
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈsɪtɪz(ə)n]play美 [ˈsɪtɪzn]play

  • n. 市民,城镇居民;公民,国民

复数 citizens

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citizen /ˈsɪtɪzən/

  • 1.
    可数名词 Someone who is a citizen of a particular country is legally accepted as belonging to that country. 公民

    ...American citizens.


  • 2.
    可数名词 The citizens of a town or city are the people who live there. 市民

    ...the citizens of Buenos Aires.


  • 3.
    →see also   senior citizen





inhabitant citizen resident 【导航词义:居民】

inhabitant n. 居民

〔辨析〕 指某地的常住居民。

例1: He is an inhabitant of Beijing.


例2: She visited some cities of over three million inhabitants.


citizen n. 市民;公民

〔辨析〕 指住在某个城镇、城市、国家等的居民,也可指具有某国合法国籍的人。

例1: Most Beijing citizens saw the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games on TV.


例2: How many American citizens are now living in China?


resident n. 居民;房客

〔辨析〕 指在某地的长期定居者或住户,也可指在某地的临时住客。

例1: The residents of this town are very hospitable.


例2: This hotel offers full-body massage only to its residents.



1. Citizen Kane 公民凯恩 ; 大国民 ; 公平易近凯恩 ; 国民凯恩

2. citizen journalism 公民新闻

3. second-class citizen 次等公民

4. private citizen 普通公民

5. senior citizen 老年人

6. cyber citizen 网民 ; 网际公民 ; 网平易近 ; 网名

7. global citizen 世界公民;全球公民

8. Star Citizen 星际公民 ; 星际国民 ; 太空公民

9. net citizen 网民

10. citizen media 公民媒体 ; 网路公民媒体 ; 民媒体

11. corporate citizen 企业公民;公司公民

12. fellow citizen 各位公民;同胞

13. Citizen Science 公众科学 ; 全民科学 ; 公民科研


1. The Hobbesian citizen is not likely to be a risk-taker, like George Washington or Andrew Carnegie.


2. The old house has see what fabulous , reading room, playroom and citizen civilized school, etc.

老年之家设有健身室 、 阅览室 、 棋牌室和市民文明学校等.《期刊摘选》

3. When you're old, people treat you like a second-class citizen .


4. A former President who is now a private citizen.


5. But there is no title I will wear more proudly than that of citizen.


6. There was neither a political society, nor a citizen.

这里既没有任何一种政治社团, 也没有任何国民.《辞典例句》

7. The society admits all US citizens over 21.


8. Do you think you are targeted by citizen stalking and electronic harassment?

你认为你被市民跟踪和电子折磨当作目标对象 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

9. Before becoming a full-blown director, he worked as the film editor on Citizen Kane.


10. When you're old, people treat you like a second-class citizen.


11. Older people should not be treated as second-class citizens.


12. You need to understand as a citizen and as a tax payer and as a voter what’s really behind the arguments.

你们需要理解,作为一名公民,作为一名纳税人,作为一名选民,各种争论背后的真正含义。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

13. Thousands of American citizens have informed on these organized crime syndicates.


14. Of Shenzhen citizen the 2 nd, the 3 rd more even the rate of second course of study.

据调查.深圳市民的第二 、 第三次甚至更多次置业的比率.《期刊摘选》

15. Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.


16. Today is National Day, as a citizen in China, I don't feel a thing.

今天是国庆日, 身为一个中国公民, 我却没什么感觉.《期刊摘选》

17. British and American warships are standing by to evacuate their citizens if necessary


18. The United States will do that which is necessary to meet its obligations to its own citizens


19. The President authorizes the judicious use of military force to protect our citizens.


20. Heavy taxes indispose a citizen to work hard.


21. A cornice falls, that it hits every citizen the head, every last man in town.

一块瓦砾落下, 砸中每个人的头, 无一幸免.《期刊摘选》

22. EU citizens can now travel freely between member states.


23. As a citizen, you have a right to speak freely and to practise your religion.


24. Citizen: Yes. Take the No.202 bus.

市民: 乘202路公共汽车.《期刊摘选》

25. Also , a foreign student cann't display on cannot displace an American citizen citizen in a job.


26. Some cultures are too adept at lining up: a citizen of the former Soviet Union would join a queue just so he could get to the head of that queue and see what everyone was queuing for.


27. He was born in Congo, but he's a citizen of Canada.

他生于刚果, 但他是加拿大公民.《期刊摘选》

28. the citizens of Budapest


29. Many senior citizens have been through two world wars


30. She's Italian by birth but is now an Australian citizen.


31. Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting against-discrimination by age.


