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living rooms

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  • 客厅:家庭中用于休息和娱乐的房间,通常配有沙发、电视等家具和设备。

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living room

  • 1.
    可数名词 The living room in a house is the room where people sit and relax. 起居室

    We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV.




1. Contemporary Asian Living Rooms 当代日本客厅

2. Food And Living Rooms 食物以及居住地方

3. Living Rooms Furniture 客厅家具

4. living-rooms 起居室

5. Two Living Rooms 两起居室间

6. living rooms limited 加拿大买家 ; 地区

7. Living Rooms Per Household 居住情况

8. convalescent living rooms 疗养员活动室

9. In our living rooms 在起居室里


1. And you don't have to now go and instrument living rooms with microphones to get people's conversations,


2. Full-height glass panels slide back in bedrooms to become sleeping porches, while sunken courtyards become outdoor living rooms.


3. While most people want huge HDTVs for their living rooms, dens, basements and man-caves, there are others who think size is all relative.


4. A: What is the square footage of your property? How manybedroomsand living rooms?

你的房子面积有多大? 有几间卧室和客厅?《互联网》

5. What is the square footage of your property? How many bedrooms and living rooms?

你的房子面积有多大? 有几间卧室和客厅?《互联网》

6. The dominance of television was not confined to our living rooms.


7. Until now Pakistan's art scene has been largely private, hidden away in small galleries or elite living rooms.


8. Rattan - Wicker Furniture, Indoors and Outdoors , Wide Range for Dining, Living Rooms Furniture, Furniture Fittings and Fixtures.

采购产品藤 - 柳条家具, 室内和室外, 广泛用于餐饮, 客厅家具, 家具配件及固定装置.《互联网》

9. Many times, my clients with large living rooms or family rooms have a corner or side of the room that is just not used.


10. These big living rooms always turn me on.

这些起居室正适合我。《provided by jukuu》

11. The battleground is now shifting from the mean streets to suburban living rooms.


12. Results Over standard rate of formaldehyde in bedrooms and living rooms were different after different decoration years. The highest above-standard rate was 52.78%.


13. Since then, perhaps to an increasing extent, fireplaces are added to the living rooms of modern houses as a luxury feature.


14. Many believe their best hope is to stream feature films direct to Quad HD television sets in living rooms.


15. to beam a representation of our loved ones into our living rooms--


16. At Christmas we decorated the living rooms with coloured paper and lights.


17. And it all could be done from the comfort of their own living rooms!


18. Downtowns are becoming living rooms, says John Eger of San Diego State University.

圣地亚哥州立大学(San Diego State University)的约翰•伊格(John Eger)表示,市区正在变成客厅。

19. During the pandemic, millions of people swapped1 their large open-plan offices for their living rooms.


20. In just two days, OFA supporters like you will be gathering at State of the Union Watch Parties in living rooms and community centers across the country.

仅仅再过两天,“为美利坚而组织起来”(OF a Organizing for America)的支持者们,像你一样,将聚集起来,在家里的起居室,在社区中心,在全美国,观看国情咨文的现场直播。

21. While less visible, the response from Chinese living rooms as people watched images of the disaster unfold was just as important.


22. Each charming apartment boasts one to three bedrooms and countless amenities, with fully-equipped kitchens, living rooms, and work Spaces.


23. Common areas include two living rooms, both with walls of glass opening to a patio and an in-ground pool.


24. Straight out the tube, right into your living rooms I came.

直着从那显象管(指电视)出来, 我直接进入你们的卧室.《互联网》

25. Remember the days when people played video games on huge TVs in their living rooms?


26. Some buy tall trees for living rooms or dining rooms.


27. in coffee shops, in living rooms, on the phone, a social skill that is very important to success: networking.


28. in the design of golf courses and public parks and in gold-framed pictures that hang in living rooms from New York to New Zealand.


29. They began to build their houses with separate rooms to entertain guests—living rooms, separate bedrooms for sleeping, separate work areas—kitchen, laundry room, and separate bathrooms.


