to the amount of翻译_to the amount of短语搭配_to the amount of权威例句

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to the amount of


英 [tu ðə əˈmaʊnt ɒv]play 美 [tu ðə əˈmaʊnt əv]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. To estimate the amount of 估算用量


1. NB: Pay attention to the amount of time you spend working on tasks you dislike.


2. Calorie consumption is linked to the amount of snacks one eats.


3. The sum is in close proximity to the amount of revenue.


4. The amount model, which defines limits to the amount of service to be provided


5. Light . Your body's natural clock is tuned to the amount of light.


6. The firm has a reserve fund to the amount of $ 100,000.


7. The Length of Visit report categorizes visits according to the amount of time spent on the site during the visit.


8. A once common rule of thumb was to create swap space equivalent to the amount of real RAM.


9. There is a limit to the amount of creative talent available in the world.


10. Destroyed vehicles turn into wrecks, explode appropriately according to the amount of fuel and ammunition they contain.


11. From this year, it has abolished an ancient tax levied on peasants according to the amount of land they hold.


12. Payment will be proportional to the amount of work done. Research of Influence on Copper Alloy Three Contacts Different Load Way to Metal Forming


13. By taking of these, she was able to bring the new total to the amount of cash she had with her.


14. We have to file a claim against you to the amount of $7, 000 plus inspection fee.


15. The neutron log is primarily resposive to the amount of hydrogen in the formation.


16. The fee they are offering bears no relation to the amount of work involved.


17. The cost of the alcohol duty varies according to the amount of wine in the bottle.


18. We will be paid according to the amount of work we do.


19. Note: Pay attention to the amount of time you spend working on tasks you dislike.


20. Income housing loans to the amount of liabilities to be suitable?


21. There's a limit to the amount of information you can take in at one go.


22. This question is tied intimately to the amount of redundant capacity you are prepared to accept in normal operations.


23. Payment will be proportional to the amount of work done.


24. The amount model, which defines limits to the amount of service to be provided.


25. Or said differently, they are related to the amount of parts produced.


26. In other words, their mimicry improved as their Numbers increased relative to the amount of males.


27. He supported the tobacco company last year to the amount of £ 40,000.


28. In addition to the amount of fuel injected, the injection time and the drop size, the shape and alignment of the fuel jet are also important.

除了所喷射的燃油量、喷射时间和液滴大小外,燃油嘴的形状和定位也非常重要。《provided by jukuu》

29. This corresponds to the amount of moisture in soil and salinity in the ocean, according to ESA.


30. The results showed that the amount of sleep the men got was a significantly related to the amount of testosterone in morning blood samples.

结果显示睡眠时间的长短与早晨血液中的睾丸酮水平显著相关。《provided by jukuu》

31. The life of a machine and related amortization costs, are related to the amount of time the machine was running.


32. His pay is proportional to the amount of work he does.


33. Although there is no limit to the amount of money you can bring into Britain, don't carry large sums of money with you.


34. Working memory refers to the amount of information we hold in our heads while we perform other tasks.


35. I think there's no limit to the amount of personal attention and personal care people would like if they could afford it.


36. As a result, the duration of the nursery collect is proportional to the amount of data being copied.


37. The value of a recovery period rises in proportion to the amount of work required of us.

恢复期的价值会随着我们需要完成的工作量的增加而相应提高。《六级真题- 2018年 12月 3卷 信息匹配》

38. The "number" refers to the amount of money, property and other items which is the target of a criminal act.


39. This tells me what happens at equilibrium to the amount of NO2 as I change the total pressure.


40. The cost of the alcohol duty varies according to the amount of wine in the bottle.


41. Limited partners are only responsible for losses equal to the amount of money they invest.


42. There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear.


43. The value of a recovery period rises in proportion to the amount of work required of us.


44. Light. Your body's natural clock is tuned to the amount of light.


45. As it turns out, the formation of dew is linked to the amount of cloudiness in the sky at night.


46. The cost of a nursery garbage collection is relative to the amount of data that survives (Figure 5).


47. And there is no limit to the amount of money a central bank can create.


48. As a result, the duration of the nursery collect is proportional to the amount of data being copied.


49. The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of risk you can comfortably take.


50. One of these key dynamics is your career will always be closely linked to the amount of value you create in the marketplace.