32. Every citizen should take on the responsibility to keep public toilets clean in order to build a more beautiful city.


33. To throw away a senior citizen after they've nursed you through childhood is wrong.


34. Good evening, citizen, filling his glass.

晚上好, 公民, ” 他往杯里斟酒.《英汉文学 - 双城记》

35. Every citizen is duty bound to do something meaningful for society.


36. By and large, these people are peace-loving, law-abiding citizens.


37. British citizens living in other parts of the European Union


38. Many senior citizens have very few visitors from one week to the next


39. The essence of citizen education is the process which is the formation and enrichment of civility.


40. What's with the outstanding citizen convention in the hall?


41. I strongly agree that overpopulation has placed an enormous burden on each citizen and the environment.


42. Full transparency to ensure citizen oversight of fund allocation.


43. They are treated as third-class citizens.


44. Every citizen of this country has the freedom of conscience.


45. I am British citizen, and as such am entitled to the full protection of the law.

我是一位英国公民, 因而应该充分受到法律的保护.《期刊摘选》

46. Everybody can be a good citizen, because in many cases a friendly smile is all that is needed to build a better world.


47. What is the relation between new media and citizen education or critical pedagogy?

新媒体与公民教育或批判式教育学的关系是什 麽 ?《期刊摘选》

48. The United States is sending a naval task force to the area to evacuate American citizens.


49. It is the duty of every citizen to obey the laws.


50. One of the more prominent of them is the senior citizen discount.


51. We hope every citizen in this city to join us and pay attention to our appeal.


52. The satisfaction to the government spends citizen masses to also lift successively subsequently.


53. And, as the a private citizen on the machine a humanitarian mission, that was very good.

而且, 作为富有人道主义使命的平民, 那样做非常好.《期刊摘选》

54. A good government has a right to allegiance from the citizen.


55. How does the fourth estate simultaneously serve an audience that is both consumer and citizen?


56. You need to understand as a citizen and as a taxpayer and as a voter what's really behind the arguments.


57. Deep reading is crucial for being a good citizen, a successful college student and a productive employee.


58. Xicun Maoshu's kind citizen moral and education.


59. Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad.


60. The science quality and creative ability are important elements of the citizen qualities.


61. Is your Australian partner an Australian Citizen or Permanent resident?


62. She accused the Foreign Office of disgraceful failure to support British citizens arrested overseas.


63. Teenagers are responsible for their own actions and must be taught how to be a good citizen.


64. With citizen of Shanghai of computation of linear programming model the lowest on food consumes defray.


65. This month citizen anger boiled over.


66. I don't appreciate being treated like a second-class citizen.


67. Dikembe became a star in the NBA, and a citizen of the United States.

他成为了一个NBA明星, 并且成为一名美国公民.《期刊摘选》

68. One , machining pig dung pork of biology organic fertilizer is the indispensable food in citizen life.


69. Soldiers were forbidden to fraternize with the local citizen.


70. Every citizen has the duty to construct his country.


71. In conclusion , a good citizen should abide by traffic regulations.


72. Citizen umbrellas are publicly owned, and can be borrowed and used by anyone.

一支特殊造型的雨伞, 此伞可以供任何人使用,但不可占为己有.《期刊摘选》

73. Too many airlines treat our children as second-class citizens.


74. I invite every citizen to carefully study the document.


75. The government kept dossiers on thousands of its citizens.


76. Not all aspects of citizen control have been positive.


77. She is German by birth but is now a French citizen.


78. This is the duty of every citizen of the country.


79. Also, a foreign student cannot displace on american setision an American citizen in a job.

与此同时, 在工作时,留学生并不能享受美国公民同样的待遇.《期刊摘选》

80. ...the citizens of Buenos Aires.


81. It's my duty a citizen to stay informed.


82. The real problem is the person who gives way to a sudden temptation and is in all other respects an honest and law-abiding citizen.


83. He is no more than a citizen.


84. Uncivilized phenomenon is in nonlocal tourist eye, those who reflected local citizen quality is low!

不文明现象在外地游人眼里, 体现了当地市民素质的低下!《期刊摘选》

85. Thousands of citizens are already voting with their feet, and leaving the country


86. Urban forestry gives birth to the effect with rising very main in work in American citizen.


87. It should mean something to every member of Congress and every citizen.


88. People can learn from the example of taking part, being a citizen, acting outside of what is normal and doing something good with their own talents.


