ceiling amount翻译_ceiling amount短语搭配_ceiling amount权威例句

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ceiling amount

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  • 最高金额:指一个项目、合同或者贷款的最高可批准金额。

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1. ceiling amount of mortgage 最高额抵押

2. the ceiling amount of mortgage 最高额抵押权


1. For the effect, this title has explained the ceiling amount of mortgage from two respects which are different from the general mortgage.


2. The plan, drawn up by House speaker John Boehner, includes some$ 900bn of spending cuts and would raise the debt ceiling by a similar amount.


3. Foreign banks would be allowed to issue credit and debit cards, and the ceiling on the amount qualified foreign institutional investors could invest in domestic financial markets would rise from$ 10bn to$ 30bn.


4. The ceiling of a loan for refurbishing houses shall not exceed 80% of the total house refurbishing amount.

䠀 家居装修贷款的最高金额不得超过家居装修工程总额的80%。

5. Which reduce career acceleration and thus the amount of force available to crack the glass ceiling.


6. There is now impressive momentum behind the idea of a leverage ratio, a measure that puts a fixed ceiling on the total amount of assets that a bank can hold relative to its capital.


7. By ceiling, we mean the highest amount or maximum value of, for example, memory you can use and still make practical use of the system.


8. New rafters and a new ceiling upstairs also were required, which, with the previous bill, would amount to a sum of twenty pounds.


9. That is, while the amount of cuts to the deficit and the amount that the debt ceiling will be extended are roughly equal, they are on two very different time frames.


10. The third part is the change and confirmation of the ceiling amount of mortgage.


11. On effect of ceiling amount of mortgage


12. The third part is the change and confirmation of the ceiling amount of mortgage.


13. But based on the amount of caffeine in chocolate, laying awake, staring at the ceiling until all hours of the night after eating a candy bar is unlikely.


14. In a method of three times of pollination with 3~ 5 days interval after 40% central flowers florescence, it got ceiling amount of seeds at, whereas efficiency of seeds production was lower than the former.


15. In the first part, this title has made a general analysis to the ceiling amount mortgage, and expanded the historical evolution, concept, characteristics, functions and defect of ceiling amount of mortgage in detail.



1. The value of loans being written does not set a ceiling on the amount of losses they can generate.

ECONOMIST: Paradise lost

2. In the calendar year of 2011, especially leading up to and through the fiscal cliff -- I mean, rather the debt ceiling negotiations, he spent an enormous amount of time with Republican leaders, face-to-face time, probably more than either of his immediate predecessors did in such a sustained, short period of time.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

3. Failing to raise the debt ceiling would effectively amount to a perfect storm, hitting the U.S. economy where it hurts, according to Bernanke.

FORBES: Apocalyptic Bernanke: Raise The Debt Ceiling Or Else

4. He also said there should be limits to the amount of government debt held by the public and that the ceiling should be lowered as the Social Security surpluses mounted.

ECONOMIST: Budget making

5. As serious as the amount of the debt is, the taffy pull in Washington over the debt ceiling is political theater.

FORBES: Financial Crisis Act II: Greece Vs. The Debt Ceiling

6. The RFS places a ceiling on the amount of corn that can be used for ethanol at 15 billion gallons beginning in the year 2015.

FORBES: Big Win For Biofuels

7. We cannot control the amount by which they raise the debt ceiling or the timing of the vote.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

8. The share price has no theoretical ceiling, while the bonds pay a fixed amount.

ECONOMIST: Investment: In search of those elusive returns | The

9. For one thing, the nation only contains 11 million people, meaning that there is a ceiling on the amount of agricultural imports it can handle.

FORBES: Congress Looks At Cuba

10. The age 55 ceiling is only 45% of the age 65 amount.

FORBES: PBGC Pension Termination: A Worker's Perspective by Terry O'Rourke, United airlines (December 15, 2007 )

11. The government borrows money to make up the difference between what it pays and what it takes in, and the debt ceiling is a cap set by Congress on the amount of debt the federal government can legally borrow.

FORBES: How The Debt Ceiling Talks Affect All Americans

12. That matters, because if and when his appointment is confirmed by the Senate, Mr Lew will be immediately engulfed in a battle to get Congress to lift the ceiling on the amount that the Federal government can legally borrow in the financial markets.

BBC: Obama puts a trusted man at the Treasury

13. Ok, there was a tremendous amount of news flow last week, including the Inauguration, debt ceiling developments out of Washington, blockbuster earnings reports, economic data, Davos, and many other items.

FORBES: 'Will Beyonce Lip-Sync The Super Bowl?' (And Other Quotes Of The Week)

14. The Republicans could defer all discussions with regard to the debt ceiling, which may be hit as early as January, to the next Congress by increasing the debt ceiling by the amount necessary to accommodate three or six additional months of deficit spending.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

15. In its latest incarnation, the interest-rate ceiling on consumer loans is restricted to 5% above the Federal Reserve's discount rate the amount the Fed charges banks for overnight loans.

ECONOMIST: Usury laws: The bad side of town | The

16. Perhaps as early as March 31, the United States will reach the ceiling on the amount of debt it can legally hold, according to a letter Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sent to congressional leaders Thursday.

FORBES: Brinkmanship Begins Over Debt Ceiling Increase

17. Over time, as the private sector gained experience, the government percentage would be reduced, and the dollar amount ceiling would be reduced.

FORBES: How To Put An End To Fannie And Freddie



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