
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [wɜːld]play美 [wɜːrld]play

  • n. 世界,地球,天下;星球,天体;地区,国家,时代;社会,生活;领域,界,圈子;生物界,自然界;人生,生活圈子,阅历;人世,今生,来世;世俗;(有某种特色的)地方,情景;大量,无数;一切,重要性(the world)
  • adj. 世界上最重要的,世界闻名的;世界(性)的;环球的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


world /wɜːld/

  • 1.
    单数型名词 The world is the planet that we live on. 地球

    The satellite enables us to calculate their precise location anywhere in the world.


  • 2.
    单数型名词 The world refers to all the people who live on this planet, and our societies, institutions, and ways of life. 世人

    The world was, and remains, shocked.



    He wants to show the world that anyone can learn to be an ambassador.


  • 3.
    形容词 You can use world to describe someone or something that is one of the most important or significant of its kind on earth. 世界性的

    China has once again emerged as a world power.


  • 4.
    单数型名词 You can use world in expressions such as the Arab world, the Western world, and the ancient world to refer to a particular group of countries or a particular period in history. 世界 (指某些国家或时期)

    Athens had strong ties to the Arab world.


  • 5.
    可数名词 Someone's world is the life they lead, the people they have contact with, and the things they experience. 生活世界; 生活圈子

    His world seemed so different from mine.


  • 6.
    单数型名词 You can use world to refer to a particular field of activity, and the people involved in it. 界

    The publishing world had certainly never seen an event quite like this.


  • 7.
    单数型名词 You can use world to refer to a particular group of living things, for example, the animal world, the plant world, and the insect world. (某生物) 界

    When it comes to dodging disaster, the champions of the insect world have to be cockroaches.


  • 8.
    →see also   real world Third World
  • 9.
    习语 If you say that someone has the best of both worlds, you mean that they have only the benefits of two things and none of the disadvantages. 两全其美

    Her living room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at one end and comfortable sofas at the other.


  • 10.
    习语 If you say that something has done someone a world of good, you mean that it has made them feel better or improved their life. 对…大有好处

    Just sit for a while and relax. It will do you a world of good.


  • 11.
    习语 You can use in the world in expressions such as what in the world and who in the world to emphasize a question, especially when expressing surprise or anger. 到底 (表示强调)强调

    What in the world is he doing?


  • 12.
    习语 You can use in an ideal world or in a perfect world when you are talking about things that you would like to happen, although you realize that they are not likely to happen. 在理想状态下

    In an ideal world Karen Stevens says she would love to stay at home with her two-and-half-year-old son.


  • 13.
    习语 You can use the outside world to refer to all the people who do not live in a particular place or who are not involved in a particular situation. 外界

    For many, the post office is the only link with the outside world.


  • 14.
    not be the end of the world →see   end
  • 15.
    the world is your oyster →see   oyster
  • 16.
    on top of the world →see   top



  • adj.

    worldly 世俗的;世间的;尘世的

  • adv.

    worldly 世俗地;世故地

  • n.

    worldliness 俗气;世俗心;世故;物欲



earth globe world 【导航词义:地球,世界】

earth n. 地球,世界

〔辨析〕 指人类居住的星球。

例1: 71% of the earth's surface is sea.


例2: He must be the happiest person on earth!


globe n. 地球,世界

〔辨析〕 通常与定冠词 the 连用,指我们生活的世界,尤用于强调范围之大。

例1: Their goods are exported all over the globe.


例2: His travels have taken him to every corner of the globe.


world n. 世界

〔辨析〕 通常与定冠词 the 连用,多指地球上的世界,包含其中的国家、社会和人。

例1: The Second World War broke out in 1939.


例2: He is the tallest man in the world.


例3: This toy robot is the latest craze all over the world.