30. In stadiums around Athens, and in living rooms here at home, millions of fans will cheer for Team USA.


31. Do any of those people in their warm and cozy living rooms have any idea what kind of life a beggar leads?


32. The dining and living rooms are supported by a ribbon slab that compose the fireplace, grill and a in build bench.


33. That's truly micro: smaller than most suburban living rooms.


34. Kitchens may look much as they did 30 years ago but living rooms and desktops look remarkably different.


35. Most are girls and young women broadcasting from the most private spaces of their bedrooms, bathrooms and living rooms.


36. I adapted one of the living rooms for use as a study.


37. The Electrodialysis of Oilfield Water and the Application in Chemical Flooding Chemical pollution in the living rooms


38. Avoiding the passage of radon from the basement into living rooms.


39. Thousands more sat in warm living - rooms to hear the play - by - play story over the radio.


40. The division assesses technological trends by sending anthropologists and sociologists to hang out in living rooms, senior care centers, and hospitals.


41. This movement consists of smart engineers who like to tinker in garages, basements and living rooms, hacking the genetic codes of various organisms.


42. Of course, many living rooms already have all the technology necessary for watching free online shows.


43. Still, the United Nations says that TV "continually invites people to explore beyond their living rooms," and that is undoubtedly true.


44. In the United States, the venerable 'boob tube' has all but disappeared from offices, living rooms, and retail shelves.


45. Why do some people like their living rooms?


46. Downtowns are becoming "living rooms," says John Eger of San Diego State University.

圣地亚哥州立大学(San Diego State University)的约翰•伊格(John Eger)表示,市区正在变成“客厅”。

47. Television brings the reality of the war into the nation's living rooms.


48. What is the square area of your property? How many bedrooms and living rooms?

你的单位面积有多大? 有多少间睡房和客厅?《互联网》

49. What is the square are nota of your property? How a lot bedrooms and living rooms?

你的打工的地方面积有多大? 有多少间睡房和客厅?《互联网》

50. How many bedrooms and living rooms?


51. And it all could be done from the comfort of their own living rooms!


52. My father used to say that living rooms


53. A: What is the square footage of your property? How many bedrooms and living rooms?


54. The safe power socket is an ideal safe power socket which can be widely used for living rooms, offices and office places.


55. Objective To study the characteristics of the variations of formaldehyde concentration in indoor air of newly decorated living rooms.


56. Avoiding the passage of radon from the basement into living rooms


57. The same visual images transmitted simultaneously into living rooms across the globe can trigger opposing perceptions.


58. The battleground is now shifting from the mean streets to suburban living rooms.


59. But as for Lenovo, the company is hoping to target the living rooms of 120 million urban households with the new product.


60. These kinds of chips can address the needs for ultra-low-cost computing in emerging markets, new devices for living rooms.


61. The same visual images transmitted simultaneously into living rooms across the globe can trigger opposing perceptions.


62. Both of the new products are really computers, but people won't think of them as such, since they will be in their pockets and living rooms.


63. Western living rooms applaud when cruise missiles strike Baghdad.


64. From the PC to the TV, Adobe Systems wants to bring rich Web animation and video into consumers' living rooms.



1. It makes us think about black artists playing for a living in Prohibition Era back rooms.

它使我们想到在禁酒令时代的小密屋里,那些演奏谋生的黑人艺术家。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Microsoft is expected to unveil a new generation of set-top consoles for living rooms in the next few months.

FORBES: Microsoft May Be Developing Smaller Surface Tablets, E-Readers

3. The view from my office is the position the world watched shock and awe from their living rooms.

FORBES: Remembering the Road to Baghdad

4. What are the advantages of reaching customers away from their living rooms, their TV sets, their magazines?

FORBES: How To Start A Successful Ad Agency

5. People now see their cars as an extension of their living rooms.

FORBES: How Steve Jobs Changed The Auto Industry

6. Now Mr Ecclestone wants to use the wizardry of digital television to take grand prix further into people's living rooms.

