health services是什么意思_health services短语搭配_health services权威例句

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health services

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1. Health Services Administration 健康服务管理 ; 卫生服务管理 ; 卫生服务 ; 健康服务行政

2. Health Services Management 健康服务管理 ; 卫生服务管理 ; 卫生事业管理学 ; 医疗服务管理

3. Preventive Health Services 预防卫生服务 ; 预防性健康服务 ; 预防医学

4. Health services and post-secondary education 卫生服务和中学后教育 ; 卫生办事和中学后教诲 ; 中学后教育

5. Health Services Research 健康服务研究 ; 卫生服务研究 ; 研究 ; 卫生服务相关研究

6. Community Health Services 社区卫生服务 ; 社区医疗服务 ; 展社区卫生服务 ; 城市社区卫生服务

7. public health services 公费医疗 ; 公共卫生服务 ; 公共衞生服务

8. Health Services Coordinator 健康服务协调员

9. Child health services 儿童保健服务 ; 儿童保健服务机构 ; 儿童卫生服务


1. The annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting to astronomical figures.


2. These roles respond to the main barriers to access to health services.


3. Medical and health services continue to improve the network.


4. The fund is earmarked for public health services.


5. Sri Lanka: creating community-based mental health services


6. Wherever people live, they need health services and people to deliver them.


7. Health services are mining clinical data to gauge the cost-effectiveness of drugs.


8. Everyone will have access to basic medical and health services.


9. Reproductive health services protect the health of women, mothers and their babies.

生殖健康服务可保护妇女 、 母亲及其婴儿的健康.《互联网》

10. Their impact on access to health services must be carefully examined.


11. In Latin America, CCTs have also increased the use of preventive health services.


12. There are strong arguments for why schools are best places to provide mental health services.


13. Meanwhile, many people have no access to mental health services at all.


14. The fund is earmarked for public health services.


15. It is the single largest problem facing health services worldwide.


16. Current graduate students, undergraduates as more than 4800 of Health Services.

现有研究生 、 本科生、成教生4800余人.《互联网》

17. What if I can't find suitable health services wherever I happen to be?


18. What do we learn from the passage about community health services in Britain? They have deteriorated due to budget cuts.


19. They also blame differences in health services around the country.


20. Therefore in many cases they first approach the private sector for health services.


21. The fragmentation of health services is a major handicap to combat AIDS.


22. The WHO can help improve health services all over the world.


23. Finally, the quality of health services influences the impact of any pandemic.


24. We can actively prevent and control infections in health services and beyond.


25. He says good quality health services are not accessible to rural residents.


26. CCTs have led to wider use of health services and better nutritional status.


27. WHO is today appealing to countries to increase their support for mental health services.


28. He says good quality health services accessible to rural residents.


29. The camp receives no regular health services.


30. Where does the author suggest mental health services be placed?


31. Their health improves, as do their health services.


32. One of the greatest challenges is ensuring people can access health services.


33. Focus on China's e - commerce development and oral health services.

专注于中国口腔健康 电子商务 建设与服务.《互联网》

34. This area is not attractive enough , the city needs more health services.

这个区域吸引力不够, 需要更多的学校.《互联网》

35. Part of the reason for the increased pressure on schools is that there are now fewer "early intervention" and low-level mental health services based in the community.


36. Elias Sory is the director general of health services in Ghana.


37. This part of the resort has some health services.


38. For instance, mental health services might be really relevant.


39. And again use health services.


40. A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required.


41. The only way to break the pressures on both mental health services and schools is to reinvest in early intervention services inside schools.


42. In Syria, the organization helped more than 2 million children, providing food and other supplies, as well as safe spaces for children to learn and get mental health services.


43. In the Department of Health, services are targeted at various age groups.


44. Nor had any of the mental health services in her area.



1. Elias Sory is the director general of health services in Ghana.

VOA : special.2009.06.17

2. As gun sales have soared, spending for social programs and mental health services has plummeted.

FORBES: Connect

3. Many say cutbacks in services are inevitable, and there is constant debate about how to balance health services with rising costs, rising demand and less revenue.

VOA : standard.2009.09.28

4. And as for the editors of the International Journal of Health Services: Shame on you.

FORBES: Garbage In, Anti-Nuclear Propaganda Out: The 14,000 Death Fukushima Lie

5. These include mental health and medical services.

VOA : special.2009.01.28

6. They attend the F.Edward Hebert School of Medicine of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda,Maryland.

VOA : special.2010.07.13

7. The secretary of health and human services said the new advice would not affect government policies.

VOA : special.2009.11.25

8. Another way is through e-health, electronic health services.

VOA : special.2010.05.03

9. Chief among them was the need to enhance access to quality mental health services.

WHITEHOUSE: An International Approach to Military Mental Health

10. It is a problem of funding but also of administration between health services and social services.

BBC: Action ordered for disabled

11. Her vision was free mental and behavioral health services for all first-responders and their family.

FORBES: If You Don't Take Time To Remember, You Forget

12. In two thousand five, the World Health Assembly passed a resolution urging countries to plan for "eHealth" services.

VOA : special.2009.06.17

13. On Tuesday,the President's choice to lead the Department of Health and Human Services withdrew his nomination.

VOA : special.2009.02.06

14. The WHO report gives examples of health services placed under pressure by nursing shortages.

BBC: UK 'fuelling global nurse shortage'

15. The only other sector in which unemployment fell: education and health services (tallied as one).

FORBES: Magazine Article

16. When his in-laws sold out to what became Alco Health Services, he stayed on.

FORBES: Easy Pill to Swallow

17. Her vision was free mental and behavioral health services for all first-responders and their families.

FORBES: Eleven Years Since 9/11: If You Don't Take Time to Remember, You Forget

18. So, hooray for ACOs, and let's keep inching toward true competition in health services.

WSJ: What Are Accountable-Care Organizations, and Will They Improve Health Care?