1. outside world 外部世界

2. second world 第二世界

3. World Bank 世界银行 ; 天下银行 ; 天下银止

4. world bank n. 世界银行

5. world economy [经]世界经济

6. a world of 很多;极大的

7. world trade organization 世界贸易组织(产生于关贸总协定的乌拉圭谈判, 其目的是为促进多边贸易谈判和协议而成立的。)

8. world war 世界大战

9. world war ii 第二次世界大战

10. World Music 世界音乐 ; 韩红 ; 韩红天路 ; 什么是

11. world market 世界市场

12. real world 现实世界;真正的世界

13. World Trade Center 贸易 世界贸易中心 ; 世贸中心 ; 纽约世界贸易中心 ; 世贸大厦

14. Wayne's World 反斗智多星 ; 片 ; 威耐的世界 ; 反斗智多星威耐的世界

15. in the world 在世界上;到底

16. Dubai World 迪拜世界 ; 迪拜世界集团 ; 杜拜世界 ; 迪拜世界公司

17. world trade 世界贸易

18. throughout the world 全世界

19. New World 新世界 ; 新大陆 ; 新世界连锁酒店 ; 新的世界

20. around the world 世界各地;全世界;环游世界

21. world health organization 世界卫生组织

22. for the world (否定句内)无论如何;(肯定句内)每一方面都…

23. world peace 世界和平

24. world cup n. 世界杯

25. new world 新世界(指西半球或南、北美洲及其附近岛屿)

26. World Cup 世界杯 ; 南非世界杯 ; 世界杯足球赛 ; 世界杯赛

27. WORLD WAR II 第二次世界大战 ; 二战 ; 二次世界大战 ; 二战历史图册

28. all over the world adv. 全世界

29. The World 世界 ; 世界地图 ; 世界之窗 ; 世界舆图




all over the world 全世界

anywhere in the world 世界上任何地方

around the world 全世界


travel the world 周游世界


world history 世界历史

world peace 世界和平

world premiere 全球首映(或首演)

world of something …的世界;…的圈子;…界

world record 世界纪录


1. The contributors are the acknowledged world leaders in their fields.


2. Have you read this month's 'Physics World'?


3. a meeting of world leaders


4. It's the best job in the whole wide world.


5. The saddest thing in the world is a little baby nobody wants...


6. The world record stood for 20 years.


7. We live in an increasingly interdependent world.


8. The world desperately needs an effective WTO.


9. What price England winning the World Cup?


10. Many changes took place between the two world wars.


11. Where in the world were you when I was struggling for my life?


12. We cannot, of course, stop the world but we can rotate the interferometer.


13. Failing one exam is not the end of the world.


14. Charlie McCreevy, a European commissioner, warned the IASB that it didnot live in a political vacuumbutin the real world and that Europe could yet develop different rules.

欧洲委员查理·麦克里对警告国际会计准则理事会发出警告,称理事会“不是活在政治真空当中”,而是在“现实世界里”。同时,欧洲也可以制定与之不同的准则。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

15. Now, the world is dark and dirty, with no room for happiness.

现在, 地球又黑又脏, 没有幸福.《期刊摘选》

16. ...a golf course set in a hidden world of parkland, forest and lakes...


17. Abroad, Mr Bush was seen as a world statesman...


18. Athens had strong ties to the Arab world.


19. His column is syndicated throughout the world.


20. The patient must re-enter a world full of problems and stresses.


21. Furthermore, we are introducing a world innovation in the field of child safety.

此外, 我们引入了一个在儿童安全领域的全球创新.《期刊摘选》

22. You will always have the bad as well as the good in the world.


23. I felt I was in an Alice-in-Wonderland world.


24. World War I left an indelible imprint on the twentieth-century world.


25. In an ideal world Karen Stevens says she would love to stay at home with her two-and-half-year old son...


26. If we did all this, the world of finance would be duller and safer.

如果我们做到所有这些, 金融领域将更加枯燥和安全.《期刊摘选》

27. Students come here from the four corners of the world.


28. She held the title of world champion for three years.


29. One boy said, “I’d rather be concentrating on artistic efforts than saving the world or something.”

一个男生说:“我宁愿专注于在艺术上付出努力,也不想干什么拯救地球之类的事。”《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

30. “But we’re going to have questions like that where we have things we’re doing that don’t make sense when the market changes and the world changes.

