more severely是什么意思_more severely短语搭配_more severely权威例句

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more severely

adv. 严重地;严厉地;严格地;苛刻地


英 [mɔː(r) sɪ'vɪə(r)li]play 美 [mɔːr sɪ'vɪrli]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. giving punishment more severely 从重处罚

2. more severely dyslexic chinese 患有较严重阅读障碍的中国人

3. And Treated More Severely 且对待日益严厉


1. The landscape fragmentation showed a slightly increasing trend, indicating that the research area was disturbed by human activities more severely.


2. And more severely when weather change?


3. More severely, they can distrust each other.


4. Workers are more severely affected.


5. In addition, Beijing will punish those people who violate the regulations of emission-reduction more severely.


6. Such a bias twists investors' psychology and behavior more severely than limited rationality-caused bias.


7. You think that muggers should be punished more severely?


8. Therefore nothing other than a hurt received in love affairs affects one more severely.


9. Four cases developed incision hemorrhage and 2 of them presented more severely.


10. The old man is more severely ill now than last week.


11. The knowledge-based economy ages put forward more severely and completely of knowledge need.


12. The figures reflect, in part, how the global recession hit the U. S. more severely than China and hurt U. S. industrial activity and energy use.


13. They thought the harm which brought about by "called mean and hurtful names', 'spread rumors' and compelling behavior more severely than male teachers."


14. The environment ministry says it will put full-time inspectors into all big mines, tighten licensing and punish polluters more severely.


15. The results indicate that the kidney of amphibian is damaged more severely with increase in the doses of cadmium and time treated.


16. In fact, some who begin at the more severely affected end of the spectrum can become higher functioning as they grow and learn.


17. The more deeply the electricity reform goes on, the more severely the competition environment becomes for the project of power generation.


18. Should the wife recall the old form sexual life and attempt to revive it, she is punished more severely than ever.

如果妻子回想起昔日的性的实践而想加以恢复时,她就要受到比过去任何时候都更严厉的惩罚。《provided by jukuu》

19. From 1980s to now, tax competition among governments in different countries and local governments in the same country takes on a more severely competitive trend.


20. Ascariasis occurs in people of all ages, though children are affected more severely than adults.

各年龄的人均可被蛔虫感染, 其中小孩被感染后比成人要严重的多.《互联网》

21. Although he had become more severely paralyzed, Hawking became a professor at Cambridge.


22. Furthermore, Beijing will punish those who violate the rules of emission-reduction more severely.


23. Dispersion influence on SMF is more severely than DSF based on the observation of BER under different environment.


24. Conclusion Unilateral mandible strike could induce bilateral TMJ blunt trauma, and the ipsilateral joint was more severely damaged.


25. The syndrome integral score of liver, spleen and kidney was higher with more severely Yin deficiency and Qi deficiency during metaphase.


26. Nucleic acid reduction occurred more severely following 2 Gy irradiation than following 15% BSA third degree burns.


27. Often, paralysis involves only one rear leg, or one rear leg is more severely affected than the other.


28. But times have changed. If the younger Mr Papandreou fails, Greece will surely be punished far more severely.


29. The results show that PPS resin is damaged more severely by the weather aging than by the hot water aging.


30. A simple technique of DNA analysis showed that two of the more severely affected triplets were monozygotic and the third less severely affected triplet dizygotic.


31. Strains on capital will also intensify if European economies stall more severely than expected.


32. The closer to rubbish landfill site, the pollution was more severely. The Pb content in longan fruit from polluted orchard was remarkably over standard.


33. The damage of outer hair cells of group B was much more severely hurt than that of group C.


34. The higher is the heating temperature, the more severely is the AIN film being oxidized.


35. The more severely the neural function was damaged, the higher the incidence of the PSD was.


36. Due to long-term excessive N fertilizer application, unreasonable farming system and management measures, the soil acidification in north China was getting more severely.


