medals, breaking the record for the most gold medals won at a single Olympics.

VOA : special.2009.01.03

56. and delete her voicemail messages so as that they could record more and listen to them all.

删除她的语音留言,这样他们就能记录更多,而且听到所有的语音。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 新闻社的真实事件

57. Saturday 21 April 2012 marks an important date for music fans worldwide: International Record Store Day (IRSD).

BBC: The worlds best record shops

58. A woman who worked at the public recording studio had another job with a local independent record company called Sun Records.

VOA : special.2010.04.04

59. If the showers hold off, England will seek to extend their record of eight successive T20 victories.

BBC: Chris Woakes plays down talk of England World Cup spot

60. The team's mark of 95 points in the 2004-2005 campaign is still a Premier League record.

WSJ: Jose Mourinho Appointed Chelsea Manager

61. It's a huge price to pay in a pass-no-record first semester class . And, you know who is most severe on the committee on discipline?

这个代价太大了,只为了,第一次学期通过一门无记录的课程,你们知道着纪律委员会,谁最为严厉吗?固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

62. Another key attribute of the 6620 is that can record up to 10 minutes of video.

FORBES: A Nokia Smartphone With An Edge

63. His latest record, The Open Road, abounds with the driving, blues-inflected garage-rock he's been honing throughout his career.

NPR: John Hiatt And Robert Earl Keen On World Cafe

64. We will record this information in our database and contact you if and when a suitable opportunity arises.

UNESCO: Join our Expert Network

65. At any rate, the reader must regard it as creative writing rather than simply a record of life."

无论从哪一层面来看,把它当作是极具创想的作品,而不单单是生活的记录“1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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