actual performance翻译_actual performance短语搭配_actual performance权威例句

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actual performance


英 [ˈæktʃuəl pəˈfɔːməns]play 美 [ˈæktʃuəl pərˈfɔːrməns]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. actual performance curve 实际性能曲线

2. trial actual performance 实际操作能力试验

3. The Actual Performance Embarks 实际演奏动身

4. Compare actual performance 比较实际绩效

5. actual performance of a company 经营实绩

6. actual performance principle 实际履行原则

7. trial of actual performance 实际操作能力试验

8. Measure actual performance 衡量实际绩效


1. Actual performance can vary, including lower wireless network capacity, data throughput rate, range and coverage.

实际执行情况可以有所不同, 其中包括降低无线网络的容量, 数据吞吐量速率, 范围和覆盖面.《互联网》

2. Theories of Selection; Plurality and Selection On the Actual Performance of Contracts


3. Evaluate actual performance against targets and budgets on an ongoing basis.


4. Actual performance of supervision: safety, quality, progress of construction site, effective QHSE control, work implementation.


5. The comparison of estimation results with the actual performance of FOG verifies this method.


6. With the effect of the new contract act, the actual performance needs relocation in the value of carrying out the contract.


7. Data collection of actual performance and the cost& benefit analysis are discussed finally.


8. The Actual Performance Principle


9. Actual performance and progress of the project are monitored against the project plan.


10. Monitor and analyze actual performance against forecast and budget.


11. Coursework includes not only music theory, music history, and pedagogy, but actual performance experience.


12. The actual performance of the site for the top of the hill macro noticeable tension cracks.


13. "If they try hard, they performed well" regardless of the actual performance.


14. Finally, evaluate the actual performance of the traffic flow forecasting system.


15. It shows that the evaluate results of the MDS is closer to the actual performance.


16. Professional titles should be awarded on the basis of actual performance, not on seniority.


17. In addition, the optimal baking parameters for the actual performance were presented.


18. He said that this exercise of the imagination left memory traces in his mind that would later help his actual performance.


19. Experiment results show that the actual performance is accordant with the theoretical results.


20. Especially the hardware experimental platform provides a necessary means and a reference for the actual performance test and product design.


21. The recording session will reveal how you react in an actual performance, for example, if you make a mistake or have a blackout.


22. Actual performance of an artillery counter-recoil mechanism under impulsive action


23. Actual performance of supervision: safety, quality, progress of construction site, effective QHSE control, work implementation.


24. Text should carry the information of the actual performance and the final result of the appraisal.


25. The client USES GET request to test the URL in "Set" mode, then it USES POST requests for actual performance or load testing.


26. On Wall Street, this obfuscation of actual performance is an art form.

在华尔街, 这种对实际回报大搞混淆视听的做法已是一种惯例.《互联网》

27. Do you enjoy listening to records?I find records are often _or better than an actual performance.


28. Sports teacher is used explain or actual performance will be betterer.


29. Are quality goals developed and actual performance results collected?


30. Sci-tech innovation is used directly in order to obtain actual performance in economy and society.


31. Are quality goals developed and actual performance results collected?


32. Business support through tracking and monitoring of actual performance vs. budget, vs. ly. Risks and opportunities are timely identified.


33. Before the actual performance, the entire cast will have to have a dress rehearsal.


34. Actual performance will vary depending on boat design and product configuration.


35. Are daily or weekly quality goals and actual performance results posted on the factory floor?


36. Practice and Exploration on Constructing and Perfecting the Mechanism of Appraising the Actual Performance of Leading Cadres


37. Dress rehearsal is the final practice of a play, opera etc, using all the clothes, objects etc that will be used for the actual performance.


38. Analyses by means of films taken of the Shanghai gymnastics team in training shows that the theoretical law conforms with actual performance.


39. I do hope they will be improved through the actual performance for the benefit of development of the corporation.


40. Are daily or weekly quality goals and actual performance results posted on the factory floor?


41. Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often as good as or even better than an actual performance.