37. These things always come on us more severely when they come suddenly.


38. Dispersion influence on SMF is more severely than DSF based on the observation of BER under different environment.


39. Often, paralysis involves only one rear leg, or one rear leg is more severely affected than the other.


40. The old man is more severely ill now than last week.


41. According to the experiment results Yali was found more severely infected by browning than the other two cultivars.


42. When the misalignments increase, the phase distribution of BCAR output field is twisted more severely.


43. Library search for UV spectra is more difficult than that for infrared (IR) spectra, because the UV spectra overlap more severely than IR spectra.


44. Children were more severely infected by the deadly bacteria.


45. While the deterioration of the world-wide natural environment, China is suffering from natural catastrophes (CAT) more frequently and more severely.


46. With the" main objective of imparting knowledge to teachers as the main and center," the traditional teaching mode, due to socio-economic development and not suited to the needs of students grow, more and more severely by the people questioned and criticized.


47. The results show that sericin protein deteriorates more severely with the increasing temperature and time in the test.


48. The plot of the movie is also damaged by the time constraints, and more severely than the use of characters.


49. You think that muggers should be punished more severely? Just so, I'm in total agreement.


50. The knowledge-based economy ages put forward more severely and completely of knowledge need.


51. To improve this condition ( situation), the government should enforce the law more severely.


52. But you should know that Hogwarts can expel students, and the Ministry of Magic - yes, there is a Ministry - will punish law breakers still more severely.


53. Aggregation function of platelets after cryopreservation was damaged more severely.


54. If there is no significant rainfall in the next 15 days, the wheat-producing regions will be impacted more severely and we will face a more daunting task.


55. A US slowdown, with reduced demand for exports, would hit Chinese growth more severely than any domestic tightening.


56. The United Nations report says climate change will affect poor countries, cities and individuals more severely.

联合国报告声称气候变化将更严重地影响到贫穷落后的国家,城市及个人。《provided by jukuu》

57. Boys are usually more severely affected with the condition - which is the leading known cause of autism - because they have only one X chromosome.


58. You think that muggers should be punished more severely? Just so, I'm in total agreement.

你认为行凶抢劫者应该受到更严厉的制裁? 完全正确, 我举双手赞成.《简明英汉词典》

59. Thomas'insights also reveal, conversely, that some cooler areas might be more severely hit by rising temperatures than previously thought.


60. Deflation economic is more severely to middle region and western region than to eastern region;


61. People who overstay their visas are being treated more severely than in the past.

签证超期的人现在接受比过去更严厉的处置。《provided by jukuu》

62. Oil exporters and middle income countries were hit more severely than low-income, fragile and less integrated countries – at least initially.


63. With the rapid acceleration of urban development, cities are threatened by disasters more severely.

我国的城市发展已经进入了快速增长时期, 城市遭受灾害威胁的形势更加严峻.《互联网》


1. Kasai noted that one of the ways that H1N1 differs from seasonal flu and other pandemics is that it seems to affect young adults more severely, in addition to traditionally high-risk populations like children and the elderly.

FORBES: Healthcare

2. Strains on capital will also intensify if European economies stall more severely than expected.

ECONOMIST: Are European banks insulated from the panic in America?

3. This is even more important when fiscal policy is also severely constrained by Europe's stability and growth pact.

ECONOMIST: Euro-area economies

4. What's more, severely limiting your calories can actually keep the pounds on down the road.

CNN: Weight loss tips for new moms

5. It's seen even more severely, in some ways, at the smaller sister papers, like my old paper, the Baltimore Sun or at Newsday in Long Island -also a very distinguished newspaper, which no longer have foreign bureaus.

NPR: Tribune Co. Turmoil Highlights Industry Problems

6. "They are more severely affected, and that is consistent with what we are seeing with this H1N1, " she said.

CNN: Study: H1N1 virus more severely affects pregnant women

7. The figures reflect, in part, how the global recession hit the U.S. more severely than China and hurt U.S. industrial activity and energy use.

FORBES: China Passes U.S. As Top Energy User

8. Ministers had wanted to reduce the amount of money paid to disabled children who do not need care at night, such as the profoundly deaf or those with Down Syndrome, arguing that it would help direct more support towards the most severely disabled.

