pile out是什么意思_pile out短语搭配_pile out权威例句

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pile out

play play

  • 快速离开:指从一个地方或车辆中迅速离开。

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. out-or-pile test 堆外试验

2. out pile test 堆外试验

3. pile washing out 冲桩

4. pile-out effect 挤出效应

5. Pile out the water 挤去水分

6. out-of-pile equipment 反应器外设备

7. out pile loop 反应堆外回路

8. out-of-pile 堆外

9. washing out pile 冲桩


1. The effects of permeable pile groynes laid out along the thalweg in control and guide the regime of the lower Yellow River have been studied through movable bed model tests.


2. Evaluate the items in your keep pile and pull out anything that you use on a daily basis. You'll want to make sure that those pieces are stored in a convenient, easy-to-reach location.


3. Cultural standpoint: pile out the error area of extreme judgement


4. Now in “The Stranger’s Child”, we start out observing the relationship of two men, one from a suburb, the other from a stately pile.


5. Jones was hurled into a pile of dung and his gun flew out of his hands.


6. Taking a project as an example, the paper discusses the tremendous waste owing to conservatism in exploration and design of pile foundation and points out that both safety and economy should be emphasized.


7. I am usually reading three, sometimes four books, with a pile of books waiting in case I run out.


8. Things were not looking so good for alien life in 1976, after the Viking I spacecraft landed on Mars, stretched out its robotic arm, and gathered up a fist-size pile of red dirt for chemical testing.

1976人们对于异星生命的存在感到很悲观。 当年海盗一号飞行器登录火星,用它伸出的机械臂抓起了一掊红色的火星尘土并进行了化学测试。

9. He selected the right chisels from a pile laid out beside him.


10. Just before the New Year, Chinese people follow a tradition of thoroughly cleaning their homes to bid farewell to the previous year, but to avoid sweeping all that good luck out, the home is swept inward and collected in a pile to be carried out the back door, never through the front.


11. There was a pile of empty boxes in the bedroom "the very boxes these books had come out of?"


12. The disadvantages of existing calculation methods for the internal forces of the prestress-anchored anti slide pile are pointed out.


13. I bet they is make a pile out of the deal.


14. Simulation of influence of biggish pile shoe pulling out on foundation of bucket foundation platform with finite element program


15. She fished a piece of paper out of the pile on her desk.


16. In addition, the vital construction technology of antiskid caisson pile is pointed out.


17. The efficient approach about the pile out the jam is that the system of the share state-owned enterprise ownership of co-shared benefit, co-used power, and co-beared risk is constructed according to the share theory of enterprise ownership based on the value creation.


18. Anyone who's been to McDonalds knows how those junky little Happy Meal toys pile up. Periodically I clean out the toy box and toss the older ones. Every once in a while he decides to dig one out.


19. Author suggests applying the steel fiber to the pile cap and carries out the experiment study.


20. Cliches pile up. Sometimes two or three fight it out in the same sentence.


21. He walked out leaving a pile of debts behind him.


22. He is just making a pile out of it!


23. Influence of Pile Shoe Pulling Out on Fundation of Bucket Foundation Platform


24. Let the laundry and dishes pile up. You won't be sick forever. If you have a great friend that will come in and help you out, ask them.


25. Evaluate the items in your keep pile and pull out anything that you use on a daily basis.


26. Pile into a Bus; pile out of a car.

拥到公共汽车上; 挤出汽车.《互联网》

27. Questioned rhett, looking over the pile of gifts spread out on the bed in their hotel room, and removing the puppy and kitten to the dressing room.

瑞德在旅馆里把小猫、小狗都赶到梳妆室里,一面看着床摆的这一大堆礼物,一面问。《provided by jukuu》

28. The friction between the flakes is the same force that causes sand to form a pile rather than spread out like a puddle.


29. A pile of books avalanched out of the shelf.


30. Static heavy load test of over-length drilled pile is carried out by taking prestressed working pile as part of anchor system, the test equipment is set up capable of heavy weight loading.


31. Its easy to let the little stresses on the job pile up and blot out the things you genuinely love about the job.


32. When the pile was big enough, his friend, the morning star, would come out to let everyone know that the fire was about to start.