42. Actual performance can vary significantly from what the team experienced.


43. Based on the delivery test, which compare the motor's actual performance, it proves that the system is available.


44. Product specification and bill of material must be corresponding to the actual performance and components for product.


45. Photo Tip: Get out of the audience and away from the actual performance. Magic moments can be found backstage or in the curtains, at the edges.


46. How does your department's actual performance compare with your plan and budget?

与计划和预算相比,你们部门的实际工作情况怎么样?《provided by jukuu》

47. Sales and forecasts in a business plan provide a measure with which the actual performance of the business can be compared.


48. The actual performance shows that good results of reinforcement have been achieved.


49. This is based on is the number one million in the actual performance of the membrane components conclusions.


50. In the actual performance of the labor contract, changes in the contract is a common phenomenon.


51. He was dishonest in the actual performance of his duties.

他在执行任务时不老实。《provided by jukuu》

52. Turning from ratings in the polls to actual performance in elections.

从民意测验中的估计结果转向选举中的实际表现。《provided by jukuu》

53. Actual performance shows that our EIC scheme satisfies the requirements ofthe tension control system perfectly.


54. But then the actual performance to all players and craft sit up and take notice.


55. Or in the, oval here? What comes, what mediate between beliefs and expectations and actual performance in the real world?


56. At GE, look at the actual performance and the profitability of its divisions.

在通用电气, 他们关注公司的实际表现和旗下业务的盈利能力.《互联网》

57. His own work showed that although the narrow winners did get much more money in the near future, the actual performance of the close losers was just as good.


58. Photo Tip: Get out of the audience and away from the actual performance.


59. Comparisons of actual performance of existing auxiliary fans in China


60. This is the difference between actual performance of the CIE diagram, you can clear the domain.


61. Data collection of actual performance and the cost & benefit analysis are discussed finally.

讨论了过程实际绩效的数据获取和取数的 成本效益 分析.《互联网》

62. Actual performance can vary significantly from what the team experienced.


63. Compare the actual performance of the product or service to pre-launch projections.


64. More often than not the energy they expend on seeming impressive makes their actual performance worse.


65. Based on the delivery test, which compare the motor's actual performance, it proves that the system is available.


66. What comes, what mediate between beliefs and expectations and actual performance in the real world?


67. None of these factors was a reliable predictor of their actual performance on the job, as rated by their supervisors.


68. Assist in preparation of annual budgets and forecasts and analysis of actual performance against budget.


69. Provides data on actual performance and operation compared with predictions as a benchmark for future projects.



1. For the first time in 2000, agencies will submit to the President and Congress annual reports for 1999 that compare actual and target performance levels and explain any difference between them.

WHITEHOUSE: Testimony of Jacob Lew

2. We even celebrate some people solely for their ability to talk big, irrespective of actual value or performance.

FORBES: Retirement Investing vs. 'Performance Delusion'

3. But is Linsanity overshadowing his actual on-court performance?

FORBES: Is it the NBA All-Star Game or All-Popular Game?

4. For that reason, we can't speak too much about the handset's actual performance, but in our brief perusal of the start screen and associated apps, we can say the dual-core S4 does a fine job making navigation brisk and speeding along those graceful WP transitions.

ENGADGET: Windows Phone 8X by HTC hands-on: Microsoft's modern mobile OS personified in polycarbonate

5. Both have fame that overshadow the actual box office performance of their films.

FORBES: George Clooney and Ryan Gosling: Two Odd Movie Stars

6. It still isn't certain that the increased use of performance hurdles will reduce actual payouts to executives.

WSJ: 'Pay for Performance' No Longer a Punchline

7. If firm does not have actual live results that follow Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS), then they cannot publish performance.

FORBES: Leaky Buckets of Money

8. While GDP can be helpful, there can be a disconnect between real GDP growth and actual equity market performance, where a lackluster stock market can exist in a country whose GDP regularly exceeds 6.5-7%.