89. Peace and liberty are being praised by the citizen who had been sent to Greece.


90. As a citizen of Beijing, we've got to do something for her.

作为一个北京市民, 我们也得尽一份力.《期刊摘选》

91. Women are mothers of every citizen and thus they are the foundation of a nation.


92. And, other pravicy as a private citizen on thea humanitarian mission, that was very good.

并且, 作为一个平民的人道主义使命, 那也是非常正确的.《期刊摘选》

93. Is a citizen to be obedient to a law which he believes is immoral?


94. A private citizen once again , Gore turned his attention to his passion for promoting environmental awareness.

重归平民, 戈尔将他的注意力和兴趣转到了提高人们的环境意识.《期刊摘选》

95. People, especially the senior citizen should take a routine examination every year.


96. As a citizen of Shanghai, I feel Imust spare no efforts to do my bit.

作为上海市民, 我觉得我必须不遗余力地做我的一点.《期刊摘选》

97. For this reason, the Sanya municipal government appointed her as honorary citizen.

也正因此, 三亚市政府聘她为荣誉市民.《期刊摘选》

98. That means the kind of music that builds the kind of character a good citizen or a future leader would need.


99. We were second-class citizens and they treated us as such.


100. Also, a foreign student can a cannot displace and an American citizen in a job.


101. Is a foreign citizen allowed to do trading in your securities market?

外国公民可以在你们股市做交易 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

102. Athens had turned against its most brilliant and virtuous citizen.


103. Professor Wang thinks, citizen identity information inquires this service did not violate citizen privacy right.

王教授认为, 公民身份信息查询这项服务并未侵犯公民隐私权.《期刊摘选》

104. Senior citizens long for a more predictable and secure future.


105. She became a US citizen.


106. Send your citizen to the library to another eight hours to increase your job skill faster.


107. The average citizen in the developed world uses over 155kg of paper per year.


108. The article was insulting to the families of British citizens


109. A good citizen believes that he should serve the community and not the community serve him.


110. There, his students of "citizen statistics" learn to analyze public information like the federal budget and corporate reports.


111. Six of the 38 people were Russian citizens.


112. Student continues presentation with analysis of Citizen Kane.


113. Later he became an American citizen.


114. I wanted to scream, to jump on a chair and shout: "I'm an American citizen; a novelist; I probably teach English literature to your children."


115. Also, a foreign student cannot displace am an American sentense citizen a job.

同样的, 一个外国学生也不可能换一个美国市民的工作.《期刊摘选》

116. Prussia made him an honorary citizen.

普鲁士市授予他“荣誉市民”的称号.《英汉非文学 - 科学史》

117. Atmosphere branch reminds bag of citizen equipment good marijuana, prepare to get rich!

气象部门提醒市民备好大麻袋, 准备发财!《期刊摘选》

118. Did he pontificate about the responsibilities of a good citizen?


119. The FUF sends newsletters to people in order to plant a love for trees in every citizen.


120. It is a duty of every citizen to give others in trouble a helping hand.


121. The United States is making preparations for a large-scale airlift of 1,200 American citizens


122. Each citizen, whatever special conditions, deserves opportunities to fulfill their potential capabilities.

每个国民, 不管个人情况如何, 都应该给予充分发展他能力的机会.《期刊摘选》

123. Also, a foreign student can not cannot displace an American patency citizen a job.

并且, 一个外国学生也不能在工作中替代美国公民.《期刊摘选》

124. The life of ordinary citizens began to change.


125. Raise cable television rate, all the time since suffer citizen doubt fully.

提高有线电视收费标准, 一直以来都备受市民质疑.《期刊摘选》

126. Every citizen in a democratic country may claim the protection of the law.


127. The average Norwegian is better off than the average US citizen, but contributes about half as much to climate change.


128. The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies.


129. The authorities urged that every citizen focus attention on the security of food in the early spring.


130. Current, secondhand relevant data trades to an opinion the citizen on room net.

目前, 二手房网上交易相关资料正在向市民征求意见.《期刊摘选》

131. I'm not stubborn or unruly , I'm just trying to protect my personal rights as a citizen.

我不是钉子户,也不是刁民, 只是一个依法维护自己权益的公民.《期刊摘选》

132. Part of citizen has captured riches and has run to the sea through the city.


133. Let a farmer become a citizen only, just can achieve Chinese economy fly.

只有让农民变成市民, 才能实现中国经济的腾飞.《期刊摘选》

134. ...American citizens...