33. I asked, holding out the pile of mostly nickels.


34. Be sure to sift out any limbs or material that could hurt your child if he jumps on the pile.


35. The crowd carried me out to the center of the lawn, then dropped me on my back in what felt like a pile of fresh dog waste.


36. Based on a number of engineering cases, quality problems commonly observed in the boring of pile holes are pointed out and valuable experience is gained, which is very useful to a deeper understanding of super-long bored pile and the comprehensive control of construction quality.


37. They pile out of the van. Some are parents with small children.


38. We can pile out many types of Plastic and latex tube.


39. Application of static bolt-pressing pile and drawing out soil in drilling hole for deviation rectification of inclined buildings in soft ground


40. As I've worked on the draft of my Happiness Project book (self-promotion alert: it comes out in January), I kept a pile of all the print-outs I've made.


41. The complex fuel manage in pile and out pile can be treated;


42. This shirt special significance to me is a relic of my ancestors left is the ancestors alive through the clothes in her walk that day, I took it from turning in a pile of debris out.


43. Since her first novel, Twilight, was plucked out of an agent's slush pile and published in 2005, Meyer has sold more than 85m copies worldwide.


44. A dirty young man searched through a pile of blackened onions, picking out those that were not inedibly charred.


45. A pile of magazines tumbled out when he opened the cupboard.


46. Just as a construction crew needs a blueprint to build a house out of a pile of lumber, you need a strategy that describes how the transactional building blocks are put together.


47. Got that stale pile of laundry out of there?


48. They had a pile of stuff put out by some kind of East-Prussian patriotic blood-and-soil gang.


49. This paper attempts to pile out the historical vacancy& "the adult space in Andersen's fairy research". we analyze and discuss the ecology connotation and the energetic details inside the Christianity which is neglected and denial continuously in Andersen's fairy literatures.


50. She looked quickly through the papers, sifting out from the pile anything that looked interesting.


51. I bet they are making a pile out of the deal.


52. Combining with the supposed fixed-point method and M method, the studies and discussions on the characteristics of P-Y curve method applied to high pile structures are carried out and some conclusions are provided in the paper.

主要结合假想嵌固法、M法及考虑桩土非线性相互作用方法P Y曲线法在分析高桩结构物时的优缺点进行讨论。

53. B 4C pellets with different B/ C ratio and nuclear purity grade sodium were put into a stainless steel cladding tubes and the out of pile tests were carried out at 550,650 and 750 ℃.


54. Based on the model tests of rammed pedestal pile carried out in laboratory, the head-expanding mechanism is proposed and analysed qualitatively, and the empirical formulas of ramming effect radius and end bearing capacity are also deduced.


55. The weekly market announces itself by sending out a pungent stench, from pile after pile of cured fish.


56. Perhaps the most unlikely culprit singled out in the claims was a pile of decomposing carrots, which caused a driver to skid and lose control of his vehicle.


57. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung and promptly dug him out and ate him!


58. Ships pull up to the docks. Guests pile out.


59. Retail traders are seen as more likely to pile into and out of rapidly moving stocks.


60. Combined with survey of climatic radar scientific observatory building project in Xiamen, it introduces technical procedure& operating points of steel tube concrete pile construction and points out that the technology has functions of strengthening rigidity of whole structure and increasing anti seismic function of structure.


61. A pile of books was brought out for them to see, including six manuscripts from the fabled library.



1. When one of the judges plucked his entry out of the pile of also-rans, he was as astonished, and unprepared, as everyone else.


2. The caisson could not simply be capped, because the oil pressure would blow its suction pile out of the sea floor.

ECONOMIST: Fixing oil wells

3. Since they have ruled out the only immediate alternative, military force, they are doubtless now busy preparing to make lemonade out of this pile of lemons.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Get ready for a nuclear Iran

4. Vettel made up 18 points last weekend at Spa when the Spaniard crashed out in the dramatic pile-up at the first corner.


5. They rode out the downturn by sitting on their cash pile.

FORBES: Property Tycoon Raj Kumar And Son Kishin RK Construct A New Future

6. One day the pile of cheese runs out.

FORBES: Change Happens. Embrace It. Enjoy It. Look Forward To It.

