locks out是什么意思_locks out的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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1. Locks Out Corrosion 防止腐蚀


1. When you’re just starting out as an entrepreneur, you have an enormous number of paths to choose from – but when one of those paths really starts to pay off, it locks you in for the long haul.


2. Tong Thai wheel locks have been wiped the characteristics of heavy vehicle. Though with weight only 6.5 kg, the locked out object is clear.


3. You look out into the world and you see Allies instead of enemies. You see keys instead of locks. You see solutions instead of obstacles.


4. Financial markets are global, not local, today, so the problem isn't that the failure of any single bank locks individuals or businesses out of the credit markets.


5. Keep logs to study your online profile and decide what you can knock out, download a program like Freedom that locks you out of your browser, or take a "digital Sabbath".

保持记录,研究你的在线资料,并决定你可以删除什么,下载一个像Freedom这样的程序,使你远离浏览器,或采取 "数字安息日"。

6. His old shoes clumped soundly in the dust as he walked, and his gray-black locks, now grown rather long, straggled out in a dramatic fringe or halo from under his hat.


7. The parameter locks out all other name variations besides the user name listed in the first column of the view used to perform look-ups.


8. I don't go out. I have three locks on the door.


9. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and we can be completely and honestly who we are;


10. This paper indicates that cavitation problem is existing in two types of valves commonly used in high-lift navigation locks and points out the importance of researching the problem.


11. Known for her 3-d hair pieces, Gaga took a cue from the song's title and wears a neon yellow telephone receiver molded out of hair wrapped around her two-toned curly locks with a cord.


12. By the way, the door locks by itself. Please remember to take out your key when you go out and leave it at the front desk.


13. I really like the pump too, it gets every last bit out and locks for travel.


14. The biggest advantage of lock objects over implicit locks is their ability to back out of an attempt to acquire a lock.


15. To find out what locks are held when the lock wait occurs, use the db2pd utility.

要找出发生锁等待时持有哪个锁,我们使用db 2 pd实用程序。

16. Or I guess ithis case, every time he locks you out.


17. The parameter locks out all other name variations besides the user name listed in the first column of the view used to perform look-ups.


18. This locks up cash that banks could otherwise lend out.


19. Valerian Nighttime's exclusive Dual Control? coating naturally protects its active ingredients and locks out the pungent aroma of valerian.


20. they pick locks and they get out They do it where no human can do it Does this make you feel very sensitive when you hear about the harsh treatment of many of the primates-in the mountains of Africa-their territory getting smaller,


21. Since locks are used for interthread communication, it makes sense that taking out a lock would start a critical region and that releasing the lock would end the critical region.


22. The natural brunette, known for her now white-blonde locks, says she misses her dark hair when she has to "get a chemical haircut because my blonde hair is falling out."


23. You have also configured the lockout feature so that it locks out a user for 30 seconds if there are three failed attempts within a period of 60 seconds.


24. Dropping down a layer, we have the transaction level, where we can find out what locks are being held as a result of these transactions, investigate any potential blocking and so on.


25. And since I was up I would check all the locks and then stand listening to the distant sounds of the desert (the muffled hum of cars heading north or south) and looking out of the window at the night.


26. Out of the 160 security boxes, the highly skilled crew worked through 123, popping the locks with a tool they created specifically for the job.


27. Regarding the locks, I found out if we turn the water on there is enough friction to unscrew the lock.


28. They are penned in: lifted and lowered by enormous surges of water in and out of the locks, while tied to locomotives to prevent them touching the sides.


29. It turns out the CLI specification also guarantees that the runtime will not allow type constructors to create a deadlock situation, unless additional locks are explicitly taken by user code.


30. You have also configured the lockout feature so that it locks out a user for30 seconds if there are three failed attempts within a period of60 seconds.


31. The CEO pointed out that fortunately they've never forgotten how to make locks.

Master Lock首席执行长指出,幸运的是他们从未忘记如何制锁。

32. It is inefficient, both because it wastes a lot of money and because it locks people who would have done good work out of some jobs.


33. Pressing the SPACE bar and a directional button simultaneously locks out a track and allows you to perform a sharp turn with a loss of speed.


