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英 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]play美 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]play

  • adj. 英格兰人的;英格兰的;英文的
  • n. 英语;英格兰人;(台球中的)侧旋
  • v. 把……译成英语
  • n. (美、加、英、澳)英格利希(人名)

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 English is the language spoken by people who live in Great Britain and Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia, and many other countries. 英语
  • 2.
    形容词 English means belonging or relating to England, or to its people or language. It is also often used to mean belonging or relating to Great Britain, although many people object to this. 英格兰 (人) 的; 英国 (人) 的; 英语的

    ...the English way of life.


  • 3.
    复数型名词 The English are English people. 英格兰人

    It is often said that the English are reserved.






1. oral english 英语口语

2. British English 英式英文

3. fluent english 流利英语;英语流利

4. english teacher 英语教师

5. business english 商用英文

6. english class 英文课;英语班

7. english version 英文版本;英译本

8. English name 英文名 ; 英文姓名 ; 英文名称 ; 英文名字

9. The English Patient 英国病人 ; 别问我是谁

10. english speaking 英语口语;说英语的

11. in english 用英语

12. english translation 英语翻译,英译本

13. Old English Sheepdog 英国古代牧羊犬 ; 古代英国牧羊犬 ; 牧羊犬 ; 古英国牧羊犬

14. english corner 英语角

15. written english 书面英语

16. speak english 说英语;讲英语

17. learning english 学习英语

18. english language 英文;英语语言学

19. study english 学英语

20. Johnny English 憨豆特工 ; 憨豆特派员 ; 特务戆J

21. American English 美语 ; 美式英文

22. Johnny English Reborn 憨豆特工 ; 憨豆特派员 ; 特务戆J之救国大业 ; 二度出包

23. spoken english 英语口语

24. english study 英语学习

25. english reading 英语阅读

26. learn english 学习英语

27. speaking english 说英语

28. ENGLISH SETTER 英国长毛猎犬 ; 英国塞特犬 ; 英国雪达犬


1. It's a common mistake among learners of English.


2. Pressure appears to be mounting for conformity in how people speak English.


3. He teaches them English.


4. She has acquired a good knowledge of English.


5. She's part French, part English.


6. We foolishly thought that everyone would speak English.


7. Nikolai's English was much the worst.


8. I need to improve my English.


9. He spoke no English and was completely silent during the visit.


10. Why are Geography, Drama, Art and English in the ascendant?


11. She speaks fluent and idiomatic English.


12. She asked me if I would give her English lessons.


13. This is your typical English pub.


14. She speaks good English.


15. The papers in maths and English are very testing.


16. He translated the letter into English.


17. English is the medium of instruction.


18. He uses tapes of this program to teach English.


19. Teddy clucked his tongue like a disapproving English matron.


20. Is English an official language in your country?


21. Her English is almost flawless.


22. How long have you been studying English?


23. All students without exception must take the English examination.


24. English is my best subject.


25. Until she spoke I hadn't realized she wasn't English.


26. Their attitude is so very English.


27. She couldn't speak much English so her children had to interpret for her.


28. He speaks excellent English.


29. American English is significantly different from British English.


30. The college is not an officially recognized English language school.


31. They speak very precise English.


32. She started her career as an English teacher.


33. I read English at Oxford.


34. His command of English was lamentable.


35. She's got a BA in English.


36. He spoke perfect English.


37. Jackson is a common English name.


38. Can you help me put this letter into good English, please?


39. He speaks English better than I do.


40. English is a compulsory subject at this level.


41. This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape.


42. If you practise speaking English, you'll soon improve.


43. His command of English was excellent.


44. There is a growing need for qualified teachers of Business English.


45. English is a member of the Germanic group of languages.


46. I took an honors class in English.


47. All the signs and announcements were rendered in English and Spanish.


48. Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law.


49. Sorry, my English is not very good.


50. I studied English and Drama at college.


51. English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.

英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。《金山词霸 每日一句》

52. She speaks perfect English.


53. He doesn't speak English.


54. All the English teams were eliminated in the early stages of the competition.


55. Her written English is impeccable.


56. While her English was correct, it was peppered with French phrases.


57. Do you speak English?


58. He spoke heavily accented English.


59. What books have been set for the English course?


60. Applicants will be expected to have good command of English.


61. It was Chaucer who really turned English into a literary language.


62. I think English men are very polite and very correct.


63. She spoke English with an accent.


64. He asked in his Germanic English if I was enjoying France.


65. He discoursed for several hours on French and English prose.


66. She complimented me on my English.


67. Sonia might not speak the English language well, but then who did?


68. Asked what English he knew, Mr Semko rattled off One, two, three


69. He is the finest stylist in the English language of today.



1. If it weren't for the New Critics, none of you probably would have been able to sit patiently through any of your middle or high school English classes.