51. The resolution settings relate to the amount of available video memory.


52. The cost of the alcohol duty varies according to the amount of wine in the bottle


53. But among the people who traveled, health risks increased corresponding to the amount of time spent traveling.


54. The first mechanism only refers to the amount of WIP, but this second refers to the flow, its direction and speed.


55. The fee they are offering bears no relation to the amount of work involved.


56. There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear.


57. Capital output ratio the ratio of the amount of capital to the amount of output produced by that capital.

资本产出比率指资本额与该资本所生产的产值之间的比率。《provided by jukuu》

58. We're actually paying really close attention to the amount of carbs we eat.


59. Profit relates to the amount of time set aside for analysis.


60. The formation of PPB carbides is related to the amount of residual oxygen in alloy.


61. Both contribute to the amount of particle pollution in the air.


62. In Australia interest rates are at 30-year lows, which seems disproportionate to the amount of economic misery.


63. Efficiency relates to the amount of resources consumed in being effective.


64. The size of the US sovereign credit derivatives market is still small relative to the amount of hedging and trading that takes place on eurozone sovereign debt.


65. There is no limit to the amount of currency ( notes and coins) that may be brought into or taken out of Australia.


66. Wages will rise at a rate proportionate to the amount of work you do.


67. Adjust ① the speed you read according to the amount of detail you need to take in.


68. The volume KPI speaks to the amount of logic or other relevant artifacts that are produced in development.


69. The volume KPI speaks to the amount of logic or other relevant artifacts that are produced in development.

容积 KPI 说明了在开发中生成的逻辑或其它相关工件的总量。

70. The severity of illness was related to the amount of rice wine consumption ( P < 0.01).


71. A unit of electrical charge equal to the amount of charge transferred by a current of 1 ampere in 1 second.


72. Transmission refers to the amount of braking gear oil plus a small amount of dust and rust-proof oil this car possible to omit a general.



1. They had to do this by firing the lunar module rocket engine for just the right amount of time.

VOA : special.2009.07.22

2. Unpleasant smells can be prevented by controlling the amount of food waste added to the bin and avoiding meat or bones.

VOA : special.2011.07.05

3. It limited the amount of money railroads could demand from people who needed to travel or transport their goods.

VOA : special.2010.05.06

4. Others pointed out that they will make little difference to the amount of junk mail people receive.

BBC: NEWS | Technology | Top UK sites 'fail privacy test'

5. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn simply add to the amount of information coming at us.

FORBES: Tips for Managing Information Overload in Email Facebook and Twitter

6. Obviously, the annual fee he receives bears no relation to the amount of damage his negligence can cause.

FORBES: The Art of Theft: How Corporate Fiduciaries Steal From Americans Pensions (February 2, 2005 )

7. When it comes to the amount of energy released when coal or oil is burned, the new green technologies are still way behind.

FORBES: Why China Has To Dominate Green Tech

8. The girls' mother, Tommie Granville, was not against the Troxels visiting the girls, but did object to the amount of visitation time the grandparents had sought.

CNN: The Troxels and some of their grandchildren

9. The incidence of cancer is in direct proportion to the amount of meat and meat products in the diet.

FORBES: Connect

10. He's earned the right to treat himself to this absolutely lovely -what must have been an extraordinary amount of fun to write -lovely catalog of flowers.

他已经得到了游荡的可爱之处,写这些一定会特别有趣,可爱的花丛中的权力。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. It literally halves the amount of time it takes to solve that problem but we can actually do better.

它能把解决问题时间的缩短一半,但其实我们能做的更好。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

12. A few weeks later, Paul's boss,Mr.Denny, gave Paul a large amount of money to take to the bank.

VOA : special.2009.04.11

13. "The dose was fairly directly related to the amount of chronic sinusitis that people developed, " says David Arnold, M.

