
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [kəˈlekʃ(ə)n]play美 [kəˈlekʃ(ə)n]play

  • n. 收藏品,收集物;募捐;一堆(东西),一群(人);系列时装;专辑,作品集;领取,收取;收集,采集;收账,收债;<英>(尤指牛津大学的)学院期初(或期末)考试

复数 collections

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


collection /kəˈlɛkʃən/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A collection of things is a group of similar things that you have deliberately acquired, usually over a period of time. 收藏品

    Robert's collection of prints and paintings has been bought over the years.



    The Art Gallery of Ontario has the world's largest collection of sculptures by Henry Moore.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A collection of stories, poems, or articles is a number of them published in one book. (作品) 集

    Two years ago he published a collection of short stories called "Facing The Music."


  • 3.
    可数名词 A collection of things is a group of things. 组群

    ...a collection of modern glass office buildings.


  • 4.
    可数名词 A fashion designer's new collection consists of the new clothes they have designed for the next season. 时装系列

    Her spring/summer collection for this year deliberately uses both simple and rich fabrics.


  • 5.
    可数名词 If you organize a collection for charity, you collect money from people to give to charity. 募捐

    I asked my principal if he could arrange a collection for a refugee charity.


  • 6.
    可数名词 A collection is money that is given by people in church during some Christian services. (某些基督仪式中人们给教堂的) 捐款
  • 7.
    不可数名词 Collection is the act of collecting something from a place or from people. 收集; 采集

    Money can be sent to any one of 22,000 agents worldwide for collection.


    例: systems to speed up collection of information.





  • n.采集,聚集;[税收]征收;收藏品;募捐

    clustering   /   gather


anthology collection works 【导航词义:文集】

anthology n. 选集

〔辨析〕 主要指诗选,也可指故事、歌曲等的选集,其内容可以选自不同出处,但必须是同一主题。

例1: the anthology of Beethoven symphonies/Li Bai's poems


例2: I bought an anthology of English literature.


collection n. 作品集

〔辨析〕 指故事、诗歌等的集子或音乐专辑。

例1: This is a collection of stories by woman writers.


例2: He has a new collection of Whitman's poetry.


works n. 作品,著作

〔辨析〕 指文字、绘画、音乐等的一系列作品,可以是选集或全集。

例1: works of fiction/literature


例2: I like this new edition of the Complete Works of Shakespeare.