“但是,当市场和世界形势发生变化时,我们所做之事没有意义的话,我们将会遇到类似的问题。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

31. Mommy dear, tell me please Is the world really round?

亲爱的妈咪, 请告诉我地球真的是圆的 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

32. a map of the world


33. Crude oil is the world's most important commodity.


34. In the field of consumer electronics, Philips is determined to remain a world leader.


35. They qualified for the World Cup.


36. We stayed up all night, setting the world to rights.


37. Healing Our World: Weekly Comment Can Life Survive Earth's Depleted Ozone Layer?

治疗我们的世界: 每周评论生命能够在地球耗竭的臭氧层底下存活 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

38. the Arab world


39. Governments the world over should do something about it.


40. She is currently rated number two in the world.


41. UNSW is a recognised world leader in silicon solar cell technology.


42. Sarah was nine years old and until that moment she had been locked in a world of her own.


43. He had no one in the world but her.


44. There are about 30 000 species of fish in the world.


45. Each of us holds a special weight in our respective sides of the world.


46. Man was drawing closer to the stars, opening new worlds.


47. What in the world is he doing?...


48. So large is the Pacific, covering 30% of the planet’s surface, that the 31 specific energy generated by its warming is enough to touch off a series of weather changes around the world.

太平洋太大了,覆盖了地球30% 的表面积,因此,因其升温而产生的(31) 特定能量足以引发全球的一系列天气变化。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

49. travelling (all over) the world


50. The world was, and remains, shocked...


51. We will open the service sector to the outside world step by step.

逐步推进服务领域开放.《汉英非文学 - 十六大报告》

52. I never felt I achieved a great deal in my life, apart from bringing my children into the world.


53. National boundaries are going up even on the Internet, the emblem of the borderless world.


54. This is a sinful world.


55. In the art world that meant collectors stayed away from galleries and salerooms.

在艺术领域,这意味着收藏家们远离了画廊和拍卖行。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

56. It did not take adequate steps to correct this structural transformation of the financial world.


57. The publishing world had certainly never seen an event quite like this.


58. China has once again emerged as a world power...


59. The whole world was waiting for news of the astronauts.


60. Today’s battery breakthroughs come as the world looks to expand modern energy access to the billion or so people without it, while also cutting back on fuels that warm the planet.

在电池技术实现突破的今天,全世界正期望着让近十亿人用上之前接触不到的现代能源,同时还得减少使用那些会造成地球变暖的燃料。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

61. The archbishop has sounded a warning to world leaders on third world debt.


62. An environmental movement was born, and Earth Day is now observed around the world.

一个环境运动由此而生, 地球日现在已经被世界认可了.《期刊摘选》

63. We traveled halfway across the world to pay for our own execution?

你的意思是我们跑了大半个地球就是为了我们自己的死刑付钱 吗 ?《电影对白》

64. The eyes of the world are on the President.


65. Already, the new world of wellness is becoming fiercely competitive.


66. Milne, A . 1997 . Our drowning world: population , pollution and future wather . Redwoods publishing, USA.

[中译本:消失中的地球: 新时代的预言-世纪方舟的警讯, 武陵出版有限公司. ]《期刊摘选》

67. Forget about the outside world the city impetuous, forget secular strife, is not an enjoyment?

忘却喧嚣浮躁的尘世, 忘却世俗的纷争, 是不是一种享受?《期刊摘选》

68. She has three world titles.


69. It's the world's biggest computer company.


70. When I'm swimming I'm in a world of my own...


71. We live in an imperfect world.


72. This discovery disproved the idea that the world was flat.


73. His world seemed so different from mine...


74. The study ’ s most striking findings shed light on the racial biases permeating the professional world.

这项研究最惊人的结果是发现了种族歧视已经渗透在了各种专业领域。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