BBC: Peers inflict seventh Welfare Reform Bill defeat

9. This could have destroyed HSBC's relatively small US retail banking business and - more importantly - severely impaired its ability to conduct business anywhere in the world: the reputational damage of being blacklisted in America would have been terrible and, without access to dollars from the New York Fed, HSBC's vast international wholesale operations would have been in trouble.

BBC: Are some banks too big to jail?

10. Earlier this year, the health secretary ordered an investigation into NHS Ayrshire and Arran after the health board was severely criticised for withholding more than 50 reports on serious incidents at its hospitals and clinics.

BBC: Secret Scottish NHS incident reports released

11. The real lesson of the Rocker affair is that words are often punished more severely than deeds.

ECONOMIST: John Rocker, under fire

12. The new Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which will take effect in 2013, provides more tools for the IRS, not only to pursue non-complying U.S. taxpayers, but also to more severely penalize those taxpayers it prosecutes.

FORBES: FATCA: Giving More Tools to the IRS

13. Where that unity between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats will be more severely strained is when they have to say something about their plans for beyond the 2015 election.

BBC: The Autumn Statement: Poets or rockers?

14. Mr. Donohue, 33, also worked a detail at the marathon on Monday, when two bombs killed three people and wounded more than 170, some severely.

WSJ: Shot Officer Critical but Stable

15. The question of why severely depressed patients suffer from infections more often than the average person attracted the attention of Gregory Miller, a psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University, also in Pittsburgh.

ECONOMIST: The power of negative thinking

16. The researchers found that HIV positive women are infected more frequently and more severely with malaria compared to women who do not have the virus.

BBC: NEWS | Health | Malaria increases baby's HIV risk

17. Muslims have never been more severely afflicted than they are nowadays.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: More definitive proof of zakat funding jihad

18. After Mexico, governments should have found ways to punish rescued lenders more assuredly and more severely.

ECONOMIST: Kill or cure?

19. Franklin Roosevelt's policies, which included even more tax increases, severely hampered recovery.

FORBES: Capitalism: A True Love Story

20. It is certainly possible that the stellar success of Samsung has simply dented its three struggling rivals even more severely than was anticipated two months ago.

FORBES: Silent Spring - What the Handset Warning Cluster Means

21. This reduction was aimed at encouraging banks to borrow more freely from the Fed rather than severely tightening credit.

NPR: Fed Cuts Key Interest Rate by Quarter-Point

22. So, for example, Jim Doyle here I think will testify, had we not provided this federal aid, the states would have had to cut much more severely police officers, teachers, firefighters, and so forth.

WHITEHOUSE: Town Hall Meeting on the Economy

23. Had his "leadership" actually been followed at the time, the Nation would have been left even more severely ill-prepared to deal with today's threats than we are at present.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The anti-strength candidate

24. That is the sort of moral immunity we normally extend to persons who lack the capacity to understand either the consequences of their actions or the difference between right and wrong: very young children, extreme mental defectives and, more controversially, the severely mentally ill.

WSJ: Best of the Web Today: 'Stop Being a Baby'

25. "The whole agricultural sector has taken a heavy hit, which will be felt all the more severely as agriculture was still recovering after many difficult years, " he said.

BBC: Farming incomes in Scotland 'fall by a fifth' from 2011 high

26. Also, antidepressants tend to help severely depressed patients far more than people with mild depression or those who are temporarily blue from troubles such as a relative dying, rather than chemical imbalances in the brain.

WSJ: Pfizer disputes suit claiming Zoloft doesn't work

27. No matter how well prepared you are, the three C's will happen, sometimes in minor ways, other times more severely.

FORBES: How To Be A Values-Based Leader In Times Of Trial

28. Some residents have said the village has been affected more severely than during flash floods in 2007, when more than 150 homes were damaged.

BBC: Kempsey community 'pulls together' after floods

29. They fall more severely, with recent collapses of 14%-20% versus the 3%-5% range before 2000.

WSJ: Michael Solon: The Revenue Deficit From Progressive Tax Rates











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