1. Frick Collection 弗里克收藏 ; 弗里克收藏馆 ; 博物馆

2. tax collection 征税;税捐稽征

3. field data collection 野外数据收集

4. Kantai Collection 舰队收藏 ; 舰队收藏主题歌

5. collection agency 为其他公司代收欠款的公司

6. The Wallace Collection 藏馆 ; 华勒斯典藏馆 ; 华莱士收藏

7. collection order 金融 托收委托书 ; 托收 ; 托收指示

8. collection of data 数据收集;资料收集

9. garbage collection 碎片帐集

10. collection period 赊销货款回收期

11. refuse collection 垃圾收集

12. documentary collection 金融 跟单托收 ; 出口跟单托收 ; 跟单讬收 ; 跟单

13. fund collection 集资;资金吸收

14. burrell collection 巴勒珍藏馆 ; 布雷尔收藏馆 ; 收藏馆 ; 伯勒尔收藏馆

15. collection charges 取款费;托收票据手续费

16. data collection 数据收集;资料收集

17. goods collection 集货

18. a collection of 一批,一些;收藏的;许多的;集…为一体的

19. dust collection 收尘;集尘;吸尘

20. collection agent 托收代理人;代收人

21. collection box 募捐箱

22. collection tube 收集管,接收管

23. collection system 收集系统;拖收系统

24. collection efficiency 收集效率

25. specimen collection 样本采集;样本收集

26. collection basis 回收基准;[经]征收基础


1. a collection of stories by women writers


2. They decided to take up a collection and hold a bake sale.


3. He published a collection of short stories.


4. His greatest treasure is his collection of rock records.


5. The painting comes from his private collection.


6. She proudly displayed her collection of ornaments.


7. What is your lab's protocol for the collection of any monetary evidence?


8. The total collection last week amounted to £ 250.


9. There are some notes from the Qing dynasty among his money collection.


10. Our neighbour has most generously swelled the collection with a gift of £25.


11. Based on the investigations the vegetation and the collection of samples, the flora composition of Mt.

对南京幕府山地区进行植物调查和标本采集的基础上, 进行该地区植物区系基本组成分析.《期刊摘选》

12. Money can be sent to any one of 22,000 agents worldwide for collection.


13. His workmates made a collection for his leaving party.


14. Two years ago he published a collection of short stories called 'Facing The Music'...


15. In contrast, the control bus is a collection of individual control signals.

相反, 控制总线是独立控制信号的一件收藏品.《期刊摘选》

16. The collection is housed in a fine building.


17. Can you tell me for what the church will use the money it gets from collections?

你能告诉我教会拿募捐得来的钱干什么用 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

18. The collection seigniorage, may further expand the domestic demand, promotes the economical the positive cycle.

征收铸币税, 可进一步扩大内需, 推动经济的良性循环.《期刊摘选》

19. They sold a valuable art collection and a collection of porcelain at the auction.


20. His entire collection will come under the hammer at next week's sale.


21. First, a process is a collection of threads.

首先, 这个过程是一个收集线索.《期刊摘选》

22. Would you like to contribute to our collection?


23. The efficiency of data collection is an important factor impacting the timber management quality log yard.


24. Small collection of valid data can further enhance the effectiveness of online advertising.


25. Its economy is nomadism, hunting, collection and farming.

其经济主要以游牧为主 、 兼营游猎 、 山林采集和农耕.《期刊摘选》

26. The spectrum detecting system mainly consists of optical system, signal collection system and computer processing system.

该系统主要包括光学系统 、 光电信号采集系统和计算机处理系统.《期刊摘选》

27. Simultaneous signal collection both the head and end of the pipe is realized by adopting GPS.


28. These painting will form the nucleus of a new collection.


29. Next year's collection is still being kept under wraps.


30. Power card duty 5 Yuan, contract duty 750 Yuan ( by house price 0.05 % collection ).

权证印花税5元, 合同印花税750元 ( 以房价的0.05%征收 ).《期刊摘选》

31. The businessman subscribed a large amount to the collection for the hospital.


32. A church takes up a collection to help pay its expenses.


33. Please see our Terms of Privacy Policy & Personal Data Collection.

请参阅本公司私隐政策声明 及 个人资料收集声明.《期刊摘选》

34. The class made a collection for the local hospital.


35. He loaned the museum his entire collection.


36. The last collection from this postbox is at 5.15.


37. This painting is the jewel of my collection.


38. The software of resource information management and collection is a very important part in GRIDWARE.


39. He made his name with several collections of short stories.


40. Gucci will be holding fashion shows to present their autumn collection


41. Bills will be accepted only against immediate cash payment of any bank discount and collection charges.


42. To be responsible for the administration of local tax collection , formulate detailed administrative Methods: Tax collection.