75. There's a world of difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production.


76. In recent years, this field attracted much attention all over the world.


77. I carry in my world that flourishes the world that have failed.


78. I always think insular , from this world. Be psychology has a problem so?

我总是想与世隔绝, 远离尘世. 这样是不是心理有问题?《期刊摘选》

79. This is a great step forward for the brave new world of the service industry.


80. Citations , in the research world, have nothing to do with traffic tickets.

在研究领域中, 引用与交通门票无关.《期刊摘选》

81. He said he would aim for the 100 metre world record at the world championships in August.


82. Motorola is known around the world for innovation in communications.


83. Her family are scattered around the world.


84. We often talk about how the Internet is revolutionizing the world of commerce.


85. Germany hosted the World Cup finals.


86. Some senior figures in the financial world are looking for solutions to this.


87. World records tumbled at the last Olympics.


88. People are basically the same the world over.


89. Can privacy be preserved while bringing safety and security to a world that seems increasingly lawless?

在维护隐私权的同时,能否给似乎日渐消失去法律控制的互联网领域带来安全保障?《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

90. The application of electrolysis to the environmental protection around world in recent years are reviewed.


91. campaigning for world peace


92. He wants to show the world that anyone can learn to be an ambassador.


93. What in the world did they think they were doing?


94. Some problems are the same the world over...


95. The book transports you to another world.


96. Carl Safina : We are blessed with a magnificent and miraculous world ocean on this planet.

卡尔·萨芬娜: 人类是非常有福的,因为地球上存在着如此神奇壮丽的海洋.《期刊摘选》

97. Long ago, people believed that the world was flat.


98. Any of various large , tailless Old World Pongidae , including the chimpanzee, gorilla, gibbon, and orangutan.

通常被认为猩猩的集合; 大猩猩; 黑猩猩; 某些领域包括长臂猿.《期刊摘选》

99. Some were from worlds subjugated by the Empire.


100. Good fortune will follow you, both in this world and the next.


101. But an entrepreneurial spirit does not to be limited to the business world.


102. Which is the largest city in the world?


103. The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.


104. Suppose the world were flat.


105. Very slowly the continents are across the facethe world.


106. She decided to renounce the world and enter a convent.


107. Kasparov became world champion.


108. They've travelled all over the world.


109. Americans like to believe that the world cannot possibly function without their presence.


110. An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world.

飞机为你提供非凡的,令人惊诧不已的地球景色. (句中的view既有凝视的动作含义,又有风景的状态含义)《用法词典》

111. It's a beautiful part of the world...


112. Get the best of all worlds on one map on your own mobile phone.


113. People came from all over the world to view her work.


114. When they do, they enter into the world of politics.

它们这样做的时候, 就进入了政治领域.《期刊摘选》

115. Some fly very long distances, including one kind of bird that flies from the remote north of the world, all the way to the distant south.

有些鸟要飞非常远的距离,包括一种要从地球上极偏北地区一路飞到极偏南地区的鸟。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

116. She has a very narrow view of the world.


117. Parents are the most important people in a child's world.


118. As the Beijing Olympic theme song says, you and me, from one world, we are family.

北京奥运会主题曲《我和你》中有一句歌词,“我和你, 心连心, 同住地球村”.《期刊摘选》

119. The tragedy resounded around the world.


120. This mortal world grain of sand, miniscule.

尘世的一粒沙子, 微乎其微.《期刊摘选》

121. Have you read this month's 'Physics World'?


122. It is Christianity that began substituting the tragedy of the soul for contemplation of the world.


123. I wouldn't have missed this for the world.


124. Your education is bound to shape your world view.


125. This common wisdom has an extra meaning in the world of exchange rates and currency trading.


126. We live in a world without constancy.


127. He looked like something from another world...


128. The whole field is described authors who are world authorities in their respective areas of expertise.


129. The firm has achieved a dominant position in the world market.


130. Her living room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at one end and comfortable sofas at the other.


131. Which is the largest city in the world ?


132. You don't bring people halfway around the world to visit a zoo.


133. ...the developing world...