不过我现在要说的是,如果没有新批评派,在座的同学之中没有人,能耐着性子坐在教室里,听中学语文课。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. - So this commands, number two here -- can someone just quickly translate into the English what it is doing for us? Yeah?

所以这个命令,在这里的第二个-,你们谁能快速地把它翻译成,英语来说明这是干什么的吗?,请说?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

3. The class continues for about an hour with students repeating and learning greetings in English.

BBC: Mumbai tiffin carriers become multi-skilled

4. But there are many, many more websites coming up in different parts of the world They want to make sure that they address English-speaking audiences As well as their own audiences.

但更多的网页建立在,除了美国外的世界各地区,这些网页不仅仅想要,吸引英语语种的浏览者,也想囊括其母语的使用者。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. It was winter when I returned to France again and icy storms raged along the English Channel.

BBC: Travelling solo in the worlds most romantic country

6. "You are very welcome, " says one woman, an English teacher with a purple headband and bicycle.

BBC: British entrepreneurs invest in Bulgaria

7. So it's kind of like what an analogy to what he was talking about with like the common English property.

这有点像他所说的,英国公有财产问题。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. The ensemble of buildings at Greenwich symbolize English artistic and scientific endeavour in the 17th and 18th centuries.

UNESCO: World Heritage

9. Experts say the book explored different social subjects that were especially meaningful to English readers in the late nineteenth century.

VOA : special.2010.01.20

10. "In our view, maths and English tells the story - you can't fudge maths and English, " he says.

BBC: 'Gaming' the school league tables?

11. Now if you can just persuade the English and Portsmouth soccer players of this lesson, I'd be very happy.

现在如果你能让英格兰或者朴茨茅斯球员,学会这个规律的话,我会非常高兴的博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. No English poet before Milton ever suggested that he had been chosen by God at birth to be a poet.

在弥尔顿之前没有英国诗人敢说,自己是被上帝选中去做诗人的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. The first, in the modern age in the English language, dates back to the 1540s.

FORBES: The Sliding House and The Book of Ideas: Radical Thinking Required

14. Not all of the novels aspire to or have as their purpose that kind of difficulty that sometimes English majors really want.

不是所有的小说都希望或者拥有,英语主修生想到的那种难度。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Since I was 10 years old, I have loved English and dreamed of becoming a teacher.

CNN: Impact Your World

16. Today, 85% are meeting or exceeding maths standards and 70% are meeting or exceeding English standards.

ECONOMIST: Albanys dysfunction jeopardises important legislation

17. And that's not very English and I think that's why he is a bit more shocking, not on English television,

那不是很有英国范儿,我想这就是为什么他有一些骇人的,不是在英国电视上,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 认识戈登•拉姆齐吗?

18. He wanted to make English easier to understand by listeners of VOA broadcasts whose native language was not English.

VOA : special.2009.10.16

19. She had to learn English, and she initially knew words only by their sound.

NPR: Regina Spektor Hears Magic In The Inexplicable

20. And so, that was a clear major for me to pick -- I actually also was considering English and ended up being a minor in English.

所以这是我的主要选择之一-,我还考虑学英语,最后英语是我辅修的专业。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

21. But Jonsi also writes songs that can be upbeat, even celebratory, and often sung in English.

NPR: First Listen: Jonsi, 'Go'

22. And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake with Steve Herman and Deborah Block.

VOA : special.2009.08.22

23. This made Manchester United the first English football club to list on an American exchange.

FORBES: Manchester United Scores $233 Million in IPO

24. It's a scheme that in English counts accents or stresses per line and then arranges them in a pattern.

这种体系里的英文诗每行都有重读,然后将他们按一定模式排列。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. The Animals in War Memorial was designed by English sculptor David Backhouse and unveiled in 2004.

BBC: Vandals deface war memorials in London parks

26. The Knitting Circle is currently touring English theatres, closing in Bristol's Tobacco Factory on 20 May.

BBC: Ouch

27. She changed her area of study from English to science after she took a biology course that she liked.

VOA : special.2010.03.14

28. with her mother and brother. Safia says she wrote her first poem for a high school English class three years ago.

VOA : special.2009.04.17

29. If Peking duck is not your style, the restaurant has many other duck variants on their English menu.

BBC: Sampling Beijings imperial duck

30. And,I'm Bob Doughty. Listen again next week for more news about science, in Special English, on the Voice of America.