135. The citizen served as warrior in youth, ruler in his maturity, priest in his old age.

这个市民年青时期当战士,壮年时期当统治者, 到了老年就当僧侣了.《辞典例句》

136. Senile and disease has what kind of psychological response to the senior citizen?


137. Each miserable man used o say: I am a Roman citizen.

每个可怜人惯于宣称: 我是一个罗马市民.《期刊摘选》


1. We do have private health care and he is en route to being a contributing citizen.

FORBES: Mike Huckabee Slams Single Mothers, Especially Natalie Portman

2. Citizen Kane makes an appearance with Peggy Guggenheim, recast as the work's patron couple.

WSJ: Review: A New Interpretation of a Masterpiece | 'Eduardo Arroyo: The Mystic Lamb' at the Prado in Madrid

3. He is against singling out a particular citizen or group of people to go off and fight.

他反对特定挑选某个公民,或某个群体去参加战斗。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. Rather, you've got to be a wonderful class citizen A to get an A for discussion section.

而是,你需要成为一个很棒的学生,能够在课堂讨论环节得到。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. For many immigrants, the process of becoming a U.S. citizen can be a protracted bureaucratic nightmare.

WSJ: Citizenship via Grandparents

6. But he said Congress did not have power to close new territory to any American citizen.

VOA : special.2009.05.14

7. While she's a U.S. citizen, she sees herself as a part of two countries.

CNN: My Mexican-American identity crisis

8. By having his campaign target a private citizen for his politics, the president forswore those obligations.

WSJ: Best of the Web Today: Nobody's Laughing Now

9. The reviewer say that every American citizen should read.

有评论家说,每个美国公民都该读这本书。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

10. They must be at least twenty-five years old, an American citizen for at least seven years and live in the state they represent.

VOA : special.2009.08.14

11. They see movies more often during the daytime, when they're eligible for a senior-citizen rate.

WSJ: Saving for Retirement

12. First,they said, he could not be guilty of treason against Virginia, because he was not a citizen of Virginia.

VOA : special.2009.07.02

13. Joan Claybrook, president of the watchdog group Public Citizen, said it's all pretty simple.

NPR: Senators Reportedly Got Favors from Countrywide

14. The democracy itself needs a literate citizen rate in order to keep it in check.

为了保持国家的持续进步,一个民主国家需要更多的高文化素养的公民。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. He can be a citizen of his community, he can be a Marathonian, but he is also and more primarily,he is an Athenian.

他可以是自己社区的公民,可以是马拉松人,但他首先,也是雅典人古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Hellman died of complications from his treatment for leukemia, according to The Bay Citizen.

FORBES: Warren Hellman, San Francisco Private Equity Pioneer, Dies At 77

17. Inside lay Roaring Camp's newest citizen, wrapped in a piece of bright red cloth.

VOA : special.2009.06.06

18. Matt Gluyas from Stithians will spend three months as an International Citizen Service (ICS) volunteer.

BBC: Cornish young farmer works with Nepal's youngsters

19. a fine, upstanding, and decent Irish citizen


20. The Apology shows Socrates as offering a new model of citizenship a new kind of citizen.

苏格拉底自辩篇》显示出苏格拉底,欲提出一种新模式的公民权,一种新型态的公民。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. He became a British citizen.


22. This law gave every citizen, and every foreigner who asked for citizenship, the right to claim government land.

VOA : special.2010.04.15

23. Zion Francis says green living is honoring your position as a human, a citizen and a consumer.

VOA : special.2009.11.06

24. Tuesday Supervisor Mark Farrell introduced legislation to eliminate that provision, the Bay Citizen reported.

FORBES: Tax Break In Hand, Twitter To Stay In San Francisco

25. So the study of regime politics is in part a study of the distinctive national character types that constitutes a citizen body.

所以政体政治研究就如同,独特的民族性格类型研究,那组成了一个公民主体。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. He became a U.S. citizen in 1985, yet Queen Elizabeth II knighted him in 1999.

FORBES: It Takes a Crisis

27. These stakeholders could include governments, NGOs, citizen groups, and the other businesses in their ecosystem.

FORBES: A Letter From Davos

28. Yet the court still lacks a clear, consistent standard for accepting citizen media as evidence.

FORBES: Your Cell Phone Can Change the World

29. It suggests, from the beginning, a kind of loftiness and impartiality of perspective characteristic of the philosopher, but not necessarily the citizen.

那一开始,便暗示着一种高尚及公平的观点,一种哲学家的特性,但不一定是公民所具备。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. It says citizen cooperation after publicity about the crime has resulted in the capture of about forty percent of the suspected criminals.

VOA : special.2010.05.05

31. Her family said she is a naturalized U.S. citizen who was born in Mexico.

NPR: Ariz. Mom Not Giving Up On Mexico, Despite Arrest

32. Theodore Roosevelt, who later became president of the United States, called Riis the most useful citizen in New York City.

VOA : special.2010.08.01

33. So the government sees the relationship between citizen and state as, effectively, a deal.

BBC: Should we pick up other people's litter?