CNN: Sinus trouble? Secondhand smoke may be to blame

14. Portion sizes, and we'll devote a class to this later on, have gone way up and that's a big problem, the amount of processing I mentioned.

食物份量直线上升,这是个问题,我们将专门用一堂课讲这个,即刚才提到的食品加工程度的问题关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. The judgement also points to the amount of content that Meltwater replicated.

FORBES: AP Beats Meltwater: And What It Means For Google News

16. That is the amount of time it took Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal to capture a historic image on film.

VOA : special.2010.05.31

17. I think it's great, like the amount of, like, freedom they give us to, like, choose classes

我觉得很棒,它给我们的自由很多,比如选课,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 有趣的留学生活

18. Does your boss seem to be asking too much of you, seemingly oblivious to the amount of work you already have on your plate?

FORBES: Is it past time you engaged in a "Courageous Conversation?"

19. The law forced every worker and business owner to pay a small amount of money each month to the federal government.

VOA : special.2011.04.07

20. One is time, that I think it takes certain amount of time to shed the thoughts, the anxiety in everything else.

第一是时间,要想,摆脱一些想法,摆脱焦虑,是需要一定的时间的。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

21. George Carmack,Skookum Jim Mason and Dawson Charlie were the first men to discover a great amount of gold in the Klondike.

VOA : special.2009.02.04

22. Heat capacity relates the amount of heat that you add to the system to the change in temperature, and this is the relationship.

热容联系起给系统提供的,热量和温度的变化,关系式是这样的:热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

23. U.S. forces nicknamed northern Babil and surrounding areas the 'Triangle of Death' due to the amount of combat the area experienced earlier in the Iraq war.

CNN: Part of Iraq 'Triangle of Death' back in Iraqi control

24. This will be the definition of the mole as the amount of carbon weighing exactly 12 grams, so I would like to know now how many particles, how many carbons are there in that mole.

摩尔的定义就是,12克的碳的数量,我想知道有多少粒子,一摩尔会有多少碳粒子。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

25. Yet in both devices the heat output is limited to the amount of energy put in.

FORBES: Companies & Strategies

26. In sixteen eighty-one, King Charles the Second of England gave William Penn a large amount of land to establish a colony.

VOA : special.2010.04.04

27. Because you want to minimize the amount of enemy soldiers that reach Rome or whatever location it is.

因为你想使入侵罗马,的敌军兵力最小化博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. But I can equate the amount of mechanical energy in the electron to the amount of electrical energy that was imparted through the electrodes.

但我们可以把电子中机械能量数量,和通过电极传送的,电子能量数量等同起来。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

29. Specifically, we have to take in this exact amount of energy in order to bump the electron up to higher energy level.

特别的,我们严格需要,这么多,来把电子,提升到更高的能级。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

30. Avoid switching litter brands, clean the box frequently and pay attention to the amount of litter inside.

CNN: Solve common pet behavior problems

31. In other words, if I'm a rich, wealthy person in Corinth, I would say, "I'll be the local tax collector, and I'll guarantee you I'll send to Rome this amount of money for a year."

换句话说,如果我是科林斯的富人,我会说,“我想当本地税吏,我保证每年向罗马缴纳多少多少钱“新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. And after the usual amount of scholarly debate, there seems to be no doubt that it was the City of Troy.

经过一番学术讨论之后,这里被确定为特洛伊城古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. That's in addition to the amount of time they spent watching shows and movies on DVR, DVD, VCR and game consoles.

CNN: TV can boost self-esteem of white boys, study says

34. Of this group, 59 percent say they did not make a purchase due to the amount of money or available credit in their bank account.

FORBES: Smart Phones Helping Consumers Manage Their Money

35. As a matter of fact, it costs an increasing amount to play the game when you look at the fees that are paid to investment managers and hedge funds.