7. Unfortunately, the emotional response can be to pile in or pile out of the market at exactly the wrong time.

FORBES: Muni Bond Manager's Journal: Seasonal Affective Disorder

8. As literally scores of kids pile out of it at the end, the Hummer comes to be seen, not unfairly, as a clown car.

WSJ: Film Review

9. Once the caisson was in position, the pile would be pumped out and driven into the ooze.

ECONOMIST: Fixing oil wells

10. The question now is whether the political problems facing the American-led coalition ranging from impatience in America to war-weariness among allies, including sections of the British public, and disunity among the Afghans will pile up so fast as to cancel out any progress that the military campaign might be making.

ECONOMIST: The military campaign: Steadying nerves | The

11. His office is clean, his out-box is full, his pile of books has disappeared.


12. The 34 others have some form of guaranteed "high-risk-pool" capped-cost coverage that is nonetheless expensive enough to drown many potential customers in debt, and limited enough to pile large out-of-pocket costs on those who can afford the premiums.

FORBES: Post-Job Health Care: Cobra And Beyond

13. This is partly because the government is quick to whip out a pile-driver whenever it perceives a policy problem.

ECONOMIST: Japan's markets

14. Building a rubbish pile is, it turns out, surprisingly high-tech.

ECONOMIST: A history of waste

15. Here's a sales rep on another day of cold calls, handing out another pile of business cards.

FORBES: Magazine Article

16. While the currency asset class is taking a time out, investors continue to pile into European equities now that the worst of the Euro crisis seems to be over.

FORBES: Same Game but EURO Goals Have Shifted

17. He thinks that could be remedied if Apple were to start paying out some of its giant cash pile in the form of regular dividends.

FORBES: Apple: Here's How The Stock Can Move Higher. A Lot Higher.

18. The book came out in 2008 along with huge pile of other reform books by luminaries like Tom Daschle and George Schultz.

FORBES: Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Sounds Just Like Zeke Emanuel's Voucher System

19. But whenever you have a big award ceremony out here the Grammys, the Emmys, this weekend's Golden Globes a logjam of events pile up around them, capitalizing on the influx of out-of-towners as well as the readiness, willingness and ability of celebrities to pose for a few pictures and give a few slaps on the back.

WSJ: L.A. Story: Paintings, Ponies, Prizes

20. It turns out to be a pile of dung.

FORBES: Meet the Relatives

21. So the mortgage payment is a rounding error that may easily come out of the petty cash pile.

FORBES: Standard and Poor's Lack Of Integrity Will Be Exposed

22. If claims pile up, insurers may phase out policies that include cover for insider-trading suits.

ECONOMIST: Insuring hedge funds: Dodging the bullets | The

23. He has also been speaking to the Reuters news agency, which he told he had had meetings with Apple's senior management on the subject of sharing out the cash pile.

BBC: Apple sued by David Einhorn over cash pile

24. They cannot afford to watch another month of unpaid bills pile up, another semester of tuition slip out of reach, another month where instead of saving for retirement, they're dipping into their savings just to get by.

FORBES: Text Of Obama's Economic Team Announcement

25. Officials in Durban deployed teams to taxi ranks and train stations across the city to pass out 100-day badges, while in front of City Hall a pile of 100 footballs was set out, with one to be given away each day until 11 June.

BBC: South Africa ready for Cup, says Fifa's Sepp Blatter

26. He much approves of the 18th-century English aristocrat who moved out of his crumbling pile in order to admire, from his new house on the hill, how quickly wild nature took control of the elegant rooms he had lived in.

ECONOMIST: Dust and decay

27. Leicester won the resulting line-out and Moody emerged from a pile of bodies to claim the try.

BBC: Leicester 19-14 Worcester

28. The air is then pumped out and water pressure pushes the pile into the ooze, as shown in the second diagram.

ECONOMIST: Fixing oil wells

29. It is "an internalized operation focused on moving that pile of applications in the door and out the door, " said Marcus Owens, a former top IRS official who oversaw the exempt-organizations division until 2000.

WSJ: IRS Division in Dispute Followed Own Course

30. It was a pile of clothes and blankets with her arms and legs sticking out.

BBC: 'Jazmine would have been 19 now'



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