34. Man steps out of BMW to pee, locks son, 3, inside.



1. There's a kids corner feature too that locks out important features when you give your phone to your kids so they can't email your boss.

CNN: Can Windows Phone 8 mobiles compete with iPhone?

2. For that we can thank the powerful farm lobby, which in the 1930s and 1950s screamed that without free locks and channels they would go out of business.

FORBES: A river of subsidies

3. The same fundamentals apply in opening puzzle boxes from Hakone, Japan: something appears impossible to circumvent until you figure out the secret, and locks, just like the secret boxes, are all about hidden secrets.

FORBES: Japanese Secret Boxes: The Coolest Security Puzzles for Kids and Adults

4. For one, in order to drop the top, the trunk space has to be cleared out, and at times there seem to be a lemon-like malfunction with the electronic locks.

FORBES: Chevrolet Camaro SS Convertible: Fast Fall Driving

5. The group of 8, 000 Linux developers has filed a complaint to the European Commission about a mechanism that locks out other operating systems.

BBC: Microsoft faces European open software probe

6. Sliding in the cell locks it in place, where a swipe of the lock lets it pop out so that you can grasp it with your fingers -- it's usually an easy task, but sometimes the battery doesn't pop out enough to get a grip on it.

ENGADGET: Tritton Warhead 7.1 Wireless Surround Sound Headset for Xbox 360 review

7. Le Page used arm-locks to great effect winning five out of his six fights with them in the knockout competition and won the final in under ten seconds.

BBC: Le Page wins British Open title

8. Also, don't forget to call the lender to find out what fees it charges for loan origination, rate locks and administrative fees.

WSJ: Will the Lender Cancel My Loan?

9. Apple does not hesitate to spend aggressively at the last minute to meet fickle demand and frequently locks out competitors.

FORBES: Apple's Rocket Fuel Explained

10. When I was a kid growing up I took apart radios and locks to figure out how they worked.

FORBES: Young Juvenile Makes An Explosive With Baby Powder And Other Tales From The URI Explosives Lab

11. With curly, blond locks flaring out from beneath his helmet, and a rigid, upright batting stance, Carter was immediately recognizable at the plate.

WSJ: Gary Carter, Baseball Hall of Famer, Dies

12. Alto said some of the big lecture room doors don't have locks and others open out to the hallway on the Berkeley campus, something he thinks leaves students on campus vulnerable to an attack.

CNN: readers: Are we safe on campus?

13. More fisticuffs burst out, Paul Tito heavily engaged with Hartley and opposing locks Lawes and Christian Day, before Parks slotted over the penalty to level the match at 6-6 on the half-hour mark.

BBC: Blues 19-23 Northampton

14. Empty houses belonging to the Environment Agency at nine locks and weirs along the River Thames are to be rented out to the public.

BBC: Flood fears over lock keeper cottage rent plan

15. In striving to protect widows and orphans from Snidely Whiplash, Reg D locks out the middle class from the main arena of venture capital limited partnerships.

FORBES: Digital rules

16. It hurts performance, locks people out of their own single-player game during maintenance, and serves no purpose that benefits consumers whatsoever.

FORBES: 'SimCity' Is 'Inherently Broken'

17. The real question is how Kaba intends on fixing the thousands, if not millions of locks that are out there and at risk of an attack.

FORBES: The Kaba Simplex lock is only for "access control": Is that what FDNY Engine Company 65 thought?

18. If he strays a second time, RescueTime locks him out of nonwork programs and apps.

WSJ: How Productivity Tools Can Waste Your Time

19. We use the same boxes for training design engineers for the lock companies in how to think in order to figure out ways to compromise locks when the methods are neither apparent nor logical.

FORBES: Japanese Secret Boxes: The Coolest Security Puzzles for Kids and Adults

20. The Kindle Store facilitates impulse subscriptions, locks readers to a single seller, and shuts competitors clean out of the process. (In this respect Amazon appears to have learned well the lessons of its sometime rival Apple and its market-dominating iTunes Store.) The larger-format Kindle Amazon will reportedly introduce this week only seems likely to accelerate that process.

FORBES: Where the Kindle's real muscle lies
















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