134. In old times people had a theory that the world was flat.


135. Economic anarchy scourged the post-war world.


136. More than anything, I'd like to drive around the world...


137. To shut away from the world in or as if in a cloister; seclude .

与 尘世 隔离好像在修道院里一样.《期刊摘选》

138. They had their smiles and their tears but not for the things of this world.


139. He has lived through two world wars.


140. Except the scale, China has little advantages in the world area of distance education.

中国远程教育除了规模, 其他一切在世界远程教育领域的地位都无足轻重.《期刊摘选》

141. It is the one world in the Solar System that is most like the Earth.


142. You have to discard your yearnings for the profane world once you become a monk.


143. Intellectually, this man and I are worlds apart...


144. Those running around the world, parallel to the equator, are called lines of latitude.

那些国境线着地球, 和赤道平等的线叫纬线.《期刊摘选》

145. In an ideal world there would be no poverty and disease.


146. A sleep will do you the world of good.


147. The world is becoming increasingly interdependent.


148. Don't tell anybody, but thats my secret recruiting groundarmy to take over the world.

别跟别人说啊, 那他妈的是我称霸地球的招兵基地.《期刊摘选》

149. I lost my job and it was like my world collapsed...


150. Industrialization transformed the world.


151. Many people throughout history have dreamt of a world without war.


152. It was a threat to world peace.


153. People once held that the world was flat.


154. In Andes mountain, this touching sky plateau like a fairyland beyond the noisy world.


155. ...the latest news from the world of finance.


156. The island is a world of brilliant colours and dramatic sunsets.


157. She felt that the world was against her.


158. Columbus argued that the world was round.


159. He retreated into a world of fantasy.


160. In ancient times the world was conceived of as flat.


161. Her children mean the world to her.


162. He's too young to understand the ways of the world.


163. In the idealized version of how science is done, facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers who use the scientific method to carry out their work.

在理想化的科学研究中,世界的真相正等待着实事求是的研究者们去观察和收集,他们会用科学的方法去开展工作。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

164. The Earth we live on is an objective world.


165. Patent trends around the world show anincrease in filings in the electricity and electronics sector.


166. ...a mature performance which must have done his career prospects a world of good.


167. The ancients conceived ( of ) the world as ( being ) flat , ie They thought it was flat.


168. Keeping far from the crowded world, enjoy the life as pure as water.

远离喧嚣尘世, 享受水一样纯净的生活.《期刊摘选》

169. Vautrot has refereed in two World Cups.


170. He's the world's highest paid entertainer.


171. Piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world of work, their newly acquired ability to form hypotheses allows them to create representations that are too ideal.

Piaget 认为,青少年一旦步入工作领域,他们刚刚获得的形成假想的新技能会使他们追求过于理想化的愿景。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

172. The novel is worlds apart from his academic writings.


173. The news rocked the world.


174. Is this your plan for making your way in the world?


175. A change of job would do you the world of good.


176. The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.


177. Exclusivity, more familiar in the world of high fashion, has reached the kitchen: Robinson

在高级时装界比较常见的商品的独特性也出现在厨房领域:Robinson《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

178. The world's resources are finite.


179. French is spoken in many parts of the world .


180. We have built for this world a family mansion and for the next a family tomb.



1. "Hundreds of thousands of young people around the world can break through and make this a better world for all living things.

VOA : special.2009.11.18

2. It was in death, however, that Nobel made his indelible mark on the world.

BBC: Swedens Nobel gift to the world

3. The World Health Organization says mosquitoes carry organisms that cause disease and death for millions of people throughout the world.

VOA : special.2009.05.26

4. Berman was part of the "World News Tonight" team recognized with a 2004 Edward R.

CNN: CNN Profiles - John Berman - Co-Anchor

5. Based near Frankfurt, the firm survived two world wars, including a 1944 bombing raid.

ECONOMIST: Face value

6. So the nature of the world, post-cold war world is increasingly one about competition for markets, govern of one nation's markets.

因此冷战之后,市场的竞争,成为世界的主题,一国市场的管理,如果事实如此。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

7. In 1948, the first Olympic Games after World War II opened in London at Wembley Stadium.

CNN: Wednesday,

8. That is to say, discover an entirely new continent, a new world, so to speak, the new world of Machiavelli.

也就是说发现了全新的大陆,全新的世界,属于马奇亚维利的全新世界。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. With the outbreak of World War I the reputation of the Germanic gnome plummeted.