负责地方各税的税收业务管理, 制定具体的征收管理办法.《期刊摘选》

43. In this case, however, what users are seeing is an artifact of the data collection process.

在这种情况下, 然而, 用户看到的是一个伪的数据收集过程.《期刊摘选》

44. I spent a whole week to find a lot of data collection, the site problem clear.

我花了整整一星期时间,找了很多网站收集资料, 才把问题搞清楚.《期刊摘选》

45. The system realize collection, playback, characteristic draw , word discerner.

该系统实现了语音的采集 、 放 、 征提取 、 词识别等功能.《期刊摘选》

46. Sorry. Taking photos of our collection is not allowed.

对不起,不行. 不允许为收藏品拍照.《期刊摘选》

47. She's the editor of a new collection of ghost stories.


48. The British Library holds its collection in trust for the nation


49. The collection has been in storage for decades.


50. The paper introduced standard approaches on collection of parasite samples and preservation of specimens.


51. Some of the items in the collection are mere makeweights.


52. Perhaps we had better begin with the ancient Egyptian collection.


53. This latest collection lacks style and originality.


54. I keep a small collection of bracelets.


55. My aunt has a great collection of artistic silver place card holders.


56. The collection comprises 327 paintings.


57. Customers now can call for supervision and data collection work.


58. The soft structural model mainly include image collection, violation target detection and information storage etc.

软件方面主要包括图像采集 、 违章目标检测与存储等模块.《期刊摘选》

59. His collection of plants contains many rarities.


60. My father has a collection of magazines to which I return every now and then.


61. He was giving his collection away for nothing


62. FIX software provides the hardware system with upper supervision and data collection functions.


63. The first stage in research is data collection.


64. The room was filled with a motley collection of furniture and paintings.


65. The collection has been built up over the last seventeen years.


66. The diagnosis is dependent on the collection and analysis of an uncontaminated urine specimen.


67. Museums are places where collections of objects are preserved and displayed.


68. The Art Gallery of Ontario has the world's largest collection of sculptures by Henry Moore...


69. They have compiled a collection of Elementary Readings on the Natural Scieces to help young people in their studies.


70. The data collection, data display, logical judgement and control are all one system.

本系统是集数据采集 、 数据显示 、 逻辑判断和控制于一体.《期刊摘选》

71. Of our ancestors a period of time, lived in the original collection, the original hunting life.

我们的先民在漫长的岁月里, 过着原始采集 、 原始狩猎的生活.《期刊摘选》

72. He has a valuable collection of stamps.


73. The Old Town has a whole collection of churches, palaces and mosques.


74. Do not lumber my shelf up with your collection of stones and insects.


75. Each member of the club has pledged $ 10 to the collection.


76. The painting has pride of place in his collection.


77. It includes: Video decoding ^ Video collection Video quantizer digital video compression and USB interface.

它包括: 视频图像解码、视频采集、量化以及数字视频图像的压缩和USB的接口.《期刊摘选》

78. I am finally free out of a collection of individual posts.


79. The collection of items can take place in any order that you wish.


80. They attended a sneak preview of the winter fashion collection.


81. In the second chapter, we introduce briefly the principle and application of image collection card.


82. This fine stamp is the pride of my collection.


83. The tax collection of fund is the requirement of the social security system of our country.


84. He would show his collection by gaslight.


85. Antique oriental rugs are included in the world's great art collections.


86. The town made a weekly collection of refuse.


87. There is a large collection of texts available for consultation on-screen.


88. Collection includes firearms, artillery, armed weapons , paper, and uniforms.

收藏品包括枪炮 、 炮、器 、 献和制服.《期刊摘选》

89. The museum includes western cultural history, ethnology, military history, mineralogy, and a large art collections.

包括西方文化史 、 民族学 、 军事史 、 矿物学和大量艺术收藏品.《期刊摘选》

90. This picture is the gem of the collection.


91. refuse/garbage collection

废物 / 垃圾的收运《牛津词典》

92. Such loans usually comes come from poor s pools , or collections of investment money.