VOA : special.2010.04.20

31. I'm English.


32. (OMITTED) In the past few years, Thai Freedom House has taught English, Thai and art to about two hundred children.

VOA : special.2010.05.03

33. Chantal speaks perfect English.


34. Working knowledge with excellent drafting skills in one of the working languages (English or French).

UNESCO: Main Menu

35. Watch the waves pound Beachy Head Lighthouse and gaze across the English Channel to France.

BBC: Walking Great Britains great coast

36. Many of the people canvassed looked Latino, spoke English with a distinctive accent but spoke no Spanish.

BBC: A battle for America's soul

37. I'm studying English Literature.


38. Nonetheless, The Faerie Queenecan be said, however strangely, to be the first great poetic celebration in English of the institution of marriage.

然而无论《仙后》多么与众不同,它仍可被称为,第一部伟大的有关婚姻的,英文诗歌体盛典。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. Revised GCSEs in academic subjects, including English and maths, are due to be introduced in 2015.

BBC: GCSE changes 'could see unpredictable results'

40. High school and university students will compete to demonstrate their English skills at the Anggrek campus of Binus University.

VOA : special.2011.02.10

41. Hiberno-English


42. Next, learn how to cook the dish from scratch with an English-speaking chef at Bologna Cooking School.

BBC: Ten culinary weekends in Europe

43. And it turns out the big determinant of how well you speak English as an immigrant isn't how smart you are.

作为移民,你的英语口语究竟有多么流利,最大的决定因素并非你有多么聪明心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. John Tyndall, an English experimenter, demonstrated one before Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

FORBES: The Trials Of Amory Houghton Jr.

45. Where you want to live really depends on whether you plan to speak primarily English or French.

BBC: Living in: Montreal

46. "Probably the most difficult thing is speaking English all day, " he says, massaging his jaw.

WSJ: Snapshot of a Curator | Quentin Bajac | Cultural Conversation by Richard B. Woodward

47. That has kind of almost entered the English language in the sense that you'll see it quoted occasionally in newspapers.

这个概念已经进入了日常语言,你们也能看到,有时它会被报纸所引用金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Go to the VOA Learning English page, where you can also get program feeds and meet other English learners.

VOA : special.2010.04.23

49. That use of the English word "family," Familia although it comes from the Latin, familia, means something totally different in Latin.

那是英语里家庭的意思“,虽然这个词源自拉丁语,但是意思完全不同。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. The Brunei-U.S. joint five-year English language program, which was launched last year, is progressing well.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with His Majesty Sultan of Brunei | The White House

51. The old bilingual programs were notable only for their lack of success in teaching English.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

52. So study this, master this pattern as well as the other patterns, and you really can master English step by step.

因此,学习掌握这个句型以及其他所有的句型,你就可以一步一步说一口流利的英语。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : There is 课堂

53. This is the VOA Special English Development Report: In two thousand five, Tanya Pinto was a successful young businesswoman in Dallas,Texas.

VOA : special.2009.08.10

54. This is Phil Murray with WORDS AND THEIR STORIES, a program in Special English on the Voice of America.

VOA : special.2010.03.07

55. There is little question that people living in America should know how to speak English.

CNN: Why it's good to speak Spanish in America

56. And of course it was translated into English with that title, and then they changed it to-- what did they change it to in English?

当然这个名字是要被翻译成英文的,然后他们就把名字改成,英文翻译改成什么来着1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. And I'm Steve Ember. Listen again next week for more news about science in Special English on the Voice of America.

VOA : special.2009.08.25

58. Of the 65, 000 words in the English dictionary, most English-speakers will only use 5-6, 000, Sheedy said.

FORBES: With Swype, Nuance Begins?Quest To Process What We Say -- Everywhere

59. Hundreds of English men and women gathered at the gates, many with tears in their eyes.

FORBES: Remembering 9/11: From Longwood Medical Area

60. "The goal of the dual-language program is to teach low-income Hispanic children English -- good English, social English and academic English.

VOA : special.2010.06.17

61. And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake with additional reporting by Brian Padden in Bangkok.

VOA : special.2010.05.22

62. Either some meaning has been lost in translation or the owners are trying to out-baffle English-speaking tourists.

BBC: A golden slice of old Tokyo

63. The English public schools are an anachronism.


64. If one of them, the English one is also reversed, or not, it gets quite confusing.

FORBES: Does Japan's LDP Have a Winner in Former PM Abe? I am Betting on Noda.

65. It also offers a small section of meat dishes, including the English breakfast, to keep staunch carnivores satisfied.

BBC: Eating vegetarian food in Paris





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