19. Mr Khan said companies running prisons or delivering education or health services should be covered.

BBC: Labour conference: FoI laws 'should be extended'

20. Founded in 1948 by a Labour Government to provide the best health services for all.

BBC: News | UK Politics | Frank Dobson's speech in full

21. In addition, children and young people are rightly a target for public health services.

BBC: How we can help children improve their health

22. We were working to build our health services and counseling service capacities, and so it was a great opportunity for me to learn about being a dean.

我们忙着建立,自己的健康和咨询服务中心,所以这对我来说是个大好机会,我可以去学习怎样当个院长。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

23. Since most voters did not consider themselves wealthy, the Mental Health Services Act initiative passed.

FORBES: California taps highest income taxpayers for more revenue

24. The White House says UNRWA will receive $40 million to help pay for educational and health services;

VOA : standard.2010.06.17

25. Mr Jones also answered questions on health services in north Wales and the free swimming scheme.

BBC: First minister's questions

26. Mr Thomas said savings could be made with joined up working with health services.

BBC: Welsh councils cut ?145m off spending to set budgets

27. Services must be shaped to fit each country's health care needs and level of technological development.

VOA : special.2009.06.17

28. It calls for all mental health services and organisations to listen to the needs of women.

BBC: Depressed women

29. He added in some mental health services there was a culture in which smoking was acceptable.

BBC: NHS 'ignoring smoking in mental health patients'

30. It provides medical services to low-earning citizens who do not have health insurance.

VOA : special.2009.04.03

31. Several medical industry analysts say Asia's rising economic strength and increasing investment in health services will be able to meet demand for affordable care both for people in the region and for world travelers.

VOA : standard.2009.12.23

32. Spokesman Andy Bell said many refugees did not know what health services were available.

BBC: News | Health | GPs need help with refugees - report

33. Medical teams from the United States Department of Health and Human Services have treated thousands of victims.

VOA : special.2010.02.01

34. It provides child and adult mental health services, alcohol treatment, learning disability and eating disorder services.

BBC: NHS trust defends ?700 Quality Street chocolate spend

35. It has a dangerous mix of poor sanitation, high population density and limited health services.

BBC: UK to spend ?2m combating cholera in Sierra Leone

36. "We believe that,long term, Mexico is going to be a wonderful opportunity for retirees to live,the cost of medical services and health-related issues, but also the overall cost of living in Mexico is far lower."

VOA : special.2011.06.13

37. Tell us about e-health services where you are.

VOA : special.2010.05.03

38. But he added that they must use the money to support services like police, fire, education and health care.

VOA : special.2009.01.09

39. The strike has badly affected health services in all government hospitals across the city.

BBC: NEWS | South Asia | Court questions India quota offer

40. Kathleen Sebelius is secretary of health and human services.

VOA : special.2010.04.21

41. "So clearly that is a major concern for us. If you think in terms of just basic health services or even more acute health conditions, there is a fear that people who were there at the time of the flooding are not getting the treatment that they should be."

VOA : standard.2009.09.08

42. It would finance a five-year program to pay for health care and other services for victims.

VOA : special.2009.10.24

43. The World Health Organization and the World Bank say people with disabilities should be able to use the same services as everyone else.

VOA : special.2011.06.29

44. Over much of the past 10 years Thailand has led the growing medical tourism market, as foreigners sought lower cost health services and ready access to treatment.

VOA : standard.2009.12.23

45. He said money from the sale of the land would be reinvested in health services.

BBC: 'Nightingale Quarter' homes plan for Derby hospital site

46. In Washington, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the problem was not getting enough supplies to Haiti.

VOA : special.2010.02.01

47. No loan will replace the need for education and health services.

VOA : special.2010.06.16

48. One is a new,phone-based service for expectant mothers from Voxiva, a firm which develops interactive mobile health services.

VOA : standard.2010.02.24

49. Kathleen Sebelius is the secretary of health and human services.

VOA : special.2009.09.11

50. EU's gift: the Union has few direct powers to regulate industrial disputes or national health services.

ECONOMIST: The small print of a notably complicated document

51. "I frankly get sick people who carp and criticise the health services, " he commented.

BBC: Question Time

52. Many experts say mental health services in the region have not recovered since Hurricane Katrina.

NPR: Mental Issues Surge, Suicide Rates Flat Post-Katrina

53. "Focusing on immunization coverage often can be a way of focusing on those who are excluded from society,excluded from health services, more than just the vaccines,".

VOA : standard.2009.12.28

54. But health care and temporary employment services have had job growth.

VOA : special.2009.11.20

55. Even by regional standards, education and health services are poor in Peru, and infrastructure is lacking.


56. They also include workers in health care and emergency services, and people between six months and twenty-four years of age.

VOA : special.2009.08.18

57. However, in light of ongoing state budget and sequestration cuts, mental health services continue to erode.

CNN: America has to tackle its suicide problem

58. These regulations contain provisions about care co-ordination, treatment and planning for patients using mental health services.

BBC: Motions

59. The charges relate to Mr Thomson's time as head of the Health Services Union.

BBC: Australia MP arrested on 150 charges of fraud

60. Poverty,malnutrition,overcrowding, lack of clean conditions, pollution and limited health services are all causes of their poor health.

VOA : special.2009.07.20



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