BBC: From the section Magazine

10. Athens had strong ties to the Arab world.


11. This is the world, particularly the legal world, catching up with where religious and cultural concepts have been for a very long time.

这就是这个世界,尤其是法律世界,向宗教和文化概念靠拢的地方,而后两者已存在很长时间了。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

12. And, at one point in time, he laments the end of the old Latin world and the B.C. world, when people could have these child slaves.

在某一时刻,他为拉丁时代和公元前时代的结束而哀悼,那时人们可以拥有小孩做奴隶。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. Let's be honest here, when we say experiments in the real world in Game Theory-- or the ones you read about in The New York Times-- the real world when it comes to experiments in Economics really means undergraduates at the University of Arizona.

坦诚地讲,不管是现实中的博弈实验,还是你们在纽约时报上所看到的,谈到现实生活中进行的经济实验,当属亚利桑那大学的本科生博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Can we see-- use some of the same methods that we've looked at for the physical world to look at the social world?

我们能够应用,看待物质世界的一些方式,来看待社会世界吗心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. He may have been right: many have called these roads the most dangerous in the world.

BBC: Meet Septembers BBC Travel Photo Nomad

16. I found myself irresistibly drawn to Steve's world.


17. Nelson Piquet, three times world champion, was grievously injured.


18. The Mobile International segment covers the following sub segments: Germany, Belgium, and Rest of the World.


19. To contain polio, hospitals confined children like Tenley, allowing only minimal contact with the outside world.


20. The more powerful it is, the more it can reshape the world around it.

CNN: Is AI a threat to humanity?

21. Tom Bird, the Globe to Globe festival director, spent months searching the world for Shakespeare performers.

BBC: All of Britains a stage

22. Just barely behind in import is one of the world's great music events: Jazz Fest.

BBC: Celebrate New Orleans, from Mardi Gras to Jazz Fest

23. world-beating businesses


24. The Convention helps to ensure the effectiveness of the World Anti-Doping Code (the Code).

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - UNESCO Conventions, Recommendations & Declarations in the UK

25. This is the Sudan the world sees, but what are the horrors these people have fled?

BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

26. So definitely I want to play well for Arsenal to start in the World Cup.

BBC: Club needs to come first - Wenger

27. The World Bank estimates that developing nations will need between two hundred seventy and seven hundred billion dollars in financing.

VOA : special.2009.03.13

28. It's really an entry into the other world, and you gonna step through it and become a part of the other world which not necessarily you can see it.

就是进入另一个世界的入口,你可以穿过这扇门,成为这个世界的一部分,而你本来可能不那么轻易获得的。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

29. Eddie Rickenbacker, the World War I ace, bravely founded Eastern Airlines in the late 1930s.

FORBES: In search of the right quadrant

30. There will be a section for events, such as the summer Olympics and the World Cup.

BBC: Fantastic and free travel stories

31. It was this that woke the world up to the catastrophe that was unfolding.

BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

32. Much of the jazz world doesn't quite know what to make of Marco Benevento.

NPR: Marco Benevento: Jazz Not Jazz

33. Milton's blindness, the fact of his blindness, has shut out his view of the visible world, which would ordinarily present itself to him through the entrance of his eyes; and this shut-out will enable him, will help him, explore the invisible world of divine truth.

弥尔顿的失明,他失明的这个事实,遮住了,他看具体世界的目光,他通常是通过双眼,这个通道来看具体世界的,不过这种蒙蔽帮助了他,使他能够探索不可见世界中的神圣真理。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. Listen to The Documentary: Egypt's Challenge on Tuesday 21 May on the BBC World Service.