93. Missed payments are referred to a collection agency.


94. This provides a firm basis for the collection and industrial development of pine pollen.


95. The firm contributed 10,000 to the collection.


96. She has a fine collection of Bohemian glass.


97. The Brookings Institution has assembled a collection of essays from foreign affairs experts.


98. What does the church do with the money it gets from collections?


99. Robert's collection of prints and paintings has been bought over the years...


100. After looking at this collection , you'll think twice before breaking any laws.

看完这些收藏品后, 你将会在违法之前多想一下.《期刊摘选》

101. a stamp/coin, etc. collection


102. This collection of essays is edited by Ellen Knight.


103. This system is consisted of data collection module and elevator remote monitoring center system.


104. But, in this 20 remaining years of life, country increment duty's collection also has many problems.

但是, 这20余年中, 我国增值税的征收也存在诸多问题.《期刊摘选》

105. The third part introduces the interface between date collection card and computer communication.


106. She selected a diamond ring from the collection.


107. The collection has been built up over the last seventeen years


108. The WVCS the collection and analysis of the wheat variety description issued the authoritative department.


109. The collection includes natural history specimens, Maori artifacts, and social history.

收藏品包括自然史标本 、 毛利族的艺术品和社会历史.《期刊摘选》

110. A jar file is a collection of class files.


111. Chris likes music and has a large collection of albums and cassettes.


112. Your permanent resident visa is ready for collection, as are those of your accompanying dependents any.

您的永久居民签证准备的收集, 为的是您的随行家属,如有的话.《期刊摘选》

113. Secondly, it discussed the methods and means of data preprocess and collection.

其次, 对数据预处理与信息采集的方法与手段进行了探讨.《期刊摘选》

114. Wye Lea is a collection of farm buildings that have been converted into an attractive complex.


115. Provide logistics support to ensure the effectiveness of Partnership Program, collection the partner information on time.


116. The works by Willem de Kooning are on loan from American collections.


117. There is always a strange collection of runners in the London Marathon.


118. I have philatelic friends in foreign countries, and we exchange collections.

在国外我有一些收集邮票的朋友, 我们交换收藏的邮票.《休闲英语会话》

119. This model communicationcommunication system and dedicated hardware devices , so minimizes the data collection system's total cost.


120. Ninety-five percent of its magnificent collection will remain inaccessible to the public.


121. It plans to make the collection available for public viewing once cataloguing is complete.


122. The total collection last week amounted to £250.


123. They took up a collection for the annual dinner.


124. There was a collection of books and shoes on the floor.


125. It involves the collection, treatment, restoration, distribution, analysis, annotation of biological research data.

它所涉及的范围包括生物研究信息的采集 、 处理 、 存储 、 分发 、 分析 、 注释等各个方面.《期刊摘选》

126. I've a whole collection of old lines. It's one of my specialities.

我收集了所有的老诡计, 这是我的专长之一.《辞典例句》

127. Net, implement whole function of pollution charge collection.

Net开发, 实现了排污费征收的全部业务流程.《期刊摘选》

128. I've inventoried my father's collection of prints.


129. Her bottle collection is arranged on glass shelves in the window.


130. His collection of ancient pottery is turning one hundred pieces.


131. I have my own small collection of antiquarian books and first editions my self .

我也收集了不少古书和 初版 书.《期刊摘选》

132. a house-to-house collection for Cancer Research


133. It is the collection of lessons about working out Kernel Mode Driver.


134. Collections on the real property transfer tax were 28 percent below anticipated numbers.


135. During commercial collection, select by random 50 trees distributed over the whole region.

在商业采集期间, 随机选择分布在整个区域中的50棵树.《期刊摘选》

136. Meanwhile, Hangzhou will also suspend the collection real estate registration on related charge.

与此同时, 杭州市还将暂停征收房产登记等相关收费.《期刊摘选》

137. Saturday set apart once a year for taking up collections in aid of hospitals.


138. Social insurance agencies should report regularly to the community bulletin social insurance collection accept social supervision.


