come out against翻译_come out against短语搭配_come out against权威例句

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come out against

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  • 公开反对:公开表示反对(某人或某事物)。

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1. Out go heroic lone scientists battling against the odds. In come large teams and specialist centres.


2. And Edom said unto him, Thou shalt not pass by me, lest I come out against thee with the sword.


3. Its members had come out virtually unanimously against the tests.


4. Make ye mention to the nations; behold, publish against Jerusalem, that watchers come from a far country, and give out their voice against the cities of Judah.


5. If you try to find out more about this committee, its members, its powers and remit, you would come up against a dead end.


6. Up! Lord, come out against him, make him low, with your sword be my saviour from the evil-doer.

耶和华阿,求你起来,前去迎敌,将他打倒。用你的刀救护我命脱离恶人。《provided by jukuu》

7. And for anyone who has ever come out against a social norm, you'll also get some benefit from reading about my experience.


8. And in the morning, when the sun is up, get up early and make a rush on the town; and when he and his people come out against you, do to them whatever you have a chance to do.

到早晨太阳一出,你就起来闯城。迦勒和跟随他的人出来攻击你的时候,你便向他们见机而作。《provided by jukuu》

9. He says that he has no doubt Iraq will come out holding its head high, and that the country is prepared to retaliate with full force against whomever wishes ill against it and its people.


10. Then some opportunists come out against these measures.


11. In the morning at sunrise, advance against the city. When Gaal and his men come out against you, do whatever your hand finds to do.


12. And the angel of the LORD said to him, why have you given your ass blows these three times? See, I have come out against you to keep you back, because your purpose is not pleasing to me.

耶和华的使者对他说,你为何这三次打你的驴呢?我出来敌挡你,因你所行的,在我面前偏僻。《provided by jukuu》

13. However Gattuso has sensationally come out against the 28 - year - old's signature.

然而加图索已经公开的站出来反对签下这名28 岁 的球员.《互联网》

14. Mt. 26:55 In that hour Jesus said to the crowds, Have you come out as against a robber with swords and clubs to arrest Me?


15. Now it has come out swinging against Oracle's martial-arts grandmaster Larry Ellison.


16. Morgan's comments on outsourcing mark the second time this month that he has come out against one of Haslam's plans for higher education in Tennessee.

摩根对外包的讦论标志着他本月第二次公开反对哈斯拉姆的一项田纳西州高等教育方案。《六级真题- 2017年 6月 3卷 阅读A》

17. Then Jesus said unto the chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the elders, which were come to him, Be ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and staves?


18. Morgan's comments on outsourcing mark the second time this month that he has come out against one of Haslam's plans for higher education in Tennessee.


19. In that hour Jesus said to the people, have you come out as against a thief with swords and sticks to take me? I was teaching every day in the temple and you took me not.

当时,耶稣对众人说,你们带着刀棒,出来拿我,如同拿强盗吗?我天天坐在殿里教训人,你们并没有拿我。《provided by jukuu》

20. Why don't you come out against him?


21. Its members had come out virtually unanimously against the tests.


22. Mr Biden has already come out against sending more troops.


23. Her broken-down cars were now lurid beasts against the stucco walls. And out of her peeling, greenish doorways could come women in furs, or pink hair-curlers, or orange-striped socks.


24. One reason why our polled economists come out so heavily against Mr McCain is because the deficit would rise dramatically under his plan.


25. The fund's attempts to flesh out what countries threatened by a surge of capital should do come up against a more fundamental problem, too.


26. The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.


27. Make clear the wonder of your mercy, O saviour of those who put their faith in your right hand, from those who come out against them.


28. Why is it that you've come out against the proposal he put forward?

为什么你要反对他提出的建议 呢 ?《简明英汉词典》

29. Tyson last fought in 2005, knocked down and exhausted in the sixth round, and refusing to come out for the seventh against the Irishman Kevin McBride.

泰森上一战是在2005年,于第六回合被击倒并筋疲力尽,拒绝了再和Irishman Kevin McBride对阵第七回。

30. However Gattuso has sensationally come out against the 28-year-old's signature.


31. A number of Democratic senators, representing energy-producing and agricultural states, have come out against cap and trade (modern American agriculture is strongly energy-intensive).


32. By night they roost in the gently flowing shallows of the Platte, shin-deep in cool water, or else on sandbars, giving them warning against any predator that might come splashing out.


33. And Jesus answered and said unto them, Are ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and with staves to take me?


34. So what prompted Mr Bush to come out with such a tough response against his erstwhile ally, after six days of dithering?


35. If it was a regular-season game, I probably would have come out and told the trainer we need to look at it. But it was a playoff game against the Lakers.


36. Cronkite was not the first journalist to come out against the war.


37. Obama started by courting the major interest groups and so far has seen none of the major lobbies—insurers, drug companies, hospitals, or doctors—come out against what he's trying to do.


38. Alex Grady is a martial expert chosen to come out of retirement after a shoulder injury to represent America against Korea.


39. Another options is to go head on with some infantry and Scorpions, but it is rare to come out ahead against a primarily Predator Tank army.


40. The Commission has come out against the takeover.

委员会宣布反对这次接管。《provided by jukuu》

41. 'They come out between nine and 10 o'clock at night, so it is already quite dark and they show up nicely against the dark background.'



1. In Zambia, the main opposition leader has come out against China's proposed 2m-hectare biofuels project and China has threatened to pull out of Zambia if he ever came to power.