FORBES: 19 Reasons Why Emerging Markets Belong In Your Portfolio

9. In other words, a country would decide how its land-use carbon emission or absorption would be likely to change in future, and then to measure actual performance against that baseline.

BBC: Rich countries accused of carbon 'cheating'

10. Analysts noted that the actual performance of each processor will vary depending on the configuration of a user's PC.

CNN: AMD's low-cost Duron chip takes aim at Celeron

11. Silver finds that most economic predictions are way off the mark, often overestimating or underestimating the actual economic performance by several percentage points each year.

FORBES: Look out! 'Tis the Season for Predictions

12. But they're not liable for the actual performance of the funds if they've exercised--and continue to exercise--due diligence.

FORBES: Attention 401(k) Slackers!

13. Ricardo is building a database linking these subjective ratings to actual physical performance data.

ECONOMIST: Car design

14. The new rules should not, however, deter companies from trying harder to design compensation schemes that more closely align actual pay with actual performance.

ECONOMIST: The link between pay and performance is weak

15. Ironically, the cause for his early departure from power - the multiple criminal probes being conducted against him - has nothing to do with his actual performance as prime minister.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remembering Olmert's true record

16. There's not a whole lot to say here, but we figured we'd give you a quick rundown of the hardware before digging into the actual performance.

ENGADGET: Sprint AIRAVE review Mobile

17. Granderson, Teixeira, Rodriguez, Derek Jeter and CC Sabathia may have come into the season with 35 All-Star Game appearances between them, and they may have collectively been paid more than half the teams in the league, but their actual performance ranged from solid to very good.

WSJ: Tim Marchman: The Yanks Aren't in TroubleYet

18. Currently, the salary structure of the teaching profession is highly rigid, and that would also have to change in a world where we want to rate teachers on their actual performance.

NEWYORKER: Most Likely to Succeed

19. It compares analysts' forecasts with companies' actual results and matches stock performance against the analysts' buy and sell recommendations.

FORBES: Stargazing

20. But until the performance benchmarking of actual, real-world AMD and Intel hardware begins, which design wins out is still anyone's call, Brookwood said.

CNN: AMD takes a different path with Sledgehammer chip

21. While leveraged volatility ETNs do come closer to replicating the actual performance of VIX, these instruments are really only effective when held for short periods of time (as volatility lag eats away at the returns over time).

FORBES: Profiting From Fear With Exchange-Traded VIX Notes

22. If you create a video, treat the production of it as though it were an actual job interview your performance and presentation can and will be judged.

FORBES: Recruiters Tell Us: Do Resume Fads Really Work?

23. The full impact of funding cuts in Europe on actual performance in Olympic competition remains unclear.

WSJ: Menu

24. "It is unclear to us if this could provide better overall performance than actual glass, " he wrote in an e-mail.

CNN: Your next phone screen could be made of sapphire

25. Actual flight performance has gotten more unpredictable because of problems in the air-traffic control system.

WSJ: Flight Times Grow As Airlines Pad Schedules

26. Though actual performance gave us little cause for concern, Sony Ericsson's custom camera software is more of a hit and miss affair.

ENGADGET: Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc review

27. Since as much as 80% of ad-buying decisions are made ahead of the actual TV season, the majority of purchases hinge on anticipation and past performance rather than actual in-season ratings.

FORBES: Entertainment

28. For example, the SEC alleges that ThinkStrategy reported a 2008 return of 22.6% for its Capital Fund-A, a long-short market neutral hedge fund, when the actual performance was -77.9%.

FORBES: SEC Alleges Deceptive Conduct Against Fund Of Hedge Funds Manager

29. As we know, the actual performance of the economy has not come close to those initial forecasts.

BBC: A ticking-off for the PM

30. If anything, the fact that his support was not more conditional on Yeltsin's actual performance on democratic and free market reform will probably contribute to a less satisfactory turn of events down the road.










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