139. The Art Gallery of Ontario has the world's largest collection of sculptures by Henry Moore.


140. A collection will be made for the fund.


141. Two years ago he published a collection of short stories called 'Facing The Music'


142. These paintings will form the nucleus of a new collection.


143. Your suit will be ready for collection on Tuesday.


144. The land increment duty according to the checking way collection should be 1 %.


145. With this clever collection in hand, Dad can always travel first class.

这个聪明的收集, 爸爸总是可以坐头等舱.《期刊摘选》

146. It also has some rare collections.


147. I asked my headmaster if he could arrange a collection for a refugee charity.


148. The art collection was his life's work.


149. The book is a collection of his reminiscences about the actress.


150. There always are varieties of noise jamming in the collection data.


151. This delicate crate of thin bamboo strips is my collection.


152. Armani's stunning new autumn collection


153. Some time was required for the collection of her faculties.


154. For an IDS, using direct data collection is better than using indirect data collection.

对于入侵检测系统来说, 使用直接的数据收集方法比使用间接的数据收集方法更为理想.《期刊摘选》

155. And the part of the interface collection must be flexible and extended.


156. How to strengthen the collection and administration of individual income tax in housing sales and leases.


157. Whether the collection of unemployment insurance on the personal tax?


158. In museums and archives the collection of objects or material is catalogued in a collection catalogue.


159. You can store your entire CD collection on the computer's hard drive.


160. The new coin rounded out his collection.


161. If you plan a quantitative study, you will refer to method, data collection and analysis.

如果你要进行定量研究, 你需要借助具体方法 、 数据收集和数据分析.《期刊摘选》

162. So now mineral collection is pretty close to SC 1.


163. Suspend the collection of property registration and other related charges.


164. The African collections in the exhibition room include Liberian costume and ornaments.


165. Responsible for market information collection and analysis.


166. The famous collection of rare antiques is coming out next month.


167. The antique dealer's wife always earmarked the best pieces for her own collection.


168. I keep my collection of old china in the cabinet.


169. His collection of paintings will go on the block tomorrow.


170. The collection includes textiles, art, photos, and history archives.

收藏品包括服饰 、 艺术 、 照片和历史档案.《期刊摘选》

171. A microcomputer data collection and management system for ZrO oxygen analyzer is described.


172. Wikiquote aims to be an accurate and comprehensive collection of notable quotations.


173. Exempts the collection land increment duty temporarily.


174. Reform requires comprehensive approach, including development of tax rolls ( cadastre ), valuation, and collection.

改革需要综合方案, 包括税务记录 ( 地籍簿 ) 改善, 评估和征收.《期刊摘选》

175. Documentation, archiving and organization of Long March Collection, archive and artist files.

长征收藏 、 文档和艺术家资料等的整理 、 归档工作.《期刊摘选》

176. He has a large priceless collection of paintings.


177. This thief was beaten for trying to steal from the church collection box.


178. systems to speed up collection of information.


179. For the following 17 years, special guards protected the collection as It'secretly traveled through China.

接下来的十七年间, 特别侍卫保护着收藏品,令其秘密地横越中国.《期刊摘选》

180. Mr. Pantelaras was asking $6,000 for his collection.


181. Explain in detail the methodology involved and the steps from sampling, data collection, data analysis.

请详述由采样 、 收集数据 、 数据分析各个阶段所采取的方法和步骤.《期刊摘选》

182. He was giving his collection away for free.



1. an inestimable art collection


2. To see a large collection of the artist's work, you can visit the Wilhelmi/Holland Gallery next to W Studio.

VOA : special.2009.09.09

3. This was followed by an exclusive opportunity to shop the collection via an on-site pop-up store.

FORBES: Watch The Versace For H&M Fashion Show. Plus: See Prince Perform

4. It's an excellent textbook; it's an excellent collection, and you should get them both.

这是一本非常经典的教材,当然读本也同样精彩,要求大家两本书都有心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. But here,the many objects are stored behind glass so the public can explore the Met's rich collection of historical objects.

VOA : special.2010.08.04

6. They found it easy to settle in a country that, until seventeen seventy-six, was a collection of British colonies.

VOA : special.2010.05.20

7. "We built out a whole customized system, with Salesforce's support, of call tracking, data collection, " the CEO says.

CNN: Can 'Big Data' stamp out human trafficking?

8. With past due accounts come the inevitable debt collection agencies and the credit score destruction.

FORBES: Geraldine Ferraro And The High Cost Of Cancer Drugs

9. Orchid plants are blooming out of pots, climbing on trees or overflowing from baskets among the garden's permanent collection.

VOA : special.2010.04.06

10. Today, the ragtag collection of houseboats is in the thousands, and residents visit each other in kayaks.

BBC: Hiking and houseboats in Sausalito

11. He says that about eight hundred of the puppets in the Center for Puppetry Arts collection are from Asia.

VOA : special.2009.09.23

12. This collection of essays is edited by Ellen Knight.


13. In addition to world-class Chinese and Pacific Island displays, the museum boasts a fine Native American collection.

BBC: Historical day trips from Boston

14. "We'd like to see clearer rules about the collection of the images, " Rotenberg said.