BBC: Egypt: Echoes of the revolution far from Cairo

35. For example, one afternoon a group of writers and critics gathered to discuss book sales in the Arab world.

VOA : special.2009.03.11

36. During the rest of the year, Oahu enjoys the most notorious surf in the world.

BBC: Top surf spots in Oahu

37. In New York, I would be able to buy excellent microscopes and meet scientists from all over the world.

VOA : special.2009.07.18

38. "For me, the big season is with Arsenal, not the World Cup, " he said.

BBC: Club needs to come first - Wenger

39. Imagine a world in which Kagan exists, but Shelly doesn't exist, because nobody in the world is named Shelly.

想象在一个世界里卡根存在,而薛立不存在,因为这个世界里面没人叫薛立死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Kofi Annan said the horrors of Rwanda had happened because the world failed to act.

BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

41. The project collects remembrances of veterans who served in World War I,World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam War.

VOA : special.2010.11.05

42. The World Health Organization says hundreds of millions of people throughout the world are affected by mental,behavioral,neurological or substance use disorders.

VOA : special.2010.04.13

43. That is to say, it is not a system of signs understood as stable relationships between a concept world and a world of signifying.

也就是说,它不是一个符号系统,这个符号系统被理解为,概念世界和指示世界间的稳定的关系。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. The American political system, for all its faults, is the model for much of the world.

CNN: Mission: Peace -- Analysis

45. The decision came during a meeting of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Bonn.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - The Forth Bridge becomes the UKs 29th UNESCO World Heritage Site

46. We don't have the ideal world that I just described, but to some extent we do, so we want to think about diversifying in this world.

现实世界并不像我刚才说的那么理想,但在某种程度上这种现象还是存在的,所以同样也要考虑多元化的问题。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. In a world riddled with conflict, this courage will be more essential than ever.

CNN: Story highlights

48. God is immanent in the world.


49. That is to say, it is subservient to the natural world; its importance is that it refers to that world.

也就是说,这些学科都是自然世界的奴仆;,它们存在的价值就是去解释那个自然世界。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. Still I feel it will be worse than any time since World War II.

FORBES: Leon Levy Says Sell on Strength

51. Today we look up into the skies to explore the past and present of the tallest buildings in the world.

VOA : special.2010.03.31

52. The World Health Organization says Africa is behind other parts of the world in treating H.I.V./AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

VOA : special.2009.06.17

53. The observance is organized by a conservation group, the World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as the World Wildlife Fund.

VOA : special.2010.03.22

54. Now his work has earned him the World Food Prize from the World Food Prize Foundation in Des Moines,Iowa.

VOA : special.2009.07.07

55. The World Health Organization says one in three women around the world will experience some form of violence in their lifetime.

VOA : special.2009.10.24

56. What's the clich? Globalized world; it was a globalized world, except it was a little piece of the globe.

用什么词语呢,全球化的世界,那是一个全球化的世界,只是那个世界并不大古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. The World Health Organization says alcohol abuse is the third leading cause of death and disability in the world.

VOA : special.2011.03.08

58. Previously he worked in London as a broadcast journalist for the BBC World Service.

CNN: CNN Profiles - Matthew Chance - Senior International Correspondent

59. Even though this looks like what the out-- this looks like the output you want, "Oh, hi world" and then everything else should go on the next line.

即使这样看起来和你-,想要的输出“Oh,hi,world“没啥两样“,仅仅只是把其他代码往下挤了一行。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

60. For TODAY, Gangel has reported around the world, from Europe to Africa to South America.

CNN: About

61. When the world is in crisis, it is right to consider boosting the IMF.

BBC: Eurozone crisis: Right to boost IMF funds, Cameron says

62. A poem published after the Second World War, written about the post-war world.

这首诗发表在二战后,写的是战后的世界。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. This is going to affect the world; it's going to affect world economies; it's going to affect world politics, the balance of power and things like that, so it's important that we understand it.

这会影响全世界,会影响世界经济,会影响世界政治和权利的均衡,以及类似的事情,懂得这件事是很必要的关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. Like pasta in Italy, each community adds its own unique flavour to the world of hummus.

BBC: Hunting for hummus in Israel

65. The president wants the United States to regain the world's highest college graduation rates, especially in math and science.

VOA : special.2009.07.30







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