ECONOMIST: Mr Formula One

7. But a funny thing happened on the way to our living rooms: viewers failed to tune in.

FORBES: Fox's 'Lone Star': The Coroner's Report

8. While 70% of the "thousands" the company says it has sold since since October ended up outside living rooms, 30% went directly to individuals.

FORBES: The Most Expensive TVs

9. For the past sixty years, TV executives have been making the decisions about what we watch in our living rooms.

NEWYORKER: Streaming Dreams

10. Each apartment has fireplace-bedecked master suites and living rooms, 20-foot-tall great rooms, and private elevators that access every floor.

FORBES: Half-Built Ian Schrager Condos Fetch $34 Million In Miami's Most Expensive Penthouse Sale

11. The celebrity making machine with its focus on interesting personalities brings celebrities into our living rooms daily.

FORBES: Why Do We Make Athletes Role Models?

12. It was in your living rooms and backyards and VFW halls and diners where our movement for change began.

WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Campaign Event

13. He replaces headlights with DLP projectors, miniature versions of those humongous projector TVs that used to be found in living rooms in 2001.

FORBES: Was Bell Labs Overrated?

14. Bill Gates' grand scheme to license the world's art masterpieces and have them flash onto wall monitors in people's living rooms fizzled.

FORBES: Image Enhancement

15. It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston.

CNN: Transcript: 'This is your victory,' says Obama

16. Fewer than one elector in four made it to the polls, and voters in Labour seats were particularly reluctant to leave their living rooms.

ECONOMIST: The victor spurned

17. Both have large, open living spaces on the second floors, with kitchens, dining areas and living rooms and two bedrooms each on the third floors.

WSJ: The Twin Houses of an Odd Couple

18. We don't get as many people into our living rooms today, but we start asking personal questions.

NPR: Week in Review: Primaries Play Leapfrog

19. It's two against one strategy in full effect, people, and it doesn't look good for our living rooms.

ENGADGET: DVD format war: Matsushita says Toshiba needs to give up

20. Private TV networks brought the booming artillery guns into living rooms, along with images of comrades honoring soldiers killed in action.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | INDIA: The Spoils of War

21. The results are then incessantly beamed into American living rooms by mainstream media transparently hostile to President Bush and his Iraq campaign.


22. Buyers can still get formal dining rooms or living rooms if they prefer, although the new space can accommodate an 8-to-10 person table.

FORBES: PulteGroup CMO Fine Tunes Marketing, Research

23. Game developers like Harmonix have paired their games with a drumset and a guitar to turn living rooms into rock arenas.

FORBES: Gear Gamers Crave

24. Singer songwriter Mike de la Rocha is engaged in a massive community based tour Living Rooms Across America Tour focused on youth empowerment.

FORBES: Another Detroit Is Happening

25. Americans have other kinds of furniture in their living rooms and family rooms.

VOA : special.2010.12.10

26. In truth, most began in kitchens, living rooms, or the back booth at Denny's.

FORBES: Great Garages

27. End users can spend more time listening to Internet radio, and do it in the comfort of their living rooms or wherever they choose.

CNN: Sonicbox brings Net radio into your living room

28. In classic David versus Goliath style, the activists worked out of their living rooms to prove the validity of their claims in British courts.

FORBES: Transparency: The Internet's Killer CSR App

29. He spoke to them as though he were sitting with them in their living rooms.

FORBES: Leaders and the Power of Connection

30. Will we someday be trudging around in place in our living rooms to play games?

FORBES: Connect

31. Viewers gathered around the world, in squares, restaurants and living rooms.

FORBES: Prince William And Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding: The Honeymoon

32. The uncertainty will make for some surprise winners, both in the Dolby Theatre (formerly the Kodak) and in wagering living rooms across America.

CNN: Unpredictable Oscar race holds promise for exciting night





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