CNN: TSA removes body scanners criticized as too revealing

15. next collection: 5pm


16. There is no Sunday collection.


17. The mind is the collection of activities based in the brain that involve how we act, think,feel and reason.

VOA : special.2010.04.13

18. It is going to give me back a tuple a collection of two things, and so check out the syntax.

它将给我返回一个数组或者系列的一对值,然后检查一下语法。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

19. She spent her later years turning her home and art collection into a beautiful museum for the public to enjoy.

VOA : special.2009.01.11

20. an extraordinary collection of expressionist paintings


21. This is an ancient collection of documents.

它是一部古典文献的集合。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. which has one part with a collection of things that have to do with medicine and being a doctor

这里有一部分的收藏品是关于药物和医生的,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 神奇的博物馆

23. The entire human genetic blueprint is in the process of collection, in the Human Genome Project.

FORBES: A hail of silver bullets

24. International experts are gathering on Iona this week to discuss its globally-important collection of carved stones.

BBC: Iona

25. These are linguistic terms. But of course, the people who spoke them, especially in the early years, tended to be part of a relatively narrow collection of people, who intermarried with each other chiefly, and therefore developed common cultural characteristics.

这时的希腊语主要是一些语意项,不过当然,那些讲希腊语的人,特别是在早期,是一个相对小范围的人群,他们主要在族群内部通婚,由此,发展出相近的文化特征古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. The collection was the basis for the Peabody Essex Museum that subsequently also reflects Salem's rich maritime history.

BBC: Historical day trips from Boston

27. The Duke was infamous amongst the chattering classes for his mounting debts and extensive antiques collection.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - Secret scrawling discovered at Blenheim in restaurant conservation project

28. Rome, like most cities, is a collection of districts, all with their particular character.

BBC: An evening out in Rome

29. Despite Hockney's stature, the most recent of his pieces in the Tate's collection dates back to 1977.

BBC: Tate Modern could benefit from the scheme

30. The Jessica Simpson Collection extends into 22 product categories including shoes, apparel, accessories and fragrances.

FORBES: Jessica Simpson to Unveil Jewelry Collection

31. We asked Barbara Wolanin to take us through several important rooms to learn more about the building's art and statue collection.

VOA : special.2010.01.27

32. The Priaulx Library in St Peter Port keeps a few tattered Alberts among its collection.

BBC: The Channel Islands surviving lore

33. If you ever want to take a look at -- and I urge you to -The Variorum Commentary on the Poems of John Milton in the CCL collection, you should peruse it.

如果你们想要看一看-我也要求你们去,看一看,在耶鲁的图书收藏里,你们应该去找找看这本书。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. The permanent collection concentrates on international contemporary art post-1945, including Picasso, Giacometti, Baselitz, Warhol and Bacon.

BBC: Day trips from Copenhagen

35. But that's not enough because computers at the end 1 of the day only understand 0s and 1s and what you and is clearly not a collection of 0s and 1s.

但是仅仅这样是不够的,计算机,最终只会认识0和,你现在得到的,c的文件显然不是0,1的合集。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

36. Then we talked a little bit about the sort of physics of what holds cells together to form a collection of cells, a tissue and to make up the structure of our body.

之后我们也谈了一点有关于,使细胞聚集形成组织,进而成为身体架构的物理原理生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. I was able to do letter writing, I was able to do data collection, and do a product there.

我以前上书信写作的课,要上数据搜集的课,还要上美工课。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. I'm Faith Lapidus. And I'm Bob Doughty. Next week,we visit another important art collection, at the Vatican in Italy.

VOA : special.2010.01.27

39. He has a big collection of interesting small objects such as maps,tools, game pieces,and dolls for putting inside the containers.