34. Immigrant and voting-rights advocates see non-citizen suffrage as a matter of taxpayer fairness and civic engagement.

WSJ: NYC weighs allowing many immigrants to vote

35. Mister Boyle was born in Canada and is a citizen of Canada and the United States.

VOA : special.2009.12.08

36. Its "citizen scientists" logged common species, and also found creatures previously undetected in the area.

BBC: Stalk jellyfish

37. to make a citizen's arrest


38. I'm looking for a citizen for my wife's birthday.


39. The sculptor had earlier expressed hope that his work would become a permanent "citizen of Venice".

BBC: Venice removes Charles Ray Boy with Frog statue

40. citizen organisations, and other civic groups


41. Mr. Tsarnaev was a legal resident of the U.S. and a citizen of Kyrgyzstan.

WSJ: U.S.: Russia Withheld Intel on Boston Bomb Suspect

42. When he freed you, if he was a Roman citizen, you would automatically become a Roman citizen also, and your children would be Roman citizens.

只要主人是罗马公民,奴隶被释放后,也能自动成为罗马公民,生下的孩子也会是罗马公民。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. According to whispers at the institution, its new chief economist will be a Chinese citizen.

ECONOMIST: An economist with an unusual past

44. But he did allow that he believes that the President is a United States citizen.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

45. It said a citizen of the United States could not be prevented from voting because of his color.

VOA : special.2010.02.04

46. Because he was not a citizen, he had no right to ask the court to hear his case.

VOA : special.2009.05.14

47. Second, there need to be policy environments where citizen media are valued and accepted.

FORBES: Your Cell Phone Can Change the World

48. This quick-thinking citizen then alerts a nearby policeman, who found the bound store-owner and customer.

FORBES: Robber Exiled By Federal Judge After Drinking Red Slurpee

49. The Hobbesian citizen is not likely to be a risk taker, like a George Washington or an Andrew Carnegie.

可以这样说,霍布斯笔下的公民是不可能做冒险家的,就像乔治·华盛顿和安德鲁·卡内基一样。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. For one thing, he didn't invent a sort of image, he invented a story wrote and collaborated on the plot of Citizen Kane.

他并没有创造一种形象,他在《公民凯恩》的情节中,创造了一种角色的合作关系。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

51. If you're born in the United States you are by definition a natural born US citizen.

如果你出生在美国,那么你就是一个天生的美国人。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

52. In Citizen Kane, sort of myth of the past is sort of wonderful, perfect childhood playing the snow.

在《公民凯恩》中,过去之谜很精彩,完美的童年,像小孩在玩雪。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. Gain more input from citizen reporters and be able to analyze and take action.

FORBES: Location Intelligence - The Future Looks Bright

54. When a German submarine sank a British ship in the Irish Sea, one of the victims was an American citizen.

VOA : special.2010.10.07

55. When you got to be about the age of what you guys are here, Ephebate you might enter the ephebate; Ephebe you'd become an ephebe, and that just meant that you were past your sort of early secondary training and now you were being really in training to be a warrior and a citizen.

等长到差不多你们年纪时,就可以进入;,成为,表明他通过了类似早期中级教育,可以正式接受战士及公民的训练。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. The endpoint of the project was devised by both citizen and professional scientists working with Sage.

WSJ: Citizen Scientists Take On the Health Establishment

57. It isn't clear which country's passport Tamerlan, who wasn't a U.S. citizen, used to travel.

WSJ: Boston Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev's Dagestan Visit Scrutinized

58. Everybody would like to be a citizen of the United States if they can.

WSJ: Citizenship via Grandparents

59. Mr. Zorn says he believes he has a duty as an American citizen and as a citizen of the world to take action against genocide.

VOA : special.2009.01.28

60. But then next time it will be a two-hour movie, Citizen Kane so that the course is very compressed.

下次课会是一部两小时的电影,《公民凯恩》,所以上课时间很紧。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

61. This issue received a kind of classic formulation in Aristotle's distinction of what he called the good human being and the good citizen.

这个议题接纳了一种经典的公式,即亚里士多德界定,何谓好人与好公民。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. We chose for our victim the only child of an influential citizen named Ebenezer Dorset.

VOA : special.2011.01.22

63. Unlike Sergio Garcia, Yen-Ling Rogers is a US citizen, a flight attendant and not famous.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

64. The Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington has begun an initiative exploring technology and citizen-driven decision-making.

FORBES: Boston: Turns Out Civic Responsibility Isn't (Completely) Dead After All

65. For sure, while he went to college in the U.S., he is not a U.S. citizen.

FORBES: Dear FCC And DOJ: Please Keep Sprint/Clearwire Spectrum American


















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