事实上,当把付给投资经理,和对冲基金的费用都算进去的话,这个博弈的成本越来越高金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. In return, the government and taxpayers would get an ownership share in the firms equal to the amount of their investment.

NPR: Was The Bailout Bill A Good Idea?

37. The other was its ability to reduce the amount of virus in the blood of people who became infected during the study.

VOA : special.2009.09.30

38. In many countries, women are half as likely as men to use fertilizers to increase the amount of crops.

VOA : special.2011.03.22

39. So, even if the cost is small, $10 a dose, it quickly amounts to a large amount of money.

因此,即使单只成本很小,可能只有十美元,但是这很快就会累积成为很大的金额生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. This Board of Directors is owned by the stockholders, proportionately to the amount of money invested.

FORBES: Capitalism, After The Election

41. Water quality at beaches across the north-east of England has fallen due to the amount of heavy rainfall, the Environment Agency has found.

BBC: Rain blamed for reduction in beach water quality

42. He could have been unhappy with anything from David Cameron to his commute to the amount of starch in his shirt collar.

FORBES: What Happens When Your Words And Your Body Language Don't Match?

43. This return is directly related to the amount of risk in that market.

FORBES: Understand The Cycle Of Market Emotions To Make Better Investing Decisions

44. Ben Jumper, the owner of the storage business, said he expected his losses would amount to tens of millions of dollars.

VOA : special.2010.05.17

45. That figure comes nowhere close to the amount of U.S. direct investment held by foreigners in other big economies.

FORBES: Despite Huawei's Experience, America is Increasingly Open to Chinese Investment

46. By employing your spouse, you inflict a loss equal to the amount of those taxes on the Treasury.

FORBES: Why I Changed My Mind On Carried Interest

47. The participants were divided into five groups according to the amount of sugar and sugar-based sweeteners they consumed daily.

VOA : standard.2010.04.25

48. And indeed it is the case that the price of the stock the amount of move, tends to be proportional to the price of the stock.

实际上它就是股票的价格,移动量,它们都倾向于和股票价格成正比。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

49. Councillor Justin Tomlinson said there was a limit to the amount of help the council could give Swindon Town.

BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Wiltshire | Row could force club out of town

50. Using the same amount of land, the new wheat variety could produce three to four times as much food.

VOA : special.2009.11.10

51. Additionally, if you treat running as a hobby, your deductions are limited to the amount of your winnings.

FORBES: Run With It: Sports, Races and Taxes

52. New LED street lights which alter their brightness according to the amount of traffic, have been installed in Bath.

BBC: Dimming street lights installed in Bath to save money

53. In fact, if you draw a diagram of a person, what their body is corresponding to the amount of somatosensory cortex, you get something like that.

事实上,如果你画一张人体示意图,在这张示意图中,将躯体感觉皮层面积与身体相对应,那么你就会得到这样的一张图心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. In general, add an extra 20% on to the amount of time you would ordinarily give to get from point to point.

BBC: Navigating the London 2012 exodus

55. If all foreign taxes were creditable, a U.S. company might be indifferent to the amount of foreign taxes it pays because a credit offsets federal taxes dollar-for-dollar.

FORBES: Beware of Double Taxation of Foreign Profits

56. The time that we spend in congested conditions significantly adds to the amount of fuel cars and trucks are burning.

VOA : standard.2010.07.26

57. The amount of EMI that a given piece of hardware can produce is proportional to the amount of energy it is consuming.

FORBES: Yes, Our Gadgets Really Threaten Planes

58. You advocate doing away with central banks and limiting currency issuance to the amount of foreign reserves.

FORBES: It ain't over yet

59. Therefore limiting damages to the amount of the annual fee paid directly by the fund is a real win-win for the consultant.

FORBES: Actuarial Limitations of Liability? (LOL) Laugh Out Loud! (December 1, 2002 )

60. Due to the amount of water needed, residents have been left with reduced water pressure and, at times, no water.

BBC: Potters Crouch fire water problems 'to continue'
















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