VOA : special.2009.09.16

40. The auction house said the collection went for twice as much as the original estimate.

BBC: Gina Lollobrigida jewellery raises $5m at Geneva auction

41. but there you actually have like a collection of all these businesses in one place.

但是你又感觉这像一个商业机构的运营。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于哥伦布环岛

42. When you've doffed your apron, take time to check out the palazzo's fabulous art collection.

BBC: From gladiators to pasta: Top Roman courses to take

43. Britny Alvarado, a 15-year-old eleventh grader in Connecticut, is building up her ringtone collection.

FORBES: The Mobile Locker

44. The Daphne du Maurier gem was hidden in a collection of stories by different authors.

BBC: Daphne du Maurier in Fowey

45. To help pay back some of the debt that he owed, he offered up the collection.

BBC: Marilyn Monroes new Polish home

46. The curriculum outline activities that address learning skills in each learning grade level, including letter writing, data collection, reading, research skills and presentation skills, critical thinking and collaborative working in small groups.

教程总体活动注重,培养学生在每个年级水平的,学习技巧,包括书信写作,数据搜集,阅读,研究技巧,展示技巧,批判性思维,还有小组的团队协作能力。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

47. Several large animal species had disappeared so people had to find other animals and so this changed from going to find animals to domesticating animals, and shift from collection of plants to production of plants.

很多大型动物物种已经灭绝了,人类不得不去寻找其他动物,因此这也就完成了从狩猎到驯养的转变,从采集到种植的飞跃关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. It is a collection of linked short stories about the lives of very rich and very poor people in Pakistan.

VOA : special.2010.01.01

49. Another area has a collection of irons and other devices used for cleaning and pressing clothes in Chinese laundries.

VOA : special.2010.03.03

50. Collection by various kinds of cameras and electronic intercepts suffers from problems not entirely dissimilar.


51. And it's literally, for about a month, the whole city is being turned into a massive collection of theatres.

大约是一个月,整个城市都变成了一个宏大的戏剧的作品集。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 正在准备庆典

52. The site has a vast collection of housing-related information relevant to home buyers, investors and developers.

NYTIMES: Housing

53. The Wellcome Collection is a museum on the Euston Road, next door to the trust.

BBC: The man who gives away ?600m a year

54. Why is it like your collection of skateboards?

为什么这和你收集滑板有相同之处呢?公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. The diversity of the collection ranges from photographs, patient letters, admission certificates and application forms.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - A relic to a forgotten era: over a century of material documenting the medically incarcerated linked with Wellcome Trust in new project

56. The collection is all that jazz meets Annie Get Your Gun meets vintage Marc Jacobs.

FORBES: Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and Marc Jacobs Close New York Fashion Week

57. And, the museum invites public school students to view the collection while also providing teachers with art education projects.

VOA : special.2009.01.11

58. She won a National Book Award in two thousand for her poetry collection "Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems."

VOA : special.2010.04.18

59. Karriere is a seminal bar conceived by Danish artist Jeppe Hein that is also an art collection.

BBC: Copenhagens gritty gastronomic quarter

60. Visit the Take Back Day website to find a collection site near you.

WHITEHOUSE: Protecting Our Environment and Our Health: Earth Day + National Take-Back Day | The White House

61. The Stein room is where the collection's most prestigious silk paintings live, far from public gaze.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | The original Chinese takeaway

62. One story Ms Willmore was particularly keen to add to her collection was The Doll.

BBC: Daphne du Maurier in Fowey

63. The iconic hotel has been open since 1910 and is part of the Starwood Luxury Collection.

BBC: Business trip: San Diego

64. Yale also has an art collection, which is worth many billions, but we don't count that as part of the endowment because they will never sell it so it doesn't provide income for us.

耶鲁还有一些艺术藏品,价值好几亿美元,但我们并不把它作为基金的一部分,因为学校不会卖掉它们,所以它不会为学校提供任何收入金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. And this is the familiar result from ordinary mechanics, where you're not worrying about something like entropy for a whole collection of particles.

在普通力学中,如果不关注大量粒子的熵,诸如此类的物理量的话,这就是我们通常见到的结果。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课



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