ECONOMIST: Buying farmland abroad

2. Thabo Mbeki, South Africa's new president, has now come out against the sale.

ECONOMIST: Losing its glitter | The

3. However, some of those Democrats are members of the black caucus who have since come out against the bill, fearing it will hurt minority voter outreach.

CNN: Hastert may revive campaign finance bill

4. Disparate internet forces from Google to Reddit to Wikipedia banded together in a show of protest, convinced Barack Obama to come out against the bill and ultimately convinced the Hill that pursuing SOPA and its equivalent, PIPA, would be political suicide.

FORBES: The Return Of SOPA? Controversial Bill Sponsor Lamar Smith To Chair House Tech Committee

5. In a break with hardliners, the influential Cuban-American National Foundation has come out against retaliatory measures.

ECONOMIST: Fidel Castro has got rougher, so what does George Bush do?

6. Beiber has only come out against the illegality of streaming copyrighted works under SOPA. The bill right now stands in limbo.

FORBES: Under SOPA, "Justin Bieber Would Be In Jail"

7. Game developers large and small have already come out against the Stop Online Piracy Act, but their protest means little as the biggest players in the industry stand behind it.

FORBES: Petition: Electronic Arts Under Pressure to Denounce SOPA

8. What may unnerve ministers most is that Tesco has come out against the government's welfare rule which states that benefits can be cut for people whose work experience placements do not proceed well.

BBC: Pooper store?

9. Has the President or anyone from the White House, high-ranking official, called him to say good job, job well done, after all of these critics have come out against him?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest

10. Only days after Cleveland-Cliffs announced a banner deal to pick up Alpha Natural Resources, Harbinger Capital Partners, the company's largest shareholder, has come out against the acquisition.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. Spain has come out against the Dutch steel behemoth, this despite a Panglossian Mittal thanking the government for its "neutral" stance earlier Thursday.

FORBES: Magazine Article

12. House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-Missouri) has recently come out against the trade pact, and organized labor is also opposed, saying the agreement would take jobs away from American workers.

CNN: White House steps up lobbying effort for China trade bill

13. However, several conservative groups, including the Senate Conservatives Fund, already have come out against her, calling her record "liberal" and saying she supported too much government spending.

CNN: Rove at center of GOP family feud

14. One Norwegian company, Statoil, has even come out against the lawsuit, saying it preferred to work out its remaining issues with the SEC rule through dialogue.

FORBES: Oil Companies Are On A Slippery Slope With Their First Amendment Claim Against Disclosure Rules

15. In the Senate, with its 60-vote requirement, two of the 42 Republicans have come out against the compromise and eight Democrats are on record favoring extending all the Bush tax cuts.

WSJ: Rove: Obama and the Democratic Revolt

16. Venter has since come out against broad gene patents.

FORBES: Hype in The Genes

17. Members of the Bancroft and Ottaway families, which between them own a majority of Dow Jones's voting stock, have come out against Mr Murdoch's offer.

ECONOMIST: Media deals

18. Russia will try to avoid being "caught on the wrong side" and Iran "will never come out against the regime, " but it may back away from al-Assad, he said.

CNN: Attack threatens Syrian president's grip on power

19. Mayan leaders in Guatemala have come out against such events, which they see as exploiting Mayan culture.

BBC: End of the world hysteria boosts tourism

20. Some states have already come out against the push for new standards.

ECONOMIST: Barack Obamas plan to overhaul No Child Left Behind

21. The mystery is why, just one month before the vote on June 2nd, the Clintonites have come out against a measure that is both wise and popular.

ECONOMIST: Ron Unz, swimming instructor

22. House Democrats have expressed sympathy for global taxes, but the Obama Administration has come out against at least certain worldwide tax proposals.

FORBES: Should International Bureaucracies Get Taxing Powers or Direct Funding?

23. Since the board adopted 25 measures to help streamline NCAA rules regarding recruiting, numerous football coaches and athletic directors have come out against them, including the entire Big Ten.

NPR: NCAA To Reconsider Some Recruiting Deregulation

24. In Florida, both Governor Jeb Bush and the chairman of the state's Republican Party have come out against executing the mentally retarded.

ECONOMIST: Death penalty

25. And what got other lawmakers who had previously said nothing about the two bills to suddenly come out against them?

FORBES: The Social Majority

26. He did not, for instance, have to come out against currency manipulation in late October when it was evident he would win by a large margin.

FORBES: Magazine Article

27. But the publication of the paper in the scientific journal Lutra just before last Christmas seems to have been the catalyst that the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA) needed to come out against the cull.

BBC: By Hugh Warwick

28. But individually, three of the five biggest carriers -- Delta, American and US Airways -- have come out against it.


29. Obama has come out against both bills, which killed SOPA and puts pressure on senators come January 24th.

FORBES: Obama Says So Long SOPA, Killing Controversial Internet Piracy Legislation

30. They might well be induced to speak up if Mr Kohl were finally to cede to the sceptics and come out against a punctual start to the euro an issue on which, at least rhetorically, he has pinned his career.

ECONOMIST: Kohl rejects suicide
















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陌上花乐府,东坡记吴越王妃事也。临安道中感而和之,和其词而反其意,以有寄焉 其二原文、翻译和赏析

陌上花乐府,东坡记吴越王妃事也。临安道中感而和之,和其词而反其意,以有寄焉 其二